Maybe Nothing Is As It Seems: Channeled 4-10-14


In joy, in peace, in that very soothing-inner state you will find happiness.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar



Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
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* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
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Heavenletter #4885 Creativity Is Its Own Path, April 10, 2014 

God said: 

Maybe nothing is as it seems, and nothing has to be what you think or have been taught or what the world says how life ought to be. No one can really speak for you, beloveds. You have to speak for yourself.
Although it is that you can only do one thing at a time, who is to say that you must be focused on only one thing at a time! You are a creative human being to whom ideas come. Ideas come when they come. Who says you are to set aside a certain schedule for ideas? Who says that your ideas are not to come randomly? Perhaps it’s okay for your ideas to come when they come even when you are already in the midst of creating another idea? Who says that you can’t work on two or three or five or more creative endeavors all at once? It could be that this is the loveliest way for you to produce. Efficiency is not always efficient. Anyway, what does efficiency have to do with creativity? Creativity is its own path.
What is good for the goose may not be good for the gander. What may be good for a CPA may not be good for an artist or a writer. Playing hop-scotch may not be right for one adult, yet it may be right for another.
Beloveds, there is never only one right way. There are many right ways. Perhaps the question you want to ask yourself is: “What works best for me here in this situation at this time?”
You do know that the Great Thinkers of the World did not ordain their ideas. Their ideas had one requirement, and that was to come to them. How, when, where didn’t matter. That ideas came mattered.
At one time left-handed children had to do penmanship with their right hand. Whose idea was that? Who made that rule, and for the sake of what? Conformity? What happened to “to each his own?”
No one has to conform just as no one has to not conform. There are choices that belong to each individual. This is free will. Who can know with utter certainty what is best for another, for not everything is as it seems, and how does one know anyway?
What are called mistakes are going to be made in the world anyway. If so-called mistakes are going to be made, make them for yourself and not for others.
You live in the relative world. The relative world has endorsed matters that later the world withdrew. There are trends. You don’t have to follow trends. You just have to be who you are. Today you may not be who you were yesterday. That’s okay. The world keeps changing. You change too. You can change your mind. What is up for you is up for you. Who is to say it is not?
There are matters that the world calls terrible, and, yet, who knows what good may come from them? How many billions of people are in the world? That is how many paths there are. Everyone has his own path, cognized or not cognized. How does anyone know and with what certainty that what looks like a wrong path is not the right one? Even what everyone can only consider wrongdoing may ultimately be right-doing. For the want of a nail, a shoe was lost. Even a golden tale evolved from one lost shoe.
And, you, beloveds, what eventualities followed you to a lovely destination because of or despite a choice you made? Know this: You do not have to be unerring in your choices. In any case, you follow your heart as best you can. I can only tell you that everything is all right. All is well right now. Whatever you perceive, all is well. You are making progress. Excel in being you.


MARY MAGDALENE: Taking Full Responsibility vs. Not Taking Things Personally

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Part 2 of a Message 
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On April 6, 2014


[Note: This is a continuation of the previous post, titled "Are We Responsible For Everything We Experience?"]


Question: Some teach that we are 100% responsible for all we create in the world. For example, if someone is rude to us, that is something we created. Others, teach not to take things personally, i.e. I know what others say/do is about them, not about me. How do you see it?


Mary Magdalene: Hello dear ones. I return to you again to continue with my response to the question that has been asked. In my last communication, I addressed the first part of this question, explaining why you are responsible for the experiences you are having. Now I would like to address the second part of this question relative to the instruction some people have given to not take things personally.


This, too, is a complex thing to explain. Again I will do my best to clarify what is meant by this, as I see it.


I want to begin by explaining a certain context, which I believe is important to have in order to fully understand this. This relates to the two aspects of the Divine, which I have talked about extensively in the past. I refer to these two aspects as the Masculine and Feminine aspects of God, because that is the way I understand them most easily and directly. So I will use these terms of Masculine and Feminine. If labeling these aspects in that way doesn’t resonate with you, or perhaps is even repelling for you, please replace the terms with others that work for you. The labels are not what is important. It is the concepts and meanings that are valuable.


To recap what I mean by the Masculine and Feminine aspects of God, the Divine Masculine refers to the transcendental aspect of the Divine. It is that which is beyond or prior to manifestation. It is what is often referred to as the infinite or eternal. This quality of God was, in the past, especially focused on in your eastern religions as “going beyond” the world. In the west, this quality of God was found in the idea of heaven. Many of you have experienced this aspect of God through meditation.


The complementary, yet different, aspect of God, which I refer to as the Divine Feminine, is the aspect of God made manifest. You might call it the immanent God, as opposed to the transcendental God. This is God in form. This aspect of the Divine has been embodied in beings such as Jesus, Buddha, or Mohammed. However, it is much more than that. It’s about relating to all of manifestation as the Divine. This includes everything in manifestation—your entire world and all beings, human and nonhuman, as well as all worlds and all realms—all of the nonphysical realms in all of the dimensions. It is inconceivably vast. Of course, the Divine Masculine is inconceivably vast, also. They both are, but in different ways.


You might think of these two aspects as two sides of a coin. The transcendental is the realm of pure consciousness. And the immanent is the realm of consciousness made manifest. Both are true and real simultaneously. And both are the truth of you all the time. They are truly non-separate.


The reason I am going into so much detail of explaining this is because holding to one arena only, to the exclusion of the other, creates an imbalance of understanding relative to the full picture. Traditionally there has been a bias toward the Divine Masculine understanding of God, especially in your eastern religions. God was seen as something apart from your world and apart from yourself. It was assumed that if one seriously wanted to get closer to God it was necessary to detach from the world, based on the assumption that God is separate from the world.


In truth, God is both transcendental and immanent. Everything is God. This may only be a belief for most of you, but as you grow spiritually it will become more and more your reality. Separation is a hallmark of the third dimension. As you grow beyond the third dimension and its attendant consciousness, you will also grow beyond this view of God as other than or separate from manifestation.


This was a large part of what Yeshua came to teach. He came to teach love of self and love of others as God. This was a very radical idea in his time, and still is for most people—especially if you go beyond a cursory or superficial embrace of what this really means. He did not see himself as different from others, because he saw all as God. That was his truth and consciousness.


People experienced this consciousness in his company through the power of his being, the force-field of his consciousness, which was palpable and real when people were in his physical presence. This was truly the greatest “miracle” he performed—to allow people to experience his state and consciousness in his company. Unfortunately, most people didn’t have the ability to sustain this consciousness outside of his company. Because of this, they attributed it to him uniquely, making him into a God that was separate from themselves and all others. This is not what he wanted to communicate. Yet it was natural that it would occur, given the state of consciousness that most people had attained at that time.


Now you are living in a different time, when people are on the brink of breaking through to a higher state of consciousness, and with that moving into a higher dimension of reality. Many of you are opening to different ideas that suggest this higher state or that can support you in moving into it. The idea that everyone is fully responsible for their circumstance is one of those ideas. The idea that you shouldn’t take things personally is another one of those ideas. Yet they address different aspects of your reality and work in different ways.


The idea of not taking anything personally is a suggestion that is intended to move you into connecting more strongly with the Divine Masculine, or the transcendental aspect of God. The Divine Masculine is the epitome of impersonal-ness. When you are in a state of deeply connecting with the transcendental, you are moved beyond the circumstances and events of your manifest world. It then becomes natural to not relate to things in a personal way. There is a level of impersonal-ness or detachment to everything, including to yourself. This will often be accompanied by feelings of peace, freedom, and a sense of mental clarity as to how to engage your circumstance or what actions to take. This can be quite helpful in dealing with situations that are emotionally charged or button-pushing in some way. Your reactions to such circumstances can cause you to lose your connection to the transcendental, or what you might call the big picture. In such instances, a reminder to “not take things personally” can be helpful.


However, to truly not take things personally includes not taking yourself personally. It’s not meant to be understood as “what others do is about them and not me.” It’s meant to be used as a support for moving you into reconnecting with the transcendental position relative to the other person and yourself.


Simultaneous with the possibility of relating to things from the transcendental position is another option that is equally true, which is to say that every circumstance is both about you and the other person. This is because of what you might call “the law of manifestation”: that everyone is creating everything in their experience. If you are having the experience of someone else doing something, you both have created that because you both are experiencing it. This is the Feminine aspect of the Divine, because it involves being in relationship to everything in manifestation. You could say that this aspect of the Divine is completely personal, because you personally have created everything in your experience.


This is an example of how both the Divine Feminine and Masculine are simultaneously true. They may seem to be in conflict with each other from your third-dimensional point of view, but that is not actually the case. They are the ultimate complements.


The whole picture is that everything is really about you, because you manifested it and because everything is really one, including all of manifestation and manifest experience. At the same time, nothing is about you, because your true reality transcends all of this. Both are true. Always. To deny one or the other is to miss the point. To hold both at the same time is to be whole. It is a paradox and it is to be lived. Through the living, you will come to know the truth of it.


Taking everything as personal by taking full responsibility for everything leads to love and compassion and forgiveness and growth. Taking nothing as personal leads to peace, freedom, truth, and growth. The beauty of the Masculine and Feminine is that they love each other and are in complete union with each other in God. This is a model for how humans in your world can be in love with both aspects and embrace both aspects. That will serve your wholeness and expedite your growth more than anything else.


There has been harm done by only holding one or the other of these without a complete understanding of what it truly means, or without holding it in union with the other. Holding the idea of not taking things personally has been used as a way of separating oneself from others, and thus withholding love and compassion. This has been counterproductive to your spiritual growth. Similarly, holding the idea of people being 100% responsible for their reality has been used to blame others for their experience, which also blocks love and compassion. This has also been counterproductive to your spiritual growth.


Use these principles with care. They are guidelines for something you will come to realize, not ideas with which to insulate yourself or separate you from others. The result of these principles should be greater love compassion, consciousness, peace and freedom. If that’s not the result, you probably are not fully understanding them and they are not benefiting you.


I hope this has been helpful. I love you all so very much and deeply appreciate your sincerity of care and devotion to your spiritual growth and understanding.


With great love and blessings,

I AM Mary Magdalene


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Teacher Samuel of Panoptia. 
Subject: “A Marvelous Opportunity.” 

Received by George Barnard. 

Samuel: “Untold millions of you have the opportunity to make friends in distant lands with the use of your developing digital communications and filming. One of the most important means of enjoying planet-wide peace is to record family life and sharing your day-to-day experiences with families far away. 

“You see, my dear brother, once you truly get to know those in far-off lands, you get to understand that they are just like you. They have their wants and needs. They want the best for their children, homes to live in, jobs to go to, food to eat and security, an education. Such things should not be beyond anyone, as long as there is peace, and without war and without major crime there is enough for all.

“So it was on my planet, Panoptia, where long ago two large continents collided to create a super-continent with a high east-west mountain range just south of the equator during my time. In time, those of the north, living in a more tropical environment, became somewhat darker of skin. Those of the south, where I had my home and laboratory were somewhat lighter of skin. The thoughts were that with such high mountains the south and north might estrange. 

“Already there had grown to be considerable language differences, and if nothing were done, the two population groups would drift apart. Languages are constantly in a mode of change. Languages are alive, as are customs, and even your many languages vary ever more from isolated place to remote backwater. On Panoptia the potential of two very large populations drifting apart was forestalled by nationwide promotions of ‘adopting a family’ on the other hemisphere of the super-continent.

“Today, with your extensive social networks, your world has a marvellous opportunity to nurture such progressive undertakings. Apart from your seeing your siblings of different races and lands as your true brothers and sisters, it bolsters the populations’ determination to banish wars and skirmishes, and keep in check those in government who foster the oppression of others for gain. I am Samuel the Panoptian. Good day from Aaron and me.” 

Notes: Years ago I was shown Panoptia’s super-continent, with its ‘rolling cloud masses both north and south of its tall snow-clad mountains. I saw its southern hemisphere’s wild mountain rivers flowing into wide man-made irrigation canals.

Samuel was an ethical genetic engineer of great ability during his long mortal life. Midwayers and Life Carriers were no strangers to him in his co-creative life’s work.


People panic about practically everything—missed deadlines, orders not received, comments by others, fear of mistakes, negative trends. You name it and someone has panicked about it. Yet I've never seen even a single instance where the panic actually helped to solve the problem. Instead, panic is neutral at best and greatly interferes at worst. Panic tends to bring out the worst in everyone. It makes others (and you) feel tense and fearful. It increases the likelihood of mistakes, missed opportunities and miscommunications.
Nothing interferes with the creation of success and abundance like panic. When you make the commitment to stop panicking, you'll notice some incredible things happening. First, you'll notice that a vast majority of what you are most worried about will never happen, or it won't be as bad as you first thought. It was Benjamin Franklin who said, "Some terrible things happened in my lifetime – a few of which actually happened."
By avoiding the panic, you won't waste time, anxiety, and energy trying to solve what probably doesn't need solving. Second, when you learn to keep your bearings, your wisdom will come forth. In the absence of worry, answers will emerge. Instead of a head full of concerns, you'll create a head full of solutions. Finally, when you stay calm, you really do bring out the best in others. Many people react to the feelings of others. If you can maintain your bearings, chances are the people you work with will too.
To bring forth your greatest potential, eliminate panic altogether from your thinking..



Illawarra District, Australia, 2014. 
Teacher Samuel of Panoptia. 
Subject: “On Being Chosen.” 

Received by George Barnard. 

George: “The claim made by this young man of eighteen is that he was ‘chosen by the numbers 11:11’, presumably by the Midwayers. He doesn’t know what his new task is supposed to be. I don’t want to even be thought of as a fortune teller first of all, and secondly I was never chosen, so, who is?” 

Samuel: “The 11:11 time-prompt is a simple preliminary ‘hello’, and by extension an obvious invite for one to lead a more spiritual life, at least for those who actually research its origin and find your planetary helpers to be the initiators. The questions to be asked are, firstly, chosen by whom, and secondly, chosen for what purpose? The first answer is that we are all chosen – every man, woman and child – by our Father Creator. Secondly, we are all individually chosen by Him to one day, at our leisure, progress enough to earn eternal life. 

“Truly, my dear friend, there is no argument about all of Urantia mortals being chosen to progress in their myriad ways to become perfect, God-like, and live on into eternity. Further, in each life there are multiple opportunities to choose your direction, even to be lured into a direction, but personal choice is sacrosanct. From age four, five, or six, likely decades beforehand, one’s Thought Adjuster may well know the beginning on to the end. On no account, however, will the Thought Adjuster’s human subject be cajoled. 

“Remember, human free-will prerogatives cannot and will not be over-ridden, except in rare circumstances when planetary welfare is at risk. It was your choice from a young age to become just who you are today, at least in broad terms that was your choice. For my part it was an adeptness in biology that eventually got me the assistance of a Life Carrier when I asked to be aided in my work. Always the timing must be right, and there needs to be a preparedness to stick with a (spiritual) task for a human to finally be led a certain way. 

“If you wish to so view it, there are of course other exceptions to free-will prerogatives, well, not quite, but let me explain: Those from higher realms incarnated on evolutionary worlds could be seen to be chosen. However, are they? Including the Creator of our local universe in His last incarnation? It was our Michael’s personal choice to experience human life on your world, and yes, He could have failed. Of course, with so much at stake, His future success was clearly foreseen on High, and no great risk was taken. 

“As a free-will-endowed human, you do all your spiritual choosing, always in relation to opportunities – including being sponsored or guided – and limitations as they may apply. Yet at any given time you retain the free will to make a 180 degree turn to prove that only you make all the choices. 

“This is Samuel. Aaron and I greet you both. Goodnight.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
There is no braver fool in any of our universes,
than he who uses the Master’s Name in vain – 

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