Easter Sunday


March 31, 2013—EASTER SUNDAY
My children, this is your Father Michael.  Happy Easter to one and all!  This is a day of great celebration for it is the day when humanity rejoices in eternal life—rebirth and renewal. This is the process of the creative LIFE FORCE that exists within your Divine Mother, and this day discloses the physical proof I demonstrated that life is a continuation of growing from one phase of existence to another. 
In my human life as Joshua ben Joseph, I experienced the cessation of the energies of my physical body, only to emerge days later in a new form—one not quite spirit and one just beyond the physical.  This is the form you will take once you leave your native sphere and embark on the ascension journey throughout the universe.  I paved the way for you to help you understand that what you have perceived and conceived as death is really just the shedding of the old skin in favor of something more suitable for your soul to grow and expand.  It is not an experience to fear but to anticipate and rejoice.
On this day when the world celebrates my resurrection, know that you too one day will be resurrected in this new form.  However, you can begin that journey now by your desires and motivations to become more God-like and more soul conscious—claiming your divine inheritance and true identity.  Then life in its various phases and stages is an adventure and one where you will always be learning, growing, loving and experiencing the glories of creation that God has provided to all of His children.  It is a marvelous opportunity, my children, and one that this day I hope you will reflect upon and let the Spirit etch a deeper yearning upon your heart.  Glory in the power of RESURRECTION!

Chicago, US of A, March 2, 2013.
Teacher Prolotheos.
Subject: “Evolution.”

Received by Valdir Soares.

Prolotheos: “Evolution is a means by which the Gods ‘print their design’ onto space-time creation. Indeed, it is not the only way by which creation appears in the Universes. There is creation by fiat, by generation and by evolution. Urantia’s evolution of life started with the life formulation by the Life Carriers, and it will go on into the eras of Light and Life through the progressive ‘synthetization’ by the resident Planetary Deity Supreme. Evolution is a complex process which cannot be fully understood, even by the very human beings it produces. Sadly, evolutionary religion does not allow itself to be comprehended, whilst ignorance grossly distorts it.

“The first erroneous concept about evolution on Urantia is the affirmation that life evolution is purely a result of chance. Nothing in the Universes is purely random. God exists and leaves nothing to chance. Even when he gives free choice to personal beings, the very finiteness and limitations of these beings, and the established divine order make their choices to eventually fall within the ultimate plans of the Gods. Evolution has no beginning, neither has conducted randomness. It originates from space energies, is manipulated by highly endowed Celestial Beings, and is developed under close supervision by Celestial Administrators until personality manifests in a particular species.

“Another wrong idea about evolution is the assumption of transitional links between the species. There are mutations within species, but a new species is born fully fledged, with distinct characteristics from its ancestors. Each species has a mutation limit and what comes next is always new. However, when personality manifests in a greatly evolved species, no other species will later manifest personality. That is why from the Primates, only the species which evolved to be human beings, are endowed with personality. The reason why paleontologists can’t find the ‘missing link’ in evolution, is because it never existed. This shows you that an intelligent (divine) design is clearly at work.

“One last wrong idea about evolution is the want to explain everything in terms of evolution. Evolution is pretty well done with on Urantia, especially in human beings. Evolution will not produce a different species more intelligent than human beings. The progress in human civilization is caused by increasing knowledge of biological and physical sciences that is acquired, improved and passed on to new generations. Evolution is a biological process and it is not meant to be a philosophical system to explain everything. Evolution does not explain God, or faith, or moral values in humans; only personality – a treasured gift from God – can explain these concepts.

“Therefore, my pupil, evolution reflects the design of God to bring forth beings that are suited to receive their personality from the Father, and even host the marvelous Fragments of God, the Thought Adjusters. Some religionists cannot accept the reality of evolution because its explanation comes mainly from Science that cannot account for the existence and operation of God in the Universes. Nonetheless, evolution has its own testimony in the geologic history of Urantia, even if mistakenly interpreted by many biased scientists. Only blind religiosity can deny evolution, just as arrogant science denies God. I am Prolotheos. Peace to all.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
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Heavenletter #4511 It’s a Beautiful World, April 1, 2013 

God said: 

So much of what occurs in the world depends upon your view of the world. There, I have said it.

There is a tendency for the children of My heart to feel that they are inconsequential. I understand that the world may overlook you. The world can and too often does, but that’s the world for you, and so feel overlooked, unnoticed, unimportant if you must. However, I AM your Creator. The world is not to recreate you. I created you, and now you create your own view of the world and your place in it.

I tell you that you have a prominent place in the world. I am not feeding your ego. I would not feed your ego. What am I saying has nothing to do with ego. It has to do with your Spirit, and it has to do with your responsibility. Don’t feel burdened by the thought that you play an important part in the world. You can hold the world up instead of putting it down.

Certainly, the world has a trail of errors. Anyone can see them. Anyone can point out the errors of the world, for they are yours as well. You may cry out for more love in the world, yet, what are you giving to the world but your impression of it?

The world that you see reflects your view. The world does dance to your tune. You are not meant to reflect a humdrum world, nor are you meant to reflect a scary world. You have to hold your shoulders high. You are to minister to the world, not point out its faults. This is not the first time that you will do well to treat the world as though you are the parent of it.

Your child may have broken a dish. He may have spilled ink. He may have thrown toys everywhere. A parent who is building his child cannot only comment on the broken dish, the spilled ink, the disarray of toys, not to the child and not in a parent’s own thoughts. Give your child a hug. Help him pick up his toys without harping on him. It is essential that you point out the beauty and goodness of your child to him.

And so must you uplift and inspire the world. It is for you to remark on what you want more of from the world. What is the tenor of your thoughts, and what is the tenor of your speech that you convey to the world to encourage it to blossom into the fullness of its splendor? I know you want splendor. If you are going for splendor, you can’t keep swirling the muddy waters. And so, keep the pure fresh water of your thoughts and your words coming along.

If you want peace and prosperity, think peaceful and prosperous thoughts. If you prefer to protest and provoke, you likely will create more protest and provocation. Which is smarter, beloveds? Some of My children tend to prefer excitement to peace. Some of My children may prefer complaint to pleasure.

Now that you know the way to progress, progress. Let your thoughts lead the world to green pastures.

What if you cheered the world on today? All you would have to do is to think and talk about some of the great things that you have seen or remembered or desired. Picture what freedom looks like. Picture what happiness looks like. Today has held glory for you and will hold more glory in it, and you are here, present in the world, to point its glory to a world that looks to you to show it where you want it to go.