1.) Today's Angel Message
2.) Council of Light: Entering
a Place of Complete Emptiness
3.) Manifesting Your Vision on
High-Energy Days
4.) Our Divine Right to Affirm
Or Decree
5.) Jeshua - Message
of the Day
6.) The Waves and the Ocean
7.) Astria of Electra:
Disclosure,Truth And Freedom
Isis' Message of the Day -
"A grain of dust contains the whole universe. When
a flower opens, the whole world appears."
~ Zen ~
I AM ISIS a "Spiritual Warrior of the Light."
In my hand I hold the Sword of Truth.
I wish you Joy, Love & Peace,
~ Lady of the Light ~
Angel Message ====================
Dear Ones.
Life sparkles. See how the sunlight reflects off the variety of surfaces around you. Feel the warmth of the sun as it penetrates
through your skin, charging up you cells, similar to your understanding of photosynthesis. Exposure to the sun (in moderation
of course) is vital. It rejuvenates you in ways your scientists do not understand. Let the sun caress your eyelids. Its loving
rays will help your eyes and muscles relax. You have forgotten to take the moments to relax. Find the time for enjoyment.
Find the time to laugh. Find the time to love. Bless your hearts.
Cynthia Lee Shelton, LCSW a licensed psychotherapist
with 25 years of experience in traditional therapy, psychic intuitive therapy, and healing energy work.
Cynthia has been described this
way: "Take the best therapist you have ever experienced along with an amazing healer and psychic - toss in some angels and
some pretty interesting guides - and you get Cindy Shelton. Her ability to get right to the essence of you and your problems
is awesome. She's one of a kind!" * www.cynthialeeshelton.com/ *
Council of Light: Entering a Place of Complete Emptiness
As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan
June 21, 2012
As you walk forth into a door of completeness,
the longing for what you once desired will be fulfilled. For in the recognition of completeness there are no needs, there
are no desires, there are no wants. All is automatically filled by its matching parts of completion. As you sit in the place
of what you once were and all that you are destined to be, you come to a climatic point of reference. You look back upon your
life, you think and ponder, was all of that necessary in order to become who I am now? Could I have reached this point without
the stress, the strains, the moans, the groans? The answer that you hear so ponderously in the background of your thinking
is No!
You needed to walk the ladder of experience
in order to come to the roof of yourself, in order to see over the hills and the dales of your creations. You enter a place
of pure emptiness. A place where you have completely emptied out of what you thought you were suppose to do who you thought
you were to be. It is a place that you do not need to fill with any thoughts or yearnings.
For in the emptiness there is a divine fullness.
It is only by emptying a glass that you experience its full capacity. When something is full and complete, the next step is
emptying, and then there is a filling, and then another emptying. The universe abhors a void, so nothing stays empty long.
You all enter into a doorway where you ask yourself
in truth what is the light really? Do I need to pray to the light? Do I need to think about the light or can I agree that
all is light? It is in this next step of contractual agreement that you will understand that everything that makes its way
into your eyesight and hindsight was issued as a frequency of light. Light defines itself in completion as light.
The vibrations of all substance reside with
their genetic imprint. Like an architect that keeps a copy of your original house plans. There is a vibrational blueprint
of the original creation. The light holds the original blueprint of all things. Light comes in more shades, then most colors
do. Think about the times you tried to match white to white or black to black, in clothing or in paint. There are thousands
of shades of white and there are thousands of depths of black.
Humanity is now asked to stretch themselves
and swim through all the unbleached whites and dive deep into the abyss of the darks, passing thru all shades of gray. You
come fully into your power not judging the many shades of life. Each of you in your Creational Vortices will become translators
of light and dark. This translation is to be made in a new awareness and understanding that serves the highest good.
It would be a very bland world if everything
were vanilla. The rocky road of your experiences has served you well. The ups and downs of who you know yourself to be, has
brought to you the character lines of your being. Walking the path of poverty and prosperity has given you both the pauper
and the prince’s viewpoint and thus has seasoned you well.
So stand tall in this Creational Vortex of experience
knowing that everything is perfect. Stand on the chessboard of this experience stretching your self and encompassing all roles.
We are the Council of Light, all shades of light. We thank you for extending yourself and pushing past previous perimeters.
We leave you acknowledging your bright lights.
Manifesting Your Vision on High-Energy Days
Selacia's Blog Article on Solstice
June 21, 2012
A change in seasons like today's solstice is
a perfect time to update yourself and take stock of where you are on your path. Knowing it is solstice, you can set your intention
to take advantage of today's high energy to help you realize your dreams.
Most likely, you have a clear vision of what
you want to create in your life. It's helpful to update that vision regularly, though, and to get specific about how you will
manifest it in physical reality.
To be sure, regularly updating your visions
and aspirations helps you keep your energy current so you can accelerate forward movement. By looking at your personal visions
over time, too, you can see how far you have come. This helps during those moments when you doubt anything is happening or
wonder if you are on track.
Imagine, then, that today on solstice, you could
create something brand-new in your life. This could be a healthier body, happier relationships, increased income, or a host
of other things. Consider right now which of your goals is most important to you.
Invite your higher wisdom to help you clarify
which project or goal could benefit most from your attention right now. When you ask for clarity, simply go with the first
idea that comes to you. Don't over-think it or worry about the "how" - simply select it like you would a file on your computer.
When you determine what goal is most important,
write it down on a sheet of paper. This will help it to be more real and will give you further insights as you contemplate
questions like the following. What have I overlooked or forgotten to do to help make my goal a reality?
Prayers and intentions are important, but
also consider external world factors. These include your own actions, thought patterns, and emotional responses. Are you overthinking
things? Are you remaining positive and present-focused? Prayers are answered. You must ask, though, and be clear about what
you want. You benefit most when you state requests positively, become observant of what shows up afterwards, and take constructive
action in a timely way. As you do this, you create from your empowered divine changemaker role.
Is your goal both practical and heart-centered?
To succeed in manifesting your goal, you
must make a plan that includes both. Success comes when you take action on the plan and keep positive. Avoid analyzing or
overthinking - just do. If you analyze, you may start criticizing - blocking your success.
What simple step could I take today to help
bring my vision into manifestation?
The answer to this will show you something
simple you can put in motion - the action big or small helping to energize your goal. Examples include: a phone call,
responding to an email, signing up for an exercise class, scheduling time with a friend you haven't seen for months, or letting
go of anger towards a business partner. The simple first step is what counts today. Who or what have I given
my power to, allowing their actions or inaction to stall my progress?
As you answer this question, you may be
reminded of a person or organization. Perhaps you have been waiting for someone's response, for an organization to get funding,
or for someone to have a change in view. Consider that waiting, in practical terms, is sometimes needed - with the divine
timing for your project unfolding in the background. There may be other levels, however, involving subtle and multidimensional
factors. Invite your inner wisdom to provide clarity about the role of these factors in your progress. Consider that you may
be waiting on a job offer that won't come - not because of you, but due to the politics within an organization. Acknowledge
that these things can occur and you may have unknowingly given your power away. Intend that you reclaim your power, and with
that, increased clarity about potential obstacles and how to overcome them. No matter how far away your goal
appears, you can be closer to it with the positive steps you take today. Don't be concerned with which step you take first
or how many steps you take - the key is to use today's high energy to bring you closer to your dreams. Don't
let expectations of what was "supposed to be" ruin your present and future moments. Simply start fresh each day, allowing
your heart to show you the way.
(Note: you are most welcome
to publish these articles on your website, blog, and social media - as long as you provide the source - Selacia - http://www.Selacia.com * Thank you for sharing these articles and for your
connection and feedback over the years. May you walk your path with love and blessings!) *
Our Divine Right to Affirm Or Decree
by Alec Christos Gabbitas
June 20. 2012
The power of affirmation and decree is ours
by divine right and as we are all searching for self mastery and the betterment for one and all, including very much our beloved
planet, hosted by the Lady Gaea. Following are a few decrees and affirmations that might be of some assistance to you. As
we utilise this power of decree/affirmation, it invites into play the universal powers that be, namely: Source, the ascended
masters, the archangels / angelic, elohim, law lords, galactic and space commands, light brotherhoods, in fact every being
and facility that is in The Light and in Highest Good who serve Hu-man kind in these ascending realities that we are indeed
so blessed to be part of...
“I claim my power as a being of light
and within this power and in the name of Love, Grace, and the Will of God I decree..." saying then what you wish to manifest..
affirm 3 times for good intent.. .
“I am worthy, I am loved, I am that
I am, I am my ascension in the light”
“I am the light, I am the love, I
am that I am, I am my ascension in the light.”
“I forgive myself, I forgive all others,
I am abundantly forgiven on all levels.”
“I am abundantly healthy and wealthy
in mind, body, soul, spirit, money and substance.”
“I am abundantly fulfilled in all
things and conditions for my highest good made manifest now.”
“I am aligned with my divine plan
and in keeping with all universal laws of manifestation.”
“I am aligned with my divine mission
and in keeping with my divine soul blueprint.”
" I command the full power and activity
of the blue power ray, the golden Christ ray, the violet freedom flame to consume all negativity within or around
me, or directed against me.”
"Be still and know that I am God ... be God
and know that I am still!"
" I call forth the full power of Arch Angel
Michael and the legions of light, mighty El Moyra and beloved St. Germain, and I command that any attacks upon me and the
children of light be consumed by the violet flame, transformed and taken into the light. I call forth a dome of invincible
cosmic light protection, of golden white Christ light to encircle my being, premises and focus of activity, now and hence
" I call forth the full power of the cosmic
light, AA Michael and the legions of light, to cut me free, instantly and completely from all past and present bondage. To
cut all ties that bind, both psychically and emotionally, incarnate or discarnate, past present or future and accelerate
my spiritual freedom as a child / being of God, according to my divine plan. I am set free, free, free, I am my ascension
in the light, I Am that I Am!”
" I call forth the presence of AA Michael
and all legions of light to manifest the blue flame of protection. Let it blaze within, through and all around my being, physical,
etheric, emotional, mental and spiritual; my mind, my soul, my body, my world! Place a golden ring of protection around my
being and let it blaze throughout this house / car/ property/ self....so It Is Now.
“I invoke the three fold flame of golden
white Christ light, the mighty blue flame of power and protection, and the divine pink flame of unconditional love to
surge through the totality of my being, regenerating/reactivating every atom of my being and inducing harmony and abundant
blessings in the fullness of my divinity.”
Oakbridge University - Jeshua - Message of the Day
Beloved one, as you remember that you have choice,
you begin to feel in the heart the expansion of divinity that is you. After the time period that you call 2012, there is going
to be yet a progression of challenges for humankind, but there’s also going to be a progression of understanding that
the challenges are not so much negative as they are gifts. The challenges will still be there.
Waves and the Ocean
21, 2012
God said:
How different
life seems when you are with Me. What a difference it makes to you when you know you are with Me. When you do not know that
you are with Me and do not know I am with you, it is like you are in a dark marsh. Life with conscious awareness of Me, however,
is like being in a sunshine-filled glen. There is a world of difference between life in a marsh or in a sun-filled glen. There
is a world of difference between emptiness and fullness. Of course, you are always living in fullness yet you also want to
know you are. You want to experience it. Theory and experience are two different things. Come, stay with Me in My heart as
I abide in yours.
There is no
need to live without Me. There is blessing to knowingly live with Me. We share the same heart. We are like roommates. We co-habit.
We do not depart. We are not apart from each other. We swing and sway. We go along hand in hand.
Please do not
think you are unworthy of My Presence. Accept that I am with you right now. Don't go at life alone. Yes, you are the waves
of the Ocean, yet you are also the Ocean Deep.
Earth is a
great creation, and so are you. Look at all I put before you. Look at the variety of trees and seashells. Look at the variety
of animals. Incredible, isn't it? And the lion and the lamb will lie down together. Look at the variety of human beings. Limitless
variety, and limitless human beings. No two alike. How can that be? How can it be that there are no two alike in the history
of the world, and yet I maintain that there is Oneness.
Of course,
there is Oneness. Within the variety is Oneness. Variety is form. Oneness is Oneness. You are My Oneness, beloveds. Everyone
is your soul mate. Everyone. Souls rub elbows. Your soul knows whereof I speak. Souls gather in Oneness. There is a gathering
of souls even as there is Oneness. One meets himself and finds himself within Me.
We are joined.
We are joined in joy. There is nothing else to be joined in. Well, yes, We can call joy love and love joy, and We can be so
happy together on Earth as We can be in Heaven. This is the absolute Truth. All it takes is a change in your perception. Perceive
Truth, perceive Oneness, and the whole configuration of life on Earth changes before your very eyes. Once you saw life one
way. Now you see life another way.
Perhaps you
saw life as a trial, and now you see life as an adventure and an adventure that no one before you has ever experienced and
an adventure that no one after you will ever experience either, and yet you are Oneness, and Oneness is One. How can this
be? Variety and Oneness. It depends upon which window you look through. Look through the windows of My eyes. See what I see.
See in bright light. See for the first time in your life. See what has always been that you had not seen, for you were looking
elsewhere. You cannot see the Ocean when your back is to it until you turn around. When you turn around, all you can see is
the Ocean. Perception means view, and now you are changing your view. Change your view, and you see differently.
In Truth, you
are the See-er. You are the one who sees. You can see desert, jungle, or Paradise. It depends on where you are looking. You
can see Me in Our combined heart, or you can see something else. See Me. I want to be seen. I want to be known. I want you
to know Me. And I want you to know Me through yourself. I already know you. I know you more than skin deep. I know you as
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Human Beings Come Closer to God and Their Own Hearts * In these times when the whole world needs nourishing, Heavenletters
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* P.O. Box 2064, Fairfield, Iowa 52556 * www.heavenletters.org * http://twitter.com/heavenletters *
A Message From The Pleiades
Astria of Electra: Disclosure,Truth
And Freedom
Channeled by AuroRa Le June 12, 2012
Dear Ones, I am Astria of Electra, a Pleiadian
of feminine expression, an Archeia. To be Angelic is no different than to compare the various ethnicities which make
up your culture on Earth. All are One, and therefore no particular part of the One must be perceived as being any greater
or wiser, or any lesser than the the other. To be Angelic is to simply be a messenger for God, as we are tasked to spread
far and wide the very same wisdom that you each possess in your higher consciousness. There is very little difference
otherwise, and so it is, by the will of The Creator. I am a healer of a certain type and a Master of the Crystals.
My home is on the Electra star, within the Golden Temple at Uru.
I am a sister to AuroRa and twin flame to the
one in this lifetime whom she calls son. She is a sister of my soul and also my sister by way of origination.
How can this be, you may ask? How might one be “born” when there has never been a beginning nor shall there
ever be an end? Well, I shall tell you, as it is not expected that you would remember this. Think of your soul
group as your family. At the "Time That Is No Time" we were created as a single group of shining sparks of light.
The sparks divided and split off, then split again, and on this process went. From one smaller spark springs you and
your Divine Twin Complement. And it is in this way that God’s great Universe became richly populated with life.
Ah, AuroRa, I see that you remember nothing of these things. Dear listeners, I do not expect this concept to make sense
at all to you this day, so put it aside for now. For you shall grasp it soon, when the last shred of the veil of illusion
falls away. You shall understand me then.
On this occasion of my first transmission
to the blessed ones of Earth, I wish to speak of truth and freedom as I perceive it from this place. You chose to enter
the denseness of physicality as champions for the higher good, at this time of upheaval and rejuvenation. You knew that
the freedom of the masses would not come easily, and you agreed to help this cause by means of strenuous labor and much
frustration. I commend you, as this is no small thing to undertake. Now your work is near complete and you must
now spread the word to all humanity that these are to be days of increased and very serious discernment. Discernment,
I say, and never judgement. To offer judgement in any way is akin to stepping backwards, so do not lower your vibration
in this way. To humankind I say, question carefully all that you have been taught to believe and all the actions of
the ones you see as holding positions of trust. Refute the ludicrous disinformation that pervades your media and sources
of entertainment. Place your faith in God and only God, and create a sense of hope for those around you.
The truth shall make you free. Shortly,
there shall be put a clear voice to a series of information, which tells the truth about the visitors from the stars.
Understand that for a great many years the roundtables of world power kept hidden the truth about humanity. Expect it
to resurface in an effort to place us, your family, in an honest and favorable light. History shall re-tailor itself
to know the truth and be accepting of us, as we are great friends. Before many on Earth are able to trust us,
we have to tell the real story of how we resisted the influences of the darker energies and remained independent of any harmful
undertakings. Look to the Pleiades, to Sirius, Andromeda, Arcturus and so many more locales that you call home.
They sparkle bright above you in the night-time sky, and are not so very far away as they may seem. Experience our loving
presence in your hearts, as we feel your longing for us in ours. Expect the false cover of secrecy to be torn away, and then
the freedom of the human race is guaranteed. Expect that you are going to have some of our people hidden well
among you, people of Star Origin, this to see to the safety of the populace. It gives us a much stronger element of
success. When the truth is revealed, we see mankind as being more curious than afraid. It is our belief, as it
is yours, that everything good to come for your planet begins with full disclosure. I mean not only the disclosure of
our presence and of our ships, but the truth about who you are and a factual accounting of the planet’s past.
We observe that many people are beginning to question the happenings of the earlier times. The realization dawns that
they have been fooled and their minds fettered with lies. Once the truth has resurfaced, all of the rest of the events
related to Ascension shall fall neatly into place. Keeping with the topic of Disclosure, there is much that you, the
chosen emmissaries of our Creator, might do to bring it about.
It is clear and straightforward, Dear Ones.
Speak the truth. Deny no longer who and what you are, and cease the perpetuation of anything which allows the blasphemy
to persist. Let it be known what it is you do and do not believe, in whom you do or do not trust. Speak up, as
this is the only way the others shall understand. The conditioning of these sleeping ones runs deep, as so many are
not such seasoned travelers as yourself. They are young and do not have the experience to know better. You must
help them, you must make them see. For do you not know that to experience disclosure you need only look into a mirror
and observe yourself? They must be made to understand that they know themselves to be within is the very essence of
the beings they fear without. If only more upon your planet could grasp this simple concept, we could put swiftly to
rest this page of planetary history and move on. Do you know of what I speak? It is when everyone understands
that to fear us is to fear your own self. We are all one and the same. Tell them. These are not the days
to be reticent. This is your mission. We cannot do it for you.
Lastly, please stay understanding of the children.
These are tumultuous times. These great beings of high intelligence are here to uphold the new gateway to independent
living, free from the tyranny under which you have become so accustomed to living. Provide them with as life which is
joyous and free of stressors. Give thought before providing them with
formulas and vaccines, as most of these souls have arrived with an inborn resistance to a number of your diseases.
Their DNA was upgraded partially, prior to birth. Heal them with rest and a peaceful environment. Place crystals
upon afflicted areas. Form between you feelings of blessed love, and focus preferably upon the heart.
Know this one thing and you shall emerge triumphant;
love can never fail you. Even the worst of trouble disappears in the presence of love. Should you permit me, I desire
to return to speak again. I find it pleasing and not at all as taxing to myself as I had originally thought. Allow
me to assist you in the remembering of your truth. Until this time, please carry with you love and prayers from The
Pleiades, to bring you comfort in these days.
I am Archeia Astria..
About Me
I am an Angelic/Pleiadian, and one of the ten
Pleiadian, Sirian and Angelic women who make up The Council Of The Venus Ray. I’m also a Mom, a lightworker and
a business owner. This wonderful lifetime is my one and only incarnation on the Planet Earth. I’m known,
as we all are, by many names… as Bella Capozzi, on my Earth journey, and (in “reality”) as Archeia AuroRa
or LoRa Le.
There are many of us here on Earth at this time,
living ordinary lives. Some, like me, have known who or what they are all along and safely held that knowledge in a
private, sacred space. This, until the moment we can’t play the game anymore and burst full-force out of the Spiritual
Closet, kicking the door shut behind us. Then there are our other blessed brothers and sisters who are just now having
their aha-moment, and are stepping forward to share their amazing truths.