Channeled Astrology


Channeling: Astrology

Tonight I asked the gang to tell me something about astrology. I was not specific in my question because I hoped for some information that I might not have thought to ask about. Here is what I received:

What would you know? You understand how the layers of reality intertwine, how the perspectives can give views that appear to be contradictory. Does astrology work? Of course it does. Is it what it is currently understood to be? Of course it is not, in a sense. In another sense, of course it is. We will say that the general understanding of the uses of astrology is accurate. We would not say that the comprehension of astrology is true, but it is accurate. It is incomplete, yet functional even in the incomplete understanding.

As we have stated, the stars are, in a manner of speaking, indicators. It could be said that they do not create, but indicate. They do not control, but open specific possibilities by their positions. Yet that would also be from a specific perspective.

We will now look at if from another angle. Let us say that all is one, as you have known. In this case, there is not space between physical and non-physical. The spaces between “physical reality” are non-physical, if you prefer. The physical and non-physical occupy the same “space.” You do not “go” anywhere when you “move out” of the physical (in the perspective that we speak of), rather you simply shift focus so that you are able to perceive throughout, or to perceive one particular reality that is not physical reality. We remind you of this before moving on with the subject of astrology …

So with this base, let us return to the familiarity of the stars. They are physical beings, sentient and conscious beings; they are also energy, or perhaps no more than energy. They exist within the solar system, a physical system that works according to certain rules that are agreed upon (that may be broken with effort – let us not get sidetracked though. You have written something of the “rules” in your book Application of Impossible Things). As non-physical beings, the stars and planets move in harmony with energies beyond the physical, responding and tracking and creating the shifts and changes of large energy flows. The stars and planets, in this perspective, are both creating the physical and non-physical flows, and being created by them.

We remind you: just as you do not exist alone only as a physical Natalie, so these stars do not exist only as physical stars. The non-physical must be taken into account, for in this sense the stars and planets are not only indicators that may be read by humans, they are also participants and creators.

Let us say that a particular alignment of planets occurs. This alignment could be seen simply a result of the “natural” movement within the “rules” of the physical universe in which these star souls operate. This would be accurate but incomplete.

The movement is, for the purpose of this example, also a reflection of non-physical systems that are balanced and in motion in their specific ways for specific reasons. (Reasons that are not necessarily important, for going into this would sidetrack us into equally interesting subjects.)

The stars then are doing their “predictable” routes in creating various alignments with each other on both physical and non-physical levels. Naturally, as you would say – it is their nature. They also affect the reality that they exist within because of their movement – as do all things that exist within the physical environment.  They also, as reflections of the non-physical, indicate certain things by their positions, even while they participate in creating it.

They are a language to be read. You could just as well read a stone, or the movement of water, but it was chosen to read stars.

The planets indicate what the broad flows of non-physical energy are doing or supporting or exploring. The stars or planets also, being essentially non-physical themselves, help to create those flows, and move in conscious and voluntary harmonic with the flows. In this sense, they are the flows, create the flows, respond to the flows, indicate the flows, and are created by the flows.

We state the same idea in more than one way in this explanation. This is for a reason, for reading this idea in more than one way has loosened more than one misunderstanding in the complexity that is your mind, your beliefs, the structure of your understanding.

(laughter) We realize this will not necessarily clear up any questions for the reader. We do not do this to confuse, but to attempt to expand the basic understanding of the relationships between physical and non-physical, and to deepen or broaden the concepts that underwrite the way you understand the world in which you participate.

Paradox does not sit easily on the human mind, and stretching is often confusing. Please simply consider what we have said, let it sit in your mind without trying to untangle it, and you will slowly understand it intuitively. For all that we say of the astrology, the stars, applies to the human being.

Thank you. 


About Astrology

Upon your world there is some interest in astrology, in the science of the stars and planets, their alignment and how that affects humans.  While many people dismiss this simply as hocus-pocus, or some antiquated system that was developed prior to scientific knowledge, Joshua would tell you that, in fact, it does have great merit. The skepticism is related somewhat to the problem that many humans have upon the earth, that they consider themselves separate, they consider themselves alone within their shell, within their body.  They do not realize that connections exist.

There are connections between people, not just family and friends, but between all human beings.  They do not realize the connections that all humans have to the earth, for you are of the earth, you consist of materials that are of the earth.  When a body is no longer living, when that spark of life has left, the body simply reverts to being several pounds of minerals and other earth materials, that is all.  This connection that humans have with the earth and with each other, goes even further, it extends out into space, into the universe.  Therefore, there is a connection with the planets, with the stars and their rotations.  Their alignment is in a way energetic, it aligns bodies in a certain way and also it influences them.  It creates for them, various ways of thinking, various ways of being, it also does create the various ways that people express themselves.

There are those who are born under a particular sign who exhibit characteristics that are usually or frequently associated with that sign.  Now, it is not only that, it is simplistic to say that so and so is a Taurus, therefore he or she is stubborn.  That might not be true, however it might be likely that he or she are sure of themselves or that they have a particularly strong personality.

It is possible to view most characteristics either in a positive or negative way, and unfortunately, many people tend to think of their own characteristics as positive and sometimes those of others less so.  That should not be so, for it is simply a characteristic, it has no “good” or “bad” to it.  It is what makes a particular person the way they are, it contributes to who they are, how they act within their lives, how they view the world and how they relate to other people and events.  That is all part of who they are, and should not be judged.

Now, back to the question of astrology, how is it useful to most people?  They can find out under which sign they are born, and more specifically, they can find out the alignment of the various planets at the time of birth, and that will yield fairly interesting and frequently accurate information about how best to lead their lives.  It does nothing to mitigate certain soul contracts or responsibilities that a person might have, however it can be a useful tool for understanding the best and easiest way to go through life, to better enjoy life, to better experience it.

It can also offer suggestions how better to allow others into their life, how better to allow the connections that create community and friendships.  There will be a certain draw, there will be certain attraction that exists between people of like signs, signs that are in conjunction.  There might also be a certain repulsion with people who’s signs are in opposite.

In addition, there is nothing static about how astrology affects humans, for the planets and constellations are ever rotating, their relationships are always changing.  Hence, the affect upon all humans is also always changing.  It can be useful to consult astrological charts from time to time, to receive updated information for yourself, in a new context.

Those are some aspects you can consider when applying this ancient art to your own life.

Q: Michael, please share your views about astrology. Is it something we are collectively creating and then becoming influenced by, or is there something real that we are discovering?

Is there any analogy between astrological sun/moon/AC -signs and the inner role/overleaves?

A: We have answered this question in the past, but we are here to answer it again. Yes, there is something real in astrology as you know it. There are many factors that influence the human fragment and the timing of the birth is one of them. Unfortunately there is more to this than can be measured by your science. The moment of conception is more relevant to the pattern of a fragment's true personality than the moment of birth. We understand, however, that the moment of conception is not usually one that can be documented. Therefore, a second-best alternative is to set up the chart according to the tables that exist for the moment of birth. We repeat here that a professional astrologer with a strong connection with the work will interpret the chart himself, rather than relying on the fixed interpretations available in published materials. 

The influences of the planets and their aspects is one of a particular type of energy. This energy is translated into words by the medium of astrology and can assist the fragment in undertaking to express certain elements in his true personality. There is an overlap, usually, between the individual overleaf chart and the astrological chart. Consider both as written symbols of an energetic reality. In this way you will not be tempted to make either an oracle. 

If either your overleaves or your astrological positioning were indeed immutable in their effect on your ability to freely choose, then there would be no reason for your life. The circumvention of free will is anathema to your existence. All is choice. We cannot say this too often. Given that, what sense does it make to imbue something like your birth time with the power to interfere with that choice? 

There is a very long history of sound astrological study and understanding in human history. Be wary, however, of the attempt to predict the future using this information. Many energies, not just those of the planets and their aspects, converge on any event, major or minor, and these energies may be in conflict with one another. Serious astrologers have accurately predicted events in the history of nations and of individuals. But this accuracy is predicated on the connection that the practitioner has with Essence, not with Venus trine Neptune.

There is a synergy in all areas of creation. This synergy is apparent in the workings of various methods of understanding the world beyond the senses. Astrology is a kind of bridge between this unseen world and the physical world. With the appropriate apparatus you can view the planets that appear on a piece of paper mis-named a 'star' chart. This is the physical, sensible occasion of astrology. The interpretations, which have been applied by yourself or another who is connected to Essence in a very particular way, comes from the meta-world, that which is beyond/outside the senses. Therefore, use it as you would any other aid in working out your life path. It is only one of the several available to you.

Channeled by: Nancy Gordon

Q: As you no doubt know, traditional astrology is based on the use of 12 signs, and 12 houses. Now, in the Michael teachings, the number seven is always stressed.

My question is therefore: Would it be useful and advisable to use an alternative method of the division of the heavens, based on 7? That is, one could, starting from zero degrees Aries, divide the zodiac into seven signs instead of 12. (Each one would comprise 51 degrees, 26 minutes of arc). And if such a system would indeed be useful, could Michael give a short description of the basic meaning of each of the resulting seven phases, that could then be used as a basis for interpretation?

A: Your astrology is not based on principles that govern the entire Universe, but instead relies on quadrants directly applicable to your own corner of the solar system. Astrology as you know it would be radically different if applied to another planet with different coordinates and star systems.

Michael math, on the other hand, is applicable anywhere you travel in the Universe, whereas astrology is not. Therefore, altering the zodiac to conform to the law of seven would have no beneficial outcome other than to dismantle the astrological system into segments no longer recognizable.

In short, astrology is based on physical constructs, where Michael math permeates into everything.

Channeled by: David Gregg


Ophiuchus & the “First Salvos of The New Astrology”


Greetings and Welcome to the World of New Astrology.


In this new world the celestial arts and sciences are being restored to Universal integrity by mending the rift between Astrology and Astronomy, reaching back for the harmony we enjoyed before the Inquisitions and persecutions of such men of science, spirit and vision as Galileo who was an Astronomy-Astrologer.

Today our technological advancements in optics give us the advantage of being able to see farther with the human eye than Astrology has ever seen before.

Some of us are referring to this remarriage as “Astronomology”. This word calls to Mind the re-Union of Astronomy and Astrology that makes our new Celestial Sphere arts and sciences sing now truly through the Harmony of the Spheres.

Why have we been fighting this quantum leap? One would reasonably think the keynote of Love and Unity would be uppermost in everyone’s minds as we advance altruistically into the Space Age together.

Recently there was a ground-breaking release of advice channeled to Astrologers through Brenda Hoffman. We want to preserve this important support of our ongoing efforts to return the celestial arts to Source (the firmament of the heavens) so we include Brenda’s entire message below, followed by a summary of the status of Astrologers’ early attempts to factor Ophiuchus into their practices as observed on the web and by purchasers of “13-sign Astrology” readings.

Brenda Hoffman –

First Salvos Of The New Astrology – 23 April 2013

Posted on April 23, 2013 by  | Comments Off

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Dear Ones,

Perhaps you are familiar with astrological events as portrayed in the Old Age. Just as is true for you, there are no longer astrological group activities or messages.

In the Old Age, you received information that all would be erratic during a full moon or that an eclipse would shift all people in some fashion. Sometimes those patterns were accurate – sometimes not. But because you were comfortable with group thought, you continued to follow what others projected might happen. Perhaps you have read astrology books that indicated what a Pisces or Aries should be like – only to find some correlation, but not a complete list of activities relevant to you or the person in question.

Some of the Old Age astrological readings were fairly accurate because  humans moved en masse so one could roughly calculate what would happen to someone with that sign on a particular day or even year. Such is no longer the case.

Even though the broad categories of the 12 astrological signs continue, as earth and the Universes shift so do stars in the heavens. Old Age astrological readings were based on planets and stars that remained in a pattern for eons.

Those stars and planets are now evolving as are you. What does this mean? Just as you previously noted how you reacted during planetary activity and how your being fit within the broad categories provided by astrologers, you will probably want to study  the new you with new indicators.

Eclipses and full moons, as will be occurring this week, are not necessarily worrisome as has been true in the past. Perhaps you will feel a bit spacey or find yourself doing or saying something you had not meant to say – but these next few days will be more about celebration than hunkering down to await some trauma.

Some are discussing how dramatic the next few weeks will be because of three eclipses and two full moons. Drama time – Old Age drama time. The new interpretation is celebration. For now eclipses and full moons produce more light on earth ensuring that more and more Lightworkers awaken.

Of course, that last thought is one of those blanket statements often used in the Old Age for whatever was to befall you. Will everyone be gloriously happy in the next few weeks. No. But will Lightworkers who have awakened be more joyful and sparkle a bit more? Yes. For indeed, you have reached the tipping point of this New Age. As of this week’s lunar eclipse, there will be more of those of the Light than not.

Such a statement does not yet answer your initial question – how will this affect you? However you want. That is not to tease you, but to remind you that you are in control of your life and reactions. You no longer have a book that tells you how you should react during, before or after a specific event. For some of you will be sad that you are no longer the lonely Lightworker beaming your mysterious, but loving grace to the world. Others will be joyous that the new earth and all that entails will be more evident every day. Neither response is right nor wrong. There is no longer a specific response for any astrological sign.

Perhaps that is difficult to understand for you have tracked so many people who have acted and reacted as your astrology books indicated they would. Do you remember a few months ago when astrologers were discussing how perhaps you were no longer a Leo – that you should adhere to the sign before or after because of shifting star patterns?

Such was the first salvo of the new astrological world. Some astrologers pooh-pooh the concept. Others are excited by the idea. Still others are ignoring the concept.

Just as more people will find channeling a common means of communication – which will soon be outdated by the way. Others will find the new astrology more accurate and informative – and not designed for the masses. Indicators will combine with inner messages to project a more specific and detailed road map for individuals.

Some astrologers contend they are combining channeling with astrology and so they are. What we are speaking of is a step beyond that. The messages will be extremely specific – almost like a virtual reality game where the client tests various options to decide which best suits him or her.

Previously, astrologers created broad descriptions based on what most people in a specific group might do. Even if they combined those readings with channeling, the astrologer’s belief system created a future confined to what a Gemini or Cancer might do. Now that the planets and stars are shifting, as is true for all entities on earth, readings will be more specific – much less generic.

Are astrologers outdated? Those who depend on Old Age systems and beliefs are. Those open to new ideas and beliefs will have a delightful time discovering new directions for clients and themselves. Such will be more evident in the next few weeks. Pieces of information will just seem to appear from nowhere.

Those of you who work with astrologers, will know who is offering Old Age readings and who is comfortable with New Age thoughts and actions by your sense of comfort and rightness.

If you are an astrologer, know that the next few weeks will be a glorious adventure. Throw out your old books and beliefs and start anew. You will be amazed at how unique and exciting your new readings will be. No longer is it necessary for you to merely determine when someone is going to meet their soul mate or find the perfect job. Your new readings will be so much more interesting – both for you and those with whom you are working.

We have told you that all is shifting in this New Age – and so it is. From governments, to astrology, to channeling, to the corporate world. Nothing is going to be as it was. Just as the automobile changed your world, so will the New Age produce so many new adventures – if you are willing to move outside your Old Age box – whatever that box may be. So be it. Amen.


Einstein spirit-minds quote

And the Great Spirit of the Hour would be the Ophiuchus Divine Feminine

Astrology within the Church

Western church leaders throughout history have at times given different amounts of credibility to astrological investigations, predictions, and learning. Astrology had some small support in early Christianity, but support waned during the Dark Ages. Support for it grew again in the West during the Renaissance. A major Western orthodox witness to this, the 1913 edition of the Catholic Encyclopedia, says: In 321 Constantine issued an edict threatening all Chaldeans, Magi, and their followers with death. Astrology now disappeared for centuries from the Christian parts of Western Europe.
Early Christian legend distinguished between astronomy and astrology by ascribing the introduction of the former to the good angels and to Abraham while the latter was ascribed to Cham. In particular St. Augustine  fought against astrology and sought to prevent its amalgamation with pure natural science.
Emperors and popes became votaries {adherents} of astrology—Charles IV and V, and Popes Sixtus IV, Julius II, Leo X and Paul III. When these rulers lived astrology was, so to say, the regulator of official life; it is a fact characteristic of the age, that at the papal and imperial courts ambassadors were not received in audience until the court astrologer had been consulted. Regiomontanus, the distinguished Bavarian mathematician, practised astrology, which from that time on assumed the character of a bread-winning profession, and as such was not beneath the dignity of so lofty an intellect as Kepler. Thus had astrology once more become the foster-mother of all astronomers. In the judgment of the men of the Renaissance—and this was the age of a Nicholas Copernicus—the most profound astronomical researches and theories were only profitable insofar as they aided in the development of astrology. Among the zealous patrons of the art were the Medici. Catherine de' Medici made astrology popular in France. She erected an astrological observatory for herself near Paris, and her court astrologer was the celebrated "magician" Michel de Notredame (Nostradamus) who in 1555 published his principal work on astrology—a work still regarded as authoritative among the followers of his art. Another well-known man was Lucas Gauricus the court astrologer of Popes Leo X and Clement VII who published a large number of astrological treatises.
