Collective Karma Channeled

Illawarra District, Australia, February 22, 2013.
Aaron of Urantia.
Subject: “Collective Karma” (abbreviated transmission).

Received by George Barnard.

Aaron: “I shall happily follow on from what my friend and colleague, Samuel, said about karma; ‘your personal report card to be handed in upon arrival at the weigh station on Mansonia One’, and that it includes both the positive and the negative – that which stands you in good stead, and that which still needs correction. I jest about the weigh station, of course. Indeed. It is however a suitable comparison in how well you did your sums in class, whilst collective karma deals with the behavior of the entire class and your position within it.

“Collective karma is a much more complex matter, subject to the mores and customs of a certain group at a particular time, and it is more easily understood when examples are given. Positive collective karma was given birth to, when the first two individuals shared in a project for the benefit of others. Negative collective karma arrived on the scene when the first two robbers beat up a third individual to deprive him of his food or possessions. Collective karma can be either good or bad, and apply to greater or lesser degrees.

“Of course, we advise you to accumulate as much of the good karma as you can afford, from physical assistance when needed, monetary assistance when it can be afforded. At times it might merely be a needed smile or a well wish at the right time. Almost twenty years ago ABC-22 went on the record talking about Genghis Khan. Right now I elaborate about those going on the rampage with him. All shared a collective karma with their chief marauder, and to a greater degree if they more strongly thought to be doing the wrong thing.

“For them to claim they were doing the right thing they would either have been living a lie, and know this to be so, or be utterly insane in which case there would be no soul growth for their abnormal minds, and an unlikely eternal life, in fact. All enablers shared in the collective karma, be it to a greater or lesser degree, depending on their insight. As the Midwayer Chief indicated when talking of the Cambodian, Pol Pot, and his murderous underlings; all shared the blame, and all shared to various degrees in their collective karma.

“Little has changed since the Khan conquered his world, and today some go about taking what is not theirs on a grander scale, killing those who have done no wrong, restricting those who want to provide for their families. Because they can? Yes! Because they are in charge. Because they have control. Because they were voted into power. And those who signed their crosses below those rulers’ names have now become the shareholders in this collective karma of the dead, and even of those who are lost – never conceived to be born.

“Awaken from your mental near-comas, see how the Creator’s overall plan is thwarted, and refuse to give your tacit approval to the wrongful actions of those placed in charge by the uninformed, and those cleverly conditioned to hate. This is Aaron. We say au revoir for now, as we will return with further instructions.”

George: “Thank you both. Pfe-e-ew!”

Note: I cannot find a transmission with Genghis Khan or Pol Pot in it, but they are mentioned in one of my 11:11 manuscripts which was co-authored by ABC-22.

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.

Mother Mary and the Heart Chakra of the Earth by Mother Earth

Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 09-03-13-

It is with love that I bless the land you walk upon, blessings your sacred form and expression of life in support for your enactment of the Creator on the Earth. I am Mother Earth and I share with you now through the consciousness of my heart chakra. I am connecting with you from my heart chakra directly to your heart chakra to share and convey in a loving and truthful way born from pure unconditional love for and from the Creator.

I first wish to express my deepest of love and gratitude to each light worker upon the Earth for opening your hearts to the Creator, yourself and the Earth in a more profound way in the past few months. I am here to mirror your beauty and so I have experienced a deep awakening and expansion of my heart chakra. As is the same with your being, my heart chakra was filled with pain and negativity, unable to shine the light of my essence. With time and support from humanity the state of my heart chakra has been altering, so much love has been presented to me in order to create a deep clearing and healing upon many energetic levels. As with your own heart chakra, there always remains aspects to be released, cleansed and healed, the body can direct vibrations for further healing to the heart chakra and so there is always a process of renewal, awakening and understanding occurring within the heart chakra, it is the same for all. Now as is the same for you, my heart is emerging strong and expansive ready to heal and be healed further.  It is now more than ever that power of the most beautiful and loving nature is strongly being projected from the heart chakra. The heart may often be susceptible to pain and may often be in a process of shifting all that is into a greater vibration of love, but the heart chakra is now emerging within all of us and my own body as a powerful gateway for the flow of love, truth and further awakening.

Upon the 8th March 2013 the Goddess vibration was anchored into the new era and phase of ascension on the Earth. The Goddess vibration has been and will continue to be anchored into all aspects of the Earth and its chakra places but it was upon this day that the light beings of the inner planes and some guided light beings of the Earth connected as one gathering to assist with the anchoring of a new Goddess vibration into the heart chakra of my being. At this time on the Earth there is a most beautiful process of renewal and regeneration occurring. The energies and activations of December 2012 truly cracked open my heart chakra allowing much ancient wisdom stored to be released, imparted and returned to humanity and the great ancient souls that walk the Earth. Since this time the Earth and humanity have been becoming accustomed to the new vibrations anchoring from the Creat or’s soul and emerging from the sacred Creator soul aspect within all, including myself. In many ways there is a need for everything to be realigned in order to access the new vibrations and consciousness being provided. The Goddess vibration has such a profound influence upon my being as for me it holds sacred codes of awakening, manifesting further harmony across my body and the world. The Goddess vibration has already been realigned within my sacral chakra, the peace chakra of my third eye, the truth chakra of my solar plexus and the joy chakra of my root chakra. Within each chakra there are energy pockets of vibrations, akin to mini chakras devoted to the awakening of certain vibrations and qualities of the Creator. The most notable and more complete awakening has and is now taking place within my heart chakra. You may recognise the same for your own being also.

On the 8th March 2013, 22,200 Goddess beings on the inner planes connected their energy vibration to my heart chakra, the Tor of Glastonbury. Surrounding my heart chakra they sang of harmony between ancient consciousness of the Goddess and new vibrational expression of the Goddess on the Earth. Their united voices were like a magical balm to my heart as their voices carried the light and consciousness of Goddess awakening and harmony spiralling into my heart. It was then that the feminine vibration and wisdom long held within my heart chakra began to be carried by a soft pink mist from my heart centre spiralling up in expression and expansion with the focus of connecting with all source and soul aspects of the Creator. It was then that Golden Angelic Beings of the Christ Consciousness  gathered with the energy of grace in support and to hold the energy of regeneration and realignment within my heart chakra. Their presence illuminated the land, allowing for many shadows within the hearts of many beings upon the Earth to be dissolved and dispersed as their souls reached forward to greet the grace, oneness and angelic selfless love provided by the Golden Angelic Beings of the Christ Consciousness.

Imagine your own heart chakra being surrounded by 22,200 Goddess vibrations, beings and qualities and thousands of Golden Angels, you can recognise the beauty of this experience so allow yourself to experience the bliss. In your own sacred space and time you can call forth these sacred beings to encircle you, aligning your own heart to the Goddess vibration for further heart chakra awakening, healing and shifting. As I have you also have the divine right to experience such beautiful regeneration.

It was then that the consciousness of many sacred souls who are keepers and guardians of the Goddess vibration and consciousness transmitted their truth and all that was needed into the Tor and my heart chakra for further awakening and realisation of the Goddess vibration. The soul who incarnated as Mother Mary on the Earth became almost fully present on the Earth, her energy was transmitted so profoundly into the Earth, the Tor and the heart chakra of my being that she became as anchored and present as she can be without a physical body. Not for such a long time have I felt the caressing and comforting energy of Mother Mary so closely connected with my being. I honour and love the gentle vibration that each of you share with my vibration as souls on the Earth but I have worked and connected so closely with Mother Mary as she has been in service on the inner planes healing and safe gu arding my energy. To feel her vibration so close to my physical form, was divinely beautiful for me. As Mother Earth I am working with many Masters and light beings and in many ways like you, I have a longing to be as one with the Creator, this is our driving force that supports our devotion to our mission and constant need to discover and express our truth.

Mother Mary became as manifested as possible within the body of Torhannah, a previous aspect of herself still existing within the foundations of the Tor but she also manifested within the centre of my heart ready and willing to be received as an aspect of the Creator’s love by all. Mother Mary reawakened and activated the DNA of all to the vibration of unconditional love. The awakening of unconditional love within the DNA of humanity will occur many times in many different forms across the world as you now consciously rejuvenate your entire being to manifest as your sacred divine self and prepare your physical body for the greater acceptance of your Creator self in a fully manifested state of existence  on the Earth.

I have also been guided to share with you that many masters such as Mother Mary will manifest themselves on the Earth at certain sacred shifts, awakening or rejuvenation. They anchor their energy and become as present as they can without a physical body, remaining in their chosen sacred spot on the Earth for a certain short period. Many people may feel guided to be in certain areas of the Earth at certain times in order to receive wisdom, consciousness, energy and love from these semi manifested masters. It is a process guided by the Creator to create a bridge between the Earth and the inner planes, allowing many to achieve an accelerated process of awakening as they merge as one with the Master instantly awakening undiscovered energies, frequency and codes within their being. This process could be named Ascended Master Physical Integration; it is a process that will further inspire m any beings to enter into their master selves, while assisting in the embodiment of essential high vibrational frequencies within many on the Earth to be distributed to all. The returning of the Creator and the Ascended Masters on the Earth is dawning, as they semi manifest to impart and awaken essential information within those who are guided to receive and download into their conscious awareness.  It is important to remember that the ascended masters are simply aspects of your soul and so we are all embarking on a beautiful journey of oneness and self-integration.

In these times of integration, oneness and merging of energies it is always important to remember that you may leave behind unneeded aspects of yourself in order to receive and realise new aspects of yourself, this is the process of regeneration and it is what is occurring in this phase of ascension on the Earth.

You may in meditation, call upon my energies to channel into your being the energies of the 8th March 2013 in order to further awaken your being.

It is with love and gratitude that I share my communication with you,

Mother Earth

Two Free Audio Channelled Downloads from the Tor Glastonbury accompany the channelling Click Here

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'Channelled through Natalie Glasson of the Sacred School of OmNa,'

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March 10, 2013
Little ones, gather into your Mother.  Together we are growing a new spirit fabric of consciousness within your planet.  All of life is interconnected by a vast circuitry of energies and frequencies and vibrations, forming that seamless, eternal and infinite playground of experience.   You might say that you are tethered in this experiential arena and you are learning to attune to the natural energy forces of creation—divine will in action.
What is this divine will you are connected to?  It is a forward movement into expressing the divine values of GOODNESS, TRUTH and BEAUTY into material reality.  It is the natural urging to do Father’s WILL once you truly set your thoughts and heart upon it—to create and reveal those divine qualities through life experience. 
However, within your planet’s consciousness is another movement that is not aligned in divine will.  Many people are influenced effortless and unconsciously by the misrepresentation of reality, yet the divine reality awaits should they feel the spiritual pressure to turn to the Godly path.  What you are witnessing upon your planet is this new fabric of consciousness embracing the world for people to become emotionally and intellectually attached.  As you attach yourselves to ME, you will be fed by many loving brothers and sisters who can help you participate in LIFE, and continue this construction process of building LIGHT and LIFE upon Urantia.
So stay close to me in your thoughts, my children.  When you find your thoughts have veered into another trajectory that causes you any tension, remember I AM WITH YOU, MY BREATH CAN MOVE YOUR MIND IN ANOTHER DIRECTION.  Pay closer attention to me during your day, and I will grow you in what you need.  Thrive in my LOVE!

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4491 A Traveler in the Light, March 12, 2013 

God said: 

You may think that the part of the world you live in is small. You live on a block in a town. You know a few people. Daily you travel a short distance. Your world seems to be as big as the place where you work, where the boss is king. You don’t see how you possibly impact the world at large.

First of all, despite appearances, you do not live in a separate part of the world. The world is a whole, and you live in the whole of it. You are not a speck in the Universe. You impact ten thousand miles away as much as you impact your next-door neighbor. Of course, depending where you live, you may not know your next-door neighbor’s name, and you don’t see how you can possibly impact your neighbor anymore than you can impact a stranger ten thousand miles away.

In Reality, beloveds, there is no distance, not in time or in space. There is Infinity and Eternity which, on Earth, you experience in a time-frame bolstered by science on Earth. All this is scientific and beautiful, yet scientific only so far as it goes on Earth.

You are much more than your appearance on Earth. You are Infinite and Eternal. You live in a Vastness beyond your reckoning. There is only Vastness. Only, you do not quite glimpse the Vastness. Your vision is near-sighted. Because you cannot presently see far enough doesn’t mean that what you presently don’t see is absent. Vastness is a greater aspect of your life than you can touch with your physical senses. The day is coming, however, when you will grasp your participation in the Whole of Vastness.

If Totality were a pie, you would be an equal-sized piece with every other piece of the pie. There would not be different-flavored pies. There would be no better pies nor less valuable pies. If each piece of pie were a gong, each gong would knell the same. Each sound would reach everywhere. Do not think that you are merely a worker ant in a particular ant-pile. No, no, indeed, you are as vast as the furthest star. You are not a separated being, unnoticed. You are not a mere blip on a screen. You are Everything. What do you think Oneness means!

You perceive that you are in a dense world, yet density is the illusion you live in. Density and gravity hold you up on Earth at the same time as they hold you down. Remember, you look from various directions. Of course, I engage with you and the game on Earth when I tell you to keep looking up, for I am everywhere, and directions do not exist in time or in space except as precise measurements in the world of illusion. There is nothing truly to measure Vastness with. What can Vastness be compared to? There is nothing greater than Vastness, and there is nothing less.

Only in the play of life on Earth is there such diversion. Of course, you start from where you are, where you believe you are, and while you are on Earth, you do believe it, and, certainly, you take heed of it. You don’t pretend illusion away. When illusion is, it is. Mirages are real to those who see them. And you see them. You definitely see them. You touch them. You hear them etc. Immersed in fiction, you are a fiction-reader.

Live your life. Do not will it away. Do not think you waste your time on Earth. No, it is time well-spent. In any case, what can you do while you are on Earth except to lead your life? So lead it. Lead it well. Just know that life on Earth is not the only game in town. Regardless of density and gravity, you are a Traveler in the Light.

Are Your Teachers Clinging to 3D?

by lifetapestrycreations

Life Tapestry Creations - Brenda Black Photocart_header

Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Dear Ones,

Many of you are somewhat comfortable with moving to a different community,  loss of a loved one or financial issues. You have dealt with those issues - and probably much more - in the past with the help of your family and friends support system. But what if that support system disappears? What if your entire being shifts - and it is - and there is no one with whom to discuss or share your amazing new being?

Such are the fears of many.

For even your New Age/new earth friends may be interested in different areas than you. Or they may be labeling themselves new earth when in truth they are merely regurgitating Old Age rules and regulations. Whenever you read, hear or sense that there are 'shoulds' involved with their brand of New Age/new earth thought, you might feel uncomfortable enough to remove them from your support list.

They are not bad or terrible, merely more stuck in 3D muck than you wish to be.

Many are now awakening to the new energies pummeling earth. Even though they feel a need to move beyond traditional thought, their first movement into new earth/New Age concepts might be with those who produced information before most energy shifts began - the accepted New Age teachers of the Old Age. Of course, there are materials that feel light and bright even though they were created before the full force of this massive transition. But many do not. You will know which are correct for you by the lightness and joy the teachings provide.

Those who continue to preach the evils of organizations, persons or activities have not yet fully released themselves from 3D.

That is not to say you 'should' not associate with those teachers or friends, but to remind you to maintain your course no matter what anyone tells you. If they are indicating you are wrong or should follow their regimen to be saved or ascend, they have not yet moved beyond 3D duality.

No one can create your path. They can give you pointers and ideas, perhaps even complete concepts. But all must be processed within you to determine if the information is correct for them or for you.

Those who promote duality - you are good and others are bad - are not the teachers you are looking for at this time.

Perhaps that last sentence appears as if we are forcing you onto a particular path. The opposite is true. You must create your own path. A path that is rapidly becoming less about duality and more about the joys of the new earth. We are merely stating that some of your greatest new earth teachers of the Old Age are no longer valid for they refuse to move on for a variety of reasons including financial gain or fame.

Perhaps remembering those you so admired in high school - the perky cheerleader or star athlete - who continue to relive those glory days in their thoughts and actions instead of creating a new life beyond high school will better help you understand.

We do not wish to create more duality by labeling those New Age teachers/role models stuck in 3D muck as bad, but to forewarn you that labels do not make anyone who they wish to be. United thought and action creates the new being that you are becoming. If you do not feel as if you are learning, loving or in joy when you are with a teacher/role model, it is time for you to move on.

You are extremely comfortable in duality, fear and pain. There is nothing new for you to learn in those areas. Your new learning base is joy and love. Those who help you find or create both are your new role models.

Some of you do not need role models for your messages and actions are complete within you.

The New Age is not like the Old Age in any respect.

In the Old Age, you attached yourself to someone wiser than you - a college professor, professional mentor, parent or guru - to find your path and move along it correctly. Such is no longer the case. You are now a self-contained entity who does not need anyone to help you find your path. But that does not mean it is not more joyous to travel that path with others of similar mind.

Your life has shifted from finding someone to lead the way and tell you how you should meditate or what crystals were necessary, to finding playmates on your path to joy. Playmates who may decide to take another path just for fun or others who join you at various points. Will you have a best friend? Perhaps. Maybe for years. Maybe for days. It does not matter for those you surround yourself with to discover joy and love will always be on your path for the correct amount of time.

That thought returns us to romantic relationships which we discussed briefly during this week's Creation Energies show on If you feel a need to end or shift your current romantic relationship, it is because he or she no longer wishes to be on your path. Which is neither good nor bad - merely an indicator that many are shifting.

In turn, even though someone you love does not seem to be on the same path, you have no need to leave - a seeming dichotomy, but it is not. Many are shifting more rapidly than you realize so even though they may seem stuck in 3D or not moving as rapidly as you, you have no need to end the relationship. They are shifting internally and your inner-being is merely encouraging you to allow them to catch up to you.

As we stated on so many occasions, the only truth you need to explore is that which is within you.

Perhaps your beloved new earth teacher is making you feel uncomfortable. You avoid interactions with them for you feel less worthy as they tell you how terrible the world is or how you must do this to even begin to understand how powerful they are. Your inner-being tells you it is time to move on.

Perhaps your mate seems confused or too slow to grasp new concepts. You are impatient and frustrated.  But your inner-being gives no sign to move on. So it is not and may never be.

Listen to your inner-being and you will know. Observe and act from your outer-being and you remain stuck in 3D muck. So be it. Amen.    If you would like to receive Brenda’s free blogs when posted, please click the Subscribe Button on the upper part of her subscribe and blog page and then click the – Subscribe to Brenda’s Blog by E-mail – line. Complete your subscription by entering your e-mail address and accepting the e-mail confirmation.

Copyright © 2009-2013, Brenda Hoffman. All rights reserved. Feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, add to your newsletter, etc.  But please keep this article’s integrity by including the author: Brenda Hoffman & source website link:
