Faith Belief

Every form belongs to the Divine. When you adore the form, you adore the Divine behind the form.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Cedomil Vugrincic  M.D., Ph.D.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: 11:11 Progress Group 
Sent: Friday, May 31, 2013 7:46 AM

Alabama, US of A, March 4, 2011.
Thought Adjuster
“Believe it is Possible”
 – (Part 2).

Received by 

Thought Adjuster
: “How is it that many among you are not trying to get to know the Father, even when a lot of benefits are obtained by learning to listen to His voice, and only a modicum of faith is required? You may think this way because you have believed without seeing, and you have searched without knowing what you could find. For you this has been a gradual process that didn’t occur by chance. You searched in many places until you found the way to express the words that the voice of the Father provides you. Even after you were told you should write it all down, it took many years for you to decide to do so. Faith is not something that can be mastered overnight. It is a slow process of believing, and searching for truth with an open mind.

“Many will hear that they can listen to the Father, but they will never attempt to do so in this life. Many will hear that they can learn to write in order to discover the ideas, thoughts and inspirations that God leaves in their souls, but they will never put pen to paper to see what comes up. To try, apparently, is simple, but the barriers put up against believing in the possibility, are very strong. Human beings in this world have frequently been deceived, even by those in whom they trust, so they have become suspicious and sceptical.

“The credit for finding the Father will forever be bestowed upon the creature who made the effort to make it happen. Every day since the arrival of the Thought Adjuster, the Father does much more, but if the creature does not make decisions oriented towards the goal of finding God, it will never happen. The Father is always waiting for His children, never coercing them in any way. It is never too early, or too late, to find God, but why waste time?

“The labor of the light-workers is thus limited to show the path and let each one walk it on their own. Your messages are an ideal means because they will be found by those who are searching – those who have matured to be harvested for God. When the student is prepared the teaching appears. You, light-workers, will be placed where you are most needed. Be attentive and share what you have so freely received.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – 
ABC-22 • 11:11 Store 

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4580 A Shore Known as Love, June 9, 2013

God said:

Why would you allow love be a vehicle for suffering? Why on Earth would you let your heart be a tool for wounding you? Why would you have a wounding tool in your tool box when your heart, your original heart, is meant for sweetening? Bitter coffee may have its place, but a bitter heart? Never. There is no place in your heart for bitterness. Bitterness is going upstream whereas your heart is meant to flow downstream, all the way to a shore known as love.

Who would knowingly choose bitterness when there are honeyed fields beyond? Why not love, beloveds? Why not love for all you are worth? Why not love to beat the band? Why not love with all your heart?

You may well have misunderstood love, taken attachment, an ownership as the rites of passage when a stream of love is your passage all the way to My heart. Ultimately, beloveds, it is My heart you desire. You may consider someone else the emblem of My heart, and, yet, as dear as human beings may be to you, they cannot fulfill all that you dream of, no matter how clearly or how vaguely. There is no substitute for Me.

That’s how it is. That’s the way the wind blows.

That is hard for you to accept. You would like something in the world to give you true happiness, yet everything in the world tends to be short-lived. A new car, the top of the line, soon enough loses its charm or simply can’t satisfy the unnamed yearning you have. Of course, you want more than a top of the line car. Sooner or later, it needs servicing. It needs something from you. Soon enough, a car is just a car, and you want another.

So may it be with girlfriends and boyfriends, even with husbands and wives. What can satisfy you for long, or for long enough? One way or another, it seems that the love of your life is snatched from you.

I seek you. You live in the relative world, and I am Everywhere Always. I am in the relative world, and I am in Heaven, and the Kingdom of Heaven is within you. It is not outside you. It’s true that everyone is you, and yet there is One God. One of Us exists.

Certainly, there are glimpses of Me in the world. I fuel the whole world.

It is true that I am within the people you love, and, yet, still, there is One God, and that is what you seek permanently, not temporarily, not flitting from one butterfly to another. You want the Wholeness of Love, the Depth of Love, and that is not found in an outside object. It is always found within you.

Narcissus by the waters fell in love with his own outer image. He did not yet know about his own inner image. Made in My image, unknowingly, he forsook My image and adored his own outer image. An outer image does not suffice. Not over the long haul, and, sometimes, not over the short haul either.

Made in the image of Mine is your heart of love. Objects are simply not enough. Objects change. In the world, love objects often change.

Love objects are a beginning. And yet it is the Heart of Love you seek, and I am the Love that you ultimately seek. I seek your inner awareness of Me. I seek your knowing that I reside in your heart, and that I reside comfortably in your heart for all time. For all non-time. For all Eternity. You are My Infinite Love, and I am yours, and We are not Twain but One, One indefatigable love. Love Me, love you.


Today's Angel Message

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

So many of you are disenchanted with your world and yet there is such beauty coming to the surface in human hearts. There is such love infilatrating your planet. There are angels helping and assisting in the rebirthing of so many human lives. It is a time of intense change, evolution, and growth, and we in the heavens celebrate those of you who can see beyond the so-called chaos and find the emerging love that is rising, like the Phoenix rises from its own ashes. It is the springtime of your souls! It is a time of new life, new ideas, new desires, and a renewed resolution to experience God's love in so many of your hearts.

Whether it is a volcano in Iceland, a flower bursting forth through the hard desert soil into bloom, or all the emotions you have held under the surface for a lifetime - ALL is coming to the surface. God is asking you to bring ALL that you are up, and out of hiding, and into the light of His love. God is saying, "Dear ones, it is time to grow. It is time to bring your truth into the light. It is time to be honest with life, to respect yourself enough to ask for kindness, to love yourself enough to admit your dreams, and to realize I love you so much I want to help." To receive God's love dear ones, you must believe in God's love. Faith is not believing in what you have seen but rather believing so that you CAN see.

Give God a try. Dig deep into your own hearts and ask yourself, "Where do I not believe in Love? Where am I afraid to receive love? Where am I afraid to let go of control?" If you wish to truly feel God's hand in your life, you will have to let go of a bit of control. God has dreams for you that are better for you than anything you could imagine. Let us give you an example.

So many of you want a relationship. You say you want someone in your life and yet deep down, you are disillusioned with relationships, doubtful there is anyone out there for you, fearful of being hurt once again, and sometimes, not sure you really want one after all! In order to 'protect' yourself from pain you either avoid people or you go on a search for the perfect mate, evaluating human beings as if you were buying a new car! This is a no-win situation because your mind is saying "yes I want this" but your fears are saying "I better watch out. I don't believe God will bring this to me." And so, the universe, which was designed to lovingly allow all that is in you to be fulfilled says, "I must wait until you are clear."

Better to dig deep inside yourself and say, "God I want a relationship but I am afraid. I am not confident I can have one. Help me live and abide in your heart. Prevent what is not good for me, and make what is so enticing I cannot miss." Then live your lives dear friends! Be happy now. Be the kind of person you would want in your lives and your faith and your radiant being will be so filled with love that you will attract love. And whatever you do, dear ones, as you dig through your heart and soul, be gentle with yourselves. Have a sense of humor - for the human condition is truly a mixture of dark and light and you can lighten up just a little bit even in the most difficult times of growth.

You, dear ones, can allow for or block God's love in your life. God is waiting with angels by His side to assist you in all that you want and design for your life - not always in the exact ways you request; often better. God is waiting to pour His Love in your lives. But you must do the inner work. You must dig inside of yourselves and bring your hopes, dreams, desires, frustrations, unbelief, etc. to the surface, admit them to yourselves and ask for assistance in healing that which blocks your dreams. In this fashion, dear friends, you do the work you came to do here upon your planet earth. You bring everything within you into the light of God's love. And from this new level of honesty and willingness to receive, new life springs forth in great glory.

We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

Overcoming Fear of the Creator by Lady Vessa Andromeda
Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 31st May 2013-
Beloved light essence upon the Earth, I am Lady Vessa Andromeda, I am an
Andromedan being from the Andromedan Galaxy in the constellation of
Andromeda. You may label me as an extra-terrestrial being but I am of light and
Creator essence the same as you. I am currently supporting and overseeing the
service of the tenth ray of light of a pearlescent vibration and its integration
with the Earth. I am devoted to being of service to souls incarnate upon the
Earth, my greatest desire is for all to experience a deep oneness and
contentment in their unite with the Creator. In the vibration of oneness a great
volume of freedom is experienced. Everything that seemed important, essential
and of great value simply falls away and one is able to feel a true resonance
within and a greater experience of expansion. With and within the presence of
unity it can be as if one shifts from their current dimension into a different
dimension vibrational, mentally, emotionally and spiritually while remaining
present in their current reality. As a being on the Earth you are able to link into
the vibration and flowing current of the Creator’s light that pours through your
being. With the experience and acceptance of oneness you are able to
experience the every flowing current of the Creator and its entire network
systems and wealth of presence. I encourage the vibration of oneness because I
know that it can bring to your being the contentment and bliss that you seek to
experience. If you can imagine the Creator as a vast and expansive nourishment
supply, as soon as you connect into this supply you are able to allow the
nourishment to flow throughout your being eternally, you will be never wanting
or needing for anything else to support your existence because all that is
required will be naturally flowing throughout your being.
My desire to create oneness is also connected to bringing the aspects of the
Creator together in union and harmony. You are aware of rifts and separation
that occurs on the Earth but this can also occur within the Creator’s universe,
we are all aspects of the Creator all wishing to understand, learn and grow,
which sometimes means that a certain aspect of disharmony can manifest in
order for harmony to reign. Often disharmony manifests due to fear especially
fear of the unknown, unidentified and unfamiliar. Fear can also manifest because
of a feeling of insecurity, being unsupported or lack of control. With the
vibration of oneness you are able to erase all of these feelings, existing in love
within the vibration of love even if you are alone in your experience or reality. It
is often that connection or entering into unknown energies or unfamiliar
experiences causes a person to activate fear or withdraw their attention
ignoring their divine powerful presence within. Upon the tenth ray of light in this
present era of ascension I am assisting many souls incarnate on the Earth and
the inner planes to overcome their fears of the unknown, unfamiliar and
unidentified in connection with the Creator. I feel that it is extremely valuable to
focus upon this subject matter especially as many people are being asked to
embody all that is the Creator to serve their ascension process.
The truth is that we are all unable to perceive the Creator completely, especially
if you are in a physical body and experience the façade of separation. The
Creator, when you observe with your mind or your intellect is an unknown
energy and a vibration that can be difficult to interpret or even put into words to
manifest an explanation.  The Creator appears to be unknown, unfamiliar and
undefinable and yet there is something within you that drives you to seek a
closer union with the Creator even though you are not completely certain with
what you are uniting. A personal picture or explanation can form within the
mind to allow for you to focus and give a personality to the Creator even when
there is no personality present.  A personal description may not hold the
complete truth but offers a source of guidance and centralised focus for you to
concentrate upon. In a reality when everything has a form, label and a purpose
it can be unthinkable that an energy source which has none of these could be
your original essence, your truth and that which you derive from. You are told
that all that you are experiencing however solid is a mirror and a creation from
within your being, reality is therefore an illusion. Instead you are being asked to
focus upon something that you cannot grasp, truly understand or categorise. In
truth that is the key to experiencing a resonance and oneness with the Creator,
it is the moment of surrender.
If you can imagine that you are holding onto and truly believing in all that is
your solid and physical reality, but you decide to inhale deeply letting go of your
attachment to your reality as you exhale, you allow yourself to surrender.  In
that moment before you surrender you may find fear of the unknown. In the
moment as you breathe through the fear and accept the process of surrendering
you will find peace. Belief in the unknown in itself is an illusion; you are more
familiar with the vibration of the Creator than you are the physical reality. Fear
of the unknown is only a result of distrust in the constant and eternal support of
the Creator.  When you believe that the Creator is within you and supports you
constantly then there is no need to activate fears as you are aware and have a
deep knowingness that you are always provided for in all and every way. It is
your belief in your physical reality and your lack of belief in the Creator that
causes fear of the unknown. You may recognise that similar fears manifest
within your physical experiences this is to assist you in overcoming your fear of
surrendering into the Creator and all that is the Creator.
Allow yourself to observe your reality; are you fearful of change, are you
distrusting of people, do you feel you need to control your reality, are you
unable to open your mind to there being something more than the Earth?
Observe your small fears in your daily life, once recognised, these will give you
the opportunity to surrender to the Creator which is actually to realise and
accept that you are always provided for and eternally supported.
Surrendering is to accept that you are always provided for and supported.
Recognising the Creator as love is the easiest way to perceive the Creator.
Many people fear love because again it is to trust almost beyond yourself in
something that cannot be defined, grasped or touched. It is the alterations of
your being and the expansion or freedom that you may experience that brings
up fear, also the experience of not being in control. Are you ready to realise that
you have never had control over your reality and experiences and yet you have
always been the creator of your reality and experiences? Control and creation
are different expressions, when you control something you limit it and belief
that you hold the most appropriate knowledge. When you create you manifest
from the power, the essence, the truth within your being, connected to a freely
flowing current of the Creator’s vibration and abundance that is always
provided to you and will never ever be taken away from you. It is important to
realise if you are fearful of letting go of control or the unknown transitions that
may occur, if you can allow yourself to exist in and as the love of the Creator
then love is all that you attract and create, experiencing amplified love within
your being and reality becomes inevitable. How this love manifests maybe
unknown but it becomes an exciting journey of wonderful experiences, being
guided and supported within every moment of your reality.
It is now time to dissolve illusions of fear and separation as they no longer
serve you as you continue to embrace all that is the Creator. I wish to invite you
to join me in meditation or in your sleep state in the tenth ray ashram upon the
inner planes in order to support you in dissolving fears of the unknown, of
change and of surrendering and any other fears connected to oneness with the
Creator. Now is the time to allow yourself the greatest gift of being at one with
the Creator with every breath that you inhale and exhale. Simply hold the
intention before your meditation or sleep time say;‘Lady Vessa Andromeda, I
call upon your support and presence as well as the support and presence of the
tenth ray of light, please work with my energy as you allow your light and the
light of the tenth ray to flow over and through my being dissolving, healing and
releasing fears of the unknown, of change and of surrendering and any other
fears connected to oneness with the Creator. I accept as a gift from myself the
reality of being at one with the Creator with every breath that I inhale and
exhale. Thank you.’Allow yourself time to experience the energies, to observe
any shifts and realisation that may surface and focus upon your oneness with
the Creator.
I am here to support you in this most important healing process,
Lady Vessa Andromeda

