Channeled Message 2-22-14

A Guru is there to show you what you are. You are not different from Me. Whatever I am, that is what you are. This is your highest possibility.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar



Imprinting the Magnificence of the Creator 

by Celestial Unicorn and Dolphins of the 14th Dimension


Imprinting the Magnificence of the Creator by Celestial Unicorn and Dolphins of the 14th Dimension

Channelled through Natalie Glasson-

Our truth is your truth, your truth is our truth, our combined truth does not belong to us and yet we are one.

We come as a reminder of your purity and divinity; we are the consciousness of the Celestial Unicorns and Dolphins of the 14th Dimension. We bring to your presence the light, love, peace and bliss of the 14th dimension.

In this era of love with love building within and all around you, it is time for you to more fully awaken to the magnificence of the Creator, but more importantly the magnificent of the Creator within and around you. Do you believe the magnificence of the Creator works through you, existing in every cell of your body? It is important in this moment to allow the love of the Creator to open the gates of the universe to you so you may see the magnificence in the universe and all around you. The consciousness of humanity and the Earth is altering tremendously with each cycle of night and day upon the Earth. If you allow yourself to open to inspiration from the Creator experiencing the magnificence that is permanently present, it will imprint upon your own consciousness therefore filtering into the general consciousness of humanity and the Earth. In this moment you have a divine purpose of altering the consciousness of the Earth and imprinting the divine into the minds of many, including your own. When you experience the divine and love of the Creator often it is unexplainable in words but may come forth in feelings or visions, sometimes you may not understand this fully but there is a sense of recognition, inspiration and knowingness. When recognition, inspiration and knowingness is present this is a powerful connection and expression of the Creator which holds a quality of belief which can be unmovable. Allowing for such energies to be implanted into your mind and consciousness will ensure that others are able to access the same energy and belief in the Creator. It is important to remember you are a powerful beacon of expression of the Creator, more importantly you are a powerful anchor of the Creator. Wisdom and inspiration flows into your mind, understanding and consciousness to guide you, but also because your mind and consciousness are a powerful anchor and magnifier of the energy. Your mind and consciousness whether you realise it or not is connected to all beings and souls upon the Earth and the inner planes;  that which you experience within your mind and consciousness is literality akin to another reality and like a radio wave is shared openly and often unconsciously with every other soul upon the Earth.

It is important to recognise that negative thoughts within the mind and consciousness of your own being and of humanity can easily be cancelled out and erased through the acceptance of divine recognition, inspiration and knowingness. This doesn't even have to come from you but can be implanted or activated within your mind and consciousness. Negative energies are erased due to recognition, inspiration and knowingness allowing you to see the magnificence of the Creator which is in akin to seeing the truth of the Creator.

We are sharing with you that if you allow yourself to be open to the presence of the Creator penetrating your mind and consciousness you may receive experiences of recognition, inspiration and knowingness which will connect you to the magnificence of the Creator. Not only will you benefit from this process but through the energy being implanted into your mind it will filter into the consciousness of humanity.

As you surrender more fully to the process you will give to us the opportunity to truly use your mind as an anchor for sacred and new wisdom which needs to be embedded into the Earth and humanity's energetic structure. Your mind and consciousness will become akin to a treasure chest of new divine wisdom appropriate to this current era of love, because many perspectives of humanity and even your own perspective must alter to accommodate embodiment of the Era of Love. Some of the information and sacred wisdom will be useful to you supporting your own spiritual awakening while other information will be naturally and automatically transmitted into the consciousness of humanity and the Earth simply through your love vibration. When we ask you to focus upon love and to emanate it from your being we are preparing you for a time when you will express the entire universe of the Creator, all that is appropriate and needed through your being as a natural existence and expression of your reality. Sacred, wisdom, codes, symbols, enlightenment and so much more will flow through your being but will be especially transmitted from your mind and consciousness to others upon the Earth.  Imagine every soul achieving the same it would be akin to a network and powerful light and love source of an expression of the Creator, you will see, acknowledge and sense the Creator flowing through and from, to and within your entire being. It may be difficult to imagine but it is an experience of oneness upon the Earth and an experience of the Creator.

If you feel guided we wish to support you in experiencing and accessing the magnificence of the Creator on behalf of yourself and humanity. With the unicorn and dolphin consciousness of the celestial levels of the 14th dimension we recognise within us a deep state of purity which leads to the experience of the magnificence. The presence of the magnificence of the Creator can easily be accessed with our energies because it is a quality of the Creator we express. We also wish to support you in upgrading your chakra systems in order to hold more light and anchor the magnificence of the Creator into your chakra consciousness in order to allow you to experience the divine magnificence of the Creator more fully.

Allow yourself to sit peacefully gaining a deep state of meditation,

'I now call upon the loving protection and support of my angelic community and guides. I ask to be aligned with the unicorn and dolphin consciousness of the celestial levels of the 14th dimension.'

Imagine first the pearlescent light of the unicorns flowing through your crown chakra, through your chakra column and filling your entire torso with light.

Imagine the pale blue light of the dolphins flowing through your crown chakra, through your chakra column and resting in each chakra being supported by the unicorn light.

As the energy builds the unicorn and dolphin celestial light merges together and flows back up your chakra column beginning with your root chakra. The combined and merged light first penetrates and glows within your root chakra until it overflows into your sacral chakra and so forth all the way up through your chakra column into your solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and crown chakras.

The entrance into the combined light is important; allow as much time as is needed. You are activating the consciousness of experiencing the magnificence of the Creator in each chakra.

The light will overflow from your crown chakra and some energy will flow into your mind and consciousness in order to bring forth if appropriate recognition, inspiration and knowingness of the Creator therefore opening the gateways to experiencing or recognising the magnificence of the Creator.

The above is a preparatory meditation, you can then continue if you wish with this invocation and intention.

'I invoke the appropriate divine information and sacred wisdom from the Creator to pour into my entire being but especially my mind and my consciousness. Let the divine imprint wisdom and information within my mind and consciousness to support my own ascension and to support a shift of humanity's consciousness. Let the divine information and sacred wisdom intended for humanity filter from my mind into the minds of others, like an energetic wave, encouraging all to recognise the magnificence of the Creator. Thank you.'

Allow the light of the Creator to flow into your mind and allow yourself to be accepting of the magnificence of the Creator.

Please know that you do not necessary need to express the wisdom and insights verbally, just your recognition is enough.

We are here to support you and to ignite the magnificence of the Creator within you.

The Celestial Unicorn and Dolphins of the 14th Dimension


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Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4838 You Are Getting There , February 22, 2014 

God said: 

You progress. Despite all your antics, you progress. There is not a moment when you are not progressing. Even in your darkest hours, you are progressing. You cannot stop progress in yourself anymore than you can stop progress in the world. Whether or not you note progress in yourself or in the world, you can’t stop progress. Even when it appears that you are not growing, you have left one more step behind you.  Human beings are evolving Beings. You do not stay the same. You may not see always what is right before you to see.
Sometimes later on, you smack your hand on the side of your head, and you say: “Why didn’t I see that before? What was I thinking?” From a distance you may see what close up you did not see.
And, yet, I have said that there is no distance. There is no close-up. I have said that there is no time to speak of. We could say as a manner of speech, that you and your supposed life are encapsulated in one moment.
When I say there is no time, I am saying that there is no past and no future. I could say there is no present either. There is something We call Present. We call it Now, yet immediately the present becomes the past, and the future cannot even be seen before arrives. No matter, life IS.
Whatever you want of life, you can have it. It is yours to have. Desires are a good thing because our desires move us forward. Forward means going in front, and forward is also higher, beloveds. Desires lift you. Desires give you some pizzazz. Desires are signals of light that keep you moving. Human Beings ARE, and yet they also MOVE. Human Beings do not stay where they are. There is no holding back the dawn.
Whether you move forward or higher or seemingly move at all, life will pick you up and drop you somewhere. You cannot stem the tide.
In a sense, in life you are a fish swimming in the water, minding your own business, going on in your merry way, and then you are swimming in a net that is lifted and you are deposited on dry land. This image falls short, of course. The point is that fish can exist only in water. You, on the other hand, can exist wherever life puts or pulls you. You can exist in desert or snow. You can exist in mountain or valley. You, beloveds, are adaptable. You may not always want to adapt. You may protest where life takes you, yet you can find your good wherever you are.
Beloveds, there are no aquariums for human beings. Wherever you happen to be, you are meant to be for that supposed time. You are invariably in the right place at the right time. No matter how improbable that may seem to you, this is how it is.
Of course, you may fight it, and get out. Or you may fight it, and not get out. You may not fight it and get out. Of course, in Eternity, there is no getting in or getting out. There is none of that.
In the world, you are taking a walk. There are many roads to walk. Some you choose. Ultimately, it is all your choice. It is definitely your choice to progress regardless of the circumstances.
Consider circumstances as a meal you are served. You prefer some meals to others, yet, in each case, a meal is a meal. And life serves, and life serves you, and you are served, and, so, you progress.


Information From Mushaba and Porda (Papa Mushaba) on the GCR/RV, with addition from Hatonn, through Nancy Tate


Mushaba+Hatonn, Feb 20, 14  

Anakhanda Mushaba: I was sitting thinking about the RV and how no matter what happens, no matter how promising it seems to be that any second it could happen, that second never seems to arrive. I was tuning into my father both of them in fact. What I mean is my earth father Wali- Papa Mushaba and my ET Father, the being Mushaba. So I asked the question.

Anakhanda: Hi Father, What do you have to say about the GCR/RV?

I received what I felt to be a answer from them both speaking as one.

Mushaba's: You and many others in the world have been hearing a great deal of information concerning this worldwide event. It seems as though there is something that has been blocking the energetics of it actually happening. It is this energy, this net if you will, of energy that has been in a sense thrown over the actual energy of release holding it in check. It is allowed to go so far then it is pulled back like a rubber band being stretched so far and then snaps back at the last moment.

What people can do is to see or imagine this energy as a rubber band stretching itself outwardly toward its freedom and when it gets to the very end where it will seem to snap back, see it popping or the rubber band breaking, and the energy flying forward beyond the speed of light. We will actually work with it right now from our end and all those that receive this message can simply send their energetic support. We will remove this net of energy that will then allow for the stretching to reach its destination of its breaking point for that is what it has been trying to do for the last few weeks. Once this is done it should be ready to complete itself on the next attempt to do so.

I could explain a lot further but it involves the energy of those that combined to form the net to keep it from the people. However, that isn't necessary to speak of. Let's keep the focus on the task at hand. Let the release happen!

Loving Prosperity Blessings!

Nancy: Anakhanda sent the above to me, and right away I felt that someone had something to say about it. I wrote him back saying to him, “What you received from Porda and Mushaba sounded right on to me. I have asked Hatonn, or any other being if they have anything to add, and they are saying right now, "There is nothing else that can be said about it for it is that in a nutshell. Take it literally and you will see how it works. Crack the nutshell that is holding the jewel in and you will see a new awakening come forth."

I then asked why the semblance and association with a nutshell, and they said, "It is a matter of seeing everything with a grain of semblance. Once a nutshell is weakened with fluid it is more easily cracked. It also has that elasticity that keeps it from creating any semblance of destruction. It literally comes apart without chaos."

I share this with all of you for your understanding of what they say is taking place and what you can do about it. It is one thing to have answers to a question, and it is another thing to understand what kind of energy is involved.  



Prometheus’ Treasures - X. 
Subjects: “Willingness to Co-Create with Spirit.” 

Received by Renée

Teacher Prometheus: “The willing choice to join in the co-creative loving efforts of the spiritual administration of the planet, Urantia (Earth), is the highest and most significant decision which can be made by a human being born on this sphere. 

“For individuals to allow the Indwelling Spirit to direct and guide them as well as develop their innate potentials and capacities, it is essential to commit to a regular and dedicated routine of communication and active dialogue. Regular meditation is required in order to acquire the ‘spiritizing’ Divine Light. 

“The Thought Adjuster and other high order Spirit Beings can manage and integrate the Light into the mindal-heart and even the cellular-body circuitry. The individual human is a hybridized and evolving indwelt evolutionary vehicle meant to be a host for the loving and intelligent Spirit Fragment – a pre-personalized gift from the Creator to His individual mortal children, who were conceived in the Mind of the Creator long, long, long before their birth. 

“All conscious, free-willed human beings of creature-evolutionary origins, who choose to make the decision to allow spiritization and co-creation of experiences to add to the Supreme Being – the experiential deity of space-time universes – are anticipated and nurtured. They are the ‘Godseeds’ for future service and progressive adventures in the ever-expanding Grand Universe.” 

“I am Prometheus.”

