SaLuSa: Earth is not an “open house”
that just anyone can visit
{Channelled} You have been working
towards this important time for thousands of years, endeavouring to reach a level of consciousness that will enable you to
leave this cycle at its closing. This is because you have to be at a particular stage of consciousness before you can fully
take part in the Ascension process, and it cannot be achieved without great planning and help. Leaving you to do so on your
own, would have meant that very few of you could have been successful. The lower vibrations have proved so difficult to rise
up from, and in fact we know that your civilisation would not have reached the millennium, as it would have already destroyed
itself. It is with some pleasure and satisfaction that we look at you now, on the verge of a great transition
that we have helped you achieve. We feel sure that some of you older ones can look back at your lifetime, and recognise how
far you have travelled and how much you have evolved spiritually. It has been a lively period and exceptionally challenging,
yet you have achieved so much success. The energies will intensify during these final years, and we expect to see many other
souls awaken in time to understand and accept the opportunity to ascend. It would gladden our hearts to see every one of you
do so, but freewill gives you the choice to decide for yourself. That is a sacred Law that no one can deny and we observe
in our service to you. The chances are that most readers of these messages are at least part way to accepting
the opportunity to ascend. We hope therefore to dispel any fears you may have, as we know that major changes to your life
are not always welcomed with open arms. However, if you fail to recognise that Humanity has already unknowingly been in an
advanced stage of surrender to the dark forces, you may choose not to ascend without realising that you are destined to remain
in this dimension. Our contact with you is to open your eyes to what has been going on around you, while at the same time
assure you of help to break away from the clutches of the dark forces. More importantly, you need to be aware of the Creator’s
plan for your Universe and its upliftment, that is taking place now. There is hardly anyone who has not become
aware of a massive upheaval where the Earth is concerned. At the outset it looks as if chaos will reign, but those who are
enlightened know that it is for a greater purpose. This cycle of duality must end very soon, and with it all souls must decide
their own future. Circumstances will dictate that a massive cleansing must first take place and that is where we come in.
We are to assist you to restore Mother Earth, so that evidence of her rape and destruction from Man’s presence can be
removed. As ambassadors to Earth, we shall also walk amongst you and be your mentors and spiritual teachers for the upliftment
of your consciousness. Be sure we are totally committed to our tasks, and we shall make certain you are ready
for the final process of Ascension. Our plans are already providing results, but we cannot always reveal what we are doing.
That however will change when we are able to come out openly, and share our knowledge with you. You are an integral part of
everything that is planned, and we shall join hands in a great friendship that will remain as we all move upwards in the final
days and leave this cycle. If you need inspiration to keep you going, just think of the happiness and peace that will descend
upon Earth when the truth of your future is realised. From chaos to calmness and order, sorrow to joy and a future clearly
defined that respects your sovereignty. As we have told you previously, your worldly problems are by no means
finished but out of the ashes of the old paradigm a new one will rise up. Where you might now find it difficult to visualise
the new Earth, see it as cleansed of all that has no place in the higher dimensions. There will be beauty in every direction
that you look, and the monstrosities that blight your landscape now will disappear. Buildings and factories such as your industrial
complexes will eventually be removed and in some instances that will be permanent, as new methods and means of production
will be installed. Even this will be short lived, as there will come a time when little if any manufacturing will need to
take place. We know that many of you are uncertain as to how the changes will ultimately affect you, as you are
concerned about your property and belongings. Let us tell you that you will keep what you have, until the time arrives when
even that may prove unnecessary or suitable for the higher dimensions. Everything in them will be of a higher vibration, and
more attuned to the Light. Your earthly materials inevitably decay with time, but the new ones will last indefinitely until
you have finished with them. You have heard mention of crystal cities, and they will become your home as you ascend through
the dimensions. The great step up in your evolution has hardly commenced, and the material side of your life will change dramatically.
It will all be to your advantage and upliftment, and in time you will be able to move freely around the Universe as a Cosmic
Being. We enjoy telling you of what lays ahead, because you need to be ready for the changes and in knowing you
are better able to form a new mindset. It also helps keep your focus on the future and be less distracted by other happenings.
Meantime the truth of what has been taking place in the past century is being released, and you will find that many people
will have to account for their actions. Whether on Earth, or off Earth there is always accountability for any deeds that have
adversely affected other souls. The major culprits will be subject to your laws, and as you must know by now you will answer
for what you have done, if only because you are ultimately your own judge and jury. I am SaLuSa from Sirius,
and I along with my companions represent the Galactic Federation where contact with you is concerned. We are not the only
ones allowed to do so, but you may be sure that the Earth is not an “open house” that just anyone can visit. We
protect you from the intrusions of unevolved entities, and there can only be exceptions if a karmic situation exists. Fear
nothing, as you are safe and greatly cherished and loved by us. +++