Depart From The Past, New Future is Dawning


Feel grateful for your very existence, for your very body, and all that you have, and all the love you have received. And this gratefulness will bring you a flood of prosperity, joy, and happiness.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Cedomil Vugrincic M.D., Ph.D.

October 13, 2013
My beloved children, this is your Father Michael.  Living in the highest consciousness possible is the goal of the human development.  This is an evolutionary experience predicated upon your willingness and desire to grow in spiritual attainment.  It is a discovery process.  It is an organic process.  It is unique to each individual who awakens and follows this path. 
This world is undergoing a massive awakening to the spiritual life currents from which it was disconnected many millennia ago due to the planetary overseers who took this world into a different path—one that dishonored the laws of creation and the divine decree for gradual evolution.  This event, occurring in ancient times, has spawned human fear and misery, and separated humanity from its natural relationship to their divine Creators.
Now, these mis-creations are being corrected.  They are, in this particular time in your world’s evolution, receiving an outpouring of LOVE by divine and celestial personalities.  We come close to you in the higher realms of your consciousness.  We seed thoughts through concepts and ideas to stimulate your spiritual potential.  We speak into your hearts with words of love and encouragement to help you trust in the beauty of the higher realms, that you would consciously choose spiritual growth as the purpose for living.
In receiving this message, I ask you to consider whether or not you wish to participate in allowing yourselves to open to the wisdom of the universe, and to grow in the relationship you have with loving Divine Parents who wish to support your lives through this journey into the realms of universe consciousness.  This is a decision each person of this world will need to make.  The ways of the past are departing.  A new future is dawning.  What will your choice be, my children?  Will you trust in the GOODNESS of CREATION and allow your thoughts and hearts ascend to the heavens?  There you will find all you need grow and flourish on the material realm, and assist us in building a new reality here on this little world spinning in the circuits of LIFE. 

Illawarra District, Australia, September 26, 2013.
Midwayer Chief Bzutu (ABC-22).
Subject: “Finding Motivation in Contribution.” 

Received by George Barnard.

Bzutu: “It is only right that I should indicate to you that if you were prepared to document every instance of our communications you would already have at hand most of the information you now seek. Nevertheless my dear friend, we shall now proceed and officially record what it means to find motivation in one's contribution. Once more we have a complaint from a parent – a reader off the Urantia Papers – who complains about the destiny of her mentally and physically disadvantaged child.

“It happens so very often that parents of a disadvantaged relative bemoan the fact that this person will miss out on a Paradise ‘oriented’ journey, to find themselves at a super-universe, or even a local universe destiny. Such is not a punishment, but merely an indication that not one of us is the same as another. Here I remind you of your own comments of long ago that you could have been more successful had you been born in Midwayer. I guess there could be amongst my kin some who would prefer to be a Melchizedek.

“From a human viewpoint this is understandable. Here on this planet it is most important to be ‘someone’. In the Celestial Realm it is ever so much more important to achieve. The Celestial mindset is totally oriented toward doing the Will of the Father in whatever capacity one finds oneself. Those who fuse with a fragment of the Eternal Son can achieve the absolute pinnacle of satisfaction in their careers commensurate with those who are Father fused. Likewise is this the case with those who are Spirit fused.

“Rich earthly experiences on this planet are absolutely essential to those who are meant to be Father fused. The inability to acquire such rich experiences does not mean that the local universe or a super-universe destination is in any way less acceptable, enjoyable, or profitable to the non-Father fused individual. The idea that some in the family will move on to Paradise, whilst others are left behind is once again typical of mere human thought, whilst in reality all of those you will daily meet are your siblings.

“To this I wish to add two additional important things for your consideration. Firstly it is very important for your specialists in human genetics to find answers to the creation of more healthy and genetically more stable offspring amongst all races. Secondly I want you to consider that a great number of individuals who do in fact have the option of being Father fused do not measure up for this fusion event because of the kind of life they lead on this earth. Truly there are many of high and low standing that do not so graduate.

“Father fusion is a gift that is freely given to all on this earth, yet it needs to be earned as well. The promise of Paradise is there for the overwhelming majority, unlike on some planets where the routine is Son fusion. In the end analysis your greatest reward and happiness in all of the universes is the gift you return to the Giver of all life by your motivation to contribute in myriad ways. Think of this short life on evolutionary planets as being the do-or-die test for your further travels on all of the Father’s created mansion worlds and beyond.

“I am a lowly Secondary Midwayer, ecstatic about my opportunities to contribute. I am ABC-22. Adieu.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.  11:11 Store


Your Divine Role By Grandmother Anna


Your Divine Role By Grandmother Anna

Channelled through Natalie Glasson-

It is with great bliss and joy that I am permitted by Archangel Michael to come forth to greet and share with you today. So much love is shared with you through my own and expansive heart, I acknowledge the sacred soul within your physical body and the roles you are playing upon the Earth to aid the further ascension of all. I honour and thank you for each effort, commitment and light vibration you dedicate to the light and your own ascension because you are creating the most beautiful awakening upon the Earth now.

Such an awakening I have seen before, experienced before in a physical body looking through the eye of a physical woman and a divine soul, simultaneously upon the Earth and the inner planes. I am the physical grandmother of Master Jesus, I am the guardian, the being that brought forth legacies of transition and awakening onto the Earth. For I gave birth to Mary Anna ( Mother Mary), I planted her energy like a seed onto the Earth so that she could channel her sacred soul into her physical frame preparing herself for a new wave of Christ consciousness to flow forth. This wave of Christ Consciousness came forth through the birth and body of Master Jesus. If ever there was a key time of transition and spiritual awakening, it was the moments before, during and after the birth of Master Jesus. As if he was a key being placed into a door to unlock treasures, he was the anchor that enabled us all to access and experience the new wave of the Christ consciousness anchoring into the Earth from the heavens. Such divine vibrations came forth from the universe of the Creator in the following years. It was not the fact that Master Jesus was so divine and holy but more so that his birth was an instrument of actions and awakening for all. With himself as a vital key he was able to open the door for the light of the Creator but especially the Christ consciousness to anchor into the Earth, weaving its magic as it did then and still does to this present day.

Have you experienced the magic of the Christ Consciousness, the magic of such a pure love that is obtainable and can be experienced wholeheartedly?

At the key moment of Mary Anna's birth and Master Jesus' birth new vibrations of the Christ Consciousness, an active vibration of love, was anchored into the Earth. You may wonder why I am sharing with you memories of the past when the present is of greater significant and importance. Can you imagine that you are now living in such transformational times that are akin to the birth of Master Jesus, the crucifixion and resurrection of Master Jesus? It is the truth! With every day that you experience, every breath that you are experiencing you are journeying through shifts within your being which are likened to the time of Jesus.  In our time we were led by Master Jesus but we were his enormous team without which nothing so transformational would have been achieved. In this present reality you are akin to Jesus, you are akin to the enormous team of support assisting his purpose. Rather than one man supported,  you are all powerful leaders supporting each other, crusading forward achieving the purpose of your soul, sometimes without your conscious awareness. You are the leader of your own ascension, every focus and devotion you experience aids the ascension of all. You are both an individual leader of the light of the Creator and the supportive team of enlightenment and illumination. That which is occurring upon the Earth is far greater than we experienced in the time of Jesus and yet you look back with a fondness, a wish to experience anything remotely close to our experiences. The time you are existing in now is so magnificent, so potent in possibilities and opportunities of ascension, it is time to realise that you are resurrecting your soul, restoring your soul into your current lifetime so that you may experience the magic of the Creator, fully. This signifies that you will not be able distinguish between walking on the Earth and the inner planes, so connected and as one will you be.

My wish is for you to realise the tremendous gift you are being given now is the same as the time of Jesus, but you are able to experience the Christ consciousness being born within you, the Christ Consciousness growing from within you and the Christ consciousness in all its expanded presence within your being, reality and upon the Earth. The Christ consciousness is a constant and absolute belief in love, that love is the way, the form and the consciousness and that there is no other aspect of the Creator more completing and fulfilling for your soul than the love of the Creator.

Do you believe in the love of the Creator so completely, do you believe it flows effortlessly through your being and streams eternally into your soul? Now is the time to reaffirm your belief, to build the love within your being like an unwavering tower, so grounded that it will never be submerged.

The guidance that you receive through your meditations, your intuition, your feelings and senses is so essential now, it is your opportunity to play a sacred role in the divine plan of the Creator.  You are upon the Earth to experience the Creator, to explore, discover and understand the Creator but you are also here to enact the divine will of the Creator to bring everything within your being, reality and the entire world into divine synchronicity, attunement and alignment by following the guidance within. You have a role, a purpose to play. You may not be able to grasp the greater larger picture of your role or your purpose, this would probably be too overwhelming to receive, like receiving a destination but realising there is no road to travel upon. Every small aspect of guidance that you follow from within your being is an essential step to enacting your role or purpose upon the Earth. This is all that we achieved when we were upon the Earth but we realised that the more you dedicate yourself to listening, sensing, feeling that which is stirring within your being the more elaborate the plan before you will become and yet each step will seem so simple and easy. Following often blindly with love in your heart will bring forth beautiful experiences of the magic of the Creator. Following the guidance within your being is akin to tapping into the divine source of creation of the Creator and the Goddess. Everything is relatively easy when you follow the divine within you, there are no decisions to make, no fear but simply a knowingness that everything is in divine order and perfection.

Life on the Earth doesn't have to be challenging, even climbing the most dangerous mountain can be easy when you are connected to your intuition, bathing in your own fountain of sacred love and creating from love.

There are always times of tremendous clearing, after the birth of Master Jesus the entire world, all be it gradually, moved through a clearing and purification of consciousness and energy. The same occurred during the crucifixion, an even deeper purging of all that was no longer needed took place but this allowed for the dawning of light within all of us. Know that you can if you allow yourself to move through your reality with tremendous ease but there may always be stages of dawning of light as you move through deep purging processes and experiences.

This may sound like you are playing your part in a world that is already orchestrated for you, but you have the opportunity to create always, this creation is now required to flow from your soul. Remember that when you refer to yourself in anyway, recognise or think about yourself or your desires, you are speaking of your soul. Not your personality, mind or emotions but your soul the pure and divine essence of the Creator within your being. It is your soul that accesses the power of creation, of truth and can bring everything that you are into complete alignment with the Creator.

Make it your mission in the coming days to recognise that when you refer to yourself, speak to or about yourself that you know deep within your being you are referring to your soul. Permit yourself to experience a deeper connection with your soul through this exercise. You do not have to tell others, there is just a need to be conscious of exactly what you are referring to, especially when you use the word, 'I.'

Ask your soul, 'What is your creation today?' This signifies what your soul wishes to exist as and what it wishes to create. Remember that these aren't the desires of your divine self or even your higher self but divine plans and guidance sent forth especially for you transmitted through your soul from the Creator. Even receiving the most beautiful colour of light could awaken a new aspect of your being, propelling you forward along your spiritual path.

Your lifetime is important and the role that you play is vital, but it is important not to judge the role that you play because what the Creator guides you to experience to fulfil your soul and create oneness with all that is the Creator may be different from what your personality perceive to be appropriate.

You are greatly valued, loved and appreciated for all that you are. Shine from within and let it be your foundation for all aspects of your reality.

I wish to share with you an affirmation,

My life is easy, I am one with my soul, I move through my creations and experiences with the divine guidance of the Creator, with love and truth as my constant companions.

With the love of the divine feminine,

Grandmother Anna

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Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4707 Your Place in the Sun, October 14, 2013 

God said: 

Beloved ones, will you consider omitting the word wrong from your vocabulary? There is no benefit in your thinking of wrong on behalf of yourself or upon behalf of another. Be done with allegations.
It is not for you to establish wrong in your mind or in another’s. Nor is it for you to establish error or mistake or the concept of misbegotten. Once again, I ask you to let go of harboring negativity. Negativity serves no one well. Did you think it did? You know what negativity feels like, and it is not necessary. Negativity is not meant to be your forte, beloveds.
Nor is this your Father’s business, dear ones, for My business is love and Oneness, and they are yours as well. You are here on Earth to love and to come to Oneness which is inevitably in store for everyone, every single one on Earth or every single soul who has ever been on Earth. Surely you are not here to promulgate down-heartedness. You are conscious beings, and you are to know what you do and come closer to the Sun.
No longer are you selfish. Certainly, accusing and hampering thoughts reveal you are thinking about yourself relative to another, as though putting someone else down raises you higher. Nor are you to put yourself down. This is not what you are meant for.  
Accusations are not your domain. They are your prison. And when you accuse another, to whatever degree you accuse another, you are accusing them of being less than you, and you are imprisoning them in your perception – rather, your misperception, for, everyone is your brother or sister, for everyone is you, and you are everyone, and, at the moment, you are no more or no less than you see.
All you come across are reflections of you. You see yourself in others.
The Great Spiritual Ones also saw themselves in others. They saw high, and so they uplifted. This is what I ask of you.
You are what you see. When you see the sun, you are the sun. When you see the sun, you reflect the sun as it is. You, who are the Sun, are destined to reflect the Sun. The Sun shines brightly, and so must you. You are to be in the full sunshine.
And when you begin to see beauty and innocence and love everywhere, then everyone you come across will also be a reflection of you. As it is, you see yourself everywhere. You paint a picture of yourself everywhere. If you presently paint pictures of imperfection, then you are about to change your style of painting. As you are, so you see. The picture you paint is a self-portrait. As you write, so it is written.
You may say: “But, God, I have never really hurt anyone.”
And, yet, beloveds, you have wanted some others not be in your sight. You have wished some others not to exist. You have deleted them from the depth of your heart. You may have denied them their place in the sun. You have had thoughts and words.
Whether you are the speaker or you are the topic, words said, and words thought, do reach. Untoward words you think or say hurt you, and words you think or say hurt the ones your words refer to, and so the world at large.
Beloveds, like it or not, you are the subject you talk about. What you see in another is true of you. You have stuck daggers of words in other hearts and, in so doing, you have stuck daggers in your own heart. You have scattered ill-will.
When you have said or thought something unkind to or about another, you may have felt you were righteous, yet for how long can you equate a sense of self-righteousness with good will? I ask you to let go of wounding yourself or any other in thought or word. You are to be a wayshow-er. From now on, bless yourself and bless others. Allow yourself and everyone a place in the sun. I ask this of you in the supreme knowledge of your place in the sun.

10 Signs Someone Is Smarter Than You
Unless you think you're the smartest, who doesn't want to be smarter? Of course I want to be smarter too, so I try to find out who's the real smart guy that maybe I can learn from. James Gardner has got me an answer on Quoraabout whether someone's smart or not.
Here are the signs of smart people:
1.They don't talk as much as you do, because they know they got smart by listening.
2.They know lots of things other than what they're specialised in. Theirs is the gift of a broad mind, constantly fed with the stimulant of being interested in what everyone else is doing.
3.They juggle home, work and personal interests with dexterity and never fall back on the tired old refrain about "work life balance". And when they're juggling, they somehow manage to seem 100% engaged with what they're doing, on all fronts simultaneously, even though you know they're taking appropriate steps behind the scenes to make sure their lives are perfectly, serenely balanced.
4.They probably do social media. Not always, but probably. It is not only another chance to listen, but one they use to ensure they can feed their brains with things they otherwise won't have come across.
5. Even when things go very badly wrong, they'll be smiling. Smart people never get ruffled because their smart brains present them with alternatives faster than the bad stuff can happen.
6.They know they are usually the smartest person in the room, but they don't spend their time dwelling on that. Instead, they take it as a personal challenge to see if they can make everyone else the smartest person in the room too.
7.If they are managers, they will make every effort to get people smarter, more connected and more popular than them in their teams. They're not threatened because they know that smartness is synergistic. They also make sure that their smart people get to look smarter than them for the same reason.
8.They have hidden skills that never get rolled out until they're needed. They don't have any need to show their full capabilities for reasons of proving they're better than others.
9.They may or may not have expensive educations. You'd never know just by being with them unless you had their CV in front of you.
10.They never, ever, under any circumstances, make you look stupid, even though it would be easy to do so. They've learned through bitter experience that the only thing that happens when you make someone look bad is you look bad yourself.

Now you should know who the smart people are. If you want to be the smart one, let me give you this extra advice from Steve Jobs "Stay hungry. Stay foolish."
