Crystals have been used down through history
for healing, personal reflection and meditation.
Crystals work well with the human energy field,
they can move, absorb, focus, direct and diffuse energy within the body.
When the body is unwell or dis-eased it is usually
because the person has in some way, lost their balance/natural rhythm.
Working with crystalline energy helps the body
to find that natural rhythm again. The crystal's perfect atomic structure, gives out a resonance of perfection, a pattern
for the body to follow.
By attuning to and channelling Divine healing
energy and using the crystals as a powerful healing tool a wonderful healing vibration is achieved.
Crystal Healing is a therapy which is non invasive
and can be used in conjunction with a number of other therapies and orthodox medicine.
Crystal Therapy can assist with….
Deep Relaxation
Self Development
Stress Relief
Improved Self Confidence
Self Awareness
Balance between Mind, Body & Spirit
Life Path
Spiritual Development
Clearer Communication between Self and Others
Self empowerment and Responsibility
Moving Through Change
The essence of Crystal Healing is to assist
the body in healing itself. A Crystal has a perfect atomic structure, which gives out a resonance of perfection, a blue
print for the human body to follow.
Working in a space attuned to promote peace and
well being that will help you to help yourself. There is a strong emphasis on self empowerment.
The intension is that each receives that which
is for their highest good and in "tune" with their healing journey at this time.
Relax usually with a visualization or music. Place
the Crystals on or around you, in some instances a combination of both.
Benefits of Crystal Healing
Crystal Healing gives you the time to step out
of the hustle and bustle of every day life.
Time for yourself.
While receiving healing you may experience a
sense of deep relaxation and well being. When the body is relaxed the immune system works more efficiently. Relaxation
also aids in the relief of stress. Crystals can help with a number of conditions and situations.
Crystal Healing gives you time to connect to
your place of inner peace and healing.
Crystal Therapy can help in many areas
of your life but it is not meant as a replacement for nor as an alternative to medical advice and orthodox medical treatment.
Much more to come on Crystals,
please check back.