| | Some Responses to Ashtar's 11-21-13Request, from People Around the World who saw Cloudships Recently, and at Other Times
as Well | We saw this fascinating ships a couple of month ago
in Ireland. The whole sky was covered, so beautiful!!! We saw some red/orange orbs as well they seemed to have diamond shape
end of August and October, I was not able to catch them properly on my cellphone. We're so happy and excited about our friends
and Family we can't wait!!! Many love for all of you, Michaela. 3 pictures from Michaela I have also seen cloud ships here in Australia. This photo was taken a month or so ago. But I feel
it is still relevant to your sightings only a day or so ago. Mecheale 1 picture from Mecheale Greetings, Love and
Light to you….I am in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada and early this morning, on my way to work I did see a cloudship, it
was magnificent and very large. I was unable to take a picture as I was driving but I was able to find a picture on the internet
that looks very similar. I have included it as an attachment but am unsure if there may be any copyright on the picture. I
am very aware of their presence……enjoy seeing the New Jerusalem in our evening sky. I have also included a picture
of the New Jerusalem….it is to the left of the large street lamp. There are also some orbs in this pic as well . Liz. 2 pictures from Liz To read more responses, and see Pictures .........Click Here |