I Will Always Love You |
Understanding the Need for Space
Create understanding, talk to each other, and
understand that sometimes the other needs his space. And this is a problem: it may not happen at the same time for both
of you. Sometimes you want to be with your partner, and he wants to be alone--nothing can be done about it. Then you
have to understand and leave him alone. Sometimes you want to be alone but he wants to come to you-- then tell him that
you are helpless, but you need your space! Just create more and more understanding. That's what lovers miss:
love they have enough, but understanding none, not at all. That's why on the rocks of misunderstanding their love dies.
Love cannot live alone without understanding. Alone, love is very fool- ish; with understanding, love can live a long
life, a great life--of many joys shared, of many beautiful moments shared, of great poetic experiences. But that happens
only through understanding. Love can give you a small honeymoon, but that's all. Only understanding
can give you deep intimacy. Then, even some day if you separate, the understanding will be with both of you, and that
will be a gift of your love to each other. Lovers can separate, but the understanding that has been gained through the
other, in the company of the other, will always be with you. That will remain as a gift, there can be no other gift.
If you love a person, the only valuable gift that you can give to him is some quantity of understanding.
Stormy Weather
In a single moment, a person can
change completely. She was so happy and she can become so unhappy. Just a moment
before she was ready to die for you. and just a moment afterwards she is ready to kill you. But this is
how humanity is. It gives depth it gives surprises, it gives salt. Otherwise life would have been very tedious.
It is all beautiful. These are all notes of a great harmony. And when you love a person, you love that harmony and
you accept all that makes that harmony. Sometimes it is raining, sometimes the sky is cloudy and dark, and sometimes
it is full of sunlight and the clouds have disappeared. Sometimes it is very cold, and some- times it is very hot. In
just the same way the human climate goes on changing, everything goes on changing. When you love a per- son, you love
all these possibilities. Infinite are the possibilities, and you love all the shades and nuances.
So be true and help your partner also to be true. Then love becomes a growth. Otherwise love can become a poisonous thing. At
least don't corrupt love. "It is not corrupted by hatred, remem- ber; it is corrupted by falsity. It is not destroyed by
anger, never, but it is destroyed by an inauthentic persona, a false face. Love is possible only
when there is freedom to be oneself with- out any guarding, without any reserve. One is simply flowing. What can you
do? When you feel hateful, you are hateful. When the clouds are there and when the sun is shining, what can you do? And
if the other understands and loves you, they will accept; they will help you to come out of the clouds because they know
that this is just a climate, and it comes and goes. These are just moods, pass- ing phases, and behind these passing
phases is the reality, the spirit of the person, the soul. And when you accept all these phases, by and by glimpses
of the real soul start happening to you. {To be continued}
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