Christ Michael: How To Work Out Your Unresolved Conflicts


Cedomil Vugrincic, M.D, Ph.D.



January 20, 2013
Beloved children, this is your Universe Father Michael.  Growing spiritually means that you will encounter those internal obstacles to your happiness and faith. There is much unresolved trauma within the system of human consciousness that needs to be outworked through your diligent efforts.  One of the reasons the practice of quieting your mind is so important is to allow what your indwelling Spirit wants to help you “see” what you need to do to surmount those internal obstacles.  You are not doing this alone without any help.  There is much support for you to do this, but you need to know how and wherein to obtain this assistance.
The help is always within.  The tools you develop to make sense of your problems and conflicts will grow and you will increasingly learn to master these tools that lead to new skills in dealing with what life brings to you.  The crucial component is to take the time you need to make contact with your indwelling Father Fragment who is your guide through these challenges and changing times.  You also can come to me as your Father and ask for my mind to mingle with your human consciousness so you are able to see a broader perspective of what is occurring in your life.
My children, you are not alone, nor were you ever.  Let my presence and that of the Father within you guide you through the rugged human experience.  As you deepen your stillness practice, more things will be revealed to you about your humanity.  More information will be afforded you to help you perceive the higher reality of Spirit.  Let this time of change on your planet secure your desires to be all that you can become—to develop your potential day by day.  Allow the conflicts you encounter be the springboard for that potential to develop, and enjoy how Spirit is ever engaging the highest good within you to blossom and bear the good fruits of Spirit.  Enjoy your growth and thrive!



Urantia, January 9, 2013.
The Beloved One.
Subject: “The Effort of Faithfulness.”

Received by Lytske.

The Beloved One: “Although you have no idea of what the subject might be, you fully expect a message to be forthcoming. It proves your expectation of my being faithful to you, and it proves your being faithful to me. Allow me to tell you that everything is according to God’s plan, for you are steadily moving forward in your listening skills. It is in the inner world where the fastest growth can happen if the creature is willing to listen. It is my observation that people are willing to spend large sums of money so they can learn from an outsider how to contact their God within. I tell you right now that all have been born with the ability to quite alone accomplish that task. One does not need to be ‘spoon-fed’ by others who have done the work for themselves. It becomes far more soul-satisfying if humans will individually discover the Gift of their innermost selves, which entails, needless to say, some hard work. Nothing of value is ever gained if one is handed this Gift on a silver platter.

“The greatest satisfaction and soul-peace is gained by those whose lives have been forged between hammer and anvil, experiencing what they boldly chose through their free will and decisions. Even though some things appear to happen because of the mistakes of others, there is always a lesson in it, somewhere, which can lead to greater insight, even though this might not be immediately apparent. It takes a lot of living, and inner recognition that everything is always well. Mistakes are of value for the simple reason that one can learn from them so they don’t need to be repeated. Therefore it is befitting to each human with a normal thinking capacity to consider that they have the power within them to change their life if they are not happy. They don’t need to be told how and why to connect up to the living Spark from God within them. All they need to do is go into the Silence and persevere. It is they who need to make that decision and no one else can speak for them.

“It is their responsibility to make that connection, even though it is helpful to at times get pointed into the right direction by those who have blazed the trail before them. Ultimately each mortal is responsible for making their own connection to God, as no one else can do it for them. This is the only short-cut you can make. Visiting your places of worship is only good for social interaction – to be with kindred spirits, who are also trying to make that all important connection to the All That Is. This planet is on the cusp of a grand spiritual awakening, and the best way to proceed is to turn within to commune with the indwelling Spark from God asking for your daily directions as to how best to do Gods will. After that, simply allow the day to unfold according to his will – the way with the most love.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972.

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4445 Finding Your Place in the World, January 25, 2013 

God said: 

What is there to wake up to if not love? If love seems lacking, then who is going to put it there? What it may take for you to wake up to love is your recognition of love and your willingness to expand on it. You expand on love by recognizing it. You may have had your spotlight set on less than love.

Here’s the story, beloveds: You will find what you set out to look for.

You may argue this that I say. You may see yourself as an innocent bystander. You may see yourself as a victim. You may even like to justify your accounts of victimhood.

I do not say it is easy to find your place in the world. I do say: “Look for your welcome. Look for you to welcome. Be on the look-out.”

Of course, there is innocence. There is also your not looking. I am telling you to look for that which you say you desire. This is how you will find it. Beloveds, have you not found many needles in the haystack?

When you are sure that love is hard to find, or love is hard to give, what are you expecting? You may say that you used to expect the sun to shine on you, and it did not. You were disappointed. Once upon a time, you thought that all love is true, and life, this very life you live, let you down. Let’s erase the word expect then. Let’s say instead of expect to look forward to. Yes, that’s the ticket. Look forward to goodness and mercy following you all the days of your life so you see more of the sun’s shining on you.

Of course, it can happen. You are digging for worms, and you find a diamond. That can happen. Of course, it can. I am telling you to keep an eye out for diamonds of love, most especially within your own heart. The bluebird of happiness or sun-gold bird of love exists in the backyard of your own heart. I planted My heart within the garden of your heart. What I plant grows. I suggest you water it. I suggest you look forward to the watering and to the blossoming of love on Earth as it is meant to be.

You know the kind of black and white pictures where, when you look at it one way, you see a vase. When you look at the same picture another way, you see two people. The actuality is the same. The picture itself didn’t change. Your vision changed. There was change. You didn’t really make the change happen. You were open to it. You looked for it, and change appeared.

In your life, look for that different angle of perspective. It is there. It is always there in black and white. It helps to know this. Look from the perspective that there is more to see than you presently see. Be open to seeing differently. You are not banging on the door of love. You are simply ready to open it. You are ready to turn the knob.

I do not speak of illusion. I speak of the end of denying yourself. It is hardly a blessing for you to be what the world may often call realistic. Even in the world of realism, there are diamonds. They exist. Diamonds of love exist. Enough of looking at the negative masked as reality. There is a truer Reality. This Reality is My desire for you. This Reality is My desire for all. Cast your bets with Me and go out to seek your fortune. You have had enough misfortune. Now love is before you. Pull love from your heart, and, here, you have it.
