Creation Energies


Which Creation Area is Your Bogeyman Under the Bed?

by lifetapestrycreations

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Dear Ones,

Perhaps you are confused or angry. The past few weeks, numerous channeled sources energized you to create big. You tried - and perhaps failed.

Your capabilities to create in a specific area may be limited because your Old Age perceptions have permeated your physical, emotional or spiritual creation powers.

This deep Old Age fear is likely tied to your self-worth. Your earth self denied your true power for so many eons, you now struggle to acknowledge that you are as valuable and skilled as anyone.

In previous earth lives, you were probably extremely powerful in the physical, spiritual or emotional arena you are deeply fearful of now. You withhold that knowledge from yourself fearing that you will repeat whatever filled you with shame or worthlessness in that power arena.

It is time to introduce the you of now to that shameful piece.

Each of you reading this has a strength or area of expertise you are quite comfortable with. Healing (spiritual) is extremely easy, but physical creation (finances) seems beyond your grasp. Maybe finances are not an issue, but you dream of dimension-hopping and you cannot. Or you are comfortable with all sorts of earth entities, but cannot create your desired loving relationship.

You now wish to expand your expertise - for indeed that is the new earth. All who wish to be comfortable in all three realms will be - physical, spiritual and emotional.

This fearful element(s) has most likely been painful for you for several lifetimes. It is the bogeyman under your bed that you do not dare even think about.

You have cleared for months, so you believe you have nothing to clear or cleanse. Such is not the case. If you tried to create a romantic relationship to no avail in the past few weeks, you need to address the issue or issues blocking that joy. And the same is true for physical or spiritual creation blocks.

You are angry that we did not tell you this before drumming up your creation hopes. If we had, you would not have believed us - some have trouble believing us now. You cannot imagine that you allowed such a large piece of your being to go unnoticed.

It is about perception. Perhaps that piece did not stop your joy in other areas or perhaps it did. It does not matter for until you tested it for yourself, you would have never looked under your fear bed.

And so it is that you easily create in your area(s) of expertise, but not in the area(s) that you have hidden from yourself for perhaps eons.

It is time to forgive yourself and welcome that part of your being into your totality.

Most of you cleansed and cleaned all areas of your being - but you did so gingerly with your greatest fear. Perhaps allowing you to create a bit in that area. Maybe you allowed yourself to channel, but not heal - or to create a job, but not one that introduced financial comfort. You allowed a small piece of that totality in - but not enough for big creations.

The bogeyman under your bed is the area in which you lack self-worth. You would not have exposed that piece without a need to do so.

Limiting your new earth life and actions has finally allowed you to review that - and to fully KNOW that shame/lack of self-worth happened in a different time, with different perceptions, a different knowledge base and in a different Age.

You are no longer of the Old Age. Karma no longer applies. You are wiser and different from who you were when the incident(s) happened.

You did what was right for you - there are no mistakes and never have been. You were not wrong, merely testing something that was important at that time. Perhaps you wished to explore Old Age power in great depth. And so you did. But the very thought of that type of power is abhorrent to you now. Different times, different person.

It is the same as accepting guilt for breaking your mother's vase as an infant. Hindsight will tell you that your mother should have put the object higher or stored it away. She did not and you, as an infant, broke it. Are you a bad or guilty entity in that example? Or merely an infant exploring everything within reach as infants have always done. And so it is for those actions or thoughts that have you stymied now.

You did what you needed to do - either to fulfill your life explorations or to help someone explore theirs. End of story. You are no more responsible for that piece than is an infant exploring its surroundings.

We have told you that you are responsible for your actions. And so you are and always have been. But the actions or feelings you are now ashamed or fearful of happened in a different Age and in different circumstances. You were an infant exploring as required for growth in that Age - now you are an adult.

Your bogeyman under the bed is no different than an infant grabbing any object within reach without any intent other than exploration. But if you were to purposefully break your mother's vase today, your intent and the results would be different.

The Old Age and related karma is gone - your slate is clean. Do not allow your Old Age fears to limit your being now. You are not terrible, guilty, bad or any similar word. You merely explored what you wanted to explore in that time.

You are exploring different issues now - and are a great deal more mature. Allow yourself to interact with that fear, to address the fear limiting you in any way.

You will know the area of that fear by what you are unable to create now.

Perhaps you wish to ask on paper, "What fear is hidden under my bed and why?" Or visualize. Or do whatever feels most comfortable to bring that fearful piece into a dialogue. Ask that piece what it learned - and then forgive it. Send the results/feelings/fears back to the Universes in love - for that piece was extremely helpful when it was first introduced. And then, ask your higher self/inner-being/heart how best to incorporate that segment or segments of your being into your current totality.

You are not bad. That piece(s) is not bad. You are now merely expanding your inner community - and creation skills - in love and open communications. So be it. Amen.

Living in the New Reality by Archangel Metatron
Channelled through Natalie Glasson.
Beloved shinning beacons of light on the Earth, we bow down to you with tremendous respect and love. We, your guides, friends and
loved ones of the inner planes are here to support you as you move through an immense process of your ascension.

Maybe you feel as if you cannot or do not fully understand why certain experiences, creations and expressions are manifesting in your
reality, why you choose certain choices over others. I wish to share with you that the instruction book, the planned circumstances by your
soul, the limitations and boundaries set for you and set by you in the past are now being cast aside. You are being rewarded for all your
devotion to your spiritual connection and awakening with the reality that is free from limitations. There is no longer a goal to work to in a
certain time, the clock is no longer ticking to push you forward along your spiritual path, and there are no longer goals that need to be
achieved in or with certain limitations. In truth there is no longer a goal to be achieved. The boundaries, limitations, goals and inspiration
which led you through the past phase of ascension are falling away. In truth you are being given responsibly and freedom. It could seem
as if your purpose has been taken away from you. It is far easier to energise yourself and passion to achieve certain levels of growth
when you feel that time is running short or when there is a goal post in sight. As you exist in this new reality and phase of energy, there is
no goal post for you to strive to reach in a certain time. Your purpose remains the same, to experience oneness with the Creator and all
aspects of the Creator, to master and know yourself and therefore the Creator more fully and to open your heart to be a channel of love
and all that is the Creator. Your purpose has maybe never been so vivid but you now have the tools, the time, the freedom to achieve
these goals as you wish, where you wish, with who you wish and in the time that you wish.

Ascension for you could take four days, five months, sixteen years or in truth as long as you choose. There are no set rules as to how long
ascension should take, whether you achieve it in a group or as an individual, whether you choose to ask for help or not. There is no longer
a wrong and right. In truth everything that you have held onto as truth in your reality and realisations about your spiritual self and practices
is falling away. As if you are being suspended in space or suspended in energy. You are supported, loved and have the ability to choose
and create all that you need in order to move further beyond limitations and boundaries. It may feel as if pre created security is now falling
away. With greater freedom come experiences of being, having, doing, existing as nothing or without restrictions. In the past even time
has brought you security and yet you notice that time doesn’t have the same meaning any longer. You are being given and are creating
your freedom, which is one of the greatest gifts of this new phase.

You may wish to contemplate the many situations, thoughts, perceptions and understandings that you hold on to in your reality to create a
deeper sense of security. Allow yourself to see this as your creation alone and that they do serve you in awakening the power, strength
and immense love within your being. Do you actually need security in your reality? Do you need to create boundaries and limitations? Do
you need to recognise your limitless self and expansive being? I ask that you take time to practice this contemplation and self-discovery
within your reality, if only once, to assist you in releasing from your being, energy and perspective energetic habits and patterns from the

With the quality of greater freedom that you have accepted within your reality so it may also bring up aspects of your reality, personality
and creations that do not serve you or offer you freedom. As these aspects of yourself come to the surface to be released it can seem
that you are being encaged and have less freedom than before. You begin to see yourself in many new ways which may not always be
pleasant to witness. Some people may feel that they have more issues to deal with and heal than before 2012. The energy of freedom
and responsibility is awakening new aspects of your being that wish to be healed and released.

Freedom for a light workers and awakened soul of the Creator is a powerful lesson to overcome and digest. You all expect and desire
freedom but also fear freedom due to its ability of allowing you to access your power and sacred abilities. No longer is anything in your
way, blocking you or hindering you, only what you choose to create. No longer is anything pushing and driving you forward and yet you are
placed in the centre of freedom with the opportunity to choose whatever you wish. It can be an experience of exhilaration but also of being
fearful.  There is also the question which many light workers face, which is how does one experience and interpret freedom and what
does one choose to create? Through many lifetimes on the Earth you have been limited, restricted, condemned and maybe even abused
for trying to be your truth, now is the time to truly let go of these past energies, understanding that you have the freedom to choose to
create what you wish. If so with many opportunities and possibilities available how does one choose what they wish to create?

The guidance, knowingness and truth of the soul is extremely important in this energy of freedom, your guides also act to you as a mirror
of your soul and its guidance. Do not be afraid to ask or to follow the inspiration within you, it is this inspiration that will lead you to the
experience of greater freedom. You may find at first that your personality isn’t satisfied with the guidance shared from within your being,
but the perspective and desires of your personality also need to shift to bring greater happiness, joy, love and peace within your being.

You may also notice that due to the greater sense and energy of freedom that you are more aware of the consequence of your actions,
thoughts and creations. Your awareness of the consequences of your situation is your own creation to assist you in choosing and
understanding what is appropriate for you. You truly understand when you have created a situation that doesn’t serve you, but it is often
that you see it as a failing when in actual fact it helps you understand yourself more fully, you begin to recognise your own vibration,
realising when you create something that is not from your true vibration but is from a limited aspect of yourself. It is in this moment and
phase of ascension that you are truly being allowed to experiment. This stage of ascension has been chosen by you because you have
mastered abilities of connecting with the Creator, your truth and you have a beautiful understanding and desire to create love. In truth you
can trust yourself to deal with the freedom, the responsibility and choices with and from the purest sense of love which will ensure that you
do not harm or cause pain to yourself or others. It is a very beautiful reality and stage of ascension that is now unfolding for you to
experience. Enjoy the feeling of no longer being pushed to achieve goals, of no longer having boundaries and limitations. Enjoy the
process of your own boundaries and limitations created by you coming to the surface and most of all enjoy becoming one and getting to
know yourself more fully. It may be time to realise the reality that you are currently experiencing on the Earth, the game like quality and the
powerful ability that you hold in your choices and your ability to manifest.

I am aware that there are many messages and interpretations within my message and communication with you but I wish for you to
realise that you have the most beautiful gift within you of knowingness. Your ability to simply know the most perfect choice, truth and
manifestation instantly within your being which will serve you and all aspects of the Creator is most beautiful and tremendously powerful,
so allow yourself to use it well within your reality.

I wish to share with you an invocation to be of service to you,

‘Archangel Metatron, Beloved Creator, my soul and soul group, I call your presence and love forward to support and love me
unconditionally. I ask you to assist me in listening with greater care and clarity to the intuition and knowingness within my being. I
recognise my knowingness as guidance from the Creator which brings me freedom, truth and greater experiences of love. I accept my
inner knowingness and am able to interpret it into my reality with ease with each new day upon the Earth.

I ask to accept the energies of freedom from the Creator deeper into my being. I realise and acknowledge I am the energy of freedom, I
willingly dissolve all boundaries and limitations of my creation and let go of all energies, situations or people that represent security or a
false security.

I realise that I have a powerful tool and ability of choice and manifestation; I ask that my ability is always aligned with the truth and love of
the Creator and my soul. Support me as I adjust to the energy and reality of greater freedom allowing myself to become an expansive and
limitless beacon of light. Assist me in understanding and experiencing this phase of freedom with tremendous ease and perfection.
Thank you.’

With blissful blessings,
Archangel Metatron
