Fear of the Unknown {Channeled}

1.) Today's Angel Message
2.) Message from Melchizedek
3.) Master Serapis Bey: Fear of the Unknown
4.) You Have a Destiny
5.) Jeshua - Message of the Day
6.) Speak Kindly: Stop Beating Yourself Up

Isis' Message of the Day -
Believe only what is in your own heart. Find it to be true. Work out your own path, through diligence.
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~

Today's Angel Message
Uriel's Message -- Who Are You Being?
In every moment and every situation, with every person and in every thought you are being some aspect of yourself. Some of these aspects are grounded in spirit, others in your humanity. Some are grounded in the past, others are in the present moment. Some of your aspects reflect the lowest of your vibrational aspects and others reflect your highest energies. Who you are is a collection of energies, each are possibilities of expression and you choose which ones you want to express depending on your intention for yourself and your reality.
When you express an intention to fulfill your highest potential, you must connect with the energetic levels that allow this potential to become your reality. And it is at these times you can become confused and feel stuck because this may not be a comfortable or familiar energetic space for you. If you have been withholding your gifts, limiting your energetic expression or supporting others' needs, being in your own energy and power can overwhelm your human aspect. While you know that you have power, how much power is available to you and what to do with that power can be challenging.
You are being an aspect of your self at all times and this is where you manifest your reality. If you are experiencing lack then you are being that aspect which believes you are not worthy of greater blessings. If you are feeling powerless then you are expressing an aspect that fears or is unaware or afraid of your power. If you feel unloved then you are expressing aspects that believe you are not worthy of love. What you are in each moment is where you are connecting to the energies and vibrations that allow you to express that aspect. A change in who you want to be, in the energies you want to embody, will empower your transformation.
All things are a potential for you, from the lowest to the highest of vibrations, from the greatest to the smallest reality, from the most to the least powerful energetic expressions. Any of these is a potential reality and your reality reflects the one you are most comfortable with in each moment. But as you become more aware of your spiritual light, the power within and the presence of your more powerful aspects you create an opening for their expression and they become your reality. There is none better or worse than another, all are part or your energy field and are right for you as you choose to express them. But when you choose to be your most powerful self, to allow your humanity to partner with your divine aspects, to become the co-creator that is your divine destiny, you will embrace the most powerful of your aspects and allow them to be who you are being in each moment.
Article Copyright ©2011 by Jennifer Hoffman. All rights reserved.
About the author
Jennifer Hoffman is an intuitive, spiritual healer, mentor, teacher and author. She also channels the energy of the Archangel Uriel. Jennifer has helped many people through the Shift through her unique insights and counsel, facilitating their healing journey. Jennifer is the founder of www.urielheals.com, an on-line spiritual healing and growth center and dedicated to the messages and teachings of Archangel Uriel. Information about Jennifer's books, on-line seminars and services is available at her websites, or email healing@urielheals.com for information. * Enlightening Life www.enlighteninglife.com * email: Support@enlighteninglife.com *

Message from Melchizedek
Received by Marlene Swetlishoff
May 5, 2011
Beloved Ones of the Light!
I come to you to have discourse on the effects of the bright Light that each of you shines in the World around you. Know you the extent of this Light, Beloved Ones? We see each day these effects, as the World is being transformed by your Love, your thoughts, your intentions, your determination, your actions and your deeds. We know that it is very difficult for you to comprehend the extent of your positive influence upon the events in your World but we acknowledge now and always that the work you are doing to anchor the Light into the crystalline core of the Earth and intending that this Light prevail upon, within and around the Earth is causing and accelerating positive changes everywhere!
As you look around you, you are seeing your handiwork – benevolent changes are occurring within the hearts and souls of Humanity. What you are told on the news media is contrary to what is actually happening in the greater scheme of things. There is and has been a loosening of the veils that have kept Humanity in ignorance and division for much too long. These veils of illusion are now lifting as evidenced by those who can discern the truths of events that have recently transpired and know what has really taken place. This silent knowing of the truth is creating a stronger unified field of consciousness that is helping to awaken all of Humankind.
As each one of you becomes more awakened in remembrance, this unified field of consciousness grows ever stronger and more powerful and begins to dissolve the barriers to the truth of what was and is happening upon your Planet Earth. This force is unstoppable, for this force is also being assisted by the Cosmic energies that are now inundating the atmosphere and its Light is growing exponentially. What used to takes lifetimes of change is now occurring within months and the full effects of these changes will not be realized for some time, yet we tell you that because of your willingness to be the agents of this change, these forces are sweeping into every nook and cranny of all upon, within and around this Planet. No sovereign sentient Being will escape this powerful force as it enfolds all in its embrace.
This force will create moments of energetic increase within your physical bodies and you will have to learn to work with these new energies by applying your intent to use them for the highest good of all. You have been learning the true power you each have to accomplish great good upon your Planet and you will now be in the times of the testing of these powers. Please be aware of this and act responsibly. The days of reaction to what is occurring around you in ways that are not helpful to the overall plan are now coming to an end. What is required now is for each of you to be discerning in all things and to respond with thoughtfulness and observation and then applying and employing your Light in a way that is a blessing to the World.
For this is why you are here, to bless the Earth and everyone and everything upon Her with the Light of your Love and Healing. This is the higher purpose and plan for each of your lives as you now complete the lessons and learning of your individual plans. We ask that you continue to be willing to release and let go of all that wells up from within you that is not in alignment with the Greater Plan and the Greater Purpose. Know that each of you "Is Loved" beyond measure and you are each being assisted in every way to drop all that has been holding you back. Love surrounds you and enfolds you in each moment, no matter how you are perceiving your life in each moment of experience. Our blessings to you, Mighty Ones, we ask you to keep on keeping on! Have faith and stand firm in your Light.
I AM Melchizedek
©2011 Marlene Swetlishoff
Distributing this message in other forums, etc. is encouraged, please do so with the following guidelines: Include author's credit, copyright and website: Weekly Messages from Hilarion * Angelic Gems of Light Messages * To Subscribe Details at: http://www.therainbowscribe.com *
Much Light, Love and Rainbow Blessings,


Master Serapis Bey: Fear of the Unknown
Channelled through Natalie Glasson-01/05/11
Every human being upon the Earth appears to hold the energy of fear within their being and consciousness; it is an energy which they have chosen to accept and use in their realities. Fear is a powerful energy and is placed among other potent energies or emotions such as love. Fear is an emotional and mental reaction to the unknown, when we are uncertain of our future, current situations or reality we can create the feelings, thoughts and emotions of fear. We can experience fear in numerous ways whether on a small or large scale, sometimes it only lowers our mood while other times it stops us still in our realities, hindering our natural flow and growth. To be fearful is seen by those in existence on the Earth as a natural experience and reaction, currently it is natural but it wasn't always this way.
When you exist in the spiritual planes you experience the present moment at all times, every moment is important, with this understanding and view of your reality you create a positive flowing existence where you are aware completely of each aspect of your reality. There isn't a need to look to the past nor is there a need to look to the future because the present moment is where you will find your truth, energies and experiences. Upon arrival into the civilization of the Earth, this existence would have altered slightly. Due to self preservation of your entire being and physical body there was a greater need to look into the future to plan, to ensure that you maintained a healthy life style for yourself. This shift was only slight but this was when fear was first experienced as to exist in the present you feel secure, supported and at peace, to look into the future you would have seen endless possibilities, developing a feeling of lack of support or security. The feeling was of stepping into the unknown, a greater trust was required in the Creator's soul and will. When you exist on the spiritual planes in the present at all times you are allowing yourself to create your reality in every moment. The presence of the Earth and your physical body changed your natural way of existence as creation was a slower process on the physical planes and the physical body constantly required nourishment. The presence of fear began to grow as a habit of continuing to look forward or into the future developed. This was the birth of fear, a simple reaction to the unknown and feelings of insecurity or being unsupported. This is of course a false view that humans adopted because of the alteration of their energy vibration from a quick vibration to a slower vibration. The feelings of insecurity and lack of support were only born from a deep sense within of a disconnection with the Creator. For many it was as if they had been bathing in the glorious sun and then had been moved to an area of shade where they could still see the sun but couldn't feel its glorious warm with such powerful presence. The shift of moving from the spiritual planes to the Earth was only slight but those experiencing the shift developed a tremendous change in their thought process and natural existence.
Even now upon the Earth the presence of fear is very powerful and is often coupled with the feeling of the unknown. The consciousness that many experiences are new and unfamiliar can develop fear as well as the beliefs that many experiences are indefinite or unidentifiable. Each day you enter into your unknown reality where all potentials are possible, your reality is yours to create as you wish and this can create a tremendous amount of pressure. The ability of living contently in the present seems to be dissolving while the focus upon the uncertain and unfamiliar future before you is growing into a powerful energy labeled fear.
Allow yourself to be aware of when you feel fearful and to recognize the true reason that you are feeling fearful. It will most probably be that you are feeling uncertain of yourself or your reality, unsure of what to do or what will occur. Fear often develops when we feel as if we cannot take control of our reality. It is important to come to terms with the fact that the physical reality upon the Earth may always have an element of uncertainty because of the wonderful and bountiful possibilities that lie before you. When you accept this you are able to acknowledge the presence and reason for fears. It is also important to realize that fear only brings forward illusions. Even the thoughts and feelings that you are unsupported and that your reality is insecure is an illusion because you must always remember that you have the presence of the Creator within and around you, guiding you at all times. The fact that you may not feel as if you are in the blazing sun of the Creator anymore but exist in the shade, is also an illusion because you will remain and always are connected to the Creator, it is just that the slower vibration that surrounds you makes this harder to detect.
The presence of fear is created by your unknown future but there is also a fear that has developed because of the unknown you. In your current reality you may be aware of your true self and your existence beyond your physical reality but there remains a feeling of incomplete understanding of oneself and purpose on the Earth. It is to understand, realize and face up to the truth of your being that can create the most fear. Realizing your truth can be your greatest desire and passion but sometimes there can be a feeling of self hindrance in this matter as again there is an uncertainty of what will be dissolved. Your inner most energies and self is so familiar to you and yet you have forgot the feeling of familiarity and connection resulting in your most sacred energies feeling so disconnected and separate from your being. Many cannot remember as yet their true self and reality, this coupled with the thought of the power and wisdom that they may hold can create tremendous fear. As in many situations there is a moment of uncertainty when you take one step forward and you are unsure of the place in which your foot may land. At this point in your reality the energy of the Creator may be unknown or unfamiliar to you, it is this that can build a fear, but if you recognize that this is only an illusion then you are able to make peace with this, allowing yourself to exist in a state of contentment. You can remind yourself that in the present you may not know or understand yourself or the Creator as you have in the past but this doesn't mean that the energy of fear must be created, because the support and security that you crave is with you always, within and around you.
Know that everything in your reality and spiritual path has the potential of being unknown or unfamiliar to you at first but that this is an illusion that creates fear. With this acceptance you will find that you are able to dissolve the presence of fear and realize your life as an exciting array of potentials and creation. Remember that truthfully everything on the Earth, everything within you and the presence of the Creator is all familiar to you and so there is no need for the presence of fear.
Most often fear and the feeling of the unknown manifests from a slight disconnection with the Creator. Connection and alignment with the Creator is essential at all times of your reality on the Earth, this is to be aware of the presence of the Creator. Many people can feel low in energy or fearful because they do not allow themselves to be connected or aware of the Creator throughout their days, this is usually because of a fear of the unknown. They fear discovering the presence of the Creator, the alterations that may occur and the power they may accept. It is through connection with the Creator that you will find true happiness and joy as well as the presence of love, security and certainty. The feeling of the unknown is actually a feeling of not connecting with the wisdom and knowledge within us. We see our reality as unfamiliar because we are not aligned with the natural tools that we have within to guide and assist us on this Earth.
When you think that you do not know anything spiritually and do not hold any abilities or tools to guide you, essentially that you are helpless, then you are entering into a state of mind that is delusional which will only bring fear. To know and trust in your heart that you have all the powers, love, wisdom and tools within you and are always connected to and guided by the Creator will dissolve many barriers that you may have created for yourself and allow you to exist in peace and happiness, moving beyond fear. Allow yourself to adopt the view point that everything in known and familiar to you and you hold the tools to move through all experiences and situations in your reality, supported by the light and love of the Creator.
You may wonder why have bought forward this communication concerning humanity's fears of the unknown but there are many glorious reasons for this. The first is that when you are aware of it you begin to realize that many people are fearful or reaction in a negative fashion to certain circumstances because they feel uncertain, insecure or are scared of what will occur to them or their reality. They do not hold their own power or belief that they have the ability to create the reality that they desire and so draw upon fear as a reaction to create barriers and therefore protect themselves. I ask that you be aware of this within yourself, your physical reality and spiritual paths. Remember that fear can manifest in many ways. I also wish for you to be observant of this in your friends, loved ones and those who you meet, with this realization send your love and ask for them to find their connection with the Creator. You may begin to see the presence of fear as a reaction of many people because the world as you know it is changing but also the need to look within and to connect with the Creator is becoming more necessary. The prospect of change, searching and discovering yourself as well as surrendering to the Creator will bring thoughts of entering into the unknown and the unfamiliar. Those who are aware of what is occurring now need to share their love and compassion with those who are fearful of entering into the unknown. Reassurance is needed that the unknown is actually the familiar and the reality that many have been living on the Earth is actually the unknown. The energy of the Creator is the most familiar energy to you of all; this is the same for all of humanity. The task that I ask of you is to recognize the fears that you and others create attached to the illusion of the unknown and to express your love and compassion so that all may move through this valuable lesson and exist within the loving heart of the Creator once more.
I am here to love, support and guide you, whenever you wish me to simply ask me to draw close to you.
With love,
Master Serapis Bey
Master Serapis Bey has also channelled a meditation to accompany this communication. The meditation assists you in overcoming fear of the Unknown energies around and within you. ** Click Here for More Information: www.omna.org/MP3_download.html **
May you walk in the love and light always,

Natalie was born in 1984, UK. Over seen by Archangel Michael, she now works as a channel for a vast variety of spiritual beings and Masters in the spiritual hierarchy. Through her website www.wisdomofthelight.com she shares the channeled messages of the Creator’s helpers to expand the awareness of humanity and assist in the raise in energy vibration of the planet. She offers a service of channeled readings from Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angels, Unicorns and Fairies.
Twelve Rays of Light Book Available Now * Free Video Meditation Visit: www.wisdomofthelight.com and view my video page where I am beginning to build a collection of guided meditations. * * The Sacred School of Om Na website * Channelled downloads written and in mp3 to aid the spiritual education of humanity. Visit www.omna.org * For the latest news visit my website www.natalieglasson.com * If you wish to view any past messages I am placing them in the weekly message gallery, go to www.wisdomofthelight.com and click on weekly messages. *

HEAVEN #3814
You Have a Destiny
May 5, 2011
God said:
What an occasion it is when We meet in your awareness. Imagine it. You suddenly see Who the One Who accompanies you is. You have seen shadows following you, and now you see the Sunshine of Love Who never leaves your side, Who never leaves your Inner Being. It is impossible for you to be without Me. With a trick of your mind, you have seen Me not.
With a trick of your mind, you have not felt the touch of My hand. You also may not have heard Me. The only way you would have not heard Me is if you close your ears. You are so stubborn in your waywardness. I call waywardness that which you may call independence.
Why on Earth would you want to presume that you have no need of a Friend like Me? Which is more laborsome? That you have closed your ears or you have pronounced Me non-existent? In any case, they are the same. Why would anyone want to live life without Me? What advantage is there? Why tie your hands in the name of independence or might? With Me along, you have greater independence from reliance on the world. With Me, you have more resources. Call it independent of you to rely on God.
You may say I am not reliable anyway. You may say I have committed sins against humanity. I do not. I would not. I will not. I do not have such a decision to make. I set the world in good order, and I gave you the right to make decisions. The world is not independent of you, beloveds. The world has to rely on you.
I am your Self-Reliance. Visit with Me every now and again. Soon you will stay with Me, and the gates to your heart will open extraordinarily. I ask you to love Me for your sake. That I love you is a given. My love is greater than the tide of the ocean. My love cannot be augmented. Your love, however, is just beginning to peek over the horizon.
Put your love together with Mine, and that is how to tango. The love from your heart and the love from Mine are such a combo. Oh, yes, this is the Music of the Spheres. This is the dance of Paradise. This is the pulse of Heaven. This is your destiny that We walk together arm in arm, heart in heart, love in love.
Tell Me, do you have a better destiny in mind? I am stumped. What could be better than the two of Us as One? What are you dreaming of? Let what is first come first.
You have been dependent upon something. What? A raise? An invitation to a ball? You have an ongoing invitation to be with Me. It is a silent invitation. It does not come with fanfare. It is a Come-As-You-Are invitation. It is not a white tie affair. It is a meeting of hearts. Once you accept My invitation, you will know what it is to let go of tension. You will know what it is to breathe. You will know what it feels like to be Home, to be welcomed Home, to walk in and know where you are and have always been. You are no stranger to Me, beloveds. Let Me not be a stranger to you. Come, let Us know each other. Come, let Us be Friends. Come, let Us embrace the way long-lost cousins in the world embrace, only far more. Let Us reunite in love of God and man and the world where your body temporarily resides. Come to Me now. Just come. I am here waiting for you.
Heavenletters™ Copyright1999-2011 -- Helping Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole world needs nourishing, Heavenletters is already proven to stir the hearts and souls of people of all ages all around the world and from all walks of life. * Gloria Wendroff, Godwriter™, Teacher, Speaker * The Godwriting™ International Society of Heaven Ministries * 703 E. Burlington Avenue, Fairfield, IA 52556 * www.heavenletters.org * http://twitter.com/heavenletters *

Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, you are most creative. It is most wonderful to watch you as you come up over the challenges that you set for yourself. You set challenges in front of you in order to prove—coming around by the back door—how creative, how strong you are; how divine you are, how everlasting you are; because nothing is ever lost, and you as divine energy will never ever be lost; changed, yes, because that is your desire, but never lost.
Visit our website: www.Oakbridge.org *

Speak Kindly: Stop Beating Yourself Up
by Cheryl Richardson
April 24, 2011
Last week I had a conversation with a friend who was disappointed in herself for not achieving a goal that she intended to accomplish. As I listened to her talk about what she could have done differently, I was amazed at how hard she was on herself. Really hard. Isn’t it strange how we actually think that berating ourselves will somehow make a positive difference? On the contrary, this negative habit usually keeps us stuck and unhappy. Negative self-talk is always a roadblock on the path to success.
To gain a bit of perspective, imagine saying the following to a teenager who was attempting to fulfill an important goal:
* You don’t have what it takes.
* You’ll never get it right.
* Lower your expectations.
* You’re not good enough.
* It’s already been done. Don’t bother.
* You should have accomplished this goal by now.

How often do you say these kinds of things to yourself? Every now and then? Every other day? Every day? Every few minutes? Come on! You’re so much more than that .
As you continue to live your life and to invest in your personal growth, please remember the following:
Be patient with yourself. If it takes you longer to get where you want to go, there might be a reason for it. If you could rise above your life and view it from a higher perspective you’d see exactly why things happen as they do. Allow for Divine timing. It works.

Ask for help and guidance. I still catch myself trying to go it alone during the most challenging of times. Slowly but surely I am learning that isolation not only slows down my progress, it makes me feel incredibly alone. You don’t need to suffer in silence. Give someone an opportunity to help you. They’ll get to experience the joy and pleasure that comes from being a generous spirit.

Embrace your disappointment and begin again. You will always face disappointment when you allow yourself to want more from life. And you can live through it. As you face disappointment and come out the other side, you’ll develop self-trust – a deep inner knowing that you can handle anything that comes your way.

Speak kindly to yourself. Think of yourself as the teenager in the example above. When you’re feeling discouraged the last thing you need is a critical parent beating you up. Instead, give yourself a gentle, loving reminder that your goals aren’t nearly as important as your relationship to yourself.

When you feel stuck or unsure of your next step, keep your heart and mind open with positive self-talk (see our Take Action Challenge below). As you do, you’ll find that wisdom and insight suddenly appear to guide you in the right direction.
Take Action Challenge

This week, pay attention to how you speak to yourself. The moment you catch yourself being mean or unhelpful, counteract the negative message with positive, self-accepting words of encouragement. Try these statements:
* I have exactly what it takes to succeed.
* I appreciate every single thing I do to make life better.
* I am so blessed to spend my life with me .
* I am strong and resilient.
* Everything is happening exactly as it should.
* I have unwavering trust in Divine timing.
* Or, my new favorite: “Life is conspiring in my favor.”
Remember, your thoughts direct the course of your life. Make sure you’re headed in the right direction
Life Makeover for the Year 2011(sm) is written and produced by Cheryl Richardson.© Copyright 1999-2009 Cheryl Richardson, P.O. Box 13, Newburyport, MA 01950, www.cherylrichardson.com. All rights reserved. Used with permission.
Have a question for Cheryl? Call in during her live Internet radio show -- Coach on Call -- on the Internet at www.hayhouseradio.com. The show airs live on Mondays at 5pm ET (2pm PT) and is replayed throughout the week. *

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