CURIOUS - Curiosity is good, curiosity is beautiful,
but don't stop at it. It is a good beginning, but not the end, because curiosity always remains lukewarm. It is
an intellectual gymnastics. --- It is good to be curious because that is how one starts the journey of inquiry
into existence; but if one simply remains curious, then there will be no intensity in it. One can move from one
curiosity to another - one will become a driftwood - from one wave to another wave, never getting anchored
anywhere. --- Curiosity is good as a beginning, but then one has to become more passionate. One has to make life
a quest, not only a curiosity. And what do I mean when I say one has to make one's life a quest? --- Curiosity creates
questions, but your life never becomes a quest. Questions are many, a quest is one. When some question becomes so
important to you that you are ready to sacrifice your life for it, then it is a quest. When some question has such importance,
such significance that you can gamble, that you can stake all that you have, then it becomes a quest. --- Curiosity
is good as a triggering point for a quest, but there are many people who simply remain curious their whole life. Their
life is a wastage; they are rolling stones - they never gather any moss. They remain childish, they never become mature.
They ask a thousand and one questions, but they are not really interested in answers. By the time you have answered them,
they have prepared another question ... But these questions are never finished, because these questions are utterly
meaningless, absurd-so they are never finished. One can go on asking and asking and asking, and the whole life can
become just a wastage. --- It's good to be curious as a beginning, but don't remain curious forever. You will need
some more passion in order to grow. Curiosity is not hot enough to transform your life. It is superficial, shallow. You
will have to create a longing to know truth, an immense, intense passion for truth. --- Because that needs courage,
because risk is involved, people go on thinking about questions. That is their substitute for the quest. --- And this
is the difference between philosophy and religion: religion is a quest, philosophy is only curiosity. The philosopher
is never transformed by whatsoever he finds. He remains the same. For example, if you meet Aristotle you will not find
any impact of his philosophy on his life, no, nothing of it. He will be as devoid of his own philosophy as you are.
He only thinks, he does not live it. But if you meet the Buddha, then whatsoever he says, he lives it. He says only
because he lives it; saying comes later on. Living comes first, living precedes it ... Let your curiosity be transformed
here. Let it become a flame in your being, a quest ... Create enquiry here, not an enquiry that can ever be satisfied
by anybody else. Make us more and more thirsty. One day that very thirst will take us into our innermost shrine. There
truth waits for us. There God abides. --- EXPLORER - Exploration, one just has to learn the taste of exploration and
then each moment becomes more and more alive, more and more festive, more and more celebrating. And the ultimate celebration
is when you have found that you are bliss, that bliss is not something outside you, that God is not something outside
you, that you are freedom, that you are liberation. --- In that moment the ultimate dance happens. It simply explodes.
In that explosion you are lost and only that which is truth remains. That truth is the longing of every heart. ---
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