Bring Ways Of The Universe To This Little World

January 27, 2013 
My children, this is your Universe Mother, bringing you messages of hope and encouragement.  You are the ones who are healing yourselves and your planet through divine support.  You are not alone in your endeavors and labors of love to transform life here.  We are behind the scenes of your awareness, gently upstepping you into higher ideas and ideals of the creative plan that you may bring the ways of the universe to this little world, once sequestered from the rest of your family.
You have power, you have ability, you have strength.  The presence of SPIRIT within your being confers these mighty qualities into your minds and bodies, but it is up to you to make use of them; to spend time building your spiritual reservoir that you may share the wonderful blessings of spirit with your brothers and sisters here on earth.  You have the whole universe behind you, so look within for what you need to accomplish what your hearts speak to you.  Everyone has something beautiful to contribute to the healing of this world.  Everyone’s gift will be used and augmented by us.
It is the parting of the ways that you now see that creates confusion and doubt within the mind.  Allow those thoughts that hold you back to be acknowledged, but give them to me, that I may convey into your awareness a higher truth, a new understanding.  What does not serve you will hold you back.  What will serve you well will give you hope and confidence to keep moving forward knowing that the heavenly realms are with you.
Use your thoughts and time wisely each day and spend the necessary moments of the day to quiet your minds and receive.  Know that there are mighty spiritual personalities who wish to draw closer to you to help you with your tasks.  Together we will build a new reality upon Urantia, and enjoy the many wonderful fruits that come from co-creation. 


God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4454 God Created All Manner of Wondrous Things , February 3, 2013 

God said: 

When I created the cosmos I created all manner of wondrous things, not the least of which is you. And, do you want to know one of the great things about you that I created? Of all the marvels I created when I created you, I created a sense of humor. Now how is that for thinking of everything! What a God am I! And what a human being I created. One who can even laugh at himself. Congratulations. You have a sense of humor to pull out when you can most use it, and you will do well to use it often. Keep your sense of humor at the ready. Keep it out where you can grab it. Grab your sense of humor over a gun. Grab your sense of humor over everything but love.

A sense of humor restores your good nature. O to be good-natured. O to be in good humor. O to be a delight.

Sense of humor comes in very handy.

Life, as you see life requires a sense of humor. And what does it mean to have a sense of humor? It doesn’t mean you have to be a wit. It means that you accept that life as it perceived is the theater of the absurd. When you come to think of it, what is not to laugh about or to laugh along with. A sense of humor holds you in good stead. A sense of humor is refreshing. A sense of humor tells you that seriousness and taking life literally is not always the best policy.

What would you recommend doing if you step in a puddle? Would you curse? Would you cry? No, beloveds, laugh at yourself. Take delight in yourself and a world where you can fall in a puddle and get up! Mud will wash off, and with it, the sanctity of your ego, your fragile ego.

You may think the world will think you a fool for falling in a puddle. How much more foolish would it be for you take plopping down in the mud seriously. Yes, of course, how can you speak before a group sodden in mud?

You may think your life became unhinged. Certainly, it means a change for you. Certainly, it means something unexpected. What do you expect of life but the unexpected? Where was it written that you are to be above slipping in mud?

Be glad you fell in soft mud and not on ice. Be glad you had a chance to have a good laugh at your expense. Hurray for having occasion to let go of ceremony and let go of your officiousness. Falling in mud is not your downfall. Ego is. It is ego that trips you up. Cast ego behind you. Cast joy in front of you. Embarrassment is nothing. It seems big. All eyes on you. Laugh, and your laughter will allow others to laugh as well. A good laugh will be had by all. For a few moments, you are a star, and many hands will be offered to help you get up. Maybe someone who helps you will also slip in the mud with you, and you will have more to laugh over.

It’s all in a day’s work, beloveds. Work on not minding so much. There is no need for you to be crestfallen.

The day you slip in the mud is a day to remind yourself of rejoicing. Enjoy that you are able to walk and slip in the mud and get up. Rejoice, and have a new spring in your step. Rejoice that you are someone who can laugh. Let the corners of your mouth turn up. Go right ahead and laugh.

Sri Sri
