
Earth. mp3

Earth - It's in your hands ...


Baing A Partner With God

Ascension II


The Earth

     Before we continue regarding ascension, let us speak about
the Earth. Some of you might say, "Spirit, why would you "talk
about the Earth when you're revealing ascension? Instead, talk
about humans and what ascension means and what it feels like
and what the gifts are." No. We must talk about the Earth first.
This will now marry to the information previously given this very
day, within this place, and in another. I previously told you that "as
the Earth goes, so humanity goes." This is why we are so
interested in your planetary aspects. I speak to an elite group now
that understands that the very dirt of this planet contains con-
     Dear ones, this is where the elements of your biology came
from. For there are only a given amount of elements on your
planet, and whether they are converted into carbon-based life
energy or whether they remain as rock, they remain as the same
quantity. Therefore, the elements in your body and your cells, and
the life energy that surges through you are originally part of the
Earth. It has a consciousness, this Earth of yours. Your Earth must
shift before you are allowed to go further. Its consciousness must
cooperate with what you are doing. This is not new news.
    There are four kinds of shifts going on in the planet: Magnetic,
meteorological, geological, and spiritual. The magnetics that we
have spoken of often are the magnetics of your grid system, which,
by the way, are influenced by your sun, which is the portal of
communication that we have talked to you about before. It is the
posturing of this grid that gives you the gifts of the New Age,
because as the grid moves the veil (the spiritual aspect that is your
duality), it starts to lift. The veil must lift a certain degree before you
can have the gifts--and it is not done lifting yet. I will tell you when
we get to the discussion of the timeline, what to expect. You have
also seen magnetic north start to move. I told you of this exact shift
when I first arrived in 1989--and now you can measure it yourself.
    It was years ago that I also sat in front of groups like this and
I told you about your current weather changes. Expect them to
continue. It is like being in a house under construction, I said--
irritating, uncomfortable, a work in progress. And it's happening
on schedule--not because I told you it would, but because the
elements are responding to your consciousness! It continues to
happen, and we tell you that many of the new patterns, dear ones,
will continue indefinitely. You will learn to work with them, and you
will have to reconfigure the banks of the rivers and the dams that
you build to allow for them. For many winters will continue to be
cold and harsh, and there will continue to be flooding which wasn't
an issue before 1989.
    It is all part of the readjustment of the planet. The planet must
change first to allow the humans who are on it to change next.
Shift, Earth changes--it's all part of ascension. That's what it's
about, dear ones. The end times are about ascension. It is not
about fear, but there are those who do not understand ascension,
who do not understand vibrating at a higher level. To them it can
look frightening.
      Let me tell you about the geological aspects of the planet.
 There is a measurement right now, a science measurement, which
 you call a resonance. It is a measurement of the standing-wave
 scenario between the surface of the Earth and the top of the
 ionosphere. In the past it has had a resonance as measured for
 eons as 7 in your vibrational units [Hertz]. Today it's at 10, moving
 toward 11! Did you know that? The geology of the planet is
 changing for you, not just the weather, and what is said next is not
 meant to strike fear in the hearts of those of you who live in this
 area, but it is given in love and refers to the planet as a whole. You
 are about to see more of the insides of the Earth come out and visit
 you. Some of the events are going to happen in unlikely spots--
 not the expected ones, dear ones, not the expected ones.
     Although there may be volcanic activity here [the Portland
 area], it is your duty if you so choose, to hold the energy in a spot
 like this that has potential for disaster--to clear it and never let it
 become a disaster here. Listen, dear ones, it was last year that the
 orbital mechanics were changed of an asteroid to allow for "a near
 miss." This asteroid carried an incredible amount of energy for
 YOU, given to this planet within its pass. You see, it was the light
 workers, each one, and their meditations and their intent who
 allowed for the miss. It was the warriors of the light on your planet
who actually changed the orbit of this astronomical body! Is it so
astounding, therefore, to inform you that you can control your
area and keep these overflows of the magma of Earth in check?
It is not that difficult. Meditate on it. Keep your area safe, for it is
precious and it is tender and it's yours to protect. Again, we tell you
that human consciousness changes physics! They are related, as we
have revealed before. But you shall see this volcanic activity
globally in unexpected areas. Watch for it--it will be with you soon.
    Spiritually, none who have studied what is taking place now
on this planet could have missed this: The gifts for the planet and
for you have been delivered here (by us) in many forms. The "near
miss" last year of the asteroid, the comets that have visited you in
the last two years, the gamma ray activity, and many other
physical attributes that remain a mystery to you all have been
spiritual gifts, presented in a real three-dimensional physical world
for you to see. This energy, purposefully delivered to the planet
was for ascension! Therefore we again tell you that the physical
is related to the spiritual.
    Let us speak now of the science that is being given to you. Now
be careful, dear ones, for in these next few moments I'm going to
give you information that is new. Be cautious in how you treat it,
for some of you will wish to make it more sensational than it is, and
it doesn't necessarily have to be. If there is any sensationalism, it
is the fact that incredible love is being transmitted to your hearts
    The timeline started in 1987, and on your planet, given in that
year, was the ability to understand and finally implement scaler-
wave technology. And you started your experiments in earnest
about that time, and we invite you to validate what I'm going to tell
you next. For you studied the inventions and the discoveries--the
three-dimensional science from the one you call Tesla, and started
experimenting in that year. But it was not on this continent. No.
And if I can take you back to a time in 1987 on another continent
you call Australia, in the middle of that continent were two towers,
set up by this government (U.S.) in a place called Pine Gap. There
were experiments then--experiments with scaler waves and the
towers--transmittal of energy through the ground. But you see,
there were mistakes made, dear ones. For you did not understand
the complex phase relationships and resonance attributes with
scaler. For they are enormous, and they build up and become
exponential very quickly. Like too many soldiers in step on a
bridge, the resonances create enormous wavelike properties. Had
you known that, this experiment would not have caused the
mantle of the Earth to shift on the other side of the planet like it
did. Some of you will do some research and be astounded at this
information. Humans caused an earthquake--the first human-
made ones in history!
    Now here you find yourselves again with the same technology
except you're not dealing with the ground anymore. You've
decided to aim it at the sky! Four of you in this audience will
understand these words because there's a code in this sentence
when I say, "Here is some advice: Take AIM at this technology
and expose it."  And that is the code I give you. We have told you
this before. Oh, dear ones, there is science being given to the
planet that is being used for healing, and as my partner explained
this night, you are beginning to understand and address the
SPIRITUAL aspects of your biology because of it. It is your
 privilege, and it is a gift that is given to you in all love, and it's
 happening everywhere. The technology that is represented in this
 room [speaking of Dr. Todd Ovokaitys in the audience] is one of
 many. For the same kinds of attributes are presented. Make no
 mistake. There are ones in this room, dear ones, who will change
 the planet right here among you. There are warriors of science!
 There are warriors of intent! There are warriors of meditation
here, which are going to make this planet different than the way
it is today--If they choose to. Choice! Intent! Are you starting to
see a pattern here?
    So the Earth has changed greatly to allow for human ascen-
sion, and the inventions that you have received are meant to
expand and extend your life. That's the entire reason they're being
given to you. But as with any science, some of the new knowledge
is being used for other purposes as well, perhaps less honorable
than the pursuit of spiritual awareness. In all our love, we say that
these gifts are given to you for life extension--for peace. For they
will marry with what you are being given personally, if you choose
to use them for your graduation--for the thing we call ascension.
    Let us speak of this timeline right now. The ascension timeline
is a 24-year window. From the end of 1987 on, to about the
beginning of 2012, is the window. Now those of you who are
starting to see what happened in this window are understanding
that the beginning was what we called and have described in other
writings as the eleven-eleven (11:11). Do you remember what the
eleven-eleven was? Let me remind you: It was a spiritual window--
a gateway of human code change for your DNA. Permission was
given at that time for humans to have an ascension potential. It was
a result of the measurement you called the Harmonic Conver-
gence. The year 1987 is when it all began. Then you experienced
the twelve-twelve (12:12), which was the "passing of the torch"
from many entities who were not human, holding the energy of the
planet, now giving the responsibility wholly to you, finally allowing
humans and the planet to be self-enabled. You are now holding
more energy than you ever had before; you're able to carry your
Higher Self around without help. Ascension, permission passed to
you, permission to graduate, permission to move forward! Then
there were the comets and asteroids and other items and attributes
given to this planet for your energy--for you to "pull out" of
storage within the planet Earth, spiritually, when needed.
    First was Earth, the vehicle, the object you stand upon--the
partner, the one who you share elements in your body with. The
consciousness of Earth had to come first. Now it's your turn. What
this means as you sit here is that you have time to continue this
process of graduation. Spirit is not here looking at you and telling
you that you must accomplish it overnight. Hardly! You can't. The
energy has not been given that will allow for a full ascension yet.
It is gradual, as you might imagine. Permission has been given, and
the energy has been postured for a partial trip, and many of you
are starting to take it now. More will come as you need it, and
permission to continue has already been given.
     There have been many instructions given to you about how
many steps are involved in what you must do. So many of them
 have been given in wonderful intent and are accurate. Semantics
 sometimes fails, however, and because you are talking about an
 interdimensional aspect of humanity that is new, much hides
 within the instructions. Names and processes are often "labeled"
 as different, but they are the same. There are still yet-to-be
 channeled messages that will make more sense on a day-by-day
 basis with respect to what is before you. So you are being asked
 again to go slow. Understand that there are 4 years left [at the
 time of this message in 2009}, and there will be energy passed
 along the way to allow for these things.


Ascension {Channelled}

What is ascension: Ascension is a graduation by
design, and with permission, that is human enablement at its
highest form. It is where humans have permission, EARNED by
every one, to move into a status that has you REMAIN on the
planet, living a very long time while actually moving into the next
incarnation that you designed for yourselves--without ever having
to experience death! That's ascension. Did you get that? You
move forward into the next designed expression holding your
biology, vibrating at a high enough level to allow for such a thing
without death. Does this begin to reveal to you how long we want
you to stay? Think about it.
    Ah, but there's a timeline involved, and we're going to discuss
that as well. Ascension is marriage. It is a partnership with the
golden angel that sits on the throne in your life, which you call your
Higher Self [as described earlier]. It's a marriage with
all the things that go with it, commitment, promise, and fidelity. It's
marriage--that's what ascension is.


More to come on "Humanity", please check back.


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