GOD: There is No '2

Events bring you small joy, while existence brings you bliss.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4622 Not Two but One, July 21, 2013 

God said: 

So long as you are on Earth, you are a human being. It is part of you and not to be ignored. Consider the human part of you as a pet you keep. You take good care of your pet. You feed it and exercise it. You pay attention to your pet, and you love it.

There is an emphasis here in Heavenletters on the Divine. Understandably because the world emphasis has perhaps not been enough on the Divine. Therefore, I emphasize the direction of the Divine. Of course, I do, for here is where your happiness comes from.

Still, there is happiness in the human side of you that is not to be denied. Enjoy the human pleasures. Enjoy everything you do, and enjoy more. If you are an artist, enjoy art. If you are a writer, enjoy writing. If you are a chef, enjoy preparing delicious feasts.

Enjoy eating. Enjoy preparing food. Enjoy work, and enjoy play. In fact I will tell to enjoy the human side more.

I have said it before, and I’ll say it again:

Who enjoyed life more than the laughing Buddha?

Who enjoys life more than the young child?

And parents receive joy from their children’s joy. The ultimate aim of parents is to allow and encourage the happiness of their children. And this is how parents reap joy.

And so treat the human side of yourself as your child, and encourage it in the way to grow. The way to grow is through joy, for joy incurs joy. Joy is a great lesson in living life. It is the most direct speediest way to live life.

One joy leads to another.

Even on the side of your Divinity, take it not so seriously. Love the Divinity in your life as well. Feed it, groom it, and know you don’t have to go overboard. You don’t have to prove anything. Embracing the Divine side of a human being is also joy. Joy, not effort, is the way to go. Ease, not effort, is the way to grow. Turn your face to Me. Say, “Hi, God!” Fol de rol is not better than a simple embrace, a nod, a smile, a turning to Me.

Have you known Me to exert Myself and struggle and so forth? I enjoy. I enjoy calling you to Me. I don’t get impatient. I don’t fear time because I know Infinity and Eternity. The fact is that you know Infinity and Eternity as well, yet you stamp URGENT on so much. I stamp URGENT not at all.

In My Heaven, there is no urgency. There is joy. The Divine is great joy. It is not hard work. Struggle is not a word in Heaven’s vocabulary. I would like to request that you toss the word struggle away and substitute joy. Struggle is a poor substitute, so I ask you to come back to the preferred word which is joy. In fact, you can call Me Joy. You can call Me Joy to the World. Perhaps you had thought of Me as the Taskmaster. I am a Master of Joy. Of course, I didn’t have to master joy. It was always Mine, and joy has always been waiting for you.

You are My joy. You are not My struggle.

Now, after all this discussion today, let Me rephrase: Divinity is housed within the Human. The meeting place of the human and the Divine is in your heart. I live in your heart. The human is a high expression of the Divine on Earth. Earth is not a low place, for you remember space does not exist. Heaven is pictured as very High Up, yet the Divine is as much you as the Human. What might be called a High Human is Divine, and, yet, every human is Divine. They work together.

And so, you are One, and you are One with Me, and I, One with you. There is no two that will meet. There is One Who is meeting now.

Chicago, US of A, July 1, 2013.
“Paths to Avoid.” 

Received by Valdir Soares

Prolotheos: “Decisions and choices are what determines your path in your life’s journey. If you have made the most important choice of your life – doing the Will of the Father – you have decided on your direction and in time you will stand before Him, rejoicing in His sublime presence. Even so, the path of your journey can still present many side tracks, depending again on the choices you make on the way. So, it would be good to have in mind precisely which path to walk, and which paths to avoid. Walk on the path showing divine goodness, truth and beauty; avoid the paths of evil, falsehood and slothfulness. 

“Evil starts with a rebellious intention against God or to harm another human being. The actual rebellious or harmful action can be executed directly, indirectly or even by omission. Your evil intentions may come to fruition by personal wrongdoings, by sponsoring wrongdoings of others, or even if you purposely decide to do nothing to avoid known or eminent harm to others. Evil is always harmful to you or to others. Evil comes always from self-centeredness with ultimate disregard for God and others. Evil infects a personality, at times so thoroughly, that it depletes all goodwill that can come from it. Avoid evil; choose goodness instead. 

“The path of falsehood is to deny reality for selfish purposes. Fear and pride are at the root of choosing a lie to validate questionable actions. Falsehood can be of two types: Wholly or partially false. A total lie is when one completely replaces the truth with an elaborate, deceiving alternative. A partial lie is mixed with true facts. Once one starts on the path of falsehood, all roads ahead are false, because no truth comes from lies, so repent and turning back to where truth was abandoned is the only way out, altogether with a price to pay. Choose truth over lying. 

“Absolute beauty is synonymous with perfection. Therefore, absolute beauty can only be found in the Absolute Gods, the Father, the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit. Relative beauty, (fairness, harmony and integrity) can also be shared by God’s will-creatures, like human beings. Slothfulness is a lazy attempt at doing the will of God. Slothfulness comes from partial devotion to God, duty and love. It is not fatal to your soul, but it is, no doubt, a real source of delays on your ascending career to Paradise. To avoid slothfulness, constantly commit yourself to strive for beauty in the best way you can. 

“Therefore, my pupil as you continue your journey on Urantia, avoid these paths, as they can bring you definite regrets in life. Watch over your intentions regarding these issues, and do not neglect purity, honesty and diligence. All God expects from us is that we do our best. Perfection is attainable, but not yet, for first we have to experience the pleasure of being good, the satisfaction of being truthful and the sublime joyfulness of manifesting beauty. Living responsibly in time and space assures your ascendency to the portals of Eternity. 

“This is Prolotheos, your celestial tutor. Peace to you and all.”

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