Find Truth Within Not Without You {Channeled}

(PROGRESS Service Sector)

By Mohammed thru Johan
Nov 9, 2011 - 8:09:21 PM



I am Mohammed Speaking.

As I found this scribe in readiness to take my message, as all of you can, call it the telepathic way = exchanging thoughts over the mind, I would like to address those of you who are drowning in an ocean of opinions. Usually dark and fearful opinions that are generated to keep you fighting amongst each other. Divide and conquer. These games have been around and have made it possible for a few to rule the rest.

When I see what those who still profess in my name have made of my teachings, it pains me very much, but I realise that until we open your eyes to their practices, you will continue to follow like sheep, driven into any direction the sheep dogs want you. 

Until you realise that only YOUR OR THE TRUTH is of any matter, you will go with any flow, created to use power OVER you. Only a few have to fuel the fires of uncertainty, of doom and gloom, of GOO and BLING, as somebody near to my heart is calling it, and you are lost in the wilderness.

I see twenty, thirty, sometimes fifty people fighting over one idea or opinion someone brought forward, and NOT ONE iota of truth has been exchanged! Can you dear ones not see how this is breaking the fabric of life apart, how this is DESTROYING the very world you were suppose to build together? When you enter that arena of accusing, blaming, fighting over opinions, what does it bring to you? Bread on the table to eat ? Water to quench your thirst ? Knowledge so you can grow in understanding ? Love and respect for your brothers and sisters ? Please THINK about this, as you know this to be true deep in your heart. 

How many TV stations bring any form of knowledge or truth ? Even what is considered documentaries and science studies are riddled with opinions brought forward to control you, to sow fear amongst you. Oh the scientists know !!! Oh the doctors know !!! Oh the politicians know !!! Oh the teachers know !!! Oh the preachers know !!! Oh the military know !!! Oh the bankers and financial institutions know !!! Oh the economists know !!! Well if this would have been true, and if you shall know them by their fruits of their labor, THEN LOOK AT THEIR FRUITS, LOOK AT THEIR LABOR, LOOK AT THEIR RESULTS, LOOK AT THE CONDITION THIS WORLD IS IN, LOOK AROUND YOU my dearly beloveds !!! 

Some call this world a playground, a school, an illusion, but let me assure you what you already know : a playground without rules or supervision does breed accidents. A school without truth does breed lies and deception. An illusion that creates more illusions to hide the truth breeds more illusions. LOOK AROUND YOU. 

There is another place to look, ONCE YOU MAKE THE CHOICE TO WANT TO KNOW FOR YOURSELF, without the illusions, without the other opinions, without the fighting THAT SERVES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, exept for those amongst you who gain from the separation, the fear, the lies, the deception, keeping you away from the truth. 

Look at nature in the first place. Even thought the elements have started to rebel against the drunkeness of those who suppose to have dominion over them, or at least work in cooperation and harmony, you can still recognise rules, laws, order, patterns, call it truth that governs. None of you can replace that, you can only learn from it and work along side, and create results. There is no exchange of opinions in nature, fights over who is wrong or right, manipulation, deception, untill man steps in and WANTS MORE AND MORE ... and ruins nature in its wake....

Second but most important place to look is WITHIN YOU. Yes, my beloveds, STOP LOOKING OUTSIDE OF YOU FOR ANSWERS, FOR HELP, FOR TRUTH, FOR KNOWLEDGE, but look INSIDE. This scribe has used this sentence alot: ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW IS WITHIN YOU. That has become his life, his progress, his awakening, his freedom from mental slavery, since the day he sat outside, doing his FIRST meditation, listening to the stillness, the silence within UNTIL A MONUMENTAL CHANGE IN HIS LIFE HAPPENED THERE AND THEN: it was put upon his heart : ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW IS WITHIN YOU. 

I am using his example, as I know his mind, as we are connecting through the mind, as actually this message came about through him THINKING about todays topic : OPINIONS. That is how close we can be, how close all of us, all of you can be, how harmonious we can THINK/PLAN/ORGANISE/LIVE TOGETHER, how harmonious THIS WORLD COULD BE ... A world WITHOUT the opinions for the sake of opinions, the lies, the fights, the deception, the fear, the control, the slavery. ... Now the Divine Mind is available to all who have the hunger to KNOW. The Divine Mind, call it Christ Mind, will give you the answers, will give you the advice, will help manifesting the circumstances IF YOU SHOW THE HUNGER TO KNOW.

This does not come in divisions of religion, or social groups or political parties. NO. One mind, one thought, one truth, one knowledge, even one love. ONENESS my dear ones will make you progress, will lead you to YOUR destination, where ever you want this to be ... Knowing that Love and Service to Others will lead you to any destination MUCH FASTER.

Because you ARE a DIVINE BEING and DIVINE BEINGS walk along the road of LOVE AND SERVICE TO OTHERS. They handle the truth and nothing else. They harbor THE HUNGER TO KNOW, and that knowledge always leads to the Truth, and the biggest Truth to Know is LOVE, as there is nothing besides LOVE. What does not look like love is the absence of love, yet LOVE remains.

It is our Sovereign, Christ Michael of Nebadon, God Aton, who represents that Divine Love and Light from the Creator and YOU my beloveds are the Divine Beings who ought to walk in these footsteps that Nature and THE SPIRITUAL WORLD WITHIN YOU are showing and advising and guiding you.

So instead of fighting over opinions and allowing a few to sow confusion amongst yourselves that lead to no where and nothing, instead of doubting, START YOUR ROAD TO YOUR OWN KNOWLEDGE, YOUR OWN TRUTH BY leaving behind all that bickering, shouting, accusing, blaming. TAKE UP YOUR OWN WEAPON OF TRUTH, OF KNOWLEDGE, OF LOVE AND WIN THAT BATTLE THAT IS RAGING ON EARTH.

It is clear not all will come to that AWAKENING, but you who can read, can at least START TO THINK ABOUT IT, AND USE YOUR BRAINS towards something CONSTRUCTIVE AND PROGRESSIVE, instead of destructive and backwards. LOOK AROUND YOU AND SEE YOUR SOCIETY BEEN DRIVEN INTO TOTAL ANNIHILATION, UTTER DESTRUCTION, LACK OF FOOD AND DRINKING WATER, INTO NEW WARS !!! No religion, no politics, no banks, no military, no school, no healthcare, no science, no opinions for opinions, no separation and division has brought this world FORWARD. LOOK AROUND YOU, my beloveds. THINK ABOUT IT, my beloveds. And WHY is that so? Because none of them was based on the TRUTH, none of them were based on SERVICE, on LOVE, on the KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM that lies WITHIN THEM, IN NATURE, IN THE DIVINE. 

I would love to call this your last wake up call, but I know so many of us, YOUR DIVINE BROTHERS AND SISTERS WAITING FOR YOU TO OPEN YOUR EYES, EARS TO THE DIVINE BEING YOU ARE, have come forward lately WARNING YOU OF THE SAME. You do not have to believe me. As a matter of FACT, PLEASE DO NOT BELIEVE A WORD OF WHAT I JUST SHARED WITH YOU. But GO WITHIN and ask and know for yourself. It does not cost you anything, just a few moments of your time, our time, the Divine Time that is NOW CORRECTION TIME, SHIFTING TIME, if you have not noticed it already.

I do not speak in a difficult language so all would understand. I actually speak through the common language this scribe is used to handling every day, so please THINK, CONTEMPLATE upon my simple TRUTHS I came to share with you, what you also have STORED WITHIN YOU. That will stop your fighting over opinions, that will make you stand tall for the Truth, open your heart through Service to Others again and will lead you on your path up and onwards, back to YOUR SOURCE, my beloveds. I hope, If you did not have to leave for other places, that we will meet very soon as I, Mohammed, will walk your Earth again, and it will be my greatest pleasure to Serve the Divine in bringing people, my brothers and sisters TOGETHER, IN UNISON and trying to gather and respect ALL OPINIONS, to the benefit and Highest Purpose of ALL involved, versus what I see happening amongst you today. Salu. One day soon...or shortly ...

Love and Light, 

