Being Alone In A Crowd

Being in a crowd when you are alone is ignorance. Enlightenment is being alone in a crowd; a feeling of oneness in a crowd.
 - Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
Heavenletter #4643 An Exquisite Expression of God, August 11, 2013
God said:
All that has to be said has been said. And it will be said again. And finally it will be heard. And then We will rise into Quietness. Some might say sink into Quietness. We could say lie down beside the still waters. We will rest from imagined up and down and accept Oneness, accept Infinity, accept Eternity, accept one another, and become, as in seeing and believing, the Wholeness of your birth right. Whole Wholeness. Not some, but All, All There is. You appear to be in the world.

 A whole tree of Self-Realization that welcomes you has been past due. No, I take that back. Your Self-Realization is due any moment now. It is guaranteed that you will know and experience all that I have told you and have never stopped saying. I have turned up My volume and sing from the rooftops all that you are and all that I am, and, so, here We are.

 You are your own-Wish Fulfiller, beloveds. You are on top of the world. You are, if I may use the expression, your own soul mate. If you do not agree that you are My soul mate, then, I sing out that I am yours. In this case, nothing has changed, OR, I can say that the change is that the world no longer has you dance to its tune as played on the harmonica or banjo or violin or harp or didgeridoo or in your head that I bless to be in peace with Me forevermore.

 Freedom is at hand. You are freeing yourself. You are free to be your own person from now on. You are free to be your own person in your own eyes now. Now, you can see yourself  as I see you. How I see you is how I made you. It is not just an expression that I use when I say I made you in My image. Of course, your body is not the image I speak of. When I say I made you in My image, I mean I made you in My image. I made you what I AM, Infinite and Eternal. That is very hard for you to swallow, for you have accepted the world’s perception of your image as gospel. Sinews and bones and flesh are not in My image, for I carry none. So, your body is not in My image. What is then?

 I am made of heart and mind and soul, and so must you be. When We want a shortcut, We can say that your soul is made in the image of Mine, or your heart is made in the image of Mine, or your mind is made in the image of Mine. Or, We can say that you possess Great Power. Great Wisdom, Great Peace, Great Dominion, Great Love. No, rather that you ARE Great power and so on. You do not possess them. You ARE all of them, if you only knew. Soon you will know for yourself. Soon you will indemnify freedom. Soon you will save the stars and know you equal their light.

 You are a mirror image of Me. If you could see the energy of heart, mind, and soul that are yours, you would be appalled at how you have been underestimated and have underestimated yourself. I mean to say that your heart, mind, and soul are already One with Me now as We speak.

 No one can give you a true estimation of yourself until you realize yourself. You are far greater than gold. You are far greater than any word can express, yet you are an exquisite expression of Mine.
A Message from Mira from the Pleiadian High Council
through Valerie Donner on August 6, 2013
Greetings, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council currently working full time with the Earth Council.
I greet you today with good will and love. You are all going through monumental changes that can feel insurmountable at times. We assure you this is a natural part of the ascension process. It is necessary to wean yourselves from your old fixations. You need to focus on the skyrocketing energies of new creation. This is what is in front of you. It is not about what is behind you because that is over and done. I suggest you remember this fact.
You are a part of the Earth’s ascension team. We are working with you in tandem with all of the forces of Creation to make sure that the Earth is successful with her ascension. We monitor yours as well.
What I can tell you at this time is that the stage is set for some unusual occurrences. Events will occur that you would not have imagined. Fear not for it is all a part of the stripping away of the veil of forgetfulness leading into the full remembrance of who and what you are as multi-dimensional beings. These occurrences will coalesce into a powerful form that will catapult you and the planet into a much higher level of consciousness. Are you ready?
There is little time remaining for third dimensional conclusions. This includes every area in your lives as well as the Earth’s. You will need to garner new solutions to solve problems. You will find these new discoveries bring swift results with remarkable outcomes. This means that you will need to remain open to change and not feel like “We have always done it this way.” The old excuses will not be feasible for as you move into higher consciousness you will find that higher frequencies require higher vibrational solutions.
As the old paradigms fall away and the old systems implode upon themselves, you will begin to feel a newly found freedom. The energy that comes from the new opportunities is rife with higher consciousness. These Light frequencies are a part of the expanded levels of being. They are alive and vibrant. You are becoming an even larger part of this vibrancy and life. Your cellular structure is sparkling and becoming more alive. Your nutritional needs are shifting changing due to this Light. Listen to your bodies. They know what they need.
We realize that in many areas of your planet that cars and traffic, airplanes and airports, and all means of transportation are becoming less desirable. We have technological solutions to these problems. I want to assure you that this will become one area that you will find to be most favorable. We know you are anxiously waiting for these new modes of moving about. We can’t wait to present them when the time is most appropriate.
I came today to give you guidance and encouragement. Everything is moving according to the Divine Plan. Even if you feel as if you are faltering, please understand that this situation is far from that. It is only a part of releasing the old and opening to the new.
Until next time, I am Mira from the Pleiadian High Council sending my love.
