Only the heart can speak or hear that which is authentic.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Cedomil Vugrincic M.D., Ph.D.

December 1, 2013
My beloved children, I am the Father of the universe in which you live and ascend.  My children know me by many names, but it is not significant by what name you call me as it is to open to and grow our relationship .  Here is where you and I will build that bond of trust, and help you come into a more well-rounded appreciation and understanding of the universe and your place in our home.  Each person has a unique role to play in the unfolding of the divine creative plan of LIFE, and when you come to me, I will validate your sense of worthfulness that gives you a sense of yourself that is beyond what your culture teaches you.
This is the awakening to your true life purpose, as you learn to embrace the relationship energy that we share.  You actually imprint upon a divine personality and begin to embody those qualities that ennoble the human experience—patience, courage, faith, tolerance, forgiveness, peace, all of which are attributes of LOVE.  I share these with you, my children, but it is you who open to receive me through your desire to become Godlike and LOVE dominated.
The journey into your Christed self unfolds naturally over time as you bring yourself into our relationship, and allow the progression of your evolution into the divine realms to build a new reality within your being.  You do not make this journey alone, however, for I am with you, and you have been given a Spirit as a guide and compass along the way to help you perceive the divine dimensions of the universe.  Come into me, my children.  Sit and receive me as your Father and I will share who and what I am with you that you may grow and become all of who you are!



Urantia, November 17, 2013 (date of transcription).
Teacher: The Beloved One. 
Subject: “Practicing Random Acts of Kindness.” 

Received by Lytske. 

The Beloved One: “Come before Me with an open heart, so I can impart a deeper truth. We earlier discussed the doing of the Will of God. It needs to be understood that this is never compulsory on your part, and neither is the doing of God’s Will coerced on the part of God. The doing of the Will of God is simply the desire to serve others without recognition or recompense. It is following the instincts of your heart, which in reality are My prompts for you to act upon. 

“The doing of the Will of God needs to be a desire, a joy in the human heart. It exists in the spreading of, and practice of, random acts of kindness. It is being of service with a sincere, truthful and loving heart. In love, light and peace are embedded. If you consider yourself to be a light-worker or a peace-worker, then you work under the umbrella of love, although it is not always described in this manner. 

“God is Love, His Will is Love, His Acts are Love, and this love finds further expression in the lives of myriad created and evolving creatures. The created beings express themselves in loving service and the doing of God’s Will is inherent in them, and thus they serve Him willingly. Not so with the evolving creatures, they are different in that they have the choice to love or not to love. 

“The process of making choices and decisions creates individuals who differ greatly from each other. The degree to which positive or negative characteristics become the dominant traits depends on how much self-discipline and self-correction is engaged in. A personality, living on the surface of life and who engages not in independent thinking, can more easily fall prey to all kinds of addictions and self-indulgences. However, a person who actively seeks the meaning and purpose of life, and finds value therein, will start to live in greater harmony and balance within themselves.

“Worldly education and long rows of letters behind one’s name are no certain indication of a well-developed and harmonious inner life. The more unpretentious one is, without a strong discernible ego, the better off one is, often doing God’s Will in an unassuming manner. There is an innate drive in them to be of service. The greed motivation is never connected with altruistic service. 

“So many works done in the name of God are just that; in name only. There frequently is a hidden agenda and a strong need for recognition. The Father always knows the intent and motivation of the human heart, even if it is not apparent to the outside world. 

“Again, ponder what it means to you to be doing God’s Will.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22.


God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4757 Your Heart Is on the Ascendant, December 3, 2013 

God said: 

When you do not know where you are to be or what you are to do, let go of it for a while. To let go for a while is good advice. When you have struggled for answers and don’t get anywhere, let it go for a while. Just be where you are, doing what you do. When you are not trying so hard, the answer may come. The answer will come. Sooner or later, your quest will be answered.
Know right now that you are in the place you are meant to be in, geographically and quandary-wise as well.
Beloveds, sometimes not knowing is better than knowing. You are not a Diviner who sees the future. What fun is that? What fun would it be if you knew all the answers ahead of time? Take the view that life will take care of itself. Life is about finding out.
You have perhaps previously complained about when life shoves you by the shoulder, and gives you no choice about where you are and what is happening. Let’s say you were fired. Life told you where you are not to be! You don’t like that. You don’t like it when life jolts you.
To be undecided is not a terrible thing. It is a quietus. So, for a while, you are on what feels like a deserted island. Enjoy where you are while you are. This is an interim time. A ship will come, and it will take you to where you are going. You really do not need to know ahead of time.
Sometimes what you are rescued from, you may begin to miss.
Whether you know just what to do or are at a standstill, I am with you. I am yours regardless of anything else. In the valleys or on top of a mountain, I am with you. Whether you feel secure or insecure, I am with you.
Beloveds, if you happen to know your next step definitively, good. If you happen to not know your next step definitively, also good.
We are talking about what resembles breathing. You take a breath in, and there is a gap until you breathe out. This gap is powerful.
When a seed is planted in the ground, it takes its time to grow. And so do you. And so do you.
Sometimes life has been too fast for you. Sometimes life seems too slow for you. Regardless, life is what it is, and there you are.
It’s not so bad to be between engagements.
A movie star may have a hiatus between movies. A movie star has to wait for the next movie. He or she doesn’t know ahead of time what the next will be. No one knows. Of course, you are ultimately the director of your own life. And yet directors pause as well.
“They also serve who only stand and wait.”
And, so, you want to know an answer that is not yet yours to know.
“All in its good time, beloveds.”  
“Haste makes waste.”
The answer comes not from the intellect. The answer comes from the heart. Heart is on a ascendant. It may well take a while before the mind grasps what the heart knows.
It takes time for a cake to bake in the oven. It takes time for the cake to cool.
Know this: You may not know your next step as a sure thing. You may wander. Of course, you have been wandering in your thoughts. You do not have to make a decision just yet.
You are lucky when the answer appears. Meanwhile, now you are in the right place at the right time, regardless of how it may seem to you.


Deep Within, We Want it All

by lifetapestrycreations

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Channeled by Brenda Hoffman for

Dear Ones,

Are you feeling somewhat hollow - fluctuating between slivers of joy and a deadening nothingness?

Perhaps such is so because you are transitioning between worlds. For many there is an additional more personal piece.

You wish to recreate some of the glories of past lifetimes.

All of you have experienced both depravity, because of religious teachings, and lives with extreme levels of fame and wealth.

You are now more interested in your past glories than the religious penitence that marked at least one of your lifetimes. Yet, you will not allow yourself access to the glories and riches you hold dear in this time and place because you are not certain you can achieve your goal - or that you want to.

Many of you claim that you are not interested in the fame and corresponding riches you accumulated easily in past lives. We beg to differ. You did not select this particular time on earth to create a New Age that forced you to sleep on a bed of nails or  to deprive yourself of your electrical gadgets. You wish to have it all.

A life of joy does not include poverty, hunger, or the fear of doing something wrong as was true of your religious life experiences. Perhaps you did not feel deprived in your religious lives - but you were. You had so many rules you forgot who you were. You prayed, genuflected, sang and interacted when the rules said you could. Even though you did so in love for that life and historical period, that truth is not valid in this lifetime.

New earth is freedom and creating your rules - if you must. Perhaps meditating daily makes you feel wonderful. Perhaps not. There are no rules. More importantly, you have decided to transition in a time in which things and inner-power reign.

Maybe even the thought that you might prefer things to living in a mountain cave isolated from society seems wrong and selfish. Yet, why else would you create new earth during this time of consumerism?

Perhaps you feel such is true but your challenge is to ignore all that and live a solitary life in the country with few, if any, conveniences. Even though that might be true for you as an individual, it is not true of this new earth transition. It is not about deprivation, it is about celebrating all you have discovered on earth that gives you joy and creating even more to do so.

You are not a spiritual being. You are a physical/spiritual being. And for you to ignore your physical being is no more glorious or correct than for you to ignore your spirituality - and uniqueness.

Allow yourself to move in the direction correct for you without the shoulds of,  "If I do this I will be more spiritual." Perhaps you will - but at the expense of your physical being. Allow yourself to glory in the capabilities of your Internet, computers, iPads, cell phones and any gadgets that catch your imagination.

Some of you feel you need to deny the creations now readily available on earth. Yet those creations allow you to expedite this transition. You could isolate yourself in a mountain cave, but that would negate all you and your advance Lightworkers created to ensure this transition was a global event.

Many of you will counter that most religious faiths spread globally before modern innovations. Such is true. But those religions were created over hundreds of years.

You, as a group, decided you did not wish this transition requiring hundreds of earth years. You wanted this transition to happen in two or three generations. You have since decided to expedite the process to a few decades. Neither of which could have happened without the communication/transportation systems you created in the past century. Those systems are not your enemy. You created them so you could exchange and share information rapidly. And by so doing, create a global freedom of wealth and comfort earth has never experienced.

Is it not true that most have access, in one form or another, to television, automobiles, radios, computers and cell phones? You continue to declare that all are to be equal. You are starting with your devices. Your dream of equality is becoming reality despite your inability to understand that such is happening.

At the same time, those innovations are creating a lust, if you will, in the hearts of many for a better or different life. That living in a tin hut somewhere in the world is not enough. Such has almost always been the case. But now the lust for things and a different life is no longer a dream, it is a necessity.

You are creating a new earth of joy in so many ways you have not yet acknowledged. Decide not to watch the news if you wish. Decide not to read newspapers or check your cell phone for updates. Even so, you will learn of the large earth events. You can no longer bury your head in the sand and scream to the heavens that the world must not change. You and earth are changing - not because of isolated spiritual meditations, but because those meditations, emotions and thoughts are part of your computer world.

At the same time, the images you see daily of cruises, elegant homes, education opportunities and inventions are tickling the fancy of your physical being - just as they were meant to when you first encouraged/allowed/created them in this life or another.

You marvel at how rapidly this transition is happening. Yet you ignore the basis of that process - your ability to create and purchase. We have come full circle. This is not the lifetime to hide in a cave of spiritual longing or meditations. This is the lifetime to glory in your physicality and to use that to blend your physical and spiritual life.

If that means living by yourself in a house in the country - so be it. But likely, that house will have some sort of computer or television access. And well it should as this new earth is created in days and months instead of lifetimes.

Do not belittle yourself or others if you desire something that seems inappropriate for a spiritual being - a house, car, iPad or diamond ring. You are not a spiritual being. You are now a human - no matter your origin. It is time to fully experience that humanness.

There are no rules. You can be or do whatever you want. Including accumulating wealth, sharing wealth, living in a mansion or tin hut. But do so because you want to not because you believe you should. Follow your joy wherever that joy takes you and you will be a Lightworker. Dummy down in whatever manner and you will be of 3D or stagnant in your Lightworker quest.

Allow yourself to be - including wealth, creativity, physicality or any other format you wish. But your wish, not the dictates of others. And once you allow that thought to be in every fiber of your being, you will zoom into joy. There are no shoulds other than enjoying your physicality and life. Deprivation was of other lifetimes. This is the life of fun. So be it. Amen.

