Discovering Our Creator Channeled |
Discovering Your Familiarity with the Creator by Archangel Metatron Channelled through Natalie Glasson- With empowerment of the soul so we see the dawning
of all that is the Creator manifesting as a reality on the Earth for true and sacred experience and confirmation. It is with the deepest of love that I, Archangel Metatron,
step forward to greet you, I share the light of the Creator with you as a friend and a support to assist you in accessing
all that is within your being. With the emergence of the soul our connection will enhance as the presence of your soul allows
for a clear vision and understanding of the truth. As you acknowledge my energies and sacred power, recognising all that I
wish to provide to you from the beloved Creator is that you realise with greater intensity the truth and sacred power of your
own being and self. As I come forwarded to unite my energies with yours, my purpose is to demonstrate to you all that you
are. Sometimes it is easier to understand yourself more fully when you look in the mirror, otherwise it can be difficult to
acknowledge yourself, recognising yourself as you truly are. The Creator provides many mirrors in order to assist you in realising
and becoming acquainted with the energies within your being. I ask you, can you connect with my energies, look upon or experience
my energies, viewing and understanding yourself in all that I am and present to you? As you call me to draw close to your being and breathe
my light into every cell of your being, it is my wish for you to ask yourself, ‘What of myself can I acknowledge and
accept as I connect with Archangel Metatron?’ However you perceive my energies these are the qualities of your
own being. This is a most beautiful realisation that can enter the mind but it is truly accepted and understood when
it is felt and acknowledged by your heart and entire being. Every master or archangel that crosses your path acts as a mirror
for you to accept the divine within your being. Your soul naturally calls forth certain beings of light and even certain people
on the Earth to act as mirrors for activating and most importantly realising the divine energies, frequencies and qualities
within your being. Every experience in your reality whether on the physical pane, in everyday l ife, in meditation or in sleep
state is a mirror that allows you to understand yourself more fully. Once you truly hold the understanding that to know yourself
more fully as a sacred and divine soul on the Earth is to understand and become one with the Creator everything flows with
greater ease and perfection. You no longer see challenges but observe beautiful opportunities in your reality to connect more
fully with the presence of the Creator within your being, so you are empowering your soul which is an aspect of the Creator. It is also a beautiful understanding to realise that
although you hold an aspect of the Creator within your physical being you know and understand, like friends and family, every
single aspect or soul of the Creator as well, because in truth they are all a part of you, they are all an aspect of yourself
that you fully comprehend and feel completely familiar with. This realisation allows you to connect with your greater self,
the Creator, therefore it is only natural that you see, acknowledge and comprehend yourself more fully by observing and connecting
with those that cross your pathway. Many may say that the Creator is a distant uncomprehendable
energy, but it is often that what is closest to you that cannot be seen with clarity. The Creator is so familiar to you that
there is sometimes an aspect of your being that cannot comprehend your divine relationship with the Creator , this aspect
is often fear which blocks your vision of the truth. When fear is mastered and overcome so the beauty of your being can be
seen by yourself. With self-understanding and acceptance you manifest the beauty of the Creator within your reality for you
to experience and build upon. It is the practice of experience of the divine Creator which is unfolding upon the Earth in
this new phase of ascension. Everything you do, think and accept about yourself and this reality has a powerful meaning and
purpose of awakening you to experience your divine self and soul. This can only occur when you al low and give consent to
yourself to recognise your familiarity with the Creator. In many ways through conditioning and illusion you
have created an understanding of separation; the most powerful separation is between yourself and the Creator. There is a
need for separation to be dissolved as it no longer serves your reality. Separation can be experienced as split or withdrawal;
it comes from a place of fear. Once some kind of separation has been experience you can become fearful of more separation
and so become stagnant and afraid of consequences of separation, thus creating separation in all areas of your reality because
it has become your focus. Even within a physical body there are always opportunities of oneness because everything that you
choose to experience flows from within your being. You have the opportunity to experience the deepest loving connection with
the Creator within your being. Your physical body and soul are temples for experience and becoming familiar with the Creator.
From the experience of the Creator within your being so you create, project and manifest the experience of the Creator in
your outside reality. If you experience profound love within your being and recognise your familiarity with the vibration
of love then this will first filter into your reality, cleansing and clearing your reality of all that is not of loving vibrations
to create love in abundance within your reality and therefore your experiences. Become familiar within you with all that you wish
to experience and create in your reality. Your ability to allow yourself to accept your natural familiarity with the Creator
is a powerful tool of awakening, inspiration and empowerment. If you do not see the love of the Creator in your reality then
it is first appropriate to seek the love of the Creator within your being, this discovery will allow for you to become familiar
once more with the vibration of love, therefore projecting it into your reality. Your projection allows for your physical
reality to become a powerful mirror of acknowledging with greater detail and experience, that which is within you. As I stated
earlier, it is sometimes hard to contemplate something when it is so close and familiar to you, by projecting it into your
reality you are able to observe and realise all that you are. It is my wish to ask you to focus more fully with
awareness and consciousness as to what you are choosing to become familiar with and projecting from within your being each
day into your reality. Recognise the people that cross your path, the masters and archangels that come to you. Each of them
holds qualities present within your being for you to become aware of. When you become aware of what you are connecting with
within your being and projecting naturally through your energy vibration then you can understand the situations, reality and
opportunities you experience daily. To alter your reality only needs for you to form that vibration of familiarity within
your being, choosing the vibration you project. Thus you empower yourself and co-create a beautiful reality with the Creator
or the greater aspect of yourself for you to fully embody and experience in your reality. Accepting your soul is simply accepting and becoming
familiar with a part of the Creator, a part of yourself, there is always more to discover but by realising your oneness, your
familiarity and the fact that you are all aspect and every aspect demonstrates to you yourself. You understand with greater
clarity the purpose of the Earth. This allows you to feel content, awakening and opening your being and truth up with less
restriction and limitations. Truth is after all a feeling of familiarity with the Creator because it is through your contentment
and awareness that you dissolve separation allowing divine beauty in all its forms to flow. With this powerful tool and embodiment you give yourself
consent to exist as your power and divine self, from this state you realise that you can no longer be hurt or experience pain,
unless you allow yourself to. With familiarity with the Creator forming within you a powerful loving presence manifests which
allows for further detachment from the dramas and attachments of the Earthly experience. Everything becomes less of a drama
and experience of pain and more of an opportunity to seek within, exploring further your familiarity with the Creator within
your being, thus the creation and realisation of the Era of Love manifests and an opportunity to truly experience the divine
Creator in a physical reality. I have one last question which you may wish to contemplate,
do you feel you have been experiencing the Creator in a physical reality or have you been experiencing the Earth as a physical
influence upon the sacred vibrations within you? Now is the time to realise that your simple choices can alter the reality
you experience. The reality you experience is immensely important as it is a reflection of your connection and familiarity
with the Creator within your being. Encourage yourself to choose to dissolve separation and fear, the more you let go of your
familiarity with fear the greater your experience of the Creator’s love and sacred vibrations. You will then notice
that fear or experiences of fear are no longer present within your reality because you are no longer projecting them as a
familiar energy from within your being. I recognise my familiarity with the Creator and my
soul, I choose to enhance, empower and project my familiarity with the Creator from within. It is with love that I show myself to you today so
that you may see the love within your own being, recognising yourself fully within me. With Angelic Selfless Love, I am Archangel Metatron Please share and post with others
including the following details, 'Channelled through Natalie Glasson
of the Sacred School of OmNa,' Thank