Find ME in your Heart & in your Mind

Cedomil Vugrincic MD, Ph.D.


Angus <>

----- Original Message ----- 
From: 11:11 Progress Group 
Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2013 7:59 AM

Alabama, US of A, February 18, 2011.
Christ Michael.
Subject: “Search for me in your soul.”

Received by Oscar.

Christ Michael: “Does the ease by which you ‘hear’ my words surprise you? Don’t you believe that, as the Creator of this local universe and all its inhabitants, I have the power to communicate with each and every one of my children? In this world, knowledge is still limited, but truth is being revealed. Everybody has access to Me, at any time, and anywhere at all, through the Gift from my Father (the Thought Adjuster). It is yet another way for Him to be in touch with His children. He has spoken to Me and has also spoken to you, and you can be sure that we both take the time to listen. The Father and I are always working for you, within you, and through you. It is in your creative endeavors that our influence becomes evident, when your impulses obey the will of the Father, and when your frequencies are tuned to the energy that sustains the universes – love.

“The need to be recognized is not something that can be found in divine personalities. I don’t become angry if you talk to me thinking that you are talking to My Father. He doesn’t become perturbed if you talk to Him using my name. We are one, as you and I are one. My words are His words, for they are the same. What does make a difference is that you try to hear us, so we can, and will, be there for you. Every time you think about Me, you think about the Father. What you admire about Me, you also admire about our Father. When I rejoice about your progress our Father also rejoices. We are one.

“How is it possible that two personalities can be one? Personality is a gift from the Father and personality is what registers life experiences throughout time or throughout eternity. A being without personality can’t know how much growth has taken place, how much it has changed, or how much experience it has accumulated. Your personality is also very different to mine, and yet I tell you that you and I are one. What joins us is that we share the same Cause and we will attain the same Destiny – God. When achieving harmony with Him we become alike, and once you have reached finality, in all the situations that we could face throughout the universe we may act differently but we will always do what our Father would do, if He were in our place. There will always be unity of purpose.

“Always search for me in your soul and I will answer. Stop searching for Me ‘out there’, but find me in your heart and in your mind, where I might possibly be more effective?

“Indeed, I jest. One’s worthwhile sense of humor never fades.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972. 

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4531 Loving and Appeasing Are Two Different Things, April 21, 2013 

God said: 

Sometimes you have to draw the line. Sometimes you have to say no. You want to be a loving person. Just the same, sometimes you have to say no. Sometimes you are not in someone’s good graces. You cannot keep appeasing. Loving and appeasing are not the same thing.

You can love without further personal investment. Of course, you would love everyone to love you and appreciate you, and yet everyone doesn’t always seem to want to be with you. Then love from afar. Bless rather than interact. Giving love is not meant to be a performance or a penance. You are not here on Earth to stretch the limits of your endurance.

There are situations where you must interact with someone. In this case, you can break through boundaries. You find a way. You have done so. Often enough, you do come to care about someone you used to turn away from. Sometimes you become not just friends, but very good friends.

When someone is difficult for you, you do not have to engage with him or her. You do not have to break a world’s record.

Do you grasp what I am saying? Does it sound as though I am giving you mixed messages?

You do not have to have the patience of a saint in every circumstance.

You don’t have to go to every party. You do not need to make everyone your best friend. Of course, be considerate to others. Also be considerate to yourself.

When something is not your cup of tea, you don’t have to keep drinking it. You can be honest. You don’t have to go out of your way to drink more than your fill.

Bear no grudges, no hard feelings, yet you can get up from the table.

If you are in a movie theater, and the movie isn’t to your liking, you don’t have to stay there. You certainly don’t have to keep going back to that movie.

You can love yourself as well. Your love isn’t meant to be only for others. Your love is not meant to be by hook or by crook. Of course, you don’t have to be hasty.

When you correspond with someone, for instance, and they are courteous one moment and rude another, are you under some obligation to write back? It comes down to this, beloveds. It is not loving of you to have no will of your own. You are also entitled to your own discretion.

I am not speaking of close personal relationships now. I am speaking of casual associations. You do not have all day to spend where your heart is not. You are not meant to spend your life in sufferance. You are meant to spend your life in joy.

It comes to this: You do not have to give a pound of flesh in order to keep yourself in your own good graces. Give life and everyone a chance, yet remember always that you are not obliged to put in your time as a sacrifice. How is it loving ti sacrifice?

What do you owe to a stranger who seems to give you grief? Sometimes you do have to draw a line. This is a line with yourself, beloveds. You do not pretend your heart away. Your feelings count for something. You do not give yourself away with a grimace. Give with joy. And if you cannot give with joy in a certain circumstance, then you have the choice to give it up. You are not meant to be an indentured servant. You are not to neglect your own heart. You are to listen to your own heart as well as another’s. Compassion does not mean to toss away your own well-being. You are free to represent yourself. In life, you do not have to atone.
