Coping with the Mundane


When every action of yours is preceded by witnessing, then every move you make in this world becomes perfect and significant.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Illawarra District, Australia, October 23, 2013. 
Planetary Supreme, Urantia (Gaia). 
Subject: “Coping with the Mundane.” 

Received by George Barnard. 

Mathew: “Should you so wonder, I’m here only on a break, and to check on your health on behalf of Dr. Mendoza. It is not I, who will communicate with you and give you the lesson. She is with you right now.” 

Urantia: “I am the Planetary Supreme, I am Urantia, I am Gaia, I am your Earth Mother. Everything that is physical about you is of Me – of this earth. Not too many of My children realize that they have three mothers, in fact. Of course they do acknowledge the mother that gave birth to them. Then there is Nebadonia the local Creator Mother who provides them with a mind. Here is something for you to contemplate; that a great deal of effort goes into creating one of you. 

“Today I want to speak with you about coping with the mundane, the boring and troublesome, the tasks greatly disliked. Few on this world are so privileged as to be excused from the utterly routine. Boredom can lead to depression, to a lack of self esteem, and so I will give you a win-win situation for these circumstances. The secret to overcoming such boredom and low self-esteem is to dedicate these tasks to the Father, to Michael, Nebadonia, or, yes, to Me. 

“In dedicating these dreary and routine tasks you must do them very well, and with excellence in mind, you will find these tasks going smoother even becoming enjoyable. You will find it relatively easy to get out of the mindset that you dislike such kind of work, because you will no longer be performing these tasks because you have to; you are now presenting the results to the Creator Beings that placed you on this world, and who wish to see your personal progress. 

“Visualize yourself as a colored stone in a giant mosaic. You do not want to be a dull stone, but a bright and shiny one. Imagine yourself to be a chapter in a massive book. It must be interesting to read your chapter. See yourself as a bright colored thread in an endless bolt of cloth. It is not for you to go unnoticed as dull or gray when you can make a delightful improvement to the pattern. Consider yourself important enough to improve life’s outlook whenever you can. 

“You see, my dear children, the routine of dedicating all your boring and mundane tasks to your spiritual Parentage, and by performing them extra well, you will become a happier person, proud of your achievements, peaceful in mind, open in spirit. Your progressive ways will reflect positively into the Morontia Realm, even more so into the Spirit World. Beyond earthly understanding, your seemingly meaningless tedious tasks can progress your world. 

“Think of Me, and this lesson, each time you set about dealing with the mundane, and talk to Me, for I love you all. I am Urantia, your Earth Mother. Adieu.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22.

 Cedomil Vugrincic, M.D.,Ph.D.
Urantia, October 14, 2013. 
Unknown Teacher
Subject: “A Celestial Viewpoint.” 

Received by Lytske

Teacher: “Consider me to be an elder sibling endeavoring to give you some advice about how to behave on this fragile and most chaotic and backward planet. It is so sad to observe the supposed grown-ups on this beloved planet behave like little children in a sandbox, still screaming over ‘it’s mine, no it’s mine’, rather than accepting that all your playmates have equal rights to exist in this very space. 

“We, Celestials, deem this planet to have special needs, so extra attention needs to be given her to help her along to mature planet-hood. Her spirit is suffering badly because of all the atrocities being perpetrated on her and heaped upon her innocent head. Truly, the amount of suffering and hurt she is undergoing, through the shenanigans of some thoughtless creatures living upon her, has no resemblance in all of creation with its innumerable inhabited planets. 

“When in heaven’s name will you wake up and take responsibility for your actions – rather than being so selfish as to disregard others’ feelings and rights to exist – and urgently walk into others’ sandboxes and start misappropriating their toys and disturbing their peace. 

“It is an abomination to the tender loving heart of the Father Creator, to observe the gross abuse of human rights still going on after one of His Sons came some 2000 years ago to proclaim the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man. Such is the ideal to strive for. Therefore, search your hearts and learn how you as a species with the precious gift of power of choice are capable of making the right decisions benefiting each man, woman and child. 

“Ever keep in mind these three core values by which to live. Number 1 is centered around the quality of life, quantity is not important. However, what is important is that you as a species behave yourselves well in life; as this is crucial to your eternal existence. Number 2 is for you to accept each other as equals, and therefore accord each other respect as well as the same or similar opportunities. Number 3 is to develop the desire to grow and mobilize some of the gifts you have been given at birth for the progress of the planet. 

“The eternal Creator gifted you all with a precious personality, which has no duplicate anywhere in all creation. All beings are individual reflections of the God-head, who only gave one commandment: To become as perfect as He is perfect. This is the very reason why you were given life. Have you forgotten or have you never made it your business to find out what the purpose of life could be? Do take some time and put your ‘thinking-caps’ on, or even better; turn within to that special Gift from God. 

“Your Thought Adjuster – the God of your being – is ever waiting for you to make that special connection with Him/Her. She/He will always point you in the right direction about how to live when you take the time to listen within. Especially when in doubt, you can check out matters with your Guide from Paradise, who lives and works within to help uplift your thoughts to a higher more befitting level as children of the living God.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22.


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4735 The Bell Ringer of Enlightenment, November 11, 2013 

God said: 

You are like the good soil that waits to be tilled. You await for Me or someone to make you all that you already are.
You are like a blossom on an apple tree. The blossom doesn’t wait for anyone or anything to open its blossoms. It unfurls its blossoms when the time comes.
Your time is coming. Your blossoming is on the horizon. Wait no longer. Wear the hat that is yours to wear.
Everything is ready, and only your looking up is waited for. You wait when you are already the inceptor of the wonderment that you are. The whole Universe waits for you, and you are waiting for your blossoming to arise. You are waiting for yourself. You yourself are the button you are to push. You are the initiator of your own enlightenment. You wait for Me to come in and set you off. I also wait for the signal from you.
You are like the orchestra conductor who is to give the signal. You are the One the whole Universe is waiting for.
Would you have Me and the Universe wait for you? Why the delay? When are you going to claim your birthright? You are the dawning sun, and you are to arise to the full sunshine of your God-given light. You are the director of your story. You are the inceptor of your enlightenment. Turn on the lights!
The name of your movie isn’t Waiting for Enlightenment. The name of your movie is more like: Ringing the Bell of Enlightenment. You are the one to ring the bell. You are the Bell Ringer of Your Own Enlightenment, and yet you wait for a signal when you are the one to signal that your light has come. You are the fulfiller of your own dreams.
It is true that sometimes I come in and shake the bell for you and yet how wonderful when you stay My hand and say:
“God, My Father, My Mother, let me serve You. May I anticipate every act of Yours and serve You. You have served me so much, I want to serve You. My heart is full and wishes to express itself. Of course, I want to serve You.
“What would mean as much to You, God, as my ringing the bell of my own enlightenment? Of course, I recognize that enlightenment isn’t something that belongs to me. It belongs to You. Surely, I can help you out. I can anticipate Your wishes. I can appear and serve You a glass of water before You tell me. I can take a hint. I can take initiative. I can anticipate Your requests. Right now You request that I open my eyes and see myself in the light that You do. What does it take for me to become self-realized but to realize my Self? You are my Self waiting in the wings of this theater.
“You want me to step right up and claim my award.
“God, You are my award, only I have to stride across the stage and accept the award You have long held for me.
“Certainly, I can go right up to You and accept the award You have long desired me to have.
“It is Your happiness that I claim Your Light so that I can serve You with greater strength and greater Light. Above all, my desire is to serve You. May I return to You some of the favor You have given to me and filled me with.
“I shine in your bright light. This is enlightenment. I accept the light You have given me. I accept gladly the gifts You gave to me from the moment I was conceived. You are my Creator, and I accept the Badge of Honor You placed in my heart so long ago. You already anointed me, dear God. I am Your Anointed, and, in Your name, I accept.”

_________ Message from the 'team'_________  
   Galactic Heritage
Peggy Black and the 'team'

We are here to embrace you as you continue to anchor the energies of great change into your reality. We can sense your fatigue in dealing with the struggles that are before you.  We acknowledge that you have done this work and service for eons of time. You have repeatedly stepped into this dimension and this earth plane of physical manifestation to truly assist and support the lifting up and the transformation of misqualified energy.

You are aware of this and you continue to offer your own experience and emotions into the caldron of change. It is your dedicated service and awakened consciousness that is beginning to experience your own spiritual authority.

You are a being of great light and galactic heritage. It is time to claim ownership of your personal sovereignty. It is time that you allow yourself to remember who you truly are. A starbeing, encoded with the wisdom and the understanding that you are here on planet Earth to advocate, champion, encourage and promote life sustaining actions.

You have codes that have rendered you as victim, as servant, as somehow less than.
Now is the time for you to be impeccably honest with yourself. Begin to investigate your beliefs, who gave them to you, where did you acquire them, notice how they became a part of how you view the world. These limited beliefs have colored how you act and react to your everyday life. They have limited you and held you back from experiencing a world which is loving, supportive, nurturing and fulfilling.

If there is a limited belief in any area of your experience it is a false belief. You are unlimited; you are a multidimensional galactic being of ineffable cosmic intelligence.  It is your time to step into that understanding. Your actions and your knowledge are needed to support the true transformation of humanity. 

Be gentle yet firm with yourself as you investigate any limited expression of who you think you are. Remember you are divine consciousness manifest in physical form. It is that physical form, your body, that allows you to interface with this dimension and this dense reality, yet you know that is only one small aspect of who you are. We will agree that while you are reading these words and accepting our invitation to review your perceptions and beliefs, it is this physical aspect that holds your focus.

Begin to embrace that you are always in several dimensions and timeframes simultaneously. Breathe that truth into every cell. Begin to own this truth in a way that your DNA is influenced.  

Let's us suggest that your DNA is a biological internet which processes information from your physical reality as well as from the universe. It is the DNA which allows you to access cosmic consciousness and supports your expanded awareness and understanding of yourself as a galactic being. 

The DNA resides within the nucleus of every cell of your physical body. Now consider that there are over 100 trillion cells within your body. DNA is responsible for the function of every one of those 100 trillion cells. DNA is a genetic blueprint for every aspect of your physical form and it is also carries the galactic blueprint for your celestial form and aspect.

Your scientists are beginning to share their finding that DNA can be programmed. You as a multidimensional being can begin to activate light codes within your own personal DNA. Biologists have discovered that your DNA is and can be affected by the emotional vibrations that you are experiencing and offering. Your emotional vibrations either allow this energy to bathe each cell or hinder this life force. Emotions such as fear, anger, guilt, judgment or blame close off a cell's receptivity to this life giving energy.

So it is especially powerful when you place your awareness and focus on your heart center and generate feelings of gratitude and appreciation as well as joy. Every cell is bathed in this influential force of coherent vibrations. Every cell is nurtured by the energy of divine consciousness flowing freely. Every aspect of your physical body is renewed and allowed to expand and open to the incredible possibilities the universe is offering.

When this is continually practiced with clear intention and dedication, the DNA that is so called "asleep" is activated and portals or doorways to the higher dimensions become available. Galactic wisdom and the understanding of your true nature begin to be revealed.  

This recognition comes to you as a true star being, here to experience this dense reality and to be a part of a new understanding and consciousness coming forth for all. Consider, imagine and allow the thought that you are the carrier of genetic patterns from the galactic families for not only does your DNA carry codes and blueprints from your physical ancestors, it also carries DNA codes of your galactic ancestors. 

It is time for you to own and acknowledge yourself as a being of pure conscious energy who happens to be dwelling in a physical body seemingly locked in a certain time frame and a certain dimension. Let us offer a simple example: consider your automobile; it takes you from place to place, yet you can park this vehicle and move about in totally different locations without this automobile. 

We invite you to begin to practice parking your physical body in a safe place and begin to allow yourself to energetically move to totally different locations, time frames and dimensions. Use your imagination here, play with this suggestion, and engage in the possibilities. Practice altering your consciousness which allows for the opportunity to journey into new realms. Remember you are a member of high standing in the celestial realms, you are multidimensional, you carry DNA patterns from the stars.

Also begin to consciously support and enrich your energy body. Imagine drinking in the force field offered by nature, or the night sky. Consciously offer gratitude from your heart  to your divine self, your higher consciousness, this process opens the portal for you to welcome more light energy into your physical body which also strengthens your light body. And it is with your light body, your conscious vehicle, that you travel wherever you place your focus. It just takes a little practice. It just take willingness to let go of the programmed limited beliefs that would keep you tethered to what you think is real. 

We honor you as a member of the galactic family, here to support and assist in the transformation of consciousness and graduate to a higher dimension without so many limitations and restrictions. Welcome and allow your codes of light held within your DNA to be triggered and activated. Bathe your cells and your energy body with conscious love, gratitude and acceptance. Invite this as often as possible. Focus on this and call it forth. Now is the time. Remember you are not a victim, you are a victor.

In deep gratitude for your daily service to this unfolding. Your evolution is being supported and witnessed by the entire galaxy. Acknowledge yourself for your work in transforming any challenge or limited beliefs about self and who you truly are in the calling forth and anchoring a reality that is life sustaining.

We acknowledge you and offer our support in this cosmic drama in which you are playing an important role. Never underestimate yourself; when in partnership with your multidimensional aspect and awareness you are powerful beyond measure.

©2013 Peggy Black All Right Reserved. You may  share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available 

PS. I love this quote and it certainly feels appropriate with this transmission.

Be Humble ... for you are made of Earth.
Be Noble ... for you are made of Stars.
Serbian Proverb

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Freedom to the Mind and From Fear by Electra Osara

Channelled through Natalie Glasson-

 Greetings to those upon the planet Earth, I step forward as Electra Osara, a communicator on behalf of the Pleiadians. I bring froth the vibration of pure love as a heightened state of awareness which I share with you as a gift from the Pleiades. You may wish to open your minds and third eye chakra to the wave and vibration of pure love as a heightened state of awareness. This vibration akin to a refreshing breeze will bring clarity and softness to the energetic structures of your mind. The mind and mental body when its focus is locked upon the 3rd dimensions can contain rigid and hard energetic patterns making it difficult to move beyond consciousness already obtained. As the rigidity of the energetic patterns dissolves, the mind and ment al body are able to breath, freely expanding in order to collect and process new consciousness and understanding. As we plant the pure love of our consciousness into your mind our gift and purpose is to soften the influence of the physical dimension upon your mind, therefore you are more easily able to project freely flowing experience into your reality rather than limited or restrictive experience.

The mind and mental body are powerful tools; we, Pleiadians focus upon developing this tool as much as we can within the divine guidance offered to us by the Creator.  Your mind as you are aware is capable of so much more than you can currently perceive. You can visit the Pleiades during your sleep state or meditation to enhance your understand of the mind as a divine tool, awakening new aspects of your mind to expand your abilities and processing or understanding of your currently reality. The wisdom we will share with you and the support we will offer you is completely aligned to the Creator’s purest vibration as our teachings are held within the foundation of pure love. You may wish to use this invocation,

‘I call upon my guides and angelic team to support and protect me at all times, overseeing all I achieve. I call upon Electra Osara and the Pleiadian beings of pure love to draw close around my being sharing their beautiful light and high vibrational consciousness.  Please radiate your light of a pure love into my mind and third eye chakra in order to manifest and support a heightened state of awareness of myself, soul, loved ones, reality and the Creator. Let your light dissolve all limitations and rigid energetic structures within my mind and mental body which symbolise 3rd dimensional and physical consciousness. May your light supported by my own soul light soften and dissolve all unneeded energies within my mind and mental body creating a greater sense of freedom and expansion w ithin the energetic network   as well as the energetic patterns created by thought forms.

If it is guided by my soul allow me now or with divine timing to receive wisdom and support from the Pleiadians in order to develop and more fully understand my mind as a tool of experiencing and understanding my divinity. Thank you and so be it.’

Then simply allow yourself to breathe deeply focusing upon the light that we are sharing with you abundantly filling your mind and mental body.

As restrictions within the mind are cleared away not only are you more able to let go of old perceptions and beliefs but you are more able to accept the divine intuition of your soul and the insights we and your guides share with you. In many ways you are allowing your mind, the way that you perceive and process your reality and the awareness of yourself as a divine being to alter becoming more aligned with the current heightened awareness and vibrations of the Earth and the influence of your soul within your physical reality. Many of your energetic systems and bodies are moving through major transitions in the way that they work and process energy, wisdom and the reality you are now experiencing. Each of your systems is preparing to embody, hold and allow a greater flow of light within your being.  Each time your energetic systems and bodies prepare for a new light surge, this attracts a light surge of a quicker vibration and heightened awareness to you which in turn creates a reaction of a new process of preparation. It is a continuous process where your energetic systems and bodies are constantly recalculating and recalibrating in order to become truly aligned and grounded into the new era of love that has manifested upon the Earth.

We, the Pleiadians are extremely intrigued to view the transformational processes that you are moving through. We are especially interested to see how the light surges will influence and awaken your mind. Do not worry if you mind maybe doesn’t react as you are used to, know  you are naturally transforming even the purpose of your mind in order to bring forth a new use for your mind in your current reality which is more wholly aligned with the Creator. We are supporting this transition now. For some of you it will be integral for you to understand the shifts occurring within your being especially the mind and mental body as you will be able to filter these perceptions into the general consciousness of humanity while also sharing with others to enhance and accelerate this process. Others will si mply move through the process without the need for understanding or comprehension. For those who feel their soul is wishing for them to gain a further understanding of the transitions of the mind in order to be of greater service, we offer our services, consciousness and support for you to access when divinely guided.

Another concept that is focused within the mind and acts as a limitation is the experience, energy, creation and vibration of fear. Upon many of the planets and stars of the Creator’s universe fear has not been manifested. Fear has been manifested upon the Earth, we believe, because of the fragile nature of your physical bodies. Your physical body was created as fragile because of a combination of the vibration of the physical enthused with disbelief in the power and eternity of the Creator within your being. It could be said that as you lost the conscious awareness of your divinity, so the vehicle housing your soul began to deteriorate due to mind projection. Without a conscious awareness of the Creator or the divine within your being you forget the limitlessness, expansion, eternity, continues life force and power of the Creator. You e ven forget your natural ability to heal and restore within ever dimension you exist. Therefore the physical body become fragile and somewhat powerless in relation to the true potential of the physical body.

As humans noticed that the physical body could then succumb to pain, suffering, deformity, illness and much more, the outside world became a fearful place as every action could damage the physical body.  The belief of fear focused upon lack of love, support, power, protection, health, healing, and peace, all of which can be found in abundance within the soul. The consciousness and perspective of fear gradually accumulated within the general consciousness of humanity signifying that even new born babies would adopt the same outlook upon reality and the physical body.

If fear is diminished within your being and consciousness then you are able to strengthen your physical body into a state that was intended. If the consciousness and thought process of fear no longer exists within your perspective then you will no longer draw upon fear as a projection into your reality. Therefore you will no longer react in a fearful nature and will no longer manifest fearful experiences, and so fear is diminished and your body is allowed to blossom into greater possibilities because fear is no longer restricting the soul’s flow and expansion into the physical body.

You are aware of stories of super human beings, these are stories born from knowingness within your being of what your physical body is capable of.

The consciousness of fear and the degrading or pain of the physical body are powerful vibrations but they can be diminished with focus. It doesn’t mean you will be able to cause harm to your physical body and will not feel the pain, but it signifies you will no longer create experiences that denote the pain or fragile nature of the physical body, so suffering will dissolve.  Your physical body will develop new abilities as it will shift into a greater vibration of light. It can take time to dissolve the consciousness of fear and perceive the body in a new way but we wish to support this process within your being.

In meditation imagine an electric blue light of the Pleiades surrounding you as you breathe it deep into all aspects of your being. This light is cleansing and purifying. Say out loud,

‘Over a period divinely appropriate for my soul and being I wish to detach myself and consciousness from the general consciousness of humanity in regard to fear and the fragile nature of the physical body. Let my entire being, perspective and consciousness be appropriately freed from the influence of fear and the way in which I view my physical body. With the electric blue light of the Pleiades I cleanse fear and its influences from my being replacing fear with the divine intuition of my being which will always guide me appropriately. I replace my belief in my fragile body with a belief in the power, health and strength of my physical body. I humbly love myself, body, all people, beings and aspects of the Creator so I will only act in the most beautiful loving way. Thank you.’

Continue to breathe in the light.

Many people believe fear is needed to stop harm caused to yourself and others, but it is the love within your being that stops you from causing harm to yourself and others, not fear.

I leave this for your contemplation,

With starlight blessings,

Electra Osara
