From Head 2 Heart



The Strength of Spiritual Support
The Power of Clear Intent to Change Overcome, and Grow -
A sincere intention and commitment to make a permanent
shift in one's life orientation , by entering the inner worlds, is
sufficient to attract the attention of helpful and evolved teachers
from the invisible worlds of Spirit. As W.H. Murray of the 1924
Scottish Himalayan Expedition put it so eloquently in describing
the power of commitment:
"Concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one
elementary truth, the ignorance of which kills countless ideas
and splendid plans: that the moment one definitely commits
oneself, providence moves too. All sorts of things occur to help
one that would not otherwise have occurred. A whole stream of
events issues from the decision, raising in one's favour all
manner of unforeseen incidents and meetings and material
assistance, which no man would have dreamed would come his
way. Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it now!
Boldness has genius, magic, and power in it".
{Always one's will and intention must be maintained at full strength}



Beyond Intellectuality to Heart Attunement
One of the recurring themes of the New Age is the changing
status of mentality and rational thought. During the latter half
of the twentieth century, intellectual reasoning has been elevated
to almost a theological level in the way it is held and regarded by
mainstream society. Even those exercising raw power in pursuit
of their own interests, feel obliged to pay lip service to rational
justification for their actions and intentions in terms of serving
or satisfying some common values of society. But, just as
theology was invented and practised by those who could not
perceive God directly so, all too often, the practitioners of the
intellectual go through their elaborate processes of reasoning,
unable to directly perceive the deeper truth of an issue, principle,
or situation.
   The old tenets of mystical wisdom held that truth always
reposes beneath the surface of an issue, principle, or a situation.
The challenge for each individual is to learn how to search for
and tune in consistently to the deeper, more profound
understandings. This process of learning to tune in and probe
for the underlying essence is one of the ultimate life challenges
for each individual, and requires, as a key essence, the new
Spiritual Reality of the Divine Feminine in balance and harmony
with the Divine Masculine. When Einstein observed that the
average human only used fifteen percent of their brain capacity,
he was implicitly identifying the remaining space available which
needs to be filled by Attunement with this new Spiritual Reality
and associated understandings and practices of Enlightenment.
   We can sometimes observe this higher level of attunement
and focus between a mother and young child, as they interrelate
intuitively and lovingly. In the new Spiritual Reality what is
being called for is an extension of this example of close mutual
awareness to a broader context; of a heightened state of
consciousness and Attunement throughout all kinds of life
situations and involvements, for both women and men.
The Path to the Higher Self
The major growth challenge for all individuals on the Path is to
learn to attune to their Higher Spiritual Self (who originally
thought them into Being and Consciousness) to such a degree
that the intellectual and mental aspects of Being become like
notes of a well tuned piano, to be played and performed on by the
virtuoso Spiritual Consciousness. Within this relationship,
mentality can achieve its highest form of expression within pure
thought, and realise insights and understanding of the utmost
value. The ego shrinks to become but a minor performer
 (perhaps in the percussion section of the orchestra) while its
 close associate the subconscious mind becomes an ongoing
 obedient servant in furthering the causes of the Higher Spiritual
 Self, manifesting new realities moment by moment.
    In this State, there is no longer any scope for the subconscious
 mind to pursue its favourite pastime of recreating the past ad
 infinitum. Instead it is focused intently and continuously on
 realising the causes and creations of Enlightened Spirit and
 participating in their manifestation. The Path leading to this
 idyllic state of "Freedom from the Known", as Krisnamurti put it,
 has been sought for thousands of years by Spiritual seekers in
 many guises and under many names. Various descriptions of
 this superconscious state range from Samadhi through Nirvana,
 The Tao, to finding the Philosopher's stone, the Holy Grail, or
 (more simply) connecting with the God/Goddess within.
 Until recent decades, knowledge and practices used to facilitate
 progress along the individual Spiritual Path were kept closely
 guarded secrets, usually available only to successful participants
in initiation processes, designed to test the suitability of
 individual candidates to access higher Spiritual experiences.
Qualities of self discipline, tenacity, love-based action, and
intuitive perception enabled candidates to pass through the
initiation processes and undertake the major courses of study
and inner development. Mystery schools, temples, ashrams and
similar institutions existed primarily to provide these
opportunities to qualifying aspirants, who would often spend
many years to just locate the Spiritual school most suitable for
their inner susceptibilities, which then might or might not accept
   As the 1960s progressed, more books began to appear, in
clearer language than hitherto, which introduced the reader to
some of the initial metaphysical principles of the inner Path to
the Higher Self. As each successive decade passed, many such
insights came to the surface in the form of assorted publications,
workshops, and Spiritual teaching programmes. However, it is
only very rarely possible to discover this Path from just reading
books, because the one-sided stimulation of the mental faculty
does not, in itself, change an individual's relationship to their
subconscious mind, or open the connection to the Higher Self.
Those individuals who say they have in fact done it all through
books, in most cases already had direct access to their Higher
Self, but were unconscious of it.
   The use of sound patterns, including guided meditations and
forms of toning, have been far more effective. The extraordinary
range of vibration and pitch attainable through the projection of
sound can enable a substantial breakdown of hard encrusted and
otherwise ossified emotions and thought forms. The release and
freedom so achieved might otherwise take years to bring about
through other practices. A crucial common element, within all
effective approaches, has been the ability of each individual to
open to the unexpected, the unknown, the irrational, and the
universal love of Spirit or the Divine. Without this opening, the
subconscious mind will edit and interpret every event, incoming
communication, and even a surprise event, in terms of what has
happened in the past and the various memories of it: mental,
 physical, and emotional.
    In the years running up to 2012, avenues are becoming more
 readily available for individuals to make an explicit connection
 to their Higher Selves as one of the prerequisites for achieving
 Fifth Dimensional Consciousness. As the veils between the
 refined Spiritual Realms and the Earth plane become thinner and
 more transparent, opportunities are opening for connection to
 the Light of the Ascended Masters and the Angelic Realms, in
 ways which would have been highly improbable even twenty
 years ago.
    If the Spiritual waters are allowed to warm up, the rigidity of
 an individual's thought forms can melt into a living flow. In an
 emotionally warmer environment, a Heart Centre can open up
 and allow the subtle voices of wisdom from the Higher Self
 Guidance to be heard and felt with more depth and certainty.

Never mistake knowledge for wisdom.
One helps you make a living,
the other helps you make a life...


Thank u 4 your visit - John ...

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