From The Angels

My dear friends, we love you so very much.
As we enter the new year, remember God is in charge and all is well! If you have done your work and cleared yourself of beliefs that limit you, you will find absolute magic occurring in your lives, for the more you expect the best, and the more you release control, the greater the magic and the more miracles God can work in your life.
By all means, do what you know to do towards your goals, but act according to your hearts. Stop pushing yourselves out of fear and
panic and trust, dear ones, that the one who keeps the stars in motion can surely and easily assist you in making your lives better
than you would imagine. For just as each star in the heavens has its trajectory, so too do your souls have a path for your lives that you are in the process of co-creating with God.
Your desires and intentions set the compass so to speak for the energy of God to work in your life. Your focus holds the course. Your fears stop the manifestations and your positive expectations make them come more easily. Always dear ones, when you are intending, leave room for more. "God I would like this in my life but if you have better in store for me, or a better way of bringing this about, I would love that." God, dear ones, often wants more for you than you want.
So in the year of 2010 stay focused on your positive expectations not only for yourselves but for your world. Instead of focusing on what you do not like in your life or in the world, focus on what you would like to see. In this fashion you lend your spiritual strength to the solutions instead of remaining stuck in the problems.
Dear ones, 2010 continues to be a year of growth but also a year of incredible spiritual opportunity to let go and let God, to surrender to your hearts, and thereby surrender to Higher Power's desire to give you a life beyond what you dream.
Happy New Year!
We love you so very much.
-- The Angels