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Subject: Lightline Teleconference - Adjuster Series - 2010-12-16
Teacher: Inner Voice,
Mark Rogers
Prayer: Divine Parents, we welcome your presence into our shared experience on this call tonight. We
invite you to sit with us and be with us in this process to bring with you your grace and your love so that we can surround
ourselves with them in this process. We ask for your guidance and direction every time we come together like this, for you
to help bring us towards you and we relish and delight in the opportunity to do that as in this hour. This evening we would
invite other celestial personalities to join in our circle as well and we would petition to open a portal, open a window to
the Inner Voice, the inner Guide within each of us, within all of us. We ask to direct this at this time and to participate
in this sharing of this Inner Voice with each of us, with all of us. Again we invite our Divine Parents and all the celestial
assistants to join with us in this process and drink this cup with us. Let us make it so together, let it be done even now.
Inner Voice: Hello my friends, it is with joy and eagerness that I accept the invitation extended. I
am this ones Inner Voice but as such I speak for all the Inner Voices, all the guides, all the Fragments of the whole. And
so it is I join you around your circle at this time. As I say, I am but a Fragment of the whole but in an extraordinary condition
of time and space. You as well originate from the whole, you as well are a fragment, a chip of the entire piece and your destiny
and my destiny as your Inner Guide are so similar and intertwined as to be indistinguishable. We both are progressing back
to the whole from which we sprang and recombining ourselves after having gathered to ourselves grand experience which is both
our unique gift and the gift of significance that we offer to the Supreme in our coming back to the whole.
When I say our destinies
are similar I am in awareness that I speak of our significance to each other, our very dependence on each other to make this
journey together. I most certainly bring to this relationship my leadership, my divine signature and you bring your individual
personality, the one of a kind individual that you are and as well you furnish, especially in this hour, the intention to
set our direction as we proceed together. This is well and good with me. I am happy to let you make the choices, to steer
the ship, to set the direction. I know you look to Me, you look over your shoulder as it were, for my guidance, for my assurance,
for my direction and I am ever willing to offer these as they are requested.
I am pleased to be associated
with the likes of you who are in motion in spiritual pursuit because this is the thrill of my existence, to be in motion so
that coarse adjustment and correction maybe implemented and in this way our journey together enhanced. This does not mean
that I seek the most direct route to get us back to the whole from which we came, but it means I seek the fullest route, the
most rich in experience and encounter. So at times it may appear as though we may take the scenic route or go around the block
together but there are valuable reasons for making the trip again or for taking the side journey to enhance your experience,
to bring you more that you have of your own personal experiences to be offered to the First Source and Center when we arrive
back at that destination.
It is a real pleasure
and honor to be offered this opportunity to share this experience even now in this moment with you all and to be part of this
movement, this being in motion towards the pursuit of spirit together. I honor your creating this avenue to engage together
and participate in. It is truly your intention that creates this avenue and for which I and many others remain grateful to
you for your efforts in establishing. Remember my dear ones, what affects you affects me. What decisions you make on your
own behalf, your individual concerns, likewise impacts me as I am along with you for the ride.
So when you choose to
take a spin around the block and revisit that lesson again, I am ever patient to take an extra turn around and allow you and
us the experience again. There is no hurry or rush in this process. The goal, the point, is to have a rich experience. And
so while you may find yourselves concerned at times that you have to hurry up and have this experience and do that and achieve
this that's on your list, remember, we have an eternity before us if we so choose and I am in gratitude that we are working
together, that we have each other throughout the journey and that we are finding each other day by day, hour by hour. This
is another thing that makes the journey so rich, that we have each other to share it with and to immortalize our experience
It's all good, it's
all fine, in fact it's all well and perfect. I grant that from your perspective it is difficult to ascertain any perfection
from where you stand but it's hard to convey that even the imperfection that you most certainly witness is part of a perfect
plan and therefore it is true that all is well, all is good, even if it may not appear so at any moment in time. So be it,
so it is. I now would turn this forum over for use by others and would not be so bold as to declare what others. Thank you
for the opportunity to touch you in this way, for us to touch each other in this way. I respect your efforts at reaching in
this direction and your motion of growth, thank you. Be at peace, good day.
Lantarason: Thank you for your willingness to open your awareness enough to include me, I am Lantarason.
I am another of the Melchizedek order
and am privileged to honor this connection at this time. As a Melchizedek I share characteristics with my order and am pleased
to be given this opportunity to report in, as it were, for my brothers. We are pleased to make report that there are a number
of positive developments in the process of reinstating this world into the grand circuitry of the universe and it is
a pleasure to report that these circuits are being opened even as we speak and new areas of communication and energy sharing
are being instituted at this time to facilitate in the process of bringing Urantia finally into the evolutionary phase, the
very beginning phases of Light and LIfe.
And so it is I make
this report that you might utilize this information in your own individual lives and opening up your own individual capacities
of awareness so that you might benefit more directly from these new developments. This is yet another implementation of Michael's
mandate to effect all changes necessary to create an example to all of His universes of the rehabilitation and reconstruction
of a quarantined world. Look for the changes, seek in your stillness to be brought into alignment with the new energies and
the new circuits now available. This will take some adjustment and some efforts on your behalf but you are no strangers to
such efforts.
Thank you for this opportunity
to present this information to you and to test the new circuit myself. I appreciate your willingness to have me as contributor
and allow for my contributions. I stand in humble appreciation and in respect now allow for other contributions as well. Be
in peace. Thank you.