Finished With Duality - Channeled


Cedomil Vugrincic M.D., Ph.D.
(PROGRESS ServiceSector)
Channeled by Marilyn Raffaele,
Arcturian Group welcomes all readers to another message of light and love. We
are here to assist all those choosing to ascend into the higher dimensional
energy now becoming ever more apparent with each passing day.
Those choosing to ascend must experience the clearing of their physical,
emotional, mental, and spiritual energy fields which is the release of any old
dense energies still being carried from the past (or present). This can be an
uncomfortable process.
You may find yourselves experiencing days when you cry, are depressed, or
angry for no reason. You may be crying and laughing at the same time while
being able to rationally observe the experience much as if you were standing
outside of yourself watching. Many (not all) will re-experience some intense
emotional energies as they release. Allow them go, not claiming them back in as
your personal problem for when you say to yourself; “I am so depressed” or “I
need medication, better go get some pills” you hinder the releasing process.
Releases from physical cellular memory will often flow through the body’s
weakest area resulting in issues involving a particular area over and over again.
Energy release is also done in dreams. An individual may have dreams of some
violent activity such as being a fighting warrior and wonder why. These dreams
are probably the release of stored cellular memory from actual experiences.
Energy may also release in the exact spot of an old injury where cellular
memory still holds the traumatic event. People living with excessive fears–
water, heights, certain animals, etc. still carry in their cellular memory some
traumatic past experience involving these things.
We have discussed clearing in previous messages, but wish to remind you that
all who have chosen to move spiritually forward must clear. You cannot take the
old and dense energies of the third dimension with you into the new and higher.
You are also in the process of opening blocked meridians upon which energy
flows as well as clearing the seven chakras and bringing in new ones. Much is
going on within you now dear ones, so remember this as you experience these
clearings. Try to avoid rushing to some third dimensional medical diagnosis with
these experiences but do not hesitate to see a doctor if you are being guided to.
Know that many of today’s physical issues for evolving souls is the clearing and
release of old energy.
We would like to talk to you about living in the higher frequencies which is an
energy of openness and respect. Respect for each others choices in all areas–no
judgement or criticism which is always involves personal concepts. Higher
dimensional living flows harmoniously on an energy of love because it is lived
out from a realization of Oneness. That which human beings have come to
accept as normal (duality and separation) has programmed them to believe that
it is the reality. We say to you that it is an aberration–the energy of love and
oneness is the reality. Humans forget the peace and calm lived in on their home
planets or in experiences between lives because when a soul chooses to
incarnate he willingly accepts the veil of forgetfulness that comes with it. This
results in lifetimes on earth lived with no remembrance of who one really is.
Belief in the permanent reality of duality and separation is now beginning to
dissolve as the immense amount of Light flowing to earth from many sources
and from your own Divinity shines light on the shadows. We remind you of this
because as you begin to experience more manifestations of what is real, the
fruits of duality and separation will lessen–the inner is the outer. You will begin
to observe more peace, calm, abundance, respect, joy, health and a sharing of all
things because these are the reality, held in place by Divine law.
Mankind has been programmed to believe in lack, limitation , separation, and
evil which has resulted in lifetimes involving selfish and cruel behavior on the
part of any (even you dear ones, in un-awakened lifetimes) who would dominate
others in the belief that they would have nothing unless they forcibly took it.
The experience of duality was and still is for some, an important tool of
evolution, but its time is finished for the awakening ones.
That which is old and the false is rapidly dissolving into the nothingness that it
really is and spiritual awareness is   beginning to manifest outwardly as new
and higher forms of living which is why you are seeing so much chaos at this
time. Appearances would say the world is falling apart, things are getting worse,
and mankind is going backward. The truth is that higher frequency Light energy
is beginning to shine on the shadows within governments, churches, businesses,
and corporations bringing to light those things that have been heretofore hidden
from you.
It is now time to reclaim your innate power dear ones, and make everyday
decisions from a place of awareness. The bringing of an enlightened
consciousness to the daily choices you make as human beings will bring about
the change. There needs to be a conscious coming together of the spiritual and
the material in your understanding for in truth there is no separation. The world
you see is simply the material sense of the spiritual reality.
Decisions made from a deeper intuitive place instead of from 3D propaganda will
vote self-serving and un-evolved people out of office. Not supporting
corporations that would feed you chemicals and junk will bring change. Refusing
to blindly support belief systems and churches that would keep mankind in
bondage to personal and egotistical doctrine and concepts will also bring
Now is the time for all to accept and integrate both the masculine (active/be-er,
do-er energy) and the feminine (receptive, creative energy) aspects of self. This
will result in a more balanced, whole, and powerful state of consciousness that
allows the individual to function and make choices that serve the higher good
instead of being controlled from outside influences.
Evolved beings have learned to live from their center outward, and not from
outward to center. You are the power dear ones, and it is past time to recognize
and begin acting out from this awareness. Be very aware that we are not talking
of power in the sense of power over someone or something for the use of power
in selfish or self serving ways has been the downfall of many and is in and of the
old energy. We speak of the power that comes from the realization that you are
the manifestation of Source and nothing or no person can separate you from
that–all that you need is already within. It is the power of truth that sees
nothing needing healing or correction.
Always honestly examine intention dear ones, for what ever you say and do is
carried on the energy of intention. Be scrupulously honest and true to
yourselves asking; “What am I believing that is making me feel or act this
way?”. The energy of truth and light will always be your guide in whatever
choices, actions, or words are necessary if you seek, trust, and allow it.
We are the Arcturian Group 5/19/13

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4579 Closer to God’s Heart, June 8, 2013

God said:

Coming to My heart is not meant to be an escape. Life is not to be escaped from. Coming to My heart is more of a realization that I am with you, and that you are Mine. You are Mine as you experience life. Life is not to be fled from any more than it is to be faced -- as though life were an assault. Avail yourself of life. Do not assail it. Do not protect yourself from it. Do not be on guard. Do not close your heart.

Contrary to common lore, hearts do not break. They do not break in two.

Perhaps We could say that life is about healing the illusion that there is heartbreak. Perhaps life is about the putting together of human hearts. Perhaps life is about the healing of misunderstandings about the heart, what it is made for, and how it is to be allowed to conduct itself.

No more sob sister about your heart. Put your heart together by giving it room to grow in, to swell, to overtake the world, to endear your heart to yourself. Hearts are for cementing of love, not the withdrawal of it. Love anyway. Love as if love is the only thing to be. Love is the only thing to be, and, then, it follows naturally that, from Being, love ensues. Never mind about broken hearts. Your heart does not need a splint.

Nothing has to be made right. Life is to be allowed. You are not to assault life even when you may feel that life has assaulted you. Be a pillow that receives life. It is perfectly fine to allow life to be what it is. Even as you surmise boulders of life surrounding you, have a clear heart, and the boulders will roll away and open a gateway modeled on your heart. Let your heart love. Your heart is
made for love.

Love is simple, not complex. Love is not ownership. Love is simply a blessing that depends upon nothing but itself.

Love is not to be on guard. Love is not a warrior. Love is not to be seen as a victor nor is love to be seen as a defector. Let your heart not miss a beat. Hearts neither triumph nor lose out. Self-pity is not love. Tears have nothing to do with love. Drama has nothing to do with love. Love alone has to do with love.

Make sure you do not put a moat around your heart. Despite what you think, safety is not an issue when it comes to love. Platitudes do not belong with love. Attitudes do not belong with love. Remorse does not belong with love. Be glad that you have loved. Do not mourn that you have loved. It may be so that you loved an idea in your mind and not the reality. Be glad then that you loved an idea.

Love is not mistaken. The world says it is. I tell you to be fruitful and multiply, and the fruit I mean is love, love as it is, love as it is given, love as it is returned or not returned. The thing is that you love. Do not forswear love. Swear to love more. Swear to be a human being who loves and does not get hung up on love.

I, God, love. You, human being, love. Dance for joy that your heart loves. Let that be enough. If someone does not want your love, so be it. Everyone is free to love in return or not love in return. Love is meant to go where it goes. Love is to be replenished through Me. I give you full love, whether you love Me or not. I await your love, for I know that you are meant to love and to love Me. I know My dharma, and I know your dharma is the same. Love is never at fault. Attachment is.




I am Hatonn here today to let you know that there is an upcoming time when there will be lots of action in the skies. You will see at various places around the globe many spectacles that will give people the knowledge that what they’ve been hearing and reading over the internet is true. They will see for their yes what is unmistakable and cannot be explained away by false reports of this and that.


As this continues for a few days there will be reports that there is something taking place and cannot be denied. Some of the media will even begin to change their reports and will feel the freedom to bring forth that which they have wanted to be able to let loose to the public. It is a matter of the hold on them being let loose and now they can come out of the closet and reveal that which they have been told to hide. They will be able to do this because the ones who would seek to silence them about the truth are no longer in their lives. They have been removed from that influence, and now the truth can begin to come out even more than it has been.


This is the time for you all to see what you have been doing. With your being able to hold the truth of what you know about the reality of mankind and the Creator, you are being shown our gratitude and the forbearance of your diligence for the truth. As you see these changes come about you can know that we recognize the energy that you are putting forth to reveal the truth, and that is the power that you have put in action.


There is something else that I would like to relay to you this day, and it is that you will be undergoing some more ascension symptoms in the coming few months. Some of them will be challenges to you of a short nature, and some of them will be wonderfully relieving and joyful. Yes, I know you can receive some of that; it is time for a break, is it not! We’ve seen how these energies of change have been affecting you, and we also see the difference it is making in your vibrations. It is heartwarming, and it is making a difference. One day you will begin to really feel the tremendous difference, even more than you are now. It will be as if you awoke from a dream state and everything will be so bright and Light feeling.  It will be as if you never were not in that state, even though you will know that you were. Your power is so tremendous as to create this whole new way of being for yourselves. That is the potential that you are walking into.


I now tell you that there is coming a time when you will be able to see for yourselves that which we have been telling you. It is a matter of it all coming true and more, for we like the idea of keeping some wonderful surprises for you to discover. We shall greet you all on the doorstep of the new world that you are even in this moment creating. It is all coming together, so fear not dear ones, you are on the right track and you will see that it has been worth everything that has come in this duality experience you have gifted us all with. You are jewels that shine throughout the universe, and we will be seeing you in your Lightness when the time comes for it to shine forth in complete harmony and Love.


Thank you dear Hatonn,

Love, Nancy Tate

