Balance - Channeled

Dear Michael -- This week's Channelled Message is from Lord Merlin and Lady Quan Yin who guide us in accepting the energy of balance as we experience the quickening of our energy vibration and guide us in our focus at this sacred time of ascension.

Many blessings, Natalie

Balance as a Tool of Ascension by Lord Merlin and Lady Quan Yin              

Channelled through Natalie Glasson-18-11-12-

Balance as a Tool of Ascension by Lord Merlin and Lady Quan Yin

Channelled through Natalie Glasson-18/11/


It is a great blessing to be able to share our love, knowledge and aspects of enlightenment with your energy at this most sacred time on the Earth. A time of celebration when all that we have been striving to achieve as a united consciousness is beginning to manifest more fully on the Earth. Your soul and your heart knows with great certainty all that you are trying to achieve and the reason that you are so dedicated to your spiritual growth at this time and in your current lifetimes. Do you allow your soul and heart to speak of its certainty to you? We believe this would greatly support you at this time creating a more intense sense of security, if you simply allow your heart and soul the space and time to speak with you of why you are traveling the journey you experience at this time.  We imagine that the goal of your soul is to connect more fully with the Creator and to experience the energy of the Creator more fully but as you have certain preference so does your soul. Your soul may also have other reasons for wanting to experience ascension at this time with personal goals to achieve for personal soul and soul group fulfilment.


 Let yourself first hold the intention of understanding the reason for your soul experiencing ascension at this time.


Then allow yourself to enter into a peaceful or meditative state. Focus on breathing in and out through your heart chakra in order to connect with your heart chakra and soul more fully.


Then simply ask your soul and heart to speak with you in anyway it wishes sharing with you its certainty, all it is trying to achieve in this moment of ascension and the reason for your dedication and devotion to your spiritual path.


Breathe with complete faith that the answers you require will come with divine timing.


You may be surprised with the insights that come forward to you, whether small or large they will assist you in gaining greater clarity and understanding in your current reality and perspectives.


We wish for you to understand that your energy vibration is quickening with each day of your existence on the Earth. Simultaneously at this time the Earth's vibration is quickening in speed also, this is causing many to feel a pressure or expectation building within, such as a panic that there is no longer sufficient time to complete all that is needed. The elemental kingdom and nature kingdoms are experiencing this quickening as they are united in experiencing ascension with you at this time. Many beings, stars and planets are sending their vibration and light to the Earth with an intention of quickening the energy vibration of all. The purpose of quickening the energy vibration is to allow for a deep and tremendous healing process to take place in a short period of time while connecting and attuning all to the energy of the Creator with greater intensity. It is as if the quickening of your energy vibration is akin to a wave carrying you closer to the Creator therefore awakening your being more fully. An opening of your energy and heart can be achieved at an accelerated speed which would not occur at a slower energy vibration, it is as if you are being held and carried in light that you wouldn't normally absorb but this is awakening you further. At this time it is essential that you remain at peace and in balance because it may feel as if a whirlwind is occurring around you and within you but it is a whirlwind of healing, releasing and moments of ecstasy so it could be over whelming for those who do not allow themselves to remain balanced. We believe that this quickening of energy vibration will continue for a few months beyond December 2012 but then the energy vibrations will begin to settle and slow slightly in order to give you a period of recovery, processing and adjustment.


One way of describing what is occurring at this sacred time is to imagine that you are travelling on a train. Beside the train tracks you are traveling on is another set of train tracks. In the distance you can see a train traveling in the same direction as your train; you instantly feel that this is your preferred journey. Everyone on the train feels the same way so you all imagine the train going faster and so it begins to pick up speed and the train is now travelling so fast that it is drawing up alongside the other train and there is one window of opportunity where you must take a leap of faith as two trains move ever so quickly along the tracks. You leap and you make it, feeling tremendous relief. You are given all you wanted from boarding the train, it was worth the effort and now you have time to adjust to your surroundings as you continue to travel.


The Earth's and everyone's vibration is being quickened so that you can make that leap of faith and jump with greater certainty and devotion into the arms of the Creator, receiving energies and insights that you desire with a period after the climax of energies for you to process, recover and enjoy the new energies that you have accessed.


It is important at this time to not allow the quickening of your energy vibrations to manifest into manic or unfocused actions and thoughts within your reality. There is a need to realise that the quickening of energy must be supported by the energy of peace and balance rather than a fast moving pace on the Earth or in your spiritual practices. So practices of relaxation, meditation, breathing are essential at this time in order to allow for balance within your physical being and energetic systems to take place, otherwise you may find that you and your body become more stressed, anxious or unbalanced.


There is a reason and a divine purpose for our energies of Lord Merlin and Lady Quan Yin to unite together today bringing forward our message to you. I, Lord Merlin am an overseer of the elemental kingdom and have deep connections with the Earth. I, Lady Quan Yin, hold the energy of the goddess and represent the energies of the higher vibrations of the Creator's universe to you at this time. As we unite our energies together we represent to you the energy of balance which is so needed upon the Earth and within your being. Your physical body needs the balance of experiences of peace as its energy vibration quickens in speed, there is a need for balance between your mind and your emotions, between your personality and your spiritual soul. There is a need for balance between your focus upon your connections with the Creator and your connections with the Earth as well as a balance between material thoughts and actions and spiritual practices. We are asking you to accept harmony and peace within your reality and being and between all things. If you focus too intensely on your spiritual practices you will become ungrounded which will not serve you, like wise if you neglect to make space and time for yourself your stress levels could build causing you to neglect your spiritual practices and focus. At this time balance is so important, allow yourself to remain balanced and at one with the Earth and the inner planes, remember that both the Earth and the inner planes are transforming as are you and so there is a need to remain deeply connected with both over this sacred time. There may also be a need to observe your thoughts and emotions to realise whether you are accepting, acknowledging or enacting extremes rather than allowing yourself to be neutral, at peace and centred within your being. You may even find that your devotion to the Creator and your spiritual path becomes too intense at this time. It is important to discover where this intensity is coming from. Through your achievement of balance you will begin to acknowledge and understand yourself more fully as even this is a process of release, allowing yourself to move with and in the flow of the Creator, trusting and loving yourself unconditionally while sharing openly with the Creator.


We have been guided to speak with you today because we both believe that there is a need for you to become more grounded in your energies. There is a need for you to enter into nature or simply stand upon the soil of the Earth and imagine your feet being planted deep into the Earth as if you are a tree. Imagine all the light and love that you are, being shared from your feet chakras into the Earth and with the soul of Mother Earth. Allow yourself to breathe as if with greater relief and relaxation, knowing you are safe and loved by Mother Earth. Our beloved Mother Earth wishes you to know that she is supporting you, your shifts and ascension at this time, she will not fail you in her support and love for you and asks you at this time to simply relax deeper into the Earth, especially the nature and elemental energies as well as Mother Earth expansive heart. Not only will this allow you to become more balanced but it will act almost as a reminder to your soul and entire being of your purpose and mission at this time on the Earth. By grounding yourself in this way you are not only allowing yourself to embody all the light that you are and are receiving but you are also bringing yourself back to your centre and the focus that you need at this time to fuel your spiritual evolvement. This process will allow for a deeper awakening within your being that encourages you to accept and receive more light than you ever thought was possible.


In order to enhance the energy and presence of balance within your being Lady Quan Yin offers her services and energies to be of assistance to you. She asks that you call upon her in meditation to come forward and to shower you in the energy of balance from the Goddess Realm. As you breathe in the goddess light you can ask Lady Quan Yin to make necessary shifts within your entire being and on all levels of your being to bring about a greater existence and reality for you of balance. It may be that Lady Quan Yin brings your emotions, mind, focus, energy or any other aspect of your being; expression or actions into complete and absolute balance.  It is then important to ask Lady Quan Yin to bring your entire being into balance with your soul, soul group, the Earth, the inner planes and the Creator.


'Beloved Lady Quan Yin. I call upon your energies and love to shower me in the most appropriate vibration of Goddess Balance so that I may breathe balance deep into my being while simultaneously activating it from within me being. Please make the necessary shifts within my entire being that allow me to exist as and experience the energy of balance from the Goddess Realm and the Creator.


Please bring my entire being into balance with my soul,

Please bring my entire being into balance with my soul group,

Please bring my entire being into balance with the Earth and Mother Earth,

Please bring my entire being into balance with the inner planes,

Please bring my entire being into balance with the Creator

Let me experience the relief of balance, harmony and peace vibrating throughout my entire being and reality, allowing for divine and sacred attunements that support me at this sacred time of growth.

Thank you Lady Quan Yin.'


You may also wish to call upon Lord Merlin and Lady Quan Yin to bring balance and peace to your physical body also,


'I call upon the sacred presence of Lord Merlin and Lady Quan Yin, I ask that you anchor the presence, quality and energy of balance deep into my physical body to support my experience of my energy vibration quickening. Assist me in experiencing the blissful effects of an accelerating energy vibration in the most balanced, peaceful and harmonious way. Thank you for your love, support and divine influence.'


Please know within your being and heart how loved you are at this very moment,

We love you unconditionally,

Lord Merlin and Lady Quan Yin

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Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4378 Shining Through, November 19, 2012 

God said: 

It is so easy to make promises. So easy. When the time comes, however, it’s a lot of trouble. The time is not far off now. It’s immediate now, and you have to go out of your way. You’re not so sure any more. You think that you might rather stay home. The thing is you made a date that, as it approaches, you’re not so sure about.

Let Us say that before you were born, We sat down together, you and I -- I say you and I as though We are separate Beings. That is just for convenience, isn’t it? You know that. At least you know that I, God, fully accept that We are One, and Oneness is All.

So, let Us say that We are talking knee to knee here, you and I before you were born. You know that you will be arriving on Earth any day now. We look over your record, so to speak, and you speak up that you want to grow tremendously while you are on Earth. You say things like: “Let me learn this and that when I am fifteen or thirty or fifty years old. Let this or that happen so I will grow.”

I say, “Are you sure about this? Maybe we could make it easier for you.”

You say, “No, no. I’ll tackle all this.”

That’s what I mean when I say it’s easy to make a commitment when it’s far off. Yet far off does come, and it’s today, and you protest to Me or to the stars: “This is too much for me,” you say. “I can’t do this. You shouldn’t ask this of me, God. It’s like I am Abraham, and You are asking me to sacrifice my son. You are asking me to go through suffering. I didn’t ask for this woe. I couldn’t have.”

And yet you did. Somewhere long ago you made a promise. Everything has been set in motion, and, so, whatever you are going through, you go through, and you come out the other end of it.

I do not make light of what your personal trials may be. I say that you must bring yourself to the Light.

You say, “But, God, I am just a mere human being.”

You and I have a different take on what a human being is, and what a human being can do.

In any case, this, whatever this is, is what you have.

You didn’t complain about the easy moments. In fact, you may not even have expressed appreciation for the easy times, the good times as you call them. You took them for granted. You thought you were due them, that you had earned them, and that they were coming to you.

That may indeed be so. I am not talking about credit any more than I am talking about blame. When money comes to you, you spend it. When something comes to you that you don’t want, absolutely do not want, you’re sure that a mistake has been made. You may even shake your fist.

Your life is at your will. If you can’t get out of something, then you have to go at it in good grace. It is much better for you to take responsibility than to shirk it. Let Us say that you are 100% innocent, then you still have to deal with it. You can’t throw it over like a hot potato to someone else. Whatever fix you’re in, it’s yours to fix.

You can give your money away. When it comes to woe, it is for you to come shining through.

B Careful How U Use Your Mind - Channeled


NOVEMBER 11, 2012
I am ABRAHAM. Greetings. I am happy to meet in this casual format. I am indeed busy as many of the teachers in the Mission. Urantia has been the focus of Nebadon as of late. There have been so many mind altering events, so much emotion that it has literally moved your world. The mind is a well and whatever you put in it is what you can expect to receive out of it. With this Correcting Time there is so much desire for change that many are grasping at anything, grasping at something to fill the well within.  
So many events just in this nation have caused a great deal of separation, hate, distrust. It would appear that emotions are what Urantians are filling their mindal well with. When they go to dip their cup within the well there is nothing of value, nothing substantial, nothing that can help. It only creates more chaos. Time spent with the stillness can help to empty that mindal well, clear it of emotional debris and prepare it to receive real comfort, knowledge and truth. It takes dedication to surrendering the desires of the heart and mind, surrendering the temporary satisfaction or the quick-fix. It would be my hope that you each become skilled at keeping the mindal well clean and ready for faith-filled hope and joy. I can take questions.
CALVIN: You mentioned earlier in your words tonight “the events that caused all eyes on Urantia.” Does that event have anything to do with the expected 12/21/12 predictions?
ABRAHAM: Yes. Thank you Calvin. The events that are affecting the Correcting Time are happening now and have been for many years. I am mostly speaking of the Spirit poisons that are moving Urantia into a negative direction. Mortals are seeing the animals they can be, the teeth-bearing hateful, greedy animals. This is causing individuals to look within and try to find the miracle that is in being human. As you know, many love the mystical and as you have discussed, the books that are treasured portray the death and destruction of the world with an outcome of the true believers creating the new heaven on earth. In our own experience on the planet, each one of us knows that many things have not come to pass. That many things are attention grabbing and ego-satisfying by those who give predictions. Many events on the world now have caused people to be humble, to be small and look around and see what is really important--life and love, truth beauty and goodness, of course. History will go on. As mortals we can only hope to learn from mistakes and be small and look at the value in the role as a human being. Believe me, we are facing these global challenges and finding that the majority are turning their face toward the sun, the light. No, there is no end in sight. Michael puts forth His all to be reaching each of His children, to help them up before their troubles and teach them integrity, honor, faith and loyalty. Know that those who have not deep and abiding faith will embrace some sort of prediction, other reason to look towards a higher power, when all along it is there within. Each child has access to a joy-filled life, not an easy life by any means, but more joy than pain. Is this helping? (Yes. Thank you Abraham.)
SHYANNE: Assessment?
ABRAHAM: My daughter, is it wonderful to see you and yes, I believe I know your thoughts and hope that I can answer adequate. I am understanding how much effort you put toward your passions in life. I am understanding you are feeling somewhat exhausted from so much effort being put forth and not finding what you have hoped for. I know you to be a woman of courage and have strong intuition. I understand that it is not easy for you to trust that intuition, but I can confirm that you have higher understanding of situations, difficult situations, that others cannot understand. I know you to be an oasis in the lives of your loved ones and the emotional connection is somewhat of a burden at times. I believe if you can quiet the emotions, you can connect to that intuition and have knowledge of handling situations that come up before you. You have foreknowledge and that is a tremendous gift. I see you as a teacher who helps others to keep fighting the good fight of faith. You help strengthen others to move forward and be responsible. Well done. I would recommend that some interaction with Mother Spirit would be helpful to you. Spend a few moments each day in stillness with intention of greeting Her. Have not doubt that you are overlooked by Father. You are well known, well loved and guided. Does this help? (Yes, thank you.)
LINDA: I am very grateful for you. I would like an assessment. Am I doing the right thing in my relationship or to end it?
ABRAHAM: Greetings, daughter. I am with over-flowing love to meet with you. I have grown quite fond of you as I get to know you. I am in understanding of your struggle and I am loathe to say if one is doing the right thing or not because it is one’s personal experience to live and grow from. I can say that in this experience you have gained faith, strength and determination. You can only answer for yourself: ‘is my life better off now than it was with the relationship?’ Daughter, I do believe that you are. Everyone will have their choices, will have decisions to take the easy road or gird yourself with the weapon of faith. I see you as being born again. You are more receptive to the Spirit now more than ever before. You have a great deal to give but first you are to know the experience of morontia mota. Have not fear for the future. You are well receptive to Father’s guidance and can find a reliable love in him. Seek first the Kingdom of Heaven and all else will be given, is a favorite line of mine. You are becoming stronger every day. Know that you are loved and have a great deal to do in the future. Focus on your receptivity skills and also speak with Mother, She is the one who knows about that. Thank you for your question, my daughter. (Thank you.) You are welcome.
CALVIN: Question for our Transmitter, Nina.
ABRAHAM: Thank you, Calvin. I know well of your thoughts, your need to atone has indeed become destructive. I have recommendation of you to study your Urantia Book and remember the promises Father made to His children. It is not a random world. It is not about luck or punishment. You have a way with people and can do a great deal of positive work. I am recommending to you to focus on positive works. If you look around you, you can see the many that are in need of a hopeful word. That is all.
LINDA: Miriam would like an assessment of how she is doing, her health.
ABRAHAM: Miriam, my daughter, I am seeing you to focus much on pain. It is understood, but it is possible to exchange your mind for the mind of Jesus and I am suggesting that you take time to sit at the Masters feet and open your mind and heart to Him. Have your journal open. His presence is a healing light. I would also ask that you free yourself from past regret. That is a dead end. You know that beyond the veil there is understanding to be had. For now, empty the mindal well and place yourself at the feet of the Master and listen. He is with such love for you, such understanding and wants for your progression. We will speak more. I will look forward to seeing you at the meeting. Go in peace, daughter.
CALVIN: Question for Day… advice for how to help her brother and what is her spirit name?
ABRAHAM: Greetings, Day. I am so happy your presence is with this group. You are a joy-filled spirit that helps in lightening any heavy mood. I am not with understanding to help in your brother’s situation, but I can say you are helping him by being in contact. Do your best to contact him as much as possible. Do not worry about his faith in God. Simply draw upon your own faith and be that peaceful light that he knows. You are with a great deal of wisdom and are completely able to be a stabilizer in anyone’s life. Hold on for the name. I am believing I can come as close as possible to your spiritual name as Lania. As you each know, the language between spirit and mortal is as different as nation to nation on your world. Lania, it is indeed a pleasure to work with you. You are very important in the lives of many and there are still so many yet to meet. I thank you for being open to the faith of Calvin and helping him in his path. You will be a source of love and joy to those who know you. Well done, daughter.
I am slipping. Are there any more short questions I can finish up the evening with?
MIKE: Can helping people financially be an aid to them or enabling them? Is there anything about the baby mentioned earlier?
ABRAHAM: I understood son. I am understanding that angels are present with the baby and not to worry. Your question is extremely pertinent at this time and there is a line to be drawn between financial help and enabling, and it may be different for those who have varying levels of faith in the spiritual life. Money has become a god on this  planet and a false sense of security. There are many people now who are finding that money is not helping and their souls are desperate and empty. I would hope that you each handle this situation with your current levels of faith and you are knowing of where to draw the line of financial help and enabling. If one is taking money to be of further destruction, then of course that doesn’t help. If you find that helping an individual creates integrity and inspiration, then of course the money is well worth it. I would be wise about helping those that are seemingly downtrodden. Remember that some look to money as their god and are serving that god. I trust that you each know how to invest in creating ongoing progress in one’s life or a situation. Your discussions at your other meetings are full of generating deep thinking as long as Father sits at the head of that table, good will result. Good question.
My words are slipping. I am with such growing love for you each. You make me better in all ways. Go in peace. Until next time. Shalom.
