Bondage and Freedom


Spirituality is nothing but caring and sharing; offering oneself in service.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


A Mentori Spokesperson. 
Subject: “Of Bondage and Freedom.” 

Received by Lytske. 

Mentor: “Some days ago we spoke about doors, and more specifically about the door of the heart, whether it be open or closed, and we touched briefly on the problems connected with this. I would pursue this in a similar vein and use the word bondage.

“People are held in bondage in one form or other. This deals mainly with their habitual thoughts, which keep them in bound to such an extent that they are incapable of thinking along original lines. These habitual thoughts have become like a security blanket from under which they dare not venture beyond the norm, to think outside the box. 

“With this I mean that they are like sheep following one another without thinking independently how this could serve them in their personal spiritual growth. It is time for the masses of humanity to wake up and realize how they are kept in bondage, some even by the elders of their various places of worship. 

“The Creator intended for each individual, born on every planet in space, to think for themselves and grow into the divine blueprint He bestowed upon each living and thinking mortal child. If the Creator had wanted a race of mortal clones, He would have created them so. Instead He gave each human child the capacity to think for themselves and make decisions, indeed, barring genetic and unforeseen accidents, from which humans emerge less than capable of thinking and rendering their decisions. 

“To discover the extent to which bondage exists, consider not this individual to be a rarity, but rather deem the world at large to be in some way controlled and therefore in bondage, albeit that most of you are not even aware of how extensively insidious this bondage can be. Your thoughts restrict you and therefore keep you in bondage to circumstances, as the why’s and wherefore’s ever escaped you, because of patterns of habitual thinking, choices and decision making. 

“Think what you can do to acquire freedom within yourself and clarity of your thoughts, so these don’t run amuck like a team of spooked horses – creating that merry-go-round of your mind. The answer is actually very simple; get off the merry-go-round and free your thoughts to more useful and elevated matters. It is in your power to achieve this. Cut the cords that bind you to a tedious train of thought, stop this and veer onto a different track for a more hopeful and positive scenery. There is so much to be enjoyed in life, as the Creator has given you the free will to open yourself to the many blessings which may so far have passed you by unnoticed.

“It is already a blessing and a privilege to wake up to another day of spiritual growth, and to be able to ask yourselves how you shall spend your day as a new person, open to anything new … or once more wasting the day as per usual, according to habit and routine, so all days will appear alike, dull and gray when reminiscing? 

“Life is meant to be enjoyed, not endured, so get out of old habits which prevent you from having original thoughts.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
You lit a Flame, and it will become a Raging Fire—ABC-22.

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Heavenletter #4952 Tragedy Is Configured in the Mind, June 16, 2014 

God said: 

I say that all is well. I say that tragedy is a false interpretation. Tragedy exists in the human mind. It is a fallacy. Oh, yes, there is drama. Drama is colorful. In the minds of humankind, tragedy is configured.
How can there be tragedy when everyone is with Me, safe and sound and glorious with Me?
Death is not tragedy. Life is not tragedy.
Attachment gives the strong illusion that tragedy is true. The idea of tragedy arises in the thoughts of the human mind: “This should not have happened.”
It happened. Death of the body is part of life.
On the other hand, you may say: “Such and such was supposed to have happened, and it didn’t.” Thus, more tragedy is produced in the human mind whether you want it or not, yet it is you who turns human life into categories of tragedy of one kind or another. 
Certainly, there are matters in life that you desire and there are matters that you hope above hope will not happen. You attach plusses and minuses to life, when the story is that there is life. From your perspective, doors open and doors close. A screen door bangs. The wind blows it. Truly, beloveds, the banging of screen doors annoys you. Nevertheless, screen doors banging or death of the body or the slamming of a carved oaken door is simply what it is. For example,  what is on the other side of the door is ever-present, only your view is blocked.
You conceive sizes of doors, weights of doors, and you decide, or the world has decided for you, which ones are huge and which ones are acceptable.
Death of a body is not acceptable to you. No matter, death -- that which you call death -- is frequent. It is ordinary, and yet, to your heart and eyes, it is unexpected and intolerable. The fact that it is common does not remove its weight from your shoulders.
You are convinced that death of the body, among other things, is a tragedy. I say otherwise.
Consider, if it helps, that death of a physical body is like a book-burning, beloveds. The concepts within a book, the heart and mind that wrote the book, are not destroyed. They continue.
The seriousness, the unforgivability that you hold death in, has to do with your construction of time. If you were not in the thrall of time, you would excuse yourself from sorrow. You would excuse yourself from the concepts of too soon or too early. Without the concept of time, nothing would be untenable to you.
If you consider that life is playing and splashing in a pool of water that never dries up, big splash and little splash would all be splashing and not made more of than that. Where would tragedy lie? Where does tragedy lie? It lies in the human mind, delivered to the heart, squashing and squeezing a heart that is meant to open and open and open and encompass the everythingness of love. You do not close the opening of a flower that is to bloom, and yet you close your lush beating heart under circumstances that you construe as heart-crushing. Your human mind accepts the concept of tragedy and yet, as yet, does not accept the concept that you attribute tragedy to that which is no more than an aspect of life on Earth.
Life unfolds, and that is it. The worst that can happen is that life does not unfold as you say it ought to. You may say that I am at fault and therefore you make yourself a victim. A victim of what? A victim of your own interpretations. You attribute blame to a series of natural events in the extant world. You find fault. Too often, way too often, you affix blame on Me. You say, in effect, that I am not fair. Life is fair, beloveds. Death of the body comes to everyone, rich or poor, young or old. Perhaps it is unfair of you to affix blame. Period.
Open your heart now, and keep it wide open. Tragedy exists in your mind. It is a story told with flourishes of great drama told magnificently, the story embellished. It feels real yet it misses the point by a mile.
