Define & Hold On To Your Spiritual Values




Though the river is vast, a little sip quenches your thirst. Though Earth has so much food, just a little bite satisfies your hunger. Accept a tiny bit of everything in life - that will bring you fulfillment.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Cedomil Vugrincic, M.D., Ph.D.

Topic: Spring Cleaning on Spiritual Levels

Group: N. Idaho TeaM


Teacher: Elyon

TR:          Jonathan



Elyon (Jonathan TR): Greetings, friends, this is Elyon, glad to be with you as always to share the camaraderie, to delight in our expanded sense of the divine working in the world and within your lives. As it is that time again in this part of the world of spring, I wish to take a moment and encourageyou to begin your spring cleaning on a spiritual level.



You have been discussing many topics which are interconnected in their spiritual foundation, and each brings to your fore-mind the inquiry as to how you may be available and applied to the furtherance, the prosperity, and the improvement of this world and rectifications, repairs, and restorations. As is the case with your physical environment so it is in the spiritual realm that over time items accumulate, serve their purpose, and when the purpose has run its course often remain to clutter your environment. Today I ask you to reflect on spiritual clutter, perhaps more accurately conceptual clutter that muddies your clarity, that makes it difficult for you to wade through in order to grasp the spirit angle, the spirit perspective. The final step in this cycle of acquiring, applying, is to release and discard.
Oftentimes a physical object may be difficult to release from your possession due to sentiment, fond associations, the value you perceive in its onetime usefulness. On a spiritually conceptual level, this same cycle applies and can be even more difficult to complete than a physical application, for you have no difficulty of ridding yourself of those very worn out pairs of shoes, those no longer running vehicles, and the like. But oftentimes those constructs of mind that define spiritual reality at the stages prior to your current understanding remain to confuse your further development. This is what I ask you to honestly search for and boldly face and willingly discard. Honor it for its serviceability and purpose, not just for its value then but also for the gift of its delivery to you, the new potentials that lie in front of you.
Two examples of stumbling blocks that will aid you in a further search are regret and resentment. I choose these because they at surface level do not appear to be some element that was helpful prior to your current state of being. This way I intend to indicate that you may look widely through yourbeing for those cleansing opportunities. When an event occurred that bore upon you such an experience that you come to resent, know and apply thetruth that this experience happened once. I would footnote that some experiences repeat themselves, however, each experience happened once.Resentment, to those of you in this era of rapid communication, is simply within yourself resending to your memory that old experience. Theexperience is no longer, but your mind and emotions resend it over and over, and this becomes a hindrance to your growth. Likewise is regret. In this instance I choose this word to distinguish it from resentment, for it allows me to point out that some of these regrettable situations are not ones that happen to you but are caused by you. Egress is a word you use to indicate leaving, exit. Digress indicates you have varied from your course, from your direction. Regress indicates a return over previously covered topics. Regret also is a back-cycling of your experience. You must determine when usefulness, those lessons, the truths extracted therefrom, have served their purpose and do your spring cleaning. Put them in the trash, set them on the curb, and let them go.
It is difficult because sentiment, attachment, are likewise applied to these more uncomfortable conditions as much as those cherished experiences. But you know, just as it is work to rake your yards to gather up the winter’s clutter, to break a sweat in doing so, to take your valuable time away from pleasurable activities, social activities, that when the work is done the yard bursts forth in new growth. The beauty of the new cycle is enhanced and increased by your manual labor. In the inner sanctum of your being this also holds true.
It is not my place to tell you where and what; you must find for yourselves those things that you desire to discard. I am not an interior designer. I am not here to reposition your inner house. All I care to do is to encourage you to look around and select those possessions, for they are yours, not mine, that you wish to keep, that you wish to discard, and that you wish to apply now that you have not been utilizing but merely storing.
You are excited this day about prospects for going forth into the world and ministering, shedding the light so that others may be blessed. This is a delight to our Creator Son.
As I wrap up I will make a final comment that when you travel you can only take what is of service in your journey. All other household items must be left behind. So, as you go forth, as you at this hour rally your enthusiasm to proceed, pack what you need. Be not concerned about that which you are not going to take; it will be there when you return. Your house may not be finished in its decorating or its remodeling, but you still can travel; you can still pack your bags with those needed items. I say this because you may feel inadequate, under-prepared to engage in planetary ministry for thecelestial administrators on this world. Rest assured that in your assignment you will only need that which fits in your travel bag. You will not need all of your possessions. You have faith. This is good. You may not have courage. That is fine. Pack in your bags your faith. Courage may not be in yourhome, but you may find it on your journey.
hope this stimulates you to do your spring cleaning. Only you can place merit upon the valuable and the discard-able. I am here to be of service in questions. Others are in my midst should you request their contact.


Ginny: Jesus, in The Urantia Book, warned against self examination. How do we distinguish between the wrong kind and our normal way of discarding what we don’t need?
Elyon: Emphasis was upon the often developed quagmire of overmuch self examination wherein the investigating, determining, categorizing; the noting, itemizing, slating, elements of examination go on indefinitely. At some point in your refinement of being a decision ought to be made, acommitment chosen, and you proceed therefrom. To return to my theme of spring cleaning, we may liken this to having a yard wherein nothing is planted. You begin the research of which shrubbery, grass types, pathways you may use to landscape and continue to examine these elements for a decade, all the while weeds and dust exist in your yard. This is what he cautioned against.
You know that the Master spent forty days alone in the hills examining his role in his bestowal mission for the Father and for the world. He made his decisions and resolutely conducted the rest of his life as he taught, with self forgetfulness. The choice was made and the mission set, and he focused on his ministry. The apostles to whom he spoke at the time felt as many of you often do, inadequate for the mission. He wished to allay these fears by encouraging them to redirect their attention from their inadequacies to those around them who lacked what they had already acquired. If you continued your spring cleaning all the way into next winter, you may miss the beauties of the seasons intervening. This is what he cautioned you about.
If I may put it another way, you wake up a spring morning and gaze upon your lawn and find weeds growing all through it. Sound self examination is plucking the weeds that you can perceive. Overmuch self examination is tearing up all the sod looking for every seed that may germinate that is a weed. I hope this has clarified.
Ginny: Thank you.

Avonal SonsMelchizedeksTrinity Teacher Sons

We are delighted to have Monjoronson among us. Could you give us a little more on his purpose here? We welcome him mightily happily into ourgroup.
Elyon: He likewise is thrilled to make the connection and to draw you consciously into association. His purpose spans beyond this smaller circle ofTeaching Mission ministers which includes you all. The scope would be far too much to relay to you, but relating to your association, this great Son of God is upstepping your awareness of your real association with the celestial ministers upon this world. First you became sensitive to, welcomed, and began working with beings like myself who have been assigned to this world to teach. Then you received contact from many Melchizedek advisors. You have become acquainted with a Trinity Teacher Son and archangels. Not to burden you with the majesty of such great beings, you also have been introduced to friends like Lester and artists from the celestial spheres of art. This Avonal Son is one more introduction leading to an incorporation of all these efforts of all these personalities under Michael’s Correcting Time mission.
If I may place this in context, there is one mission in Nebadon, and that is for all the children under Michael’s care to contribute to and attain Light and Life. Narrowing in upon any locality, be it a system or a planet, there are variables, localized conditions, which dictate variable applications in ministry and upliftment. So, the tasks of the Melchizedeks are to develop educational programs for uplifting all creatures in those localities and for theMagisterial Son to weigh the efforts to determine future direction, to signal close, and to inaugurate openings. While the Trinity Teacher Sons project towards Light and Life, the Magisterial Son works within the cycles, the manifold steps toward Light and Life, opening and closing each step when it is relevant, when it is applicable.
The Melchizedeks project the lesson plans; the Teacher Sons chart the course to the golden future, and the Avonals mark the cycles and determine the merit and the needs.
I hope this clarifies.
Ginny: Thank you.
Tom: He is opening a step now rather than closing one?
Elyon: Yes and no. May I illustrate. As you pass through a door, you both open and close. So, the new cycle is opening with his presence, but that at the same time implies the closure of an older cycle. However, I must caution you creatures whose time spans are narrower than an Avonal Son’s that when the door swings open and shut the interval of time is greater than you may be able to perceive. The transition is occurring now.
You have been spoken to by Machiventa in weeks recent regarding our many years of preparatory lessons and the beginning of a new phase in this mission. So it has become the opportune time within our teaching classroom for you to be in contact with this Son. Therefore, as regards our group, the new cycle has begun. As a matter of promoting my lesson of today, in order to encourage that new cycle, it is worthwhile for you to gather up the clutter and discard the non-useful, that which will not help in the new cycle, though it may have been quite valuable in the previous.
Or if I may put it another way, you have a guest arriving. It is natural when a guest is coming for a host to tidy up. If it is difficult to eliminate some cherished qualities, though they are acquiring tarnish, do it not for yourself; do it because the guests are arriving.

Light and Life

Kirk: One of the things I can leave behind is the feeling that I am not going to live on this world and see the era of Light and Life. I could live it now. All the gifts that God has given us are here now. I could live like Light and Life is here right now, seeing those gifts as present.
Elyon: This is a fantastic comment! for the era of Light and Life that you hope for is often taken as a global condition, and this condition is down the road of time. To resolve oneself to the understanding that one’s lifespan may not cover enough of this road of time that you will witness Light and Lifemay lead to complacency, the feeling that, since it is not here now, I need not be too concerned with the conditions of the world, for they do not represent Light and Life which is a long ways off. This will not bring Light and Life. However, as you establish Light and Life within yourself, and this is possible within your lifetime, you begin the expansion of Light and Life on this world. As each of you does, and you all gather en masse, the day of the arrival as a planet approaches with greater speed.
Thank you for making that observation.


Tom: The same would hold for Adjuster attunement, would it not? It’s not something that has to wait for the future. Spring clean that out and accept it now.
Elyon: Yes. Remember the Divine Fragment dwelling within you hails from eternity. Time is only a constraint to the Indwelling Spirit because time is a condition of your human personality. Because time is part of your human condition, it is your choice the length or brevity of the interval of time between partial and complete alignment, attunement and fusion.
It lightens my heart, cultivates joy, to observe your comments of things that you may eradicate that are forward looking. I chose the surgical examples of clearing out resentmentregret. You chose the acquiring examples of attaining Light and Life and aligning with the Divine Spirit within. It illustrates the progress you have made in your spirit vantage point, your observation deck, of how you will conduct your life and what work needs to be done.
Ginny: I would like to discard the notion that I am alone in all this, not just physically but spiritually too. Many are working for the same thing; certainlycelestials are helping us.
Elyon: I must relate to you the stand of applause that has just ensued from your comment. Many here are overjoyed at your recognition.
Evelyn: I allow myself to be swayed by emotional stimulus. That’s something to jettison. The perspective of “do unto others” is helpful to get me out ofgloominess, for example. Now it’s a matter of identifying those emotions and let them go when they appear, and not to beat myself up when they do creep up.
Elyon: You have illustrated a key principle, the doing unto others. While it may not be exciting the prospect of raking one’s own yard, it is quite enjoyable to go next door and engage with another in cleaning up their yard, not that you are desirous of fixing their problems, but that it is in the fellowship that you are energized.
Ginny: It’s hard to give up, like dieting, because of the deprivation we think we are feeling. Rather than discard we can take on something that is theopposite to help us spiritually.
Elyon: Indeed. And if each of you keeps up these comments I will have lost my purpose!
Evelyn: Well, don’t be resentful!


Tom: You are talking about getting rid of spiritual scaffolding. It’s difficult when you don’t know what era we are moving into. Which precepts do you want to take with you? In what we refer to as Machiventa’s Manifesto(?), he suggests getting rid of concepts that no longer serve and embracing new ones.
Elyon: I one time gave you the lesson of climbing the ladder. Encased in that lesson was to help you accept the lower rungs you dwelled upon as youascended, not to regret those early stages, for they lifted you higher up the ladder. But if you were to remove those lower rungs the ladder would collapse. You illustrate that it is important to discern what is discard-able and what is keep-able. To use this analogy, I would say that this is the focus of deliberately lifting your foot off the rung you have been on and stepping beyond the rung you are on to the rung you are heading toward. This is where the cleansing can begin. It is not the removal of the rung; it is the lifting of your foot and your moving from it.
Another illustration perhaps would be imagine yourself living in a vast estate with many rooms, and you wish to cross from one end to the other, and it is nighttime. As you go through your rooms, you may turn on a light to enter and turn off a light to leave. Your spiritual progress is the same. The room you have gone through in your growth was turned on, illuminated for you to grow. As you left you turned off the light. The stage of development still exists; that era is your history, but the light is not on at that level any longer. You have taken your spirit luminosity into another room.
You express the desire to understand the next stage. You are at this time standing in the doorway turning off the light in the older room, and not quite yet have you turned on the light in the new room. I pledge to you all my efforts to help you find the light switch and perceive that new era that is at your feet.

Light and Life

Tom: That would be Life and Light?
Elyon: Yes, indeed.
Ginny: Light and Life is evolutionary. It doesn’t turn on as fast as a light switch.
Elyon: It is. However, it can have some elements of instantaneous-ness. May I illustrate again. Night falls over the valley, and all who dwell within that valley have the ability to illuminate their own houses. As it darkens, as the sun sets, one or two lights come on, and a few more, and a few more. Soon by nightfall the entire village is aglow. So, Kirk will have turned on his Light and Life light, and so will have you and each of you in this room and many around. That is the evolution of Light and Life. Each of you attain and eventually all will arrive.
I must indicate to you that Light and Life is not a condition of a planet, per se, even of a universe; it is a condition of all who dwell therein. Each oneaccumulates to the totality of Light and Life. Nebadon will not be in Light and Life until each personality is in Light and Life, just as a city does not turn on all its lights at the same time when night falls.
hope this helps.
Ginny: It would be a good practice for us every time we turn on a light to remember.


Elyon: I will withdraw my presence, as it has been some time in our engagement. Thank you for your participation; it thrills me. Don’t forget to polish the light bulbs before you turn them on.



Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4739 A Refrain from the Past , November 15, 2013 

God said: 

When you are hot under the collar and you feel you have to let off steam, get a punching bag or run two miles. Do not vent your barrage of steam on another living being. At such times, you are too hot to handle.
Yes, yes, you may be perfectly right, but what does that have to do with anger? Everyone thinks he or she is right. The true cause of temper is temper, not what someone else says or doesn’t say.
It is difficult for you or anyone when another cannot seem to listen to what you are saying, yet no other is the cause of your anger. Whatever is going on stirs up something in the past, and you mix up the present with the past. Let the past recede. It isn’t going anywhere. Let it go. It is your ire and your confusing what happens now with what once happened in the past. You don’t have to relive the past. Reliving the past is putting yourself and others into an unfavorable role.
It is like you choose an immutable cast of characters, and it is hard for you to get beyond them. You keep them handy. Truly, dear one, you find a reason to be angry. It seems like it finds you.
You know it is never worth it, and, truly, it’s not necessary. Perhaps once you were at the mercy of others, yet, now, you are at the mercy of yourself. You dig up the past and cast the present into the past. No longer paste an old movie reel onto the present. This is what you have been doing.
An angel might come your way, and a shadow from the past falls over the angel, and you react, not to the angel before you, but to a semblance from the past. And so you play old-fashioned music as if you had no choice. You do have choice, and it’s for you to exercise it.
Never do you want to replay an old scene that didn’t work out well in the first place. Learn a new scene. Rewrite the old. Better yet, simply throw it out and start all over.
You want to get out from under. You deserve to get out from under. You deserve a top-notch script.
Your old shoes are too tight. They never really fit. They most assuredly don’t fit you now. In fact, go barefoot. The true you doesn’t rant and rave. Nor do you have to. You really don’t favor loss of temper over peace and brotherhood.
Others are not to blame for what they may remind you of in the crevices in your mind and heart.
Perhaps everyone in the past didn’t honor you. They didn’t listen to you. You were not heard. You did not feel heard.
Beloveds, everything is an idea. Let old ideas go. Reach new ideas. Take on the idea that now you are heard. Now you are listened to. And now you listen as well. Now, for a moment, you put aside your wailing heart and listen to your friend whose heart you have battled. Put down your weapons. There is no need to uphold yourself. The perceived need to uphold yourself provides the cry of war.
And no longer carry the backlash of the world.
Perhaps you strike first so that you are not stricken. It’s all for nothing. War does not make any more sense than pride in dignity does. Let pride in ego go. Ego is not triumph.
Yes, dear ones, the past wounds your ego. Your ego does a number on yourself.


Think 4 Yourself

In old times, there was a village having only one well for drinking water. One day a dog fell down in the well and died. The water became filthy and undrinkable.  The worried villagers went to the old wise man for advice. They were told to take 100 buckets of water from the well so that clean water come to the surface of the well. The villagers took 100 buckets but water status was same. They went to the wise man again. He suggested to take another 100 buckets. The villagers did the same but to no avail. They villagers tried third time to take another 100 buckets as per the advice from the wise man but water was still impure. The wise said, How come the whole well is polluted even removing this much considerable amount of water. Did you remove the dog body prior to taking 300 buckets of water? The villagers said, "no sir, you only advised us to take water out, not the dog body!!!"


The greatest Guru is your inner Self. Truly, he is the
supreme teacher. He alone can take you to your goal
and he alone meets you at the end of the road. Confide
in him and you need no outer Guru. But again you must
have the strong desire to find him and do nothing that
will create obstacles and delays. And do not waste
energy and time on regrets. Learn from your mistakes
and do not repeat them.


Michigan, US of A, October 27, 2013. 
Teacher Ophelius. 
Subject: “Perplexing Moral Dilemma.” 

Received by Chris. 

Teacher Ophelius: “Today we would like to talk about decision making and how to ask for guidance at those times in your life when difficult decisions must be made to move you through some perplexing moral dilemma. It is not always clear to know what the Will of God is in all the complex situations that you may find yourself in, and so it takes time and dialog in prayer with your Heavenly Father to sort it all out. Be assured that there are councils on high that can and do work with you to point you in the direction that will bring about the greatest good for all in the situation you find yourself in. Be therefore patient and make your decision in the subtle discovery of those influences of peace that present themselves to you. 

“Understand that not all decisions will appear to work in your favor in the short term, yet be willing to allow the providence of God to move in your life where it shall bring forth a greater benefit to your soul and to all those involved. It is better to wait and pray than to make a decision in haste. 

“In those rare instances where you have stood in the shoes of both sides of an issue and you find no clear path, having applied all the experience and wisdom in your being, we suggest that you bring your case to the Father and ask that a High Council be assigned to deliberate on the issue at hand. If you choose this method of judicial summary, you must then bring before the council the facts of the matter and present them in a non-biased way, skewing it not to your emotional desires or prejudices, but be willing to reveal every detail no matter how difficult it is to look at. Start from the very beginning of the matter and walk through the entire history that led up to the impasse and include any relevant prehistory that may have influence on the case. Represent both sides with integrity and honesty and then state your intention for the outcome of the decision. 

“Having stated your case, go in peace and wait for the opinion of the High Council to be made manifest in your life. The answer may come in a form you are not expecting, and in some cases the situation may change where you see a clear path and where you can be decisive and act with peace and integrity. Be ever mindful that these difficulties you face are put in your path as a way for you to overcome something that is preventing you from growing or as a way to demonstrate leadership and to show readiness in preparation for greater responsibilities. 

“Go in peace and have faith in the divine process. The Father’s love is abundant and His justice is merciful and unerring. Those who bring their cares to Him shall find the peace that surpasses all understanding. Go now into your room and close the door – open the chambers of your heart and he shall abide therein.

“Peace to you, 
“The Circle of Seven.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius.



Soul Mates

 Completion is the call to wholeness. This desire expresses itself in many
ways upon our planet. With ever greater passion and rising complexity,
 the craving for soul connection has rapidly increased on all levels. In
our travels around this amazing planet, at every event we appear at,
inevitably we are asked: "How can I find my soul mate, and how can I
have a relationship like yours?"
  Regardless of the Quantum Leap approaching us, or our hunger to
participate in the universe, it is this basic yearning that still propels the
actions of most. The sincerity of this yearning for true union--beyond sex,
familial obligation, or worldly success--cannot be denied. And from this
springs the obvious question: Why are we preoccupied with union?
  Know that collectively, we have already entered into a new relationship
with ourselves, with each other, and with the universe. The four primary
soul groups are presently in the process of reunification in final prepara-
tion for the leap in consciousness that is upon us, now.
  Many are being called to new interactions with those they love, espe-
cially since the karmic release at the millennium. Recognize that Partner-
ship is the energy of the Quantum Leap, not relationship. Relationships
are now failing and will continue to fail as part and parcel of the energy
that is clinging to Density Consciousness.

  Relationship = Me in relation to You
  Partnership = Us

  Partnership must be accepted as the new paradigm for couples. While
this may not seem new to you in concept, go beyond your physical
mind and enter the Realm of Ascension Awareness. We know from the
Pyramid of Spiritual Awakening that the levels of Density Conscious-
ness and Spiritual Activism embody, to some extent, both judgment and
a "me vs. you" orientation. They are the perfect environment in which
the relationship model to flourish.
  Yet, if you have become aware of your own energetic realignment
in relation to the universal flow, chances are you have also undergone
serious relationship failure at one time or another. Untold numbers
of couples who have tolerated lukewarm complacency for years are
rapidly separating, due to the need for one or both to realign with
vibrationally compatible partners. Many more are simply refusing to
enter into relationship at all, knowing that interactions with any who
are not energetically aligned would be futile.
"What most people refer to as a Soul Mate is actually a Karmic Mate."
   This relationship is characterized by a magnetic attraction and perhaps
 a sense of resolution. The Sacred Union, on the other hand, is character-
 ized by a sense of completion. Because it has never happened before,
 the feelings and perceptions attendant upon the Sacred Union may be
 unlike anything you have ever experienced."
 Prior to the millennium, we often fell in love because of the inner
excitement of having found someone for karmic resolution. The
magnetism of the karmic imperative brought us together. In recent
years, with the release of karma, people are being called to find their
true energetic counterparts. These partnerships bring people of the
same soul groups together for their mutual expansion and reunion
in consciousness.
"ME" - "YOU"  Relationship Compatibility > "MeYou" = 2
Sacred Union Partnership > "YUMI" = 1
   The above diagram shows the past paradigm of me and you coming
 together in relationship, still as a me and a you. In Sacred Union, the me
 and the you completely merge, becoming the Yumi soul. Ifs not that
 the you or the me is lost; rather, there are neither secrets nor energetic
 hold-backs. The Union is complete.
   When we understand the difference between a karmic-mate relation-
 ship and a Sacred Union Partnership, the impact becomes clear. With the
 release of karmic obligation, the opportunity to claim self-responsibility
 as a conscious co-creator is upon us now. Whether mindfully conscious
 of this choice or not, at a cellular level all beings are experiencing this
call to completion.
   Simply put, the relationship of the self is now seeking partnership
with the universe. Breaking free of the chaotic energy stream of density
frees you to experience partnership in all-ways! Conversely, aligning
with the chaotic density offers a relationship playground on which one
experiences repetitive patterns, repeatedly deriving lessons from those
patterns until a new choice is made.
 "In the world of duality, everything is a relationship. In the world
of Oneness, everything is love."
  Understanding soul groups requires more than a chapter, and indeed
warrants full attention as its own book. Know in this moment that you
can recognize your own partnership with the universe at any time.
  When another realm first offered information to us about the
four soul groups on the planet, the differences between relationship
and partnership became clear. It also expanded our understanding of
ourselves, and why we are all seeking reunification at this time.
  1. Union: Souls that were birthed as one. They were separated at
      the end of the density experience of Atlantis--literally split in
      half. They are seeking to reunify with their other soul-half. These
      souls seek deep Union with one who is carrying the same energy
      signature, literally their "other half." They may have had many
      marriages in their search for this Union. Often, they have held a
      lifelong remembrance of another "half." Most union souls will
      never give up on partnership, despite many perceived relation-
      ship failures.
  2. Omni: Souls that have always remained as one experience of light
      throughout all density experiences. They are complete without a
      partner, being in fullness with the Divine always, although they
      may not be aware of this connection until later in life. Often this
      group tries to enter into relationships only to find them temporary.
      Until self-realized, they can be perceived as non-caring, quick to
      end relationships, or detached and leery of commitment. They
      are simply whole within themselves. They usually find peace
      through quiet communion with the Divine (or themselves, until
      fully realized). Omni souls make ideal nuns or monks.
   3. Dual: Souls birthed as one complete soul, yet have another Divine
      counterpart (similar to twins). Different from the Union soul, they
      are whole as individuals yet find greater Divine Communion with
      their counterpart. Often confused with the Union soul. Dual souls
are looking for their "cosmic twin" who, when found, may even look
physically alike. However, they can find earthly fulfillment without
their counterpart, as may the Omni. Dual souls are in fact complete
within themselves. They can also expand their recognition of
consciousness in Sacred Partnership with their twin, similar to the
dynamics of the Union soul.
    4. Multi-expressional: Souls that have always embodied many
       expressions of light, and seek to incorporate all expressions.
       Birthed as one soul, they have the capacity to express in many
       ways, and often have done this throughout the universe. Multi-
       expressional souls have a built-in desire to integrate all of their
       experiences with as many as possible. It is their way of bringing
       all experiences back to the Divine. This group often embraces
       polyamory and may find it challenging to stay in a committed
       relationship for very long. They love to exchange energy, and are
       best suited to be in partnership with one another, or with a fully
       realized Omni.
  As you review these soul groups, remember that you are viewing
them from the standpoint of reverse engineering. These four groups
were birthed as The Travelers. Throughout our experiences of density,
they have further refined themselves, split again and again, and lost
their distinctions in the constructs of this planet.
  In modern times, many people have yearned for a soul mate, and
many have felt frustrated. As you welcome the discernment regarding
the four soul groups, it will become easier to understand why some
relationships never quite "fit," even though the people involved had
similar values and interests.
 We are beyond the time when fitting together at the personality level
is enough. Yearning for true energetic alignment and deep congruence,
the soul groups are coming back together and recreating the pure stream
of energy. Many are finding themselves called into new partnerships as
a result of this yearning for alignment.
   These expressions of light form the original intent of the Travelers to
enrich the experience of expansion through adventures in density. Scan-
ning the four groups, you are most likely looking for yourself. You are
 in there! Recognizing your own soul energy can help you understand
your particular experiences in relationship and partnership. A deep
 inner peace is found through reunion with one's true soul group. Years
 of event-responses, especially in areas of relationship and partnership,
 suddenly make sense. Actions and ways of being that may have been
 shrouded by societal judgment are understood, thereby relaxing self-
 judgment and creating the spaciousness that is self-love.
   Many ask: "Does it matter what soul group my partner comes from?"
   This is a valuable question, and the answer is yes and no.
 The response depends largely upon the soul group and emotional matu-
 rity of the questioner. A basic compatibility chart is included below;
 however, anyone can transcend density energy and be complete with
 another in the fifth dimension. Remember, we are all one. Soul groups
 emerged as original creations, expressing as sparks of light. The chart
 will guide you in finding the "ah-ha" moment for yourself, past rela-
 tionships, and perhaps your perfect partnership.
  Seek reunification
 Many relationships
"Knowing" of another
Seek to not feel alone
 Perceived as distant
Find peace with God
  Seek Themselves
  Complete alone
Better in Partnership
 Seek many experiences
Enjoy multiple partners
 Important to integrate

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