READ N PASS.. * VERY IMPORTANT... .... * This is a real incident that happened in a local * hospital
in Bangalore , India . A 4 year old girl was admitted due to leg fracture. As it was an open fracture, she had to undergo
an operation * to stitch the protruding bone back in place. Though it was quite a minor operation, she was hooked
on to * life support system, as a part of the process. * The doctors had to input some data prior to the operation
* to suit different conditions. Thereafter, the operation proceeded. Half way through the process, the life support
* system suddenly went dead. * The culprit : - Some one was using his/her hand-phone outside the operation
* theatre.. And the frequency had affected the system.. They tried to track the person, but to no avail. The little
girl, young and innocent as she was, died soon after. * Be compassionate! Do not use your hand phone / mobiles especially
at any hospitals or within the Aircraft or any places where you are told not to use it... You might not be * caught
in the act, but you might have killed someone without knowledge. * Please pass this to as many, since most of us
are just not aware of the seriousness of this issue. * Please Don't Delete. Please Send this to all your contacts and
help save a life.. * Last Word: * Please avoid using your mobile phones in hospitals, near OT areas / petrol
pumps / aircraft etc ... wherever it is mentioned no use of mobiles, go by the rules, it's a matter of life & death. * A
tiny mail can save a life
Your questions.. Sri Sri answers.. * Q:
I am often outraged by the injustice happening around me, but realize there is also a need for love and understanding.
How can I balance these feelings? * Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: When many bristles are put together to make a broom,
they are far more effective in sweeping a large hall than they would have been individually. Similarly, as sangha (group),
you can achieve more. Whether it is for service or justice, you should work in groups. This is very important. * Injustice
is there. It is your work to turn it around. In Chinese, there is one word for both crisis and opportunity. If you only
see the problem, you become frustrated. This is no good. Work with the group and just see what you can do. In many parts
of the world there is so much corruption. Money is required for everything. * When our sangha stood up against
corruption, we accomplished a lot. Our youth refused to pay any bribes. When officers see this kind of conviction, It was
so refreshing for them. They are also human beings after all. For our Ayurveda projects, we needed 10 different licenses.
People said it would take two years just to get these! We applied for the licenses and resolved not to give any bribes.
We said that we were prepared to go there 50 times if necessary. Within one month, we had all 10 licenses! So do fight
against injustice, but without anger. Fight with a calm and serene mind. * This is said even in the Bhagavad-Gita.
Guruji's Knowledge Sheet: A Quantum Leap
* When a worldly man is miserable, he blames the people around him, the system, and the world in general. When a
seeker is miserable he, of course, blames the world, but in addition he blames the path, the Knowledge, and himself. It
is better not to be a seeker so that you blame less. But then a seeker (sadhak) also enjoys everything much more. There is
more love in life and more pain. When there is more joy, the contrast is greater. A certain level of maturity is needed to
see things as they are and not to blame the path, the self, and the world. Do you see what I am saying? It is like a quantum
leap. If one jumps across this threshold then there is no fall. The Divine does not test you. Testing is part of ignorance. Who
will test? One who does not know will test, isn't it? God knows your capacity, so why does he have to test you? Then, why
the misery? It is thithiksha, or forbearance, in you. And forbearance could be increased by prayerful surrender or vigorous
challenge for patience! (Laughter) * - Sri Sri
God Enlightenment is the biggest happiness.
Why to go after small happiness when the biggest is there? It is not easy to believe in God. God is there: if you experience
this then the mind calms down. Then you find only God is there and I don’t exist. * Spirituality Anything
done to uplift your spirit, to make you walk towards the truth, that brings up human values within, that connects you
to the innermost and outermost is spiritual. Meditation, pranayama, yoga, service, singing, chanting, creating happiness
around you are all part of spirituality. If you create misery, then that is not spirituality. If you can create joy, it
is spiritual. * Devotion Nature of devotion is such that you feel longing in its absence. Once you get a glimpse
of devotion, then its absence causes perturbation in mind. It is not that devotion is absent there but you feel as if
it is not there, and you feel restless with this feeling. If we look in the light of knowledge, Shri Narada has said
in Bhakti Sutras that the very indication of devotion is that you experience bliss in its presence and its absence makes
you restless. This shows that you have devotion, and consider yourself as lucky when you experience such restlessness
in mind. * Perfect Balance Life needs to be a perfect balance between sound and silence, between dynamic activity
and stillness, between being funny and jovial, and then being serious. If one aspect is missing, life is incomplete. If
you are only serious, and not funny, then it’s not complete. If you are only funny, you become superficial. You
are not deep. Silence is our ability to switch between them, this is most important