Become Defenceless + Whenever a boundary
is broken, it creates some fear. The fear creates dislike. This dislike puts us back in the boundary. And to keep yourself
in the boundary you put forth defenses. When you try to defend your position, it is such a stress, isn't it? And every time
you try to defend your position it makes you more and more weak. + On the path, people even use the Knowledge as a defense
against criticism! Don't use Knowledge as a defense. + The Knowledge is like an umbrella for you -- a shelter, not a
weapon. Of course, sometimes "Don't use Knowledge as a weapon" becomes an excuse not to be in Knowledge! (Laughter) + I
say, drop all your defenses. Anybody can make a mistake. Even you! + Don't defend your mistakes. Just accept them and
move on. When you are totally defenseless, that's when you'll be strong. + - Sri Sri
In Fools' Club? + What really perturbs
you? Isn’t it the foolishness that goes on around you? + It is foolish to be perturbed by the foolishness. Foolishness
cannot overpower or annihilate wisdom nor does the foolishness stay all the time. When you are not well-founded in wisdom,
then foolishness perturbs you, throws you out of balance. When you create space for foolishness you do not get perturbed by
it, rather you will laugh and move on. Otherwise you hate, get angry or become stressed by foolish acts. + When you
know that truth is eternal and invincible you take foolishness as a joke and remain unmoved by it. Those who are averse to
foolishness or get irritated by it are members of the fools club. + Beware! Do not sign up. + - Sri Sri