Feminine And Masculine


Unconditionally creation loves you, supports you and holds you in its arms because it is all innocence. This entire creation is innocence. When you realize this, when you become innocent, you can be one with this kingdom.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


MARY MAGDALENE: The Feminine And Masculine Forms Of Meditation

Chakra Goddess image courtesy of www.karunaarts.com

Given to Mercedes Kirkel
On February 25, 2014

 Question: I recently read that while in deep meditation you should place your attention on the Ka body (energy body) to build energy, and that if your mind wanders to fantasy you reduce the energy to the Ka. Many teachers/mentors suggest something quite different, saying you should use your meditation to visualize your desires or intentions. They say that during meditation the brain is in an alpha/theta state and you can release dross from the subconscious mind and replace it or reprogram it with compassion or a visualized intention. Can you clarify this for me?


Mary Magdalene: Greetings my beloved. I have heard your call, and I am here with you and happy to answer the question that has been asked. This is a valuable question, as it points to confusion that others may have.


There are many different meditation practices and many different ways to meditate. Fundamentally, the purpose of meditation is to move you into a higher state of consciousness and to experience and rest in, at least for a temporary period of time, the higher frequencies of manifestation, which you might call a higher dimension and which correspond to the higher state of consciousness you have reached.


There are two fundamental forms of meditation. One is a consciousness form and one is an energy form. These two forms can overlap. The consciousness form relates more to the Divine Masculine approach, drawing on the qualities and strengths of the Divine Masculine, which in its purest form manifests or is experienced as pure consciousness. This is rather difficult to describe and express accurately because of the limitations in your language, which don’t allow clear and direct expression of these concepts. Your language difficulty stems from the fact that, in the third dimension, there generally isn’t clear understanding and experience of these concepts and states. So they are generally expressed as best as possible, given these limitations.


The energy form of meditation is based in the Divine Feminine approach, because energy is a characteristic and quality of the Divine Feminine.  This is all explained in great detail in the book, Mary Magdalene Beckons. It would be best to reference what is already contained in that book to understand the qualities, attributes, and differences between the Divine Feminine and Masculine in greater depth.


Fundamentally there are these two broad types of meditation, and there are many ways to access and deepen in both. There are also forms of meditation that draw on both the Masculine and the Feminine, to a greater or lesser extent.


The traditional spiritual forms of meditation that were developed in the East, especially in the traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism, tend to be primarily oriented to developing and growing in consciousness. In these practices, you are primarily working with your mind, quieting the lower mind and allowing the higher mind to be accessed. You have concentration practices, such as counting your breaths, becoming aware of your bodily experiences, becoming the witness or observer of all experience, asking questions into the nature of existence, and repeating mantras. All theses are techniques for bringing discipline to the lower mind so that it can relax and subside, thus allowing the higher mind to be accessed.


When the higher mind is accessed, you start to function from a higher consciousness and higher dimension. For most people, this will initially be the fourth dimension. Once the higher mind opens, there are various things that may happen. You may continue to focus on the pure state of consciousness and go more deeply into that state. This may feel like letting go of everything—all aspects of your body-mind—and resting in a state that is deeply refreshing. There may or may not be energy experiences that accompany this, such as a blissful feelings, visions, sounds, appearances of higher beings, etc. It is the choice of the practitioner how they want to proceed when the higher mind opens. They have the choice to continue into a greater connection with pure consciousness or to choose to go into the energy experiences. Neither is right or wrong, better or worse, higher or lower. But they will tend to have different results.


I suggest that you be clear what your intention is in choosing to meditate. If your intention is to clear the mind and refresh yourself deeply in the well of pure consciousness, then choose a meditation that supports that, and follow that form. In those meditations, when the higher mind opens, you will continue to connect as deeply as possible with pure consciousness. Then the instruction would be to not get involved in other phenomena that arise, such as energy experiences, creative thoughts, or various other experiences.


However, you may have a different intention in your meditation. If your intention is to solve problems, manifest a certain experience, or connect with higher beings, etc., you may choose to allow and follow these when they arise.


If I may use you as an example, Mercedes, you spent many years practicing a consciousness-based meditation and became very strong at that. At a certain point, quite a few years ago, you went through a profound awakening in consciousness. In your case, that consciousness practice was supported by other practices of disciplining your physical body, emotions, and energy, which are Feminine aspects of your being. Bringing discipline to them supported you in coming into balance and peace, freeing you to become more aware of consciousness and to go more deeply into the state of pure consciousness.


If the physical body, emotions, and energetic self do not have that kind of balance and peace, they will tend to distract you. Then it’s more difficult to become aware of the higher states of consciousness and to follow those into a deeper union with them. This is why spiritual life is generally engaged with accompanying lifestyle changes and practices, such as having a pure diet, or making choices about the company you keep or the kinds of stimulation you bring to your mind, body, and energetic self. These things all support you becoming more free to focus on and become attuned to pure consciousness.


I have been speaking about meditation up till now in its more Masculine form of uniting with pure consciounsess, bringing the practitioner into a greater sense of liberation, peace, and a certain kind of deep ecstasy of union with God, in a very pure form. I would also like to clarify the more Feminine form of meditation, which has to do with focusing on energy. Ultimately, the Feminine is all about energy. As you know from your scientist, Einstein, and many others as well, energy always has a counterpart in matter, form, or manifestation. This counterpart can be at a much subtler than the physical. You may experience energy as sound, light, or sensations that don’t seem to have a physical base. Creativity is another form of Feminine manifestation, as are the manifestation of subtle beings, such as angels or beings in higher dimensions. All of these forms of energy may become a focus for the Feminine form of mendation.


An example of a more Feminine-based meditation would be to focus your attention on manifesting a certain outcome or on finding a creative solution to a situation or problem. Shamanic journeying is a Feminine form of meditation, because it is based upon experiences in subtler realms of manifestation. It is often guided by a drum or ingestion of a substance that moves you into a different state of energy, as well as a different dimension of existence. Sacred sexuality practice is a Feminine form of energy meditation, because it follows the energy of sexuality to move you into higher states of manifestation. Certain forms of breathwork, such as holotropic breathing, can be practiced as Feminine forms of meditation, as they make use of the energy of the breath to move the practitioner into an altered, or higher, state.


As I said earlier, it is not that one way or the other is right or wrong, better or worse, superior or inferior. They have different purposes and outcomes. So it is to your benefit to become aware of the outcome you desire and to choose a meditation practice that supports that. It is also wise to be aware that different meditation practices appeal to different aspects of your being. Whether you are naturally strong in that aspect of your being will influence whether that form of meditation is accessible or easy for you. Many people have tried the more Masculine forms of meditation and concluded that they’re not capable of meditating, because they weren’t able to quiet their body, energy, or lower mind to the point that their higher mind opened up. Often, that is a sign that these people are not naturally strong in the more Masculine aspect of their being. If they were to engage a more Feminine form of meditation, such as shamanic journeying, sacred sexuality, or a manifestation process, they may have a very different experience, with much greater ease and success.


Truly, you are all both Feminine and Masculine. Ultimately it is to your benefit to develop both Feminine and Masculine approaches to meditation. That is the most direct route to growing into the higher dimensions. If I may use you as an example again, Mercedes, you now practice a form of meditation that is very balanced. It is both a consciousness practice and an energy practice. It allows you to rest in greater and greater connection with pure consciousness. At the same time, you use a portion of your meditation time for manifestation and for connection with higher beings. This has proven to be very effective and powerful for you in regularly accessing the fourth-dimensional state, with it’s attendant higher consciousness and higher abilities in the energy realm.


Most people in your culture at this time are not so easily able to relax the Feminine parts of their being and move into the pure Masculine. This is interesting, as you tend to live in a Masculine–dominated culture. Yet the Feminine and Masculine are always in balance, so in any given circumstance, if one is predominating in a certain way, the other will always show up in another arena as a form of balance. For most of you, it is at the subconscious level that you are mightily attached to the Feminine, even as your conscious life tends to be dominated by the Masculine. The strength of your subconscious attachment to the Feminine, in the form of your physical body, emotions, energy, and sexuality, as well as your tendency to be engaged in creative thinking (without the ability to set it aside through intention), tends to make it easier for most people to access meditation in a more Feminine form in your present day and age.


However, as I said before, the Masculine and Feminine are always in unity and ultimately cannot be separated, even though one  or the other may seem to be the primary experience you are having at a given time in the third dimension. This is part of the third-dimensional consciousness and experience of separation. In the third dimension, the Masculine and Feminine seem to exist in separation. This is an illusion, but you will not fully realize it as such until you move beyond the third dimension.


Because of the inherent unity of the Masculine and Feminine, any meditation that you engage will ultimately involve both aspects of your being. While a consciousness-based meditation will lead you into a purer form of the Masculine gift of pure consciousness, it will also lead you to higher states of manifestation and abilities in those states, either during the meditation itself or afterwards in your more “ordinary” life. Similarly a Feminine-based, energy-style meditation will not only lead you to new experiences and states of energy and energetic manifestation. It will also lead you to higher states of consciousness.


Thus, any practice will ultimately lead you to the whole, because all is truly whole and in union. It is simply a matter of whether that practice leads you there more directly or more indirectly. It is also a matter of whether that practice is easy and more accessible for you. My suggestion is to choose the practice that is most natural and accessible to you, based on your own abilities, qualities, and strengths. It is also important to be aware of the intended outcome of a particular practice. Choose a certain practice based on whether it focuses on the outcome you are seeking. If you are able to connect with your higher self and your own guidance, this is the best form of directing you to the practice that is right for you. If you are not able to connect with your higher self or guidance, use your body, feelings, and intuition to guide you to the practice that is most attractive to you and to which you are drawn. Then observe the results and see if those are the results that you value and desire. If not, adjust your practice or seek a different one.


As always, you can pray and ask God to guide you to the practice that is best for you. I recommend prayer often in my messages and I do so intentionally, because so many of you forget that you can always ask for help and it will be given. My hope is to offer this reminder as a loving support, guiding you to the loving help that God always provides.


I hope this has been helpful in finding the form of meditation that is most supportive for you. Meditation is an important practice, which I highly recommend as a valuable aspect of living a spiritually-based life and experiencing the fruits of the higher dimensions and higher consciousness. May you all enjoy this. It will transform you and your world.


With much love and blessings,

I Am Mary Magdalene


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Illawarra District, Australia, February 12, 2014. 
Teacher Samuel of Panoptia. 
Subject: “On Being Chosen.” 

Received by George Barnard. 

George: “The claim made by this young man of eighteen is that he was ‘chosen by the numbers 11:11’, presumably by the Midwayers. He doesn’t know what his new task is supposed to be. I don’t want to even be thought of as a fortune teller first of all, and secondly I was never chosen, so, who is?” 

Samuel: “The 11:11 time-prompt is a simple preliminary ‘hello’, and by extension an obvious invite for one to lead a more spiritual life, at least for those who actually research its origin and find your planetary helpers to be the initiators. The questions to be asked are, firstly, chosen by whom, and secondly, chosen for what purpose? The first answer is that we are all chosen – every man, woman and child – by our Father Creator. Secondly, we are all individually chosen by Him to one day, at our leisure, progress enough to earn eternal life. 

“Truly, my dear friend, there is no argument about all of Urantia mortals being chosen to progress in their myriad ways to become perfect, God-like, and live on into eternity. Further, in each life there are multiple opportunities to choose your direction, even to be lured into a direction, but personal choice is sacrosanct. From age four, five, or six, likely decades beforehand, one’s Thought Adjuster may well know the beginning on to the end. On no account, however, will the Thought Adjuster’s human subject be cajoled. 

“Remember, human free-will prerogatives cannot and will not be over-ridden, except in rare circumstances when planetary welfare is at risk. It was your choice from a young age to become just who you are today, at least in broad terms that was your choice. For my part it was an adeptness in biology that eventually got me the assistance of a Life Carrier when I asked to be aided in my work. Always the timing must be right, and there needs to be a preparedness to stick with a (spiritual) task for a human to finally be led a certain way. 

“If you wish to so view it, there are of course other exceptions to free-will prerogatives, well, not quite, but let me explain: Those from higher realms incarnated on evolutionary worlds could be seen to be chosen. However, are they? Including the Creator of our local universe in His last incarnation? It was our Michael’s personal choice to experience human life on your world, and yes, He could have failed. Of course, with so much at stake, His future success was clearly foreseen on High, and no great risk was taken. 

“As a free-will-endowed human, you do all your spiritual choosing, always in relation to opportunities – including being sponsored or guided – and limitations as they may apply. Yet at any given time you retain the free will to make a 180 degree turn to prove that only you make all the choices. 

“This is Samuel. Aaron and I greet you both. Goodnight.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
There is no braver fool in any of our universes,
than he who uses the Master’s Name in vain – 


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4843 No Ownership, No Loss , February 27, 2014 

God said: 

There is nothing to weep about, beloveds. We, you and I, do not see eye to eye on this. My children have a long list of reasons why to cry, and I see from a different horizon. You believe in loss. I know that everyone returns to Me, so, as much as I do understand, at the same time, I do not fully grasp the undertaking of weeping, just as you, no matter how willing you may be to let go of heartache, keep it to you and cannot understand how you cannot have it.
You do not quite get it that there is no need for weeping. You see weeping as most natural because you see change as loss. You weep for what was and which you interpret now as having gone. I had understanding of this enough, beloveds, to provide tears for you to wash away heartache. You may believe that tears never get used up, yet you think loved ones eventually are, and their love for you is used up, and, even the love in your own heart leaves, and you weep again.
You see death as taking something away from you. You do not quite yet accept so-called death in perspective, yours or a loved one’s. Ah, beloveds, you are caught in the grip of possession. There is a tendency to think that something vital to you has been wrested from you, stolen from you, kidnapped from you, and you have no recourse. There is no FBI to help. The deed is done. You see what was sweet now as all over.
Everything is yours, beloveds. It stays yours, yet you see differently. You see loved ones taken away from you, and you are bereft for what once was. You see tragedy when there is none. The physical existence may be done. The emotional existence of what you knew as love may be over, and you see this as loss and against the rules you wanted to stay permanent. You feel yourself thrown away, exiled as it were, all because you cling to the past which seems to have vanished.
You may even feel that you can no longer rely on Me when, in all Truth, I am what you can rely on. And yourself. Rely on yourself to get out of the desert of feeling loss.
Life is not all you think it is. Life is not all that it is cracked up to be. It is more, beloveds. It is greater. Little by little in life, you are growing to Greatness. Attached, you block yourself from Greatness. Unattached, you fly to Greatness. You have to let go of your attachment to what you see as right and just and what you are sure is supposed to be.
You have been misinformed, beloved. Love is far more than your attachment to it. Do not feel abandoned or abandoning because of a season of winter. Love will bloom again. You and I will plant flowers together. The seeds of love never die. They will re-seed themselves. One day you will see that even what you see as the terrible removal of love makes room for more. There is no suffering laid out. It is that you can only see so far as you can see. Because your sight is limited doesn’t mean that the field of love has fallen into disrepair. It means you are near-sighted. Love is alive and well.
There is more to love than has been dreamed of. Love extends. Nothing else can happen. That hearts are wounded is a reality of everyday life, yet it is not Truth. Absence of love is an illusion. You accepted woundedness as the gospel. The gospel is that love transcends all. Woundedness is some kind of self-imposed loyalty to the world and betrayal to yourself and the spirit of love. You chase a phantom of the past. Let it go. Love is secure. Let go of apron strings you attached to love. Untie yourself from the idea of love lost. Never mind what hearts seem to do. Restore your own.


1) Identify your successes. Everyone is good at something, so discover the things at which you excel, then focus on your talents. Give yourself permission to take pride in them. Give yourself credit for your successes. Inferiority is a state of mind in which you've declared yourself a victim. Do not allow yourself to be victimized. 
2) Look in the mirror and smile. Studies surrounding what's called the "facial feedback theory" suggest that the expressions on your face can actually encourage your brain to register certain emotions. So by looking in the mirror and smiling every day, you might feel happier with yourself and more confident in the long run. 
3) Exercise and eat healthy. Exercise raises adrenaline and makes one feel happier and healthier. It is certainly an easy and effective way to boost your self-confidence. 
4) Turn feelings of envy or jealousy into a desire to achieve. Stop wanting what others have just because they have it; seek things simply because you want them, whether anybody else has them or not.
5) When you're feeling superbly insecure, write down a list of things that are good about you. Then read the list back. You'd be surprised at what you can come up with.
6) Don't be afraid to push yourself a bit - a little bit of pressure can actually show just how good you are!
7) You can try taking a martial arts or fitness class/course (or both). This will help build confidence and strength. Invest in some new clothing and donate some of your old clothing to send a message to yourself that you both look sharp and feel sharp.
8) Try to make yourself talk positively at all times. When you hear yourself saying you can't do something, stop and say you can. Unless you try, you will never know whether you are able to or not. 
9) Don't get wrapped up in your mistakes and dwell on bad points; they can contrast your good points or even give you something to improve. There's no feeling like being good at something you were really bad at.
10) Don't confuse what you have with who you are. People degrade their self worth when comparing possessions.
11) Surround yourself with nurturing friends, not overly critical individuals who make you feel inadequate or insecure. This could do great harm and damage to your self confidence.
Always remember "There is hair line crack between success and failure" Be sure to push yourself a bit, who knows that bit may lead you to success.
