Ask & Receive - Channeled



Michigan, US of A, February 7, 2009.
Teacher Ophelius.
Subject: “Teachers Await.”

Received by Chris.

Ophelius: “Yes, I am here, the Circle is here, and we are ready to begin. Good morning dear one, it is I, Ophelius, and this morning I would like to speak to those who would later read these messages, and especially to those who receive the prompts. Each and every one of you has the opportunity and the ability to ask for, and receive a Teacher. There are many Teachers available now to the people of Urantia in this Correcting Time, and we are all awaiting our call to duty. You, dear one, are no more special than any of your brothers and sisters, yet you have taken that leap of faith, have asked, and have received. All are capable, to some extent, according to their gifts, to receive our messages, if they would earnestly seek that spiritual connection, and fear not that they would fail. Even your first attempts at receiving were crude and unorganized, but still our signature was there even in its most rudimentary form – yet, you were not discouraged, and you persevered.

“We cannot ‘pull out of you’ more than what you are capable of understanding, and we can only speak at the vocabulary level that you have attained thus far in your short lives. The greater the vocabulary, the more eloquently we may speak. Those that are less educated may feel inadequate or intimidated by the works of others, but this should not discourage them, for even truth in its simplest form is more potent than any Shakespearean monologue.

“It is helpful for those who would receive, that a pattern of time be arranged so that all the needed resources can be consistently made available to you. We suggest early morning before the mind is fully active, or any time when the mind can be stilled where there is no interruption.

“Now, this I will make clear to those who ask for a teacher: That your intention is pure and your motive is clear, that you would receive truth and knowledge for the enlightenment of your soul and for the benefit of your brothers and sisters. Like attracts like, and when you ask for a teacher, a dispatch is sent out, and a suitable match is found. If your motives are only that of curiosity and sensationalism, that request will be denied. There is no shortage of teachers here, I can assure you, dear one, for we delight in being given the opportunity to reach out to you on the earth plane, and lift you up as far as your faith will allow. For we are bound by the law of free will, and can do nothing until it is asked for. Free will trumps all spirit prerogatives dear one, you must ask to receive, you must seek to find, and you must knock and the door will be opened unto you.

“Good day,
“The Circle of Seven.”
© The 11:11 Progress Group.
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” – Teacher Ophelius, 2009.

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4398 Get Up from the Worry Chair, December 9, 2012

God said:

If you are sitting in a worry chair, get up and sit in a worry-free chair. If you live in a town called Worry, move to a town called Peace. Where you would rather live, move there.

Of course, you take yourself with you wherever you go. Nevertheless, it’s a good start when you accept that you would do well to make a change. The change, of course, is within you. It is your tune you want to change.

When you do not like the song you are hearing on the radio, you turn the dial to another station. And so this is what you do when your frame of mind is not to your liking. I know you don’t like worrying. I know there are passels of things you can worry about, so I say to leave the worry mode and enter peace. Worries will take care of themselves. You don’t have to nurture them. No more feeding worries. No more letting them thrive at the expense of your peace.

You may have a lot in front of you to resolve. You may have many matters hanging over you. Do what you can at this time, and then give the many matters a rest. They are not the making of you, nor are you to support worries. You are not to give them a good home. You are to give yourself a good home where you have peace of mind. Where else should you live except in a peaceful place? Right now, I dub you Peace. Peace shall be thy name. Peace unto you. Here, here is My peace, I give it to you. Place it in your heart so that you may radiate peace forever more.

I did not hand you worry. It must be then that you accepted and adopted it from an unknown source. Worry is not yours to accept. You don’t have to have it. Or, if you must, give it five minutes of your time.

You can work on solving a problem without worry. You can roll up your sleeves and tackle whatever it may be that you have to tackle. But worry yourself? No sirree. Not your job.

You don’t hide from concerns. At the same time, you take care of them as you can, yet you do not worry them back and forth and up and around. Leave the worry part alone. Worry saps you. You know that. You were never meant to worry. Worry is a man-made invention. Worry is stultifying. Worry is not meant to be your thing. It’s like a cold you pick up from somewhere. You know very well that colds are not welcome, and they are not meant to come on board with you. You know that a cold is something you don’t keep. Worry doesn’t have your name on it either. Worry is a worrisome thing. Let go of it. Worry is adding insult to injury.

You are not to put up with the assault of worry. Worry is a sniper. Worry comes out from anywhere. It is an extra burden. You don’t have to take it on. Worry clutters your mind and heart. It constricts you. It paralyzes you. Worry is no help at all. Worry is not your friend, and you don't have an obligation to worry. You have an obligation to let go of worry. Banish it. What you are worrying about may well not be so bad as you think.

Don’t give worry the time of day. Shoo worry away. Don’t put up with it. Replace worry with peace. Let peace surpass your understanding. Abdicate the throne of worry. You have a say.

John - Cleveland Ohio USA