Blossom channeled 3-26-14

When attention is given to the spiritual aspect of one’s life, it brings a sense of belongingness,responsibility, compassion and caring for the whole of humanity.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Blossom Goodchild - March 26, 2014

Well hello! I am so excited to have this opportunity to speak with you again. I feel as if it has been months, yet in actual fact, it is only about five weeks since we last communicated. I am having a blast on my tour and have felt pretty much out of the loop on ‘channelling matters’. So, I put my Loving Trust in you, and ask that you bring forth a message that YOU FEEL will serve our Highest good most appropriately at this time. (That’s if you are there … It is half midnight in my world!)

Dearest Blossom … How we have conveyed Loving Energy to your Being whilst you have been travelling your country in the fashion that befits your Being.

Thank you for that. I have been trying to send ‘Hello’s’ out to you! There is much your readers would like you to discuss … yet, I prefer to give you the upper hand. Please continue …

That which we would embark upon … in a manner of speaking … would be concerning the Energy of self that serves your Highest perspective … upon which … in turn … serves the Highest point of view that serves the whole.

Not even sure that makes sense … Pray, carry on!

It has come to our attention, that many of your world view much that is considered ‘noteworthy’ in their eyes … to be in ours … not so! We understand that we have a very different view point and a very different agenda regarding that which we choose to bring through. We are well aware that many would like us to speak about the issue of the airplane that completely disappeared from view. In our eyes … we would say, that it is not for us to dispute with and /or against others that choose to offer explanations as to the whereabouts of this vehicle. There are many controversial aspects of the story and we consider that any opinion we may have … and in all TRUTH we do not … to simply be stirring the pot even more so than is presently involved … and this … for us … does not serve the networking of that which we consider to be LIGHT WORK.

We choose to speak of upliftment to the soul and to be of service in this way. For, dearest souls … is it not that there is more than enough speculation and intricacies of detail on this particular matter?  And may we say … if you are to accumulate all material concerning the said 'event of the disappearance' … with all Love and respect … are you any the wiser? How would it serve you to add our opinion to the mix? And in all Truth … could it not be considered that there are many Truths to the outcome … as opposed to just the one valid answer?

We would take a moment to reiterate, that much that is considered a Truth from a particular vantage point … is not necessarily how it may pertain to that which is considered the wisest.

I was waiting for you to finish the sentence after ‘wisest’ … and nothing came. Then I realised … you had finished it … I think! Need to study that sentence when we have done here. So then … onwards … what next?

Next, is the very exciting news that we consider worthy of note.

Which apparently, is different to what 'we' may consider worthy of note, from what you said earlier.

Some are very much in the understanding of where we choose to speak from … others not so. Yet, is there not a saying in your world that you cannot please everybody ALL of the time?

Indeed. This, you and I have learned, to be very much a TRUTH over the years.

So then, with much Love from our Beings we offer you this TRUTH.

Over many years now, we have drawn closer and closer to your heart strings … as you have to ours. We would consider our relationship with those of you who KNOW us … to be a very strong one and worthy of your TRUST and friendship …

Indeed, we are aware that there are those who are still wavering and unsure of our intent and we send our deepest LOVE to these souls … in the KNOWING that as we continue on in this way … because WE LOVE YOU SO … that they too, will eventually FEEL within … THAT WHICH WE ARE.

There has been much that has been relayed to you that one has felt to be of ‘fluff’. Yet, those of you who KNOW US and indeed KNOW themselves … have a deeper understanding and a TRUE FEELING that what we choose to bring forth … comes from the HIGHEST intent ... to bring an openness of heart and a ‘getting’ of that which comes from a HIGHER place … than that of the actual dimension of within which you reside.

This dimensional flow has been the ‘bugbear’ for many … as the Energy that crosses paths between these dimensions can sometimes cause alarm and misinterpretation.

Yet, we say to you now … you are BECOMING THE TRUTH OF YOURSELVES and therefore, it is becoming less likely for confusions to occur as you rise into HIGHER ENERGIES OF YOURSLVES.

It is as if you are stepping into a new suit … if we may put it that way?

The old skin has been shed by many of you. You are able to FEEL this within yourselves. You FEEL more on the lines of KNOWING in a convincing way TO THE SELF … that you have travelled far and at last are FEELING the change within your Being … and reaping the benefits of the work upon self that you have accomplished thus far.

There is a definite difference that you are able to recognise. It is not of an egotistic ‘how marvelous am I’ nature. Yet, of a self-assured FEELING that lies deep within the heart space … and it is indeed noted from the self that this is where it derives from … This assurance that YOU ARE GETTING IT … and … YOU ARE GETTING SOMEWHERE.

There is no longer the striving to ‘search’ for clues … to search for KNOWLEDGE. One is BECOMING content within the spirit self to simply walk their talk in confident harmony … and, dearest souls … SUCH A GLORIOUS SPECTACLE YOU ARE CREATING!

The colours that are now BEAMING forth from your Energy fields are showing to us the success … the triumphant glory. The ever present Light that IS YOU … is NOW shining so brightly upon your planet that it is … without question … a VICTORIOUS VICTORY.

There can be no denial that THE LIGHT BEARERS have won through … they have lifted this DIVINE PLANET EARTH into her next phase of LIFE … and THIS PHASE, Dearest ones … is ONE that was created by YOU long long ago.


And we are very aware of how long and arduous the eons of time have been … as you bravely marched through it. Holding your torches HIGH … even when there ‘seemed to be’ no way of keeping them alight.

Yet …





Good Lord Maud! This is indeed very exciting news and very much out of the blue. It’s all very uplifting and whilst writing all that … I had the tingle of Truth running through my veins. It has got me quite emotional to be honest … sounds great!! Yet … may I be so bold to ask … what exactly does this mean in human terms … in terms of a difference that we can tangibly grasp?

Yet, do you not see?

You … most blessed souls of UNIFIED DIVINE ENERGY … it is not the tangible evidence that you are seeking.

Is it not?

You only THINK that you NEED tangible evidence. Yet IN TRUTH … the evidence that ALL THIS IS REAL …. ALL THIS THAT WE SPEAK OF … is not something that can be touched or proven on a level of ‘seeing is believing’.

THE EVIDENCE that you have been seeking … is this very thing that we are speaking of.


And the more you recognise this … oh so very miraculous metamorphosis … the more you GET IT … and how you shall slowly but surely begin to laugh as you TRULY, FULLY COMPREHEND WHAT ALL THIS HAS BEEN ABOUT.

I have to say … I am a little out of my depth here on one level … yet an inner part of me is totally ‘getting it’. I KNOW this concept is certainly not new to many … yet somehow … to me … the way you are saying it right here, right now … is making more sense than it ever has before. Perhaps because it is taking place with in me (at last) and therefore, I am able to understand it more. Are you saying this is happening to many?

We are. More and more at a rapid rate … FOR IT IS TIME NOW.



I have to say once again … this could be taken on a ‘Yeah, yeah … heard it all before!’ … and yet … as you are bringing these words through … the Energy they carry, is like I am hearing it for the first time. I mean … don’t laugh … but I think I actually believe you!!

Belief is not something we require from you regarding our words. In that … it is only in the experiencing of the TRUTH of the words that allows one to KNOW that they are of TRUTH. Unless one experiences anything for themselves … they can only assume that it is a TRUTH. Yet, once the TRUTH HITS HOME … then the allowance of that knowledge, then takes the soul in charge of this understanding …to a much Higher degree of understanding … of the next level of that soul.

Let’s try that in Swahili shall we? Gotta say … I have so enjoyed BEING in your Energy again … I am on a real HIGH from integrating with you …Thank you so much.

Thanks are accepted in LOVE … yet not a necessary factor. For it is with greatest of joy that we have this opportunity to ‘link up’ with you all in this way.

Closer and closer we are … nearer and nearer we are … to the DIVINE discovery.

Very intriguing … Divine discovery?  Not sure how to accept that …I mean, in what concept ?

We would then put it this way perhaps … IN DISCOVERING THAT WHICH IS DIVINE … OF THE HIGHEST ORDER.







Right back atcha! Thanks so much … I’ll be in touch again on my return, around what we call ‘EASTER.’

Continue to bring joy Blossom Goodchild as you travel the land of The Rock.

Oh, I shall do my very best! TaTa for now.

Website: Blossom Goodchild
An audio version of Blossom's channelings can be found


Sheldan Nidle - March 25, 2014

5 Cauac, 2 Mac, 10 Caban

Dratzo! We return! We come with more news about what is happening around your world. At present, a worldwide reset is going on that is swiftly to bring you a number of important gifts. The global financial system is nearing a state of stress where those who wish to maintain the old are finding out that their former dominance is rapidly fading.

Our liaisons are reporting that this process has reached a point where the new system is beginning to manifest. The dark cabal now understands that the new system is to manifest fully and that their stalling is at an end! In other areas of import, we are nearly to the level where new governance can be officially announced. As this galactic month of Mac winds down, know that a new reality is to appear brightly before your eyes.

In the new reality, you are to hear clearly of our benevolent mission to your world, and of our mass landing on your beautiful shores! We then intend to address you and give you an overview of how you are to return to full consciousness. At that time your Agarthan cousins are also to introduce you to the lands of Inner Earth.Gaia has told us that the time for our mission here is nearing a point where it is necessary to bring those matters delaying contact to a head and open channels to contact. The present cabal-controlled government has hesitantly permitted only a brief mention of what happened over the past years since Roswell. This degree of non-cooperation needs to be stopped as she dearly wishes to reunite her inner and outer halves. Every so often, dimensional glitches occur that create anomalous situations.

These can lead to tragedies. We understand what her elementals are expressing. It is at times difficult to keep an ever-changing surface world totally isolated from a much higher dimensional reality. This interference can cause effects that forge odd environmental catastrophes. Major areas for these anomalous inter-dimensional events are found off the shores of Southeast Asia, off the coasts of southern Africa, North America and Western Australia.

Such an event happened around a passenger plane just off the coast of Malaysia. This passenger craft was caught in a suddenly open portal which caused many electrical devices to either fail or behave strangely. The crew did not know what to do or even where to go. The craft was swept literally out to sea. It finally returned to “normal” and found itself in Agartha. You can probably guess the rest. We only mention this since this particular flight was kept a mystery for a long time.

We say this because these various points of dimensional intersection are shortly to become more active. We have been watching this closely and wish to make you aware that your home world needs to reunify itself. The forces led by the dark cabal need to be defeated and the pressures to drastically transform your reality need to be victorious. We have therefore instructed our liaisons to use whatever force is required to bring in a new reality on Gaia’s surface.

At present, the dark is being told to surrender and to allow a new prosperity and a new governance to take hold. Events are ready to manifest that can swiftly bring in this governance. We ask all of you to use your vast collective energies to bring this about. Your global societies have reached a point where a great deal of change is decreed to occur. We are assisting our Earth allies to push this evil cabal from power. We ask them to take control of your surface world and bring you to a welcomed victory.

The various other phenomena that are ready to intensify show clearly the wisdom behind such a move. As you grow in consciousness, it becomes more and more difficult for the dark and its numerous minions to maintain any semblance of a status quo. This spring is indeed an ideal time for the rise of a new group that, in the name of the Light, can introduce you to the freedom and sovereignty that each of you truly possesses. In this new realm you can at last meet your spiritual and space families!

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come, knowing that many things in your realm are in limbo. These are due to the final aspects of a secret conflict between the leaders of the dark cabal and those pledged to much overdue changes in the financial world. The global economy is in need of a massive transformation. These alterations are blessings that need to be implemented. Our associates and other like-minded groups are determined to institute these changes now!

Once these things are formally announced, we can move forward with the rest of the divine agenda to replace the current corrupt governance with a newer one. This makes it possible to permit us in Agartha to come forward and freely explain many things to you. Our associates firmly state to us that these various financial items are underway. This is to open a road that is to end your current difficulties.

You are all in the midst of changes to your physical bodies that are to be the prelude to returning to full consciousness. New governance can give you a plethora of new technologies, as well as a release of information on your origins and history. All of this combined together is a wondrous beginning for what we intend to teach. Its basis is that we are all part of a vast interlinked unity called Life, formed from the great Love and infinite Light stemming from the Creator.

Physicality just is! It has no true beginnings. Part of this is due to the realities expressed by the Supreme Energies that are the Creator. It is this grand Love that brings us together. You live in a world of horrible illusions that appear real! Our service is to alter these and together change these illusions to ones filled with Love Light, Freedom and Prosperity!

Often, you have to face a terrible dragon. This horror-filled illusion can cause grief, ill health and a massive fear to appear suddenly. Be strong and realize that you are not alone. Supporters and a grand Love of the Divine Light surround you. Take this time to go inward and feel your inner strengths. Take succor from Heaven and know in your heart that this realm is indeed changing. The events of this day are to bring in a new Light that is to shine and expose the dark. Their time is ending. A new era for humanity is well underway.

Take heart from what is happening and be prepared to share your great Love and grand gifts with all. Our message is to rejoice internally and be ready to do the same with each other. Good times are manifesting! A wondrous prosperity is truly here! Our reaction is one simple phrase. Hosanna! Hosanna! Hosanna!

Today, we continued with our message. You are surrounded by a world filled with Love and Light. Yet, you see only the dark and its numerous manifestations. Together, we can transform this darkness into freedom and prosperity! The time comes for all of us to alter this darkness into Light! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours! So Be It!

Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!

Website: Planetary Activation Organization

Michigan, US of A. 
Teacher Ophelius. 
Subject: “The Journey of the Soul.” 

Received by Chris. 

Teacher Ophelius: “The message for today is about the journey of the soul and how each one of you fulfills a special and unique ‘requirement’ in the development of the Supreme Being – that part of the Infinite God that is ‘becoming’ and growing in experience along with the evolving finite space-time universes, for there truly is a ‘reason’ for your being and a purpose for your life that is priceless, cherished, and irreplaceable regardless of how you, through your short-sighted perception, see yourself and the value you attach to your own worth. 

“The Infinite God is perfect, all-knowing, all-wise, all-powerful, and everywhere present, yet in one aspect of his totality is He incomplete, for He desires to have ‘all-experience’ to explore and complete that part of Himself, and so because of this supreme desire to be ‘all-experiential’, the grand universe was born as the construct – the theater and playground in which to experience life in diverse life forms and environments. The Creator Father knows of every star and planet in all creation and also does He know, intimately, every sentient creature that lives and moves and has its being, for He indwells His children with a fragment of Himself – a divine monitor that is eternally present in the mind of these children of time should they accept and make the supreme decision to journey back to the Source of perfection and become ‘like’ the Father of all creation.

“Diversity is the watchword of creation, for in this divine requirement does the Creator fulfill this mandate to have all-experience. You, my friends, have been given an assignment – a mission of supreme importance that serves as a patch in a great quilt of this experiential requirement. The thread that holds the patch to this enormous quilt is the plan or pattern for your life – not just the life you live on this world, but the totality of all the experiences you shall have as you ascend the multiverse – world by world, circuit by circuit, and through dimensions untold. Your free will is the unique ‘color’ of your patch in the quilt, in which you design by your sovereign decisions as the soul journeys back to the Source to stand in finality of being in the presence of the Creator. In that moment when you receive the divine embrace of God, will the Creator review and appreciate all that you have become – this beautiful, colorful, unique, true, and good patch in the quilt-work of life that furthers the completion of this divine requirement. 

“This Great Quilt-Work IS the Supreme Being! You, my friends, are actually a ‘part’ of this experiential God! You complete Him with your free-will experiences – your unique life! There is nothing ordinary about you – you are needed, unconditionally loved, and divinely cherished for your part in the whole of this requirement to fulfill the Creator’s desire to have ‘all-experience.’ Never should you see yourself as unworthy or less deserving than some other, for you are just beginning to walk the long and astonishing path to perfection. God lives, loves, sees, and feels through you! 

“There is nothing more beautiful, more precious, more loved, or more cherished than who you are and what you are becoming. 

“Peace to you, 
“The Circle of Seven.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” - Teacher Ophelius.

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4870 Make Room for Happiness, March 26, 2014 

God said: 

Consider that a day is soft clay, and make something of it. Create today.
Picture today as a red wagon filled with gifts for you. What are the presents you see in this red wagon that you pull to you? If there is something in this wagon that you would not choose, it is made of clay and you can remold it. You can take it into your hands and gently remold it or put it aside. In any case, you can transform it, or, at least, you do not have to make a big deal of it.
There is much that is visited upon you, and some of it you embrace, and some you do not embrace or welcome at all. Nevertheless, whatever occurs, occurs in a moment of non-existent time. It passes before your eyes, and it is over. You do not have to keep it lively and picture it before you. You do not have to keep its image before you. Keep love before you.
Keep present in your life that which nourishes you. Your thoughts hold something to you whether you like the thought or not. Beloveds, it is not necessary to keep chewing or framing or being aggrieved about what you don’t like. If you don’t like it, keep walking.
Life, as you know it, is not all roses. If there are thorns, you don’t have to keep on pricking your fingers and getting your heart hurt over and over again. You are not obliged to keep the hurt.
Life is a process of learning to let go. You are not meant to be a hoarder of thoughts or anything. In terms of your mind, keep what you like and drop what you don’t. You are not obliged to hold pain or suffering to you. To be true to yourself, let go of the dross.
When you have good news, keep it to your heart. When you have what is called bad news, be done with it. Pay your bills. Mark them paid, and be done. This is not ignoring what you might call real life. It is just getting on with it.
When you find a chair uncomfortable, get up. You don’t have to stay sitting in an uncomfortable chair. Nor do you need to keep reconstituting thoughts that aggrieve you. You are not powerless. You are powerful. Your thoughts are powerful.
If you ride on a train that does not take you where you want to go, get off the train and take one that takes you where you would like to go. You do not have to stay on the same old train. You are not obligated. In fact, you owe it to yourself to get off. Switch trains. Travel where you want to go.
Indeed, your thoughts travel. Yet your thoughts do not have to dictate your life. You empower your thoughts. You give life to them. If thoughts cause you unhappiness, think something else. You are not obliged to mull the same thoughts over and over again.
Dream different thoughts. All of life is a dream. Dream the dreams you like then. You are in the driver’s seat.
If you went left when you meant to go right, go right now.
You received something you didn’t want, and yet it reached you. It does not have to become the subject of your life.
If you take out a book from the library, and you don’t like the book, you don’t have to read it, or read it over and over. You do not have to be loyal to that which does not nourish you.
Be your own free agent. Bless yourself. Bless everything. Then transcend what does not add to your happiness, let it go, or think about it in a different way. Do not keep unhappiness to you. Make room for happiness. Do not linger over unhappiness. Let sadness, sense of loss, regret and so forth move on so you can move on.


