Do Not Waste Your Time

If something you read in all my Postings does not ring true to you then by all means disregard it and go on to what does. For one persons truth is not always anothers. What is given today can very well change tomorrow -- in fact in the next instant -- as ALL THINGS are in constant change. Every four-quadrillionth of a second the entire universe appears and disappears -- changing. Please use your discrimination in reading this and all material intended for spiritual growth, as truth is a personal thing, and each journey towards truth, unique. Please keep in mind when reading in my Archive, that each writer is writing from his or her own point of view, experiences, and level of understanding.  If your Guidance tells you that an article is not of value to you, just ignore it.  It may be an eye-opener for someone else! Discernment is always needed no matter who the message comes from. If a message instills fear in anyway it is not of the Light. Always use your own inner-guidance in reading all material.
P.S.: About Discernment:

I wish to also remind you that channeled messages received from "Anyone" can become distorted as they pass through the various dimensions to be received by the receiver. "Always" go within for clarification. You and you alone are your best teacher and you need no other; follow your own inner guidance.   
Utilize your powers of intuition and self discernment to come to your own conclusions and choose for yourselves which messages you will follow and allow to guide you through the days ahead.
There are many ways we feel you can accomplish this task and gain clearer and more accurate insights into whose messages are deriving from a fully conscious, higher dimensional being of light, and whose messages are random pieces of scattered information from various sources throughout this universe. We feel this is a talent worth learning and worth pursuing, and we encourage all of you to feel the vibration of the words singularly and in their entirety that you are reading. Allow these words, sentences, phrases and the overall feeling of the message to caress the heartstrings within you, and listen and feel for the notes and melodies being played. Are you feeling a beautiful melody, rich in its uplifting textures of love and light, or are sour notes being plucked out of rhythm and filling the concert hall of your being with disharmony and discord?
We say to you to listen to this concert being played within you while you are reading the words before you and make a conscious choice to believe these words as truth or see them for what they are. If you feel moved emotionally and spiritually as only a beautifully conceived and performed concerto or opera can move you, then we say to you an orchestra of higher dimensional beings of love and light are performing for you. We say to you to enjoy these performances for they are gifts of love for you, and let the music being played for you lift you and carry you away in gorgeous harmony.
We are the Galactic Federation of Light.



Cedomil Vugrincic M.D., Ph.D.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: 11:11 Progress Group 
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2013 7:38 AM

Urantia, September 21, 2012 (most appropriate for these times).

Teacher: Mentori Spokesperson.

“Choosing Peace” (Part One). 

Received by 

Mentori Spokesperson
: “On this day of the Equinox, when Summer turns into Fall, many people are waking up and praying for peace on this dark planet, rife with wars and rumor of wars. Right now it would be expedient for you to remember that peace must begin in each human heart. The problem is that most words for peace are hollow, because they are not coming from inner actions to change the person from within. The problem is that these calls for peace, even though they sound wonderful, are machinations of the minds that have no origin in the heart, so worthwhile actions are not being taken to do away with all your war machinery. Materialism is seen as all-important, so there is hardly any room left for personal spirituality. 

“What will it take for humankind – all thinking individuals included – to wake up and start thinking about time wasted on material pursuits? Truly, how will you feel once you have entered upon the next stage of your eternal existence? For this is the meaning and purpose of your life in the flesh, that in looking back over your life on earth you will see the good you have done as well as the time you will have squandered. It is important here and now that you fully realize that your becoming more spiritual must be your aim, if you are choosing eternal life during this mortal existence on planet earth. 

“Will you be filled with regret and bemoan the fact that too little time was used by you to generate peaceful feelings towards one another? Did you practice forgiveness on a consistent basis? Did you remember to feed the poor and sick, who could not fend for themselves? Did you help someone who needed a hand to get back on his or her feet? What use were you to the planet at large, however little this usefulness might have been. Start thinking and behaving responsibly, as if God matters, always and in all things, for indeed, He does. 

“It is the Creator’s prerogative to bestow upon each person the wonderful and precious gifts of life and free will. The purpose for which you have been given life, seems to be lost on most people. First of all, you are here to refine your character through self-discipline and for building on your life for your next stage of existence. You do this by developing ‘the love factor’ in you. This ought to be developed in the earliest years of existence by loving and concerned parents who only want to provide the best in meaning and value of security and acceptance to their offspring. This is done through loving discipline, so children learn from their parents’ example how to be happy and stable citizens.” 

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 

Do this for me, and you shall wear my insignia into Paradise – 
Christ Michael • 11:11 Store 

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4593 You Are the Truth, June 22, 2013 

God said: 

You do not always speak the Truth. You do not always speak the Truth to yourself. Half the time you may not even really pay attention to what you are saying. What you say seems to spout from your mouth of its own accord, as if you are a recorder recording whatever it happens to record. The recording could be called palaver.

You speak because you speak. It sometimes seems that you have a daily or weekly or monthly allotment of speech. You are on, and you fill the vapor with whatever pops up from somewhere. You don’t know where it comes from. Are you on automatic? You may find out what you say after you have said it. There is no before or after or thought given to it. You spoke. Thus spake your mouth.

There is good in being spontaneous. Be spontaneously in your Truth. At the same time, there is no need to speak for the sake of speaking. Your speech does not have to be a filler simply said in order to take up space.

There goes the parallel between time and space again, both of which seem to be truth yet are fiction, mutually-observed fiction that everyone may say about: “Yes, yes, time and space.”

Time and space do not exist. They are perpetuated upon everyone and adhered to and accepted by everyone, mutually agreed to.

Nevertheless, Earthtime is nothing more than the tap of a pencil on the desk, and space is no more than marks a pencil makes, no more lasting than the tap of a pencil on the desk or anything else. What is lasting is consciousness by whatever name it goes by.

What lasts, beloveds? That which lasts, in effect, is suspended but not in time or space. What does not last, in effect, hangs out on a seeming clothesline for the sun to dry. And, yet I, I am the Sun, and I last at the same time as nothing is demarked in Infinity and Eternity. Am I demarked? I AM before existence got stretched out on a clothesline of the world. Yet it could be said I roam through two worlds or more. I am everywhere in space and time which do not exist, and yet I AM.

How did We get on this subject anyway? And what subject are We on? Oh, yes, Truth in all its strata. The Truth is nothing but the Truth. Therefore, I am the Truth. I am the One Truth Unparalleled. There is no equal to Truth. There are vines and leaves and varied blossoms that make up truth in the world. Even so, fact and Truth get mixed up. There is One Truth and many subheadings and distractions from Truth nevertheless held as truth.

What say you to what I say? Perhaps you speak gibberish. Perhaps you speak a filler, like cotton or those Styrofoam peanuts. Look how Styrofoam in the world gets capitalized, and Truth has to be manually capitalized and stand up for itself. A commodity takes precedence. I ask for Truth to take precedence over factions of truth.

There is only One Truth, and it is I. I am also the Truth of you, the real Truth, the one and only Truth, the Truth about what is there to say. The Truth I speak of has no parallel. It is indefinable. It speaks for itself. It is not a prescription to be filled. It is Truth by God. It is Truth staring you in the face. It is Truth that stands inherent in its own Being. Truth stands alone, and nothing else does. Pure unadulterated Truth. It beats in every heart. It beats in yours.


Today's Angel Message

My dear friends, we love you so very much.

So many of you are disenchanted with your world and yet there is such beauty coming to the surface in human hearts. There is such love infilatrating your planet. There are angels helping and assisting in the rebirthing of so many human lives. It is a time of intense change, evolution, and growth, and we in the heavens celebrate those of you who can see beyond the so-called chaos and find the emerging love that is rising, like the Phoenix rises from its own ashes. It is the springtime of your souls! It is a time of new life, new ideas, new desires, and a renewed resolution to experience God's love in so many of your hearts.

Whether it is a volcano in Iceland, a flower bursting forth through the hard desert soil into bloom, or all the emotions you have held under the surface for a lifetime - ALL is coming to the surface. God is asking you to bring ALL that you are up, and out of hiding, and into the light of His love. God is saying, "Dear ones, it is time to grow. It is time to bring your truth into the light. It is time to be honest with life, to respect yourself enough to ask for kindness, to love yourself enough to admit your dreams, and to realize I love you so much I want to help." To receive God's love dear ones, you must believe in God's love. Faith is not believing in what you have seen but rather believing so that you CAN see.

Give God a try. Dig deep into your own hearts and ask yourself, "Where do I not believe in Love? Where am I afraid to receive love? Where am I afraid to let go of control?" If you wish to truly feel God's hand in your life, you will have to let go of a bit of control. God has dreams for you that are better for you than anything you could imagine. Let us give you an example.

So many of you want a relationship. You say you want someone in your life and yet deep down, you are disillusioned with relationships, doubtful there is anyone out there for you, fearful of being hurt once again, and sometimes, not sure you really want one after all! In order to 'protect' yourself from pain you either avoid people or you go on a search for the perfect mate, evaluating human beings as if you were buying a new car! This is a no-win situation because your mind is saying "yes I want this" but your fears are saying "I better watch out. I don't believe God will bring this to me." And so, the universe, which was designed to lovingly allow all that is in you to be fulfilled says, "I must wait until you are clear."

Better to dig deep inside yourself and say, "God I want a relationship but I am afraid. I am not confident I can have one. Help me live and abide in your heart. Prevent what is not good for me, and make what is so enticing I cannot miss." Then live your lives dear friends! Be happy now. Be the kind of person you would want in your lives and your faith and your radiant being will be so filled with love that you will attract love. And whatever you do, dear ones, as you dig through your heart and soul, be gentle with yourselves. Have a sense of humor - for the human condition is truly a mixture of dark and light and you can lighten up just a little bit even in the most difficult times of growth.

You, dear ones, can allow for or block God's love in your life. God is waiting with angels by His side to assist you in all that you want and design for your life - not always in the exact ways you request; often better. God is waiting to pour His Love in your lives. But you must do the inner work. You must dig inside of yourselves and bring your hopes, dreams, desires, frustrations, unbelief, etc. to the surface, admit them to yourselves and ask for assistance in healing that which blocks your dreams. In this fashion, dear friends, you do the work you came to do here upon your planet earth. You bring everything within you into the light of God's love. And from this new level of honesty and willingness to receive, new life springs forth in great glory.

We love you so very much.
-- The Angels

Heavenletter #4592 Meanwhile, June 21, 2013 

God said: 

The word meanwhile is a stop-gap. There is no meanwhile. There is no interim. There is no pause.
On the other hand, We can say that all of human life is nothing but a stop-gap, an interim, a pause.
We could better say that life itself is infinite and unbound to time. You are living Infinity and Eternity. In human life, the Oneness of Flow is broken up into millions and billions of pieces called time when Infinity is in one fell swoop. Infinity is perpetual, is instant. It is Nothingness.
Truly, there is nothing to regret, nothing to mourn, nothing to repent, for nothing ever happened. Life on Earth seems to have happened, and, yet, you have bought a bill of goods. You latched on, so to speak, to the tail of a comet. You are supposedly on a roller-coaster ride when anything and everything is a mirage right before your eyes. Sometimes a mirage of an oasis, sometimes a mirage of a dry land and parched throat and a yearning for something you don’t know quite what, only that you have to have it. It is to you as though you have lost something and must find it.
Why, yes, in terms of life on Earth, you have lost something and what you are experiencing isn’t real. Deep down you know that. During the most pleasant dreams and during the worst fears, you know that life, as you know it, isn’t true. You know there is something more, and the something more is true, and you want it. You want to regain that something more that you somehow misplaced somewhere along the line.
It seems like a long line you have traveled, and now I try to tell you it is not a line at all, long or short. It is not even a dot. You have been in the radiant Sun all along. You have never been anywhere. It seems like you have been in a long sleep, and, yet, beloved, and yet you have had one eye open, and you have been aware of what is true and what is not, and then you forgot again. You forgot what is beneath the surface world that you hold onto so tightly.
Beloveds, you think too much about some things, and you forget too much about others.
Ah, yes, this is the way of the world. You feel the Earth beneath your feet, and, yet, the rest of you is surrounded by mist, by a fog, by a cloud that seem to keep you so far from realizing Truth. And what is the Truth but your Self, or My Self, however you like to put it.
The difference between this imagined you and the real Me is that I remember, and the you, the you that you think you are, forgets. You can’t quite fathom Who You Really Are. It does seem like grand fiction, a lovely fantasy that can’t possibly be so, and, yet, I maintain that it is so. Know Me, and know your Self.
Meanwhile, during this non-existent meanwhile, you search for what you believe is I, God, while I attempt to tell you what is what. What is what is that you and I are One, and that’s it. That’s what you search to know. You want to experience it. How you want to experience Our Oneness, and yet, the concept eludes you. It is right here, on the tip of your tongue. You almost feel its bursting forth, yet not quite. You are almost there. You can almost touch the horizon of Truth, yet not quite, not quite yet, but soon, beloveds. Soon you will have reached the Kingdom of God that resides within you, and then you will say, “I AM.”
