Creating Peace |
Monterrey, Nuevo León, México Received by Gaby Rivera. Teacher: “You
have learned a lot, and there is so much more for you to learn. You have earned who you are today through your efforts
and dedication into your spiritual growth, consequently guiding your human progress. “You have known how to understand through a constant struggle that Peace
is not found only as your environment offers it to you. The search for the inner peace is the real and most rewarding
peace -- the one you can search even in sadness, apathy, anger, and all unpleasant moments. That peace nourishes the
soul and at the same time gets you closer to the divine, because you have understood that if you decide not to act, and search
for the peace while you are going through these unpleasant moments, then, when and where is the time for a real effort to
the search for peace? “Those unpleasant moments are the great trials inviting you to create peace.
This peace is God within you. You stopped the resistance and allowed God to come out from inside of you, and permeate
with peace every negative feeling you were having. God is that peace, and you decided to allow him to act on you using
your free will. “You've proved to yourself that even under the negative human tendencies
you feel – since you started to try with dedication to find the inner peace in those moments (and you have succeeded)
-- your life became 'easier'. You reached a beautiful and ineffable understanding, the most exquisite taste of life,
knowing that all this has been because of your decision to let your will align with the will of God. “I'm glad knowing you decided to create peace with the displeasure you experienced
today. Remember that this was your decision. We are here to help guide you, but only he or she who wants it, gets
it, and you did. Feel elevated, grateful and very proud, because today you decided to look for the peace regardless
of what life was offering you at that particular moment. These are beneficial moments, a real test of growth and learning,
leading you forward to create peace because, at this moment, you have come closer to your inner voice and decided to act just
as God would act in that same situation. You are human, I know that, even so that is not an excuse for you to not create
or allow peace to dissolve or be a companion of those temporary unpleasant feelings while they are with you. Once you
have found that inner peace, not even the humanness in you would take it away. “What am I trying to say with all this? Simply that you have a great
potential to create peace, and this I witnessed today. You have seen how wonderful and easy life has become since you
started to look for it, and having acquired the certainty of God within yourself by practicing self-discipline. This
doesn't mean you will avoid life’s vicissitudes. They help you to forge your growth, but now you know how to handle
these difficulties. Now the temporary negative emotions have company…peace ! “I want you to know that creating peace is possible, even when you think
that is not humanly possible. Keep creating it. I love you and I wish to see you happy, and if you allow me I
will do everything I can to make it happen.” © The 11:11 Progress Group.