


The peak of any sensory experience takes you inward.

- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Blossom Goodchild - 2 January, 2014

So, here we are in 2014. It's been a busy time for many of us ... and I have to say I am feeling tired and emotional for one reason or another. So, before I begin, I would like to make it clear that I am not coming from anger in this communication ... yet there are some things that I feel need to be said. You have told me before that it was part of our agreement for me to inform you of how things are going from the point of view of us humans here in the thick density of the Earth ... for you are unable to gauge this fully, being where you are. So chaps ... are you ready? I want to say also, that there will be many an enlightened soul who reads this and will, without question, be thinking 'Oh Blossom, when are you going to 'get it?'. I would like to say ... I GET a lot of things ... much more than some who write in give me credit for ... yet at the same time, I have come to realize that I am able to be a spokeswoman for many of us Earthlings and many it seems, FEEL exactly the same as myself. So ... here I go! From our perspective, first and foremost ... we are tired. Tired of being told we are 'the strongest of the strong' and that one day, all will make sense and we shall be overcome with a LOVING KNOWING OF ALL, due to an Event that is to take place. I KNOW the Event will take place. I don't know when ... yet that is obviously in your capable hands. HOWEVER ... if it is to be that this Event will not show itself for another year or two ... (immanently?) then I am stating quite categorically, that in the interim period we would LOVE to have a display of some kind that will give us the boost we need to carry on. I KNOW you are capable of coming up with something like this and therefore, from all of us down here ... I ask you with all respect pull your finger out and DO SOMETHING! If you have never been upon Earth to live, and you say you have not ... then you cannot possibly KNOW what it is like, as one who is aware of their Light, to have to continually FEEL the pain in your heart of the darkness at work. Yes, we are strong ... the strongest of the strong you say ... yet we are weakening ... because WE ARE TIRED!! Tired of fighting against the dark forces upon the planet. You teach us to BE OF LOVE ... FOR THAT IS WHO WE ARE ... and the majority of us are doing our utmost to change the vibration here into a Higher one. Yet to 'keep on keeping on' as we do, is proving to be very tricky as year after year passes by ... with only, as yet, promises to hold onto ... and we have been holding on for so very long, with many 'promises' that have not come about. SO PLEASE, have a think about this. Give us SOMETHING ... some validation. Not something that we have to question, or that someone can palm off as it being something else ... SOMETHING GOOD AND SOLID to return our strength to us ... to assist our minds to keep on track, because believe me, it is difficult at times to make sense of the suffering that so many have to endure in one form or another. WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH. TIME TO TAKE ACTION MY FRIENDS ... NOW ... NOT SOON ... NOW. DO SOMETHING ... SEND A SIGN OF SOME SORT ... WE NEED IT ... AND WE NEED IT NOW ! THANK YOU. Over to you.

And so our dearest Blossom, you have spoken from your heart ... and we can pick up on your energy of ... would we say ... frustration? We thank you for your forthrightness and we take on board all that you have said.

And ... ? You seemed to stop there. Are you still about?

Yes, we are and we are taking into consideration how we are to conduct the rest of this communication. For it is not that we desire to 'lead you up the garden path' as you would say in your world.

Yet you KNEW this conversation has been brewing in my mind did you not?

Yes, we are aware of how you have been FEELING. Yet, we do not wish to say 'YES, we shall do as you have asked' ... and then you have to once again 'wait and see'. For this, we feel, shall not assist the situation. However, we shall say that we shall discuss the matter with deep concern for the well-being of 'our crew' upon your planet.

And will you be reporting back? You see the thing is, in my mind ... It would not work well for you to come back to me and say ... 'We have discussed the matter and we shall indeed be giving you something' ... for as you say, we will then be waiting for that 'something'. So, I would suggest we leave the matter there and YOU DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT. For years and years we FEEL like we have had a carrot dangling in front of our noses and to be frank ... we donkeys are losing our stamina. So, let's let it be for now and move onto more 'Light hearted' banter if we may? My abruptness in conversation comes from LOVE you understand ... it just needed to be said. One more thing ... you could say that many are not ready to 'see you' and they could leave their body or lose their mind in shock and there may follow much chaos etc. Well, hello! ... Have you zoomed around our planet at all lately? Look at it! So much NEEDS TO CHANGE ... and HAS TO CHANGE ... NOW! So maybe, many thousands will go cuckoo, and many thousand's may choose to leave their Earthly coil ... so what (with all respect)? At least we could then GET ON WITH IT! Many thousands go cuckoo already for some reason or another and souls leave this planet by the second. At least if we had a HUGE sign ... that would prepare many for THE EVENT that is to come! That's why we came here isn't it? ... and to be honest, it feels a bit like phoning a phone company ... We have been put on hold and ripped off for far too long. It is now 2014 ... I DO NOT WANT to be talking over the same stuff for another year and then say ... 'So here we are in 2015 ...WE WANT ACTION GUYS!

We are finding your conversation quite admirable Blossom and we can feel your energy as we have said.

Is my energy blocking the flow ? As there does not seem to be much coming from you.

We were just making sure you had released all you needed to say before we take our turn.

I feel I have ... yet ... you never know. I seem to be on a roll.

We cannot change that which we have already said ... for TRUTH cannot be interfered with from 'our perspective'. So we continue on with the same 'tone' as always. Yet of course that which you have offered this day has indeed come from a different angle of conversation. Yes, we continue to reiterate that YOU ARE LOVE ...YOU ARE THE STRONGEST OF THE STRONG. We shall not stop giving you words of encouragement to assist you in the understanding of yourselves. For it is through this that you ARE able to carry on. You say that you are tired now ... and this we are abe to pick up on also. Yet we are aware too, that YOU WILL continue on in your steadfastness. YOU WILL continue to SHINE YOUR LIGHTS. Because your hearts tell you do so.

Your hearts do not tell you to give up ... do they?

Never ... yet they have become so weary.

Yet they also give you moments of LOVE that fill them to the brim.

They also give us moments of despair when so much upon this planet is SIMPLY WRONG! You say you are here to assist ... not to save. WE KNOW THAT. Yet surely ... in the desperate state that our world is in ... is NOW not the time when you show us HOW you can assist ... on a more practical, hands on level? Surely the time is NOW?

Let us offer you a little conundrum. What if we were not in communication with you? What if there was no connection between any one human and any one source from elsewhere ... what would you do about the situation on your planet then?

Exactly the same as we are TRYING to do now ... Change that which is NOT RIGHT!


By doing what we can to become one solid foundation of LOVE. There are so many amazing souls, doing their very best ... in many different ways ... and indeed progress has been made. Yet at 'this rate' ... it would be a very long time indeed before more than just a dent ... more than just a footprint in the sand will seem to make any difference at all ... and we need to FEEL and SEE a difference NOW. Our hearts, although BEING OF LIGHT, sometimes find it very hard to shine as brightly as they should under such conditions. SO ... ONCE AGAIN I REITERATE ... WE ARE ASKING YOU FOR YOUR ASSISTANCE ... WE ARE PUTTING OUT AN S.O.S. ... IN LOVE ... TO OUR STAR BROTHERS AND SISTERS ... OUR FAMILY ... WE ASK FROM OUR HEARTS ... FROM THE CORE OF WHO WE ARE ... THAT YOU UNDERSTAND OUR SITUATION AND 'MAKE PLANS' TO ADHERE TO OUR CALL.

We thank you for your interaction. We thank each one of you upon your planet for doing all that you are doing in the name of LOVE.

We desire to assist ... because WE ARE LOVE ... as YOU ARE LOVE and we do not hesitate to send strength in these words. We offer you upliftment to your weary souls. We offer you words that we KNOW will encourage you to carry on. We do not fully accept that we are unable to persist with our assistance through just words, for we KNOW how our words have assisted many in times of downhearted melancholy. So, if it is still of obliging willingness to pursue our quest ... we ask that you continue to 'speak' with us in this way in the future days Blossom?

Of course! Don't get me wrong ... I am not throwing in the towel or spitting the dummy as I did regarding those 'pillars of Light' ... I am just telling you how it is for us down here ... in the hope that some hope can be given ... in order for those of us whose hearts and BEINGS are struggling to once again get back in the saddle and march onwards! I realize this channelling has been mostly 'me' ... I was hoping you may say more ... yet you appear to be a bit gob smacked!

We only desire to be by your sides and assist in any way we can.

Jolly Dee ... So, there you go then ... I have informed you of how you can. I KNOW ... due to ALL THE LOVE YOU HAVE FOR US ... you will do your very best to give us that 'BOOSTER' ... that 'I FEEL' we are ALL so very much in need of. How it affects us is our look out ... I think you may be pleasantly surprised. Yes, not all are ready ... but I reckon millions upon millions are.WE HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THE WAYS OF THIS WORLD ... TRULY WE HAVE. So, once again ... I ask ... If you really want to assist us ... whilst awaiting THE EVENT ... LET OUR WORLD KNOW OF YOUR EXISTENCE AND LET THEM KNOW YOU ARE LOVE ... EACH ONE OF US HAS THE CHOICE TO DECIDE FOR OURSELVES HOW WE WILL CONTINUE FROM THAT MOMENT ON.

WE LOVE YOU ... WE THANK YOU ... IN LIGHT ... Blossom Goodchild, an Earthling, your friend! xxx

Website: Blossom Goodchild
An audio version of Blossom's channelings can be found



Alabama, US of A. 
Thought Adjuster. 
Subject: “Search And You Will Find.” 

Received by Oscar. 

Thought Adjuster: “The idea that it is impossible to make contact with the presence of God inhabiting each one of you, is widespread among you. One technique is to formulate a question in your mind for the Father and then search for an answer. You can search in books, on the radio, on television, or the internet, and you will always receive an answer. Better still, you can try writing the answer yourself. 

“This works, because your Thought Adjuster is continuously looking for a way to more successfully influence your mind and communicate with you in a more effective manner. The ideas regarding what you want to know are immediately placed in your mind, even before the question is verbally expressed, because your Thought Adjuster knows the desires of your mind and your heart. 

“To bring these ideas from the spirit mind to the conscious mind you only need a reminder – a clue – to open the gates of understanding. The catalyst may be a phrase you read, a song you hear, images on television, a memory from your childhood, and more. The possibilities are endless. 

“However, only those who ask questions will receive answers. As the Master said, ‘Search and you will find’. Forget the idea that talking with the Father is impossible. In reality, it is the simplest thing in the world. Even when the communication doesn’t happen with words, you will always receive what you need and the real desires of your soul will always receive answers and guidance to achieve the goal of human life – to become increasingly like the Father.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22.



Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4787 There Are No Limits, January 2, 2014 

God said: 

Surely, ultimately, when you get down to it, your body is formed from a lump of clay. This is where dust unto dust comes from. The body comes, and the body goes. It is said I blew on you, and you became form. I blew your spirit into the form of you, and so you are the breath of you. You are a breath of life. You are soul, and soul shall you ever be. You may be without body, yet, without soul, you can never be. Bodies don’t walk around by themselves.

There is mind and heart. I suppose We could call soul an overview. Or We can call soul the very existence of you. Without soul, there is no you. You may identify with your body. You do identify with your body and a certain name given to you, you who live in a certain house or live on the street and so rest your head on the pavement at night.

Only in the relative world do place and position exist. It is as if the world does not make place for everyone. There are mansions, and there are hovels, and sometimes you may have no shelter in the world. Nevertheless, you are under My auspices. You are always in My arms. Regardless of what you may feel, this is a given. I am your Shelter. I am the roof over your head, and I am your very Foundation. I am the solid ground you tread on.

We can say that I am your Life. We can say that I am your very Soul. Soul you are. Spirit of My Spirit, you are. And there is Oneness. Don’t forget Oneness, the Reality of You.

The physical reality that you see, it’s a lot to you, yet, really, the physical manifestation has its place, yet it is not everything. It is not much. Your impression is otherwise. You hold onto your impression that the physical is your Very Life, and your Very Existence. The physical is a figure drawn in crayon. It gives you a shape. It outlines you -- you Who are Vastness far beyond the boundaries of your body, far beyond the boundaries of the world. Think of the energy contained in Vastness. There is no way you do not far outdistance your body, this lump of clay.

Your body is a motor car on loan to you for a while. You may think you are dependent upon your motor car in order to get anywhere, and, yet, in truth, you are everywhere.

How far can a soul go? Everywhere. Your soul can go beyond everywhere you have consciousness of. The fact is that you are Consciousness. Consciousness is your Being. At the same time, you are often, even mostly, consciously unaware of your Very Being. What is your Being? It is your Very Consciousness even when you are unaware of it. You may think you are a trifle. What you may think and what you are amount to two different things.

You are, of course, My direct descendant who is ascending to the Kingdom of God. Where God is is Heaven. And God is everywhere. In that case, everywhere is Heaven, and you have never been away from Heaven except in your awareness. Where is God and the Kingdom of Heaven? Why, within you. You hold the key to Heaven. It is only your mind that you have to unlock. You are nowhere but in Heaven. Your perception is your perception. We can call it your reality, yet, by and large, your perception is a perceived reality, while your True Reality has no limits. Vastness is vast. It has no limitation. Limitation is imitation. Limitation does not exist. No matter how much you may think limitation is a bombshell, limitation does not exist.

You may think that life is made up of limitation, yet limitation is a manmade idea for which there is no excuse. I do not excuse you from imaginary limitation. You are to get beyond that concept. Vastness is yours. Limitation does not and cannot exist in Vastness. Only the Vast can exist in Vastness. And you are Vast. Vastness has no limits. You have no limits except as you think you do.



My Passage Into 2014

Photo courtesy of Jessie Eastland

By Mercedes Kirkel
January 1, 2014 

I was anticipating the Christmas holidays being difficult this year because that’s what I experienced at Thanksgiving. As it turned out, I had a lovely Christmas, though markedly different from any other. From what I’ve heard from others, the unusualness of this holiday season seemed to be true for many people.


There was one event that particularly stands out for me. I was having a special dinner with my father on Christmas Eve, just the two of us eating alone in his room at his assisted living home. We were having a wonderful time, when one of the residents began to have a medical emergency. While eating her meal in the dining room, a piece of food became lodged in her throat and she couldn’t get it out. She wasn’t choking and was able to breathe and talk, but couldn’t release the food.


The woman was brought into the bathroom, which was directly opposite my dad’s open door. Since I was facing the hallway, I was able to see and hear everything that was going on. The attendants tried the Heimlich maneuver several times but to no avail. So the paramedics were called and in marched seven firemen. My dad was completely oblivious to the whole brouhaha, because his back was to the door and his hearing is quite limited. Since the woman didn’t appear to be in any danger, I decided not to tell him what was happening. I guessed it would disturb him and I wanted him to continue to enjoy our special time together.


As for me, I felt like I was in a surreal scene, which reminded me of a Fellini movie. I was simultaneously engaged in a calm, joyful dinner with my father and a swirl of medical commotion that was like a scene out of “ER.” The interesting thing was that I had no problem being fully present for both realities simultaneously.


Reflecting back now, I see this as a mirror of what’s happening for many of us at this time. We find ourselves walking between worlds, holding more than one reality or “timeline” at the same time as we transition into our next phase of higher consciousness. What struck me about the Christmas Eve event was how easeful it was for me to embrace both at the same time and how comfortable I was simply allowing my experience to unfold however it would. It reminds me of Mary Magdalene’s advice in Mary Magdalene Beckons to surrender to the process of transformation like women have learned to do through the natural childbirth movement. And I do believe we are all in the midst of a birth—of ourselves and our world—into the new age ahead.


After dinner that night, my dad and I watched “It’s a Wonderful Life” together. My dad can’t really follow a plot in a movie any longer, so I explained to him what was happening in every scene. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie, but I sensed my father was sticking with it for my sake. At the end he announced, “That was a very impractical movie!” I laughed, knowing that he meant “unrealistic.” I explained my point of view, how it’s an allegory, but perhaps more true than we realize. He relaxed hearing what I had to say, probably mostly because he was happy the movie was over and we were together.


Then my dad did something that felt so endearingly tender and vulnerable—he asked me to tuck him into bed. I remembered all the times as a child he had tucked me into bed. This was the first time he’d ever asked to receive this beautiful ritual from me. Tucking him into bed was really the peak of my Christmas, the most beautiful present I received. I was brimming over with bliss to be able to express our shared love through that simple act.


Right after Christmas I became sick for the second time in the past month. I was surprised and annoyed, feeling unwilling to surrender my plans for the remainder of the holidays to sickness again. Nonetheless, as the sickness took hold I became increasingly dysfunctional with each passing day. By New Year’s Eve, I’d finally let go of all attempts to be productive (which is really tough for me!). Other than a wonderful “Global Group Hug” I participated in through meditation, I spent the day surfing the computer and lying on the couch watching delightful old movies. To my surprise, by nighttime, I actually felt a lot better.


I went to bed with a deeply felt prayer that I may turn everything over to God (including my somewhat compulsive drive for doing my work), allow God to direct my life for the highest good, and profoundly trust that process. I woke up on New Year’s morning feeling like a new version of me—filled with energy and excitement for my projects ahead. Yippeeeeee!!!!! I love that feeling.


I was reminded of Jimmy Stewart’s character in “It’s a Wonderful Life,” suddenly getting his life back and realizing how great it was. The death-rebirth symbolism was hard to miss, as well as the personal lesson that it’s all about surrender to and trust in God, rather than trying to push the river with my ego. Not an easy one for me, as I’m such a dedicated doer. But maybe I’m finally ready to accept this level of letting go into God as the basis of my life. I deeply hope so.


I ask for everyone’s blessings who is reading this, that this “turning of the wheel” into 2014 may mark my transition into living profoundly in surrender, trust, and faith in God. And I send my blessings to all of you – all who are reading this, all my friends and family, and all members of the family of humanity – that we may all receive the gifts we most need as completely as possible; that we may move fully into our next level of embodying our human-divinity; and that our world may become an increasingly blessed and beautiful realm of human consciousness and love for all, by all.


So be it!


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