Creation Evolution & Nurture |
Illawarra District, Australia, May 12, 2013. © The 11:11 Progress
Clearing a Pathway for Love by Master Kuthumi Clearing
a Pathway for Love by Master Kuthumi Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 20th
May 2013- From the expanse and warmth of my heart I extend my love to you now
as a greeting that will remain eternally with you. My love for you is never lacking nor is it withdrawn; I love you unconditionally
and eternally. It is my greatest purpose to allow and support you to feel the love within your being, to experience, to acknowledge
and accept the vast expanse of love that you hold. I would ask also that this becomes your purpose for yourself and for others,
to support yourself and others in feeling and experiencing the love that is present. Every action that you take on the Earth
whether you achieve it to support yourself or another is to allow you or the other, or in truth both, to experience the love
within your beings. Such a beautiful intention that can be held will allow for a greater and more abundant experience
of love within your being and reality. There is no such thing as lack of love, only abundant, every flowing eternal and unconditional
love. It is important to truly realise and understand my words and their meaning as they can if you choose alter your experience
of the Creator's love and loving presence. Do you push love away? Do you feel as if you are lacking in love or other parts of your reality and being?
Are these beliefs that you have created and built true or helpful to you as a being who seeks to become one with the Creator?
Can you acknowledge that lack is another feeling or belief in disguise, as you rejecting and pushing yourself further away
from the Creator's abundant love? At the centre of most experiences of lack is fear but fear can take
on so many different forms that it is no longer recognised as fear. Fear in itself is an illusion, fear doesn't exist and
yet often you may choose to create it. There is only the essence within your being, the easiest way for you to experience
and to recognise this essence is to acquaint it with love. To love as the Creator and to be loved can be one of the
most valuable and difficult lessons upon the Earth to master because there are so many levels and forms within your being
and reality that this lesson manifests as, in order for you to experience and overcome it. Often lessons connected to love
manifest without you consciously realising and so it can take great self-observation to truly recognise and understand them,
allowing yourself to open up to love. Experiencing, embodying, accepting and expressing the love of the Creator can be both
something that you deeply desire and also fear simultaneously. When you begin to let go of the need, the attachment and desire
for experiencing the love of the Creator especially as an expression through others then you set yourself free. Often when
in a physical body the experience of separation is so severe that you can become focused on the need, attachment and desire
to experience the love of the Creator therefore becoming so concentrated on seeking love that you forget that which you seek
is always present and available for you to experience. It is often nourishment of the essence or love that is already present
within your being is all that is required but one can often become focused on seeking nourishment for the inner love as well
which acts as a distraction. Recognition, knowingness, repetitive focus of the
presence of love eternally growing within your being will again offer to you the freedom that is needed to enjoy and experience
that which is within you. When your demands upon the Creator and those around you cease then there is no choice but to observe
what is left within you. It can often appear that what remains within you is weak and unworthy of your focus but this is only
because you have yet to recognise all that you are and all that is the Creator within your being. This recognition is
eternal and so there is a need to become familiar with the process of recognising the Creator, and or love within your being.
The process of recognising the Creator becomes your constant companion. The freedom that can be experienced when all of your
needs, demands, desires and expectations for and from the love of the Creator are discarded actually allows an instant reaction
which can be experienced as love flowing into or from your heart chakra, or simply the heart chakra opening to reveal the
love within. In truth it can be like a breath of fresh air. It is my belief that focus upon your thoughts and the vocabulary you
use can assist you in dissolving attachments, demands and expectations upon yourself and others and even the love of the Creator.
Allow yourself for a few days to observe the wording that you choose to express yourself and your essence. As you observe
naturally allow yourself to make active changes in order to generate a sense of freedom and love in your vocabulary. Your
wording is extremely important as it co creates with your mind your own reality and manifestations to experience. Your wording
can actually share with you all issues of resistance, illusion and lack that you may still be holding onto. For example, 'I
have to go to work , I have to meet a friend or I have to meditate, ' maybe this emphasises that you are not in control of
your reality, that you have no options or opportunities and feel limited. Maybe it would serve you to say, I choose to go
to work, I choose to meet a friend, it would serve me to meditate.' Another example could be, 'You/ I should do......'
which could be converted to 'You/ I (may) feel guided to do.......' Allow yourself to infuse your vocabulary with love and
positivity rather than lack, fear and pressure upon yourself. It is to create a positive statement while not taking away the
meaning of the statement creating a greater experience of love and freedom within your vocabulary; therefore you will experience
love and freedom in your reality and within your being. Another opportunity to experience a greater sense of freedom in your experience of the love
of the Creator is to observe your reality holding the perspective that you are the creator of your entire reality. Allow yourself
for this exercise to take away all forms of blame and judgement upon other people within your reality. Allow yourself time
in a state of meditation and contemplation to observe the actions of others towards you whether they are loved ones or strangers,
with this observation permit yourself to realise that you created every action, reaction, word or experience. Remember that
this observation is only for the time that you set aside as a meditation exercise. Imagine without judgment on yourself that
everything you are experiencing you chose to put into your reality to experience. Rather than dwelling on the experience,
the action or reaction, allow yourself to interpret the lesson or insight that is available for you to grow and evolve in
this moment. Observe your feelings, thoughts and beliefs, let yourself come to an understanding of why you chose to experience
whatever you are focused upon. Then you begin to understand yourself more fully and can almost see beyond the illusion of
the Earth. With your recognition and with your love of your guides and for yourself you can heal the origin of the creation
allowing for a transformation to occur within your reality because that healing will be projected from within you into your
reality for you to experience. It is important
to realise that you co create your reality with others, their creations can have an impact upon your reality as can your creations
influence the lives of others, but when you allow yourself to step back, to detach and to take responsibility you are taking
a step to knowing yourself more fully, healing yourself and changing your physical reality. Even taking responsibility during
this meditation experience can allow you to develop inner strength, compassion, a greater sense of truth and can assist you
in avoiding becoming entangled in unneeded creations within your reality. To take responsibility in this way allows a greater
sense of freedom and for your heart chakra to open to reveal the natural love that exists within your being, which is your
power, your truth and your essence. Your natural love essence is your divine right to experience. I hold you in a loving embrace always, I am Master Kuthumi Heavenletters™, bringing
Earth closer to Heaven. It is not for you to fight against life. It is for you to work with life.
Life is not out to get you. Life is out to soar with you. Even with little matters, go along with life. When you feel sleepy,
sleep. In terms of life, there is no saying: “I should.” There is no saying: “I should be wide-awake.
I should not be sleepy.” Be in accord with life. How many times a day do you perhaps say, “I should,”
or how many times a day do you perhaps say, “I should not.” You are not some kind of reformation leader. You are
not an opposer to life. Go along with it. Avoid being an oppositionist. And when you are wide awake, it is not necessary
to say: “I should be sleepy.” Simply go to bed, and let sleep come. It is not necessary to try to
be other than you are at a particular juncture of time and space. Nor is it wise to posit to yourself that it behooves
you to be younger or older than you happen to be in the relative world. Nor is it wise to decide that if it is a rainy day,
it really ought to be sunny, or, if it is a bright sunny day, that there should be some relief from the brightness of the
sun. Whatever the day may look like, allow it to be the perfect day. Let it be the same with each person you meet and
the same with yourself. The person before you is perfect as he is. Your mind does not have to decide that this seemingly
other ought to be something else than what he is. If he is too quiet or too talkative, he is who he is at this moment. Whoever
comes before you, there is no point in your deciding he should be other than he is. He will grow and change of his own accord
just as you inevitably will. And, yes, have some acceptance of yourself as well. Let it be all right that you are as
you are today. Allow yourself just to be. If you are lazy today, it’s all right. If you are energetic, it is also all
right. If you are lazy today, it doesn’t make you inferior. If you are energetic today, it doesn’t make you superior.
You are a human being who lives life as best as he can, as best as he is, on any given day. Some people may always seem the
same. Others may change around every day. Put your energy and effort on something other than making yourself be something
else at a prescribed moment. You will grow, and you will gain. You will surpass yourself. It will happen. It is unnecessary
for you to force-feed growth upon yourself. Be receptive. Be open to change. You will get in shape. There is no need to whip
yourself into shape. A little acceptance of yourself goes a long way. Breathe, relax. You are just fine today. It will
be good to stop judging yourself. Isn’t that what you have been doing? There is no inherent value in dissatisfaction.
There is inherent value in being in peace. Calm is the path. Easily moseying along is the path. Urgency is not the path. Better
to not cage yourself into a franticness for change. Change will come. Desire as you wish yet do not commandeer change. Let
change come. Let it come to you. Invite it. Welcome it. No need to lasso change. Consider change a guest. You don’t
have to move everything around in your house to make a place for change. Change will find its own way. Be open to it, and
yet not insist. Easy-going is the path. Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for http://www. Dear Ones, The major shift of the next few days will help you transition from mild fear to mild joy. Your Old Age feelings spectrum was limited to fear - great
fear to mild fear. Even though joy was an inner element, joy was not really part of your repertoire. You felt joy - but as you aged, more and more of that joy was
infused with and sifted through fear. You fell in love only to worry love would not last. Or you gave birth only to be concerned
your baby might not be healthy. Joy was infused with major
and minor fears. It was not experienced as an emotion by itself - except by very small children not yet completely acclimated
to earth's density. Perhaps you believe joy is
not possible. That you have been in pain for so long you cannot possibly transition to joy in this lifetime. We beg to differ.
The energies of the next few days are changing your perceptions more rapidly than would be possible if these energies were
not available. Or maybe you believe no one can
help you jump hurdles. Such is true. But then, you trail blazers, you advance Lightworkers decided en masse that your joy
transition was taking more time than you wished. Initially,
Baby Boomers merely expected to build the bridge to the New Age/new earth. But then, you belligerent, independent Baby Boomers
decided you wished to experience the new earth in this lifetime. Those dreams moved your intent from future to present. Such
is the brass ring you will grasp by the end of this month. Even though the New Age/new earth was initiated several generations ago with a spattering of books and ideas, the
plan did not and could not come to fruition until a mass of earth entities decided they would welcome new thoughts and beliefs. Baby Boomers entered earth in this lifetime with the role/task
of introducing the New Age/new earth. Such was started in the 60's and 70's, but put aside for 30 or so years to fully move
through the fears of previous and current Old Age lives. Once Baby Boomers accepted their role of introducing the New Age/new earth, it was a given that the New Age would
be created in their lifetime. But creating it and living in it are quite different. Prior to birth on earth, no one thought
it possible to move from 3D to 5D and beyond while maintaining a 3D life. Such thoughts are exactly what excites you Baby Boomers. "It is not possible" is all Baby Boomers need to hear and
you are off and running to prove naysayers wrong. You
Baby Boomers fully lived the 3D life prepared by you and others for eons. But like the Three
Bears fairy tale, the Old Age did not quite fit. It was workable, at times even comfortable, for you had lived that
life of fear for eons. But something was missing. So you not only introduced the New Age/new earth, you Baby Boomers now intend
to experience it. Such would not be possible
if you continued to sift all thoughts, feelings and actions through fear. Hence the brass ring of a perception shift of the
next few days. Some of you remain concerned that
this brass ring is cheating. We remind you that because of this shift you will display a joy tantalizing to those starting
to open their New Age beings. That they will recognize joy as a reward for their clearing and cleansing. You will receive the beginnings of perception change, the gift
of joy from the Universes throughout the next few days. You, in turn, will display that joy for those following. You may be upset that those who follow will have an easier
transition for you have done the initial clearing. Be aware that we are rewarding you for your diligence with the gift of
a perception change. You may not notice the difference
immediately. The gift is a slight perception shift. But you trail blazers are such "workhorses" that even the smallest perception
shift is all you need to move forward at a rapid gallop! You, in turn, will do the same for those following. We are gifting you with enough sunshine to see a bit of the beauty of your New Age landscape. This, in turn, will
induce you to shift your being enough so that you will project the beauty and peace of the New Age - even though maybe experiencing
remnants of the Old Age. Those who are about to follow
you will listen intently to the joys you are starting to experience and realize deep within their being that they too are
ready to move through their "dark night of the soul" - that they want a life on the new joy spectrum. Those of you younger than Baby Boomer perhaps experienced a
bit less pain as you moved through your fear filters. But then, you were meant to live comfortably in the New Age/new earth
after Baby Boomers paved the way. Perhaps you are thinking that
you moved through a great deal of pain - and so you have and maybe continue to do so. But every day lived in the old
3D density of earth makes it more difficult to return to the natural joy of the Universes. Just as everyday you smoke tobacco
makes it more difficult to stop. That is not to say those younger
than Baby Boomers have an easier time, but instead have fewer barriers as you decide whether to experience this lifetime in
3D or some other dimension. Perhaps thinking in terms of veils or filters will help you understand. The longer you experience
a 3D life, the more comfortable you are in 3D as more veils cover your Universal being. Circumventing that comfort zone, removing
veils takes a great deal of energy - as many of you can attest. We are merely providing a bit of sunshine to those of you at the forefront - whatever age you are in earth years.
Neither Baby Boomers nor any generation is better or worse than another - merely different in the number of 3D experiences
and time on earth lived in fear instead of joy. So be it. Amen.