Be Hungry For Truth

The love that is defined by a relationship is limited. Dive deep in a love that is beyond relationships.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Alabama, US of A.
Thought Adjuster.
Subject: “Be Hungry for Truth.”

Received by Oscar.

Thought Adjuster: “When you open your heart to the love of the Father, you offer yourself as a vehicle for His love. The transforming power of His love fills every cell in your body as you express this love towards your neighbors. A love that is hoarded or repressed is damaging to you, for only when love circulates freely is it able to produce miracles and help creatures to feel the call of the Father in their hearts.

“You can visualize this love as being the main energy you require to be able to live. Your ability to take advantage of the benefits of love is increased by the amount of love you help circulate – that which you give to your siblings. The more love you give, the more you will receive, and your body, your mind and your spirit will increasingly be better prepared to absorb the revitalizing and inspiring energy from the love of God.

“Love is like a beneficial financial investment. If you invest little, you will get little in return, but if you are smart and you know that the benefits will be substantial, logically you would want to invest everything you can, even everything you posses, in order to receive more riches. When you dedicate your life to love – to the Will of your Father – you are indeed making an investment for your eternal future and if you could only see the potential of the earnings you will make, you would not hesitate to give all for that cause. You can be sure that the finances of the Father are more solid, gainful, and free of risks than any commercial transaction of the material world.

“Open your heart today and ask the Presence of God within you to take you by the hand toward your destiny, to the fields where you will reap the fruits of the spirit. It is not necessary to remind your Thought Adjuster of His/Her duties, but when you ask in this fashion, you are opening your heart, your mind and your soul to receive what is needed, and your capacity to receive and give love will increase some more. Ask and you shall receive. Be hungry for truth and you will be fulfilled, since only the one who searches can find a treasure.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22. 11:11 Store

Cedomil Vugrincic  M.D.,Ph.D.
August 18, 2013
Today I speak to the children of this world, where I partook of the human experience.  I AM MICHAEL, your Universe Father, and I lived upon your world as Jesus of Nazareth.  It was my divine purpose to live as a human to understand the full range of the human condition—to know first-hand what it is like to be an evolving free will personality living on a material world.  So many of my children know me as a “man of sorrows,” but truly I was here to demonstrate how individuals can achieve a high degree of personality synthesis of their human natures combined with following the leadings of the divine, perfect Indwelling Spirit, which leads to deep inner peace, soul satisfaction, and creative joy.  I came here to inspire my children of the universe to choose the path of Spirit and to experience the Creative Source of LOVE that lives within each person.
The quality of life you have is largely a factor of opening to your spiritual potential.  So many individuals look for answers from sources other than their own indwelling spirits of Deity—which will disclose to the human mind and heart those qualities that improve and satisfy human life—TRUTH, BEAUTY and GOODNESS.  During my human lifetime, I devoted myself to this inner reality, and in so doing, I discovered who I was as both a human and divine incarnate being.  It was my joy to experience the fullness of human life—from the heights of spiritual ecstasy to the depths of human misery, and through it all, I trusted in my Spirit and the goodness of my Divine Parent to guide me through this thrilling adventure of being human.
So, today I ask you to ponder your own life quality, my children.  Do you take the time to go within and make contact with your own Inner Spirit?  Do you make this a priority in your life?  No one can make this choice for you, but when you do, the door to the universe adventure of eternal life opens and the way is presented.  No one can make this journey for yourself, but you.  We can help you learn the concepts of the journey and provide encouragement for you to  accept and grow on this path. 
Improving the quality of your life is predicated upon living a life dedicated to fulfilling your spiritual potential.  I am pledged to help you achieve this, especially when you come to me a both Divine Father Michael and human brother Jesus and ask me to support you on this wonderful journey.  Take time to allow these words settle upon your hearts that you may discern the readiness of your soul to embark upon this adventure!


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
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* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4651 Too Soon or Too Late, August 19, 2013

God said:

Yes, your human heart seems to be a kind of barometer. It goes up, and it goes down. Your beloved heart goes to extremes. No matter how much you intend to not to be upset, you still get upset. You react, as if it is urgent that you react. You seem to be unable to hold back even an hour. It is an immediate thing with you. The expression “living in the now” isn’t meant to apply to a fast comeback that puts other people in their place.
What is your place, dear ones?
You feel it is urgent to represent yourself, as if this were the last minute of a baseball game, as if it were urgent to make your homerun now. The thing is, when you are hot under the collar, you’re not using your head. It’s probably safe to say you also aren’t using your true heart but, rather, your emotive heart. Rash emotions take over. Does this all sound familiar to you? Rashness takes over and you say your piece?
Well, maybe you do not have to get whatever it is off your chest.  
Next time you feel you must confront another, remember that, within your heart, lies Mine. Accommodate My heart. Lay My heart bare. Lean into My heart. I guarantee that rashness will be appeased and slink away. At present, often or always, after you confront someone, how you may wish you had waited until you cooled off.
Hey, beloveds, why don’t you talk to Me before indulging your rancor? Something someone says or did does pushes your buttons. Remind yourselves, your buttons are your buttons.
Now, I’m going to say the opposite. Maybe it’s time you vented your spleen. Maybe you’ve been waiting too long. It’s possible you needed to assert yourself long before, when you could have done so in a more friendly way. As it is, you let resentment accumulate, and then you burst out with words that may add to mutual rancor.
So, your lesson could be to speak up sooner.
We could compare your not speaking up to riding on the wrong train quite a while, and then you are mightily annoyed at the conductor. Truth is, you are ticked off at yourself. You were, perhaps, too timid earlier, and, then, in time, your temper grew and flared, angry as you were at your own timidity. Is this your story? Always, often, sometimes? And then, when you speak up, you over-compensate for your delay?
What is it that holds you back from speaking up in the first place before your anger mounts? You are afraid that someone will hit you? Of course, you know they won’t hit you. You may fear you will injure their feelings, but, probably, what you really fear is that they may hurt yours. You fear they may not like you anymore.
You are the one We are talking about now, and you may tend to be silent for too long until you decide that you are putting up with too much. There is no blame, beloveds. Really, there is no blame to another, and no blame to you. Forget about fault. Forget blame altogether.
You may think you learned your lesson until the next time, when you learn it all over again, and there is another replay.
Hear it from Me. You are entitled to speak up. You spend too much time weighing the merits of what you think, and, later, you hurt the person’s feelings, more than you would have in the first place. Could well be better to speak up in the now.
Which are you? Too late? Too soon? A combination of both?
