It is with the deepest love and light that we,
Archangel Michael and Krishna gather our energies and consciousness together to be of service to you today. The reason we
have been guided to come forward to you is because both of the qualities that we hold need to be magnified abundantly within
your being. We represent the divine will of the Creator, the protection and action of the Creator and the joyful compassion
of the Creator.
The presence of Krishna's energy in your
auric field and being is to bring forth a sacred innocence formed as and from joy, truth and elation. The Creator through
Krishna is calling you to connect with your inner spiritual child; this is not the child of your current reality but the child
of your soul, in truth the essence, innocence of your soul, before it began the experience of the Earth and the journey of
ascension. In many ways the aspect of your soul before your incarnation process began was so pure bathed in the abundance
of the Creator's light, you may say somewhat unknowing of the challenges of the Earth. It was at this moment that your soul
was almost childlike and it is this essence and truth of your soul that needs to reunite with your current existence on the
Earth to bring forward a greater connection and oneness with yourself and soul. If you can imagine that your soul would have
no understanding of fear, pain, loss or any form of negativity and would simply be accustom to existing in the purity of the
Creator, it is this essence that now needs to be integrated into your being. The integration process can be experienced through
the presence and creation of the quality of joy, as joy raises your vibration bringing freedom to your entire energetic system.
Joy naturally exists within your being but it is the vibration and consciousness of Krishna that you can call upon in meditation
or quiet time to demonstrate to you the innocent essence of your soul, allowing this to activate deep within your being.
Simply allow yourself to enter into a state of
peace and meditation through dedication to your breathing.
Call upon Archangel Michael to ensure your protection
at all times and the protection of your soul.
Call upon Krishna to be present before you and
to open his energetic heart and soul to you.
Let Krishna's love and most importantly joy begin
to encircle your entire being as you focus on connecting with the purest essence of your soul which is before your very first
incarnation onto the Earth. This only requires an intention.
Breathe Krishna's joy into your heart and soul,
allowing the light to build within your being and penetrate your soul fully.
Only when you feel ready, hold the intention of
embodying the innocence of your soul as you inhale, drawing the energy from the depths of your soul and heart allowing for
an overflow into your entire being.
Focus upon the mantra, 'I am Joy,' with great vigour,
determination and love from your being.
Simply breathe to experience.
By connecting with this innocence aspect of your
soul you will dissolve many illusions that are still presence within your reality and perspective while opening yourself up
to a tremendously deep self-healing process that allows all experiences of pain and suffering to be erased if this is guided
by the will of the Creator for you at that time. Your soul will act as an intensely loving healing balm which will allow you
to awaken your heart more fully to experiences of Creator's love within your reality.
It is essential for joy and love to be a constant
presence within your being and reality at this time of ascension because not only will these qualities magnify your truth
but they will also act as energies of attunement to the Creator, yourself and your soul, the ascension energies and
shifts that are anchoring at this most sacred time. We do not wish for you to be fearful or to feel insecure about anything
that is occurring on the Earth and in the Earth's ascension process. We wish for you to create a deep seated love and joy
from this moment forth that will fuel your spiritual practices, assisting you in releasing how beautiful your current experience
of ascension is on the Earth. The presence of love and joy can act as beams of light accelerating from your being creating
divine connections that can be anchored with ease back into your being. You are not alone at this moment of ascension let
your soul celebrate with the presence of joy and love within your being and radiating from your being with every moment of
your reality. Remember your childhood innocence when you were so excited and overjoyed of the prospect of wonderful things
occurring in your reality, treats, special occasions or outings. Let yourself feel the same excitement and wonder at the process
that is unfolding now, you may be unaware of what will occur but you know deep down inside of you that it will be miraculous,
joyous and beautiful. You can truly believe this even without any form of expectation because you are believing in the energy
rather than a physical experience and so this allows the Creator and your soul to manifest numerous wonderful pathways and
experiences for you which you are most deserving and worthy of. Rather than planning your experiences from this moment forth
especially in your spiritual and ascension path, plan or feel the energies you would like to experience, then become excited
and delighted at the prospect of your energy experience. You will not need to wait, the energy will be with you instantly
and will unfold in more wondrous ways than you could imagine.
It is essential at this time to dissolve the depression
of the mind. Your mind can experience depression and suppression because it is always thinking within limitations. When you
begin to hold intentions of the energies you wish to experience and to feel them within your being, the mind will let go of
its depression allowing you to see your reality as miraculous. It is a wonderful idea to place intentions each morning of
the qualities of the Creator that you wish to feel. For example you may wish to feel deeply loved. If you create this intention
and the intention of allowing yourself the right to experience the energy of deep love, as well as activating it from within,
an experience of you being deeply loved will manifest in the most creative Creator way.
In the next two months it is important to dissolve
the projections of your mind into your reality, of course you may need to make physical plans, this is necessary, but rather
than creating expectations, judgments or opinions from your mind, create feeling and intentions for experiencing the most
beautiful qualities in your reality. We are asking you to believe in the celebration that is occurring within the energy of
the Creator and therefore within your being. Now is the time to believe in miracles and to think beyond the limits of the
mind because it is at this time that anything and everything is possible, but there is a need for it to flow from the heart
as a wish of feeling rather than from the mind as a structured desire. Your experiences will then be far more wondrous than
you could possibly imagine. It is no longer the time to believe that your reality is mundane or that you are not as sensitive
as you would wish to be at this time. It is time to believe in joy and the love of the Creator, in celebration and miracles,
believe in the energetic experience of these qualities and this will transfer into your physical experience upon the Earth.
This time of ascension is about joy and love so choose to experience these Creator qualities and allow yourself to activate
or receive them within your being.
The energies of Archangel Michael are extremely
important at this time of ascension because protection is needed to allow for all old energies and cycles of the past to be
dissolved and a shift of new energies and cycles to move into the space of the Earth. The protection of Archangel Michael
is not to safe guard against negativity but to stabilise the transition process, therefore to also stabilise the energies
you create, anchor and experience. It is important to call forth Archangel Michael asking for his protection of stabilising
your energies and the Earth's energies so that transitions may take place with tremendous ease and smoothness within and around
you. Archangel Michael will soothe and calm the new vibrations that anchor and activate within your being while assisting
the distributing, anchoring and the manifestation of the energies with ease and precision whether within your being or on
behalf of the Earth.
You may wish to call on Archangel Michael in meditation
asking him to draw close to your being.
Imagine, sense or acknowledge the Earth is suspended
in your hands,
Archangel Michael calls upon many Archangels to
surround you; they send their light into the Earth as it is suspended in your hands.
It is the energy of protection and love that is
being expressed, allow yourself to express the same qualities into the Earth.
When you are ready place the Earth into your heart,
Imagine now that the Archangels are now holding
you suspended in their hands as you lovingly hold the Earth in your heart.
This symbolises to your entire being a deep seated
integration and oneness with the Archangel, the Earth and your entire being, it symbolises that all support each other in
joyous unity. This is a powerful practice to achieve as we lead up to 12/12/12 and the 21st December as it allows you to enhance
your attunement with everything in the Creator's universe as this will be shared with you and the Earth through the Archangels.
Please be aware that it is Archangel Michael and the Archangels who are safe guarding you and the Earth at this time so that
you may have the most wonderful loving and joyous experiences.
Know in your heart and soul that all is divinely
perfect at this very moment, allow yourself to create the energy of miracles, celebration, joy and love within your being.
With joyous love,
Archangel Michael and Krishna