From The Council Of Light {Channeled}

1.)  Today's Angel Message
2.)  The Council of Light: Hidden in Plain View
3.)  Is Something Not Working?
4.)  Jeshua - Message of the Day
5.)  A Star in Heaven
6.)  Chief Joseph: When It's Bad It's Good

Isis' Message of the Day -
The inner is the outer reality; the outer is the inner reality. They are not two different things. It is one. So as you believe in, so you see out. As you sow, so you reap. That's what that means. The seeds you plant within yourself are what you see growing in the garden around you. So if you do not like the flowers you see growing, then change your order of seed. Plant something different, and then something new will grow.
I AM ISIS a "Spritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Uriel's Message -- Receive the Gift of Love
All that comes to you in life is a gift, every person on your path is a giver and love is the in the receiving, the gift and the giver. Receiving helps you close cycles, balance energies, release contracts, love and value yourself, and prepare for new cycles of being. You cannot be an effective giver if you are not also willing to receive for gifts are without value if they cannot be received. There is fear of obligation, unworthiness, owing others and rekindling karma with receiving but in truth, these things are what could happen if you do not receive.
The gift of love comes to you in many ways, not all of which you would view as love. Often it is disguised in the form of karma, challenge and loss. Other times it appears as lessons in power and commitment, which cause you pain and sorrow. You think of the gift of love as being wonderful, kind, gentle and thoughtful but it is the full measure of the resolution, clearing, forward movement and ascension potential you have asked for.
The gift is the release from the most dense of third dimensional energies. When you judge the gift because it brings you pain stead of joy, the giver because you feel they are your enemy or the love because it does not make you feel good, you have missed an opportunity for healing. Each gift you accept becomes a light shining in your life to help you achieve your overall goal of release that which limits your soul's healing journey. And within each act of receiving is the closure you need to release fear and other energies that you see as blocks on your healing path. They are not blocks, they are simply energies you agreed to transmute into their higher aspects and release them from the earth's grid.
Each teacher is someone who loves you, not from your romantic view, but from the position that they have agreed to be the mirror of some aspect of your energy. Those who live through their darkness help you find your light. Those whose actions are abuse, mistrust and powerlessness are giving the gift of peace, freedom, power and joy. Find the gift of love in each thing so you can bless, appreciate and release the giver, know that each gift and giver is love and then receive the gift with gratitude and give yourself the gift of healing and closure.
About the author
Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor, teacher and author. She also channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel.  Jennifer has helped many people through the Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder of, an on-line spiritual healing and growth center and dedicated to the messages and teachings of Archangel Uriel.  Information about Jennifer's books, on-line seminars and services is available at her websites, or email for information.   *  

The Council of Light: Hidden in Plain View
Channeled by Rebecca Couch
October 2010
Take a deep breath, connect to your expanded Self and stay there. Hold on to it, no matter what else is flying around you. Do not move from this connection (do not pass Go, do not collect $100!). Do not be seduced by the external allurings. If you have this, you have your truth and all else can do whatever it needs to do to transform in the chaos. That’s all. Were it that simple! I know, it is a constant calibration, a constant effort. We have to remind ourselves about forty-three times per day and then tomorrow we have to remember again. If all we do is remember this, we are on our way.
Time is shifting - or more accurately - our perception and relationship to it. Our minds are relaxing into grace as often as we remember to connect or hold the peace inside. There is nothing outside that we need. It is all inside. It is all in the state of being inside that nourishes us beyond measure: peace, contentment, appreciation, abundance, joy, trust. Find whatever you can that is like that inside and feed it, grow it, expand it. Let it become you. Choose the thoughts that support this garden, for all else are weeds, fungus and parasites. Don’t let your beautiful garden be trampled by your own meanderings. Then when things are explosive, or contracting, or spinning or plain old on fire, you are holding solid ground inside. See the brutal lessons coming to the surface of violence or abuse or disease or disrespect or whatever form of miscreation and love it back to balance. We have all gone there and we are all contributing to getting ourselves out.
This is one big collective experiment and we must love ourselves through it. Not judge or condemn where we have been, but focus with love on where we are going. Be sure not to recreate through judgement. Hold the light of your truth so that others can do the same. Be contagious in this. Uplift your heart and mind and presence through the Greater Connection as often as you need to, until it becomes you - and then don’t stop, for you hold it for all others. We are sparks that have gotten lost in our own human miscreations and as we polish ourselves back to our original light, we shine it brighter so others can find their way and on and on and on. If your heart is stirring you to do something, do it. If you are getting riled about it, do something to fix it. Change it. Bless it. Heal it. Inside first and then the outside follows.
Your decisions are yours to sort through inspiration from your connection. Try changing the addiction to involve others in every cogitation and crossroad, and just sit quietly within yourself. Being your own best friend is not as corny as it sounds. Frankly, it is the most important one, as all else is blessed by this first relationship. Solid in Presence and conviction inspired therein makes the best contribution to the whole that is possible. Do that. Stop the addiction to the external stimuli and close your eyes for a moment. Follow your breath down to the bottom and stay where it takes you. Breath in light and exhale love. Place your hands over your ears if you have to!  Silence! Go there. All is always well there. Whatever it is that you feel you are lacking in your external world, it is in there in boundless abundance. It’s the Great Library, so check it out. It’s an instant vacation, healing, counselling, feast of your heart’s desire - so visit the well. There is nothing to do there. There are no obligations or requirements. You own up. No overdue fees or demerit points or outstanding debts. Just expansive, candy store freedom, balance, rejuvenation and reward. Just do it.
Then no matter what else happens, no matter what the external world throws at you, you stay on point. You know exactly where all of your resources lie and you are a portable repository of All That Is. Don’t you think that is what this is all about? We shatter off from the original giant hologram to realize that we are our own hologram of the original and as such reunite with our original unified hologram? Mandelbrot crossed through the veil this week and while here he proved mathematically that we are all fractals of the original fractal! Blows our minds, but check it out. It’s all one big fractal. The Mandelbrot Set.
Don’t you think that going within may be what is referred to as “the meek shall inherit the Earth” or what it means by the saying that our Father God provides us with all we need to survive – our food and shelter? Whatever I have is yours and what I do you can do and more? It is all within. I have a bumper sticker that says “begin within - I’m thinking we should hang out there more often, bring all of that goodness “out here” – and that’s how we create the paradise we intend. Be the peace. Be the change. Breed kindness. Need nothing. Go within.
The more we bring it “out here”, the sooner the transformation will come. You know, The Second Coming. You know we’re it. The great irony is that somehow, through our perceived separation from the original hologram (God), we think that we are “less than” - somehow tarnished at our core - and we have to purify ourselves before we are worthy. And now we find out it is from our pure selves that we fix our former miscreations and save the world. Whooda’ thunk it. Hidden in plain view.
Another favourite bumper sticker I once saw: “I used to be an atheist until I realized that I was God.”  Hmmmm. I don’t think it is what was meant, but I’m thinking there’s something to it. Of course we’d find out the whole thing is inside out and backwards, just to teach us about judgement and limited perception. Well, we’ve figured it out now. Just stick with it.
See you when we get there!  Wherever there is, it doesn’t really matter, because we are here – beginning and ending within.
Our Council of Light is Within
P.S. A favourite book when I was little was “The Upside Down Lady” and everything was going wrong for her until she realized she had her shoes on the wrong feet…I’m also thinking there is something for us in that too!
©2010 Rebecca Couch and HeartLight ~ Living from the Heart *   *  Copies of this message may be made for non-commercial purposes through distribution in any media as long as nothing is changed, the author is credited and this copyright notice and web address is included. Publications and websites interested in carrying this information as monthly columns or special features are encouraged to do so. If the material must be shortened in length, please state that it is an edited version and refer the readers to the original full-length version on  * 

Is Something Not Working?
by Neal Donald Walsch
October 22, 2010
We have been talking here last two weeks about the life experience of Change. I have been saying in this space that all change is change for the better. There is no such thing as change for the worse. While this is difficult to embrace for many people, it is soundly based in the principles of life.
Conversations with God tells us that life is eternally Functional, Adaptable, and Sustainable. These are the Basic Principles of Life, and they cannot be violated or rendered in any way inoperable, or Life would cease to be.
All of this becomes much easier for people to comprehend with my simple substitution of the word God for the word Life. Suddenly, everything is made clear. God is eternally Functional, Adaptable, and Sustainable. These are the Basic Principles of God, and they cannot be violated or rendered in any way inoperable, or God would cease to be.
When human beings embrace the extraordinary idea presented here, the process of change will be seen for what it is: the ultimate expression of Divinity Itself, sustaining Itself through adaptations that render Itself eternally magnificent.
Change is an announcement of Life's intention to go on. Change is the fundamental impulse of Life Itself.
Again I want to tell you that I don't think that a lot of people see it this way. If they saw it this way they would heed the injunction of Christ, and "be not afraid." Yet "ye of little faith" are afraid. Thus it was that Franklin Roosevelt was moved to say, "We have nothing to fear, but fear itself."
I'm going to take that one step further. I'm going to say...
We have nothing to change, but Change Itself. That is, we have only to change our ideas of what change is, and why it occurs, and we will have mastered the central experience of life.
We should all be aware that change does not occur in a vacuum. Change does not take place in the universe for no reason. Change is not a random act. Change is an announcement that something is not working.
The changes that have occurred in your life have happened because disharmony was present. When disharmony is present, life becomes dysfunctional-and that condition violates the first of the Basic Principles of Life (Life is Functional, Adaptable, and Sustainable) and invokes the second. you might say,
"If all things happen for the better...I mean, if that is really true...then someone needs to tell me what in blazes God has in mind, because things sure don't look any better to me!"
And this leads us to a change that I have been encouraging people to make about change itself. I have been saying to people..."Change your idea about why change occurs."
And that's what we're going to take a look at next week.
The wonderful information I am sharing with you here comes out of the insight in When Everything Changes, Change Everything-a book than can truly "change" your life.
See you then!
Love and Hugs,
Neale Donald Walsch is a modern day spiritual messenger whose words continue to touch the world in profound ways. With an early interest in religion and a deeply felt connection to spirituality, Neale spent the majority of his life thriving professionally, yet searching for spiritual meaning before beginning his now famous conversation with God. His With God series of books has been translated into 34 languages, touching millions of lives and inspiring important changes in their day-to-day lives. * ( * 
ReCreation Foundation | PMB #1150 | 1257 Siskiyou Blvd. | Ashland | OR | 97520 *   

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, everything works together in divine right order. Everything works to bring you to that place of awakening where you say, “I Am the awakened Christ. I Am already that which I have wanted to be. I Am already the knowledgeable master. I thought I had to read about it in a book. I thought I had to attend a hundred and one workshops. Well, I say unto you, you are already the master who is bringing forth all of the workshops; not for the purpose of learning anything more—you already know it—but to allow yourself to be in concert with others of like mind and to be there for them as they feel that they have to keep seeking; and to say to them, “I like you just the way you are.”
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HEAVEN #3625
A Star in Heaven
October 28, 2010
God said:
Hello, whoever you are. In truth, you are Myself. I created you. In so doing, I made you in the image of Myself. Not a false image, no, not at all, nor a weak image. Certainly not, yet you have projected an image onto yourself that does not come near the true image of yourself. Of course, I would not make any weak image, certainly not a weak image of Myself. Why would I? To what avail? Certainly not for amusement. That would be playing a joke on Myself. I value Myself. I do not diminish Myself. Yet you diminish yourself.
You have gone very far away from the Truth of yourself. You take yourself too seriously, and yet not seriously enough. Maybe you think you are a joke, and that the joke is on Me. And yet I do not see you laughing, or laughing very much, or laughing enough. You take yourself too seriously, and maybe not seriously enough.
Taking yourself too seriously is making yourself too important, all this without catching the depth of your importance. You overplay your role and yet trivialize yourself. You don’t really admire yourself. You make a good show of it. You pump yourself up. Then you pop the balloon of yourself, or the world does, for it is ludicrous of you to swell yourself with pride and overlook the love I hold you in. Sometimes you play the role of love, and yet your heart and mind are elsewhere. You are quite an actor. You have convinced yourself. You bow down to an image of yourself that is not true while you overlook or scoff at that which is true.
You may even think that I live in a fantasy world, and that you live in the real world. You may even be sure that you know more than I do. Ignorance is like that. Ignorance pulls the curtain down on yourself. You look for the bright stage lights to shine on you when you already are a star in Heaven.
Isn’t it a shame that you deny your true light? You are dazzled by stage lights and not so impressed by sunlight. Stage lights shine on you and a few others, while the sun shines its light on all. You have desired the spotlight. You have desired even a few moments under the bright lights. And then what do you have but blurred vision for a while? You don’t even have a tan to show for it. All you have is a minor memory of what is called your day in the sun, but which was really your day under the stage lights.
You are, indeed, a great actor. Now I request that you be a Great Human Being who looks beyond himself and perhaps looks to brighten the world and shine light on others. It is hot under the spotlight, and the light is artificial. Let’s introduce the sun that shines for all alike.
You are a star of the firmament. Is that not enough?
The Great Ones were not seeking fame. Had they been seeking fame, they would not have been Great Ones. The Great Ones were not looking to be in the limelight.
They would have just as soon not been in the limelight. They would have preferred to be offstage as they introduced you to the true sun that lights the way to Heaven and sings a prelude, sings an overture, and shows you yourself. The Great Ones did not seek anything but to shine My light so that you might see. The Great Ones wanted you to have more than an inkling of the magnificence of who you truly are, truly are, truly are without subterfuge, without aggrandizement.
They wanted you to look into the mirror of yourself, and say, “This I am, God’s Divine creature created for the glory of all.”
Dear Lady of the Light,
Your beautiful writing about the Statue of Liberty  *  * Thank you so much, dear friend. Gloria *
Have you tried the Heavenletter Cosmic Generator yet? What Heavenletter comes up for you today? It’s kind of like I Ching! If you haven’t tried this yet, click:   * What message was yours today?  *
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2010 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole  world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from  all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556  *  * *   

Chief Joseph: When It's Bad It's Good
Conversations With Chief Joseph & John Cali
ISSN: 1539-431X - October 26, 2010
John Cali:
I know this is another of our crazy-sounding titles, but bear with me and it will make sense.
Last week I had an intensely challenging time with technology breaking down.
First my phone quit working. Then my internet service decided it needed a break, and worked only when it felt like it. Then my main computer also decided it needed a break and completely froze up. I was in technology hell.
I contacted my phone company, my internet service provider, and my trusty tech guru. Handling all that of that took up big chunks of another couple days.
During the first day I had some time to, well, just do nothing. My backup computer was sort of working, but not well. I managed to listen to a radio show on meditation during one of my internet service's up times. But that lasted only about five minutes.
I've been meditating over 30 years and consider myself pretty good at it. But during that five minutes of the radio show I received a huge new insight -- something that has dramatically improved the quality of my meditation, and in such short time. I'd have never listened to that radio show had it been a normal working day. And I'd never have received that insight.
My tech guru found a serious problem with my computer. It could have crashed and burned had the problem continued any longer.
In short, a couple really good things happened only because I'd had a couple really bad days.
Here's Chief Joseph.

Chief Joseph:
You've heard us say before (although it contradicts the mass consciousness) there is no good, there is no bad. There is no right, there is no wrong.
Everything just is. Seeing it from that perspective, which is your higher selves' perspective, will bring much peace and joy into your lives.
So, if everything just is, why do you judge it good and bad, right and wrong?
Well, generally because the "bad" and the "wrong" are not what you want. But that's a short-sighted perspective. You cannot really know in the present moment what tomorrow will bring. You cannot live in tomorrow but only in the present moment.
You really don't need to know what tomorrow will bring. You often torture yourselves endlessly by fretting over what might happen tomorrow. Of course, your fretting is based on fear -- fear that what might happen will be "bad" or "wrong."
When John was going through his "technology hell," as he put it, he was imagining all sorts of negative experiences lurking in the shadows waiting to pounce on him.
But none of that happened. What happened was all good. The frustration, fretting, and fear were useless and needlessly painful.
One of John's favorite American writers is Mark Twain who once said, "I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, but most of them never happened."
Friends, you have only this present moment, whether we're talking about today or tomorrow. You can live only in the present moment. The present moment is where all your power is.
Good and bad, right and wrong don't matter. They just don't matter. All that matters is the experience you're having in the present moment. All that matters is consciousness -- being aligned with your higher selves.
Then even the "bad" stuff turns out to be good. It's all good. It's all God.
Since 1992, John Cali has been communicating with a non-physical entity called Joseph. In one of his many physical lifetimes, this spirit was incarnated as the legendary Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce tribe in what is now the state of Oregon in the northwestern USA. These messages are a blend of information from Joseph, other spirits in the "Joseph group," and John.

John can be reached by email at *  or through their website:  *  Private readings with Chief Joseph are available here:  *   Copyright © 2009-2010 by John Cali. All rights reserved.  *   

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