Ascension : Not 4 Shirkers,

i.e., It is a Full Time Job ...


There are No Shirkers in This Transition
Channeled by Brenda Hoffman
Dear Ones,
Perhaps you have pined for years, months or days for all that is promised in the New Age/new earth. It does not matter. Your yearning created this miracle.
Even if you have difficulties believing you contributed to this wondrous New Age/new earth, this transition could not be without your input.
You may feel as if you have experienced a few minor shifts. Or that your life has changed little internally or externally. Such is not true. But we cannot give you feelings/beliefs of a job well done. You must accept it for yourself.
Let us return to those who feel as if not much has shifted in their lives. That all the “hype” surrounding this transition has little to do with them. Every entity on earth contributed to this transition. Despite your fears that such is not true, that there are “good guys” and “bad guys,” this transition would not have happened without the consensus of everyone/every entity on earth.
You are all part of this transition – settlers, scout masters, those not yet awakened and those who agreed not to awaken during this transition to play the “bad guy” role.
This transition has developed for decades. Individuals, entities and earth are transitioning. This transition is a coordinated effort of unimaginable dimensions. It is about you – but also about everyone and everything.
There are no shirkers in this transition. Everyone has a role and a plan. Whether or not it is a plan that meshes with your interests or needs – everyone is part of the plan. This transition tapestry is filled with a variety of colors and textures. It is not one-dimensional as many of you assume. That Lightworkers – whether settlers or scout masters – are alone responsible for this transition.
Lightworkers could not have possibly shifted every entity and earth without the support of all entities on earth. We are outlining this wondrous joint venture for some of you feel that others are either with you and this transition or against you. You view others as us and them. There is only us.
Some of you are clamoring that the opposite political party or a certain relative or co-worker is too nasty to be part of this transition into joy. We reiterate that if you had not experienced opposites as you transitioned, you would not fully understand joy.
Perhaps you feel we are justifying something that has nothing to do with you. We disagree. It is time to open your hearts to others. Energies are streaming throughout earth to help you accept your heart openings. Such openings are more difficult if you believe this person is acceptable, but not that person or that concept. Such beliefs merely continue your Old Age duality.
Maybe you feel you cannot accept others just because we tell you to. That is an accurate concern. You cannot accept our beliefs – you must do so for yourself. We are merely informing you that your heart cells are opening rapidly to receive the energies being dispersed on earth. That you need not be surprised if you no longer feel like supporting a long-held political belief – or you better understand and accept someone who has made you angry, uncomfortable or fearful. That you are brushing those fear producing thoughts aside knowing deep within your being that those other entities were also instrumental in creating the New Age/new earth.
This is an extremely difficult concept for some for you hold to the belief deep within your being that you can love this person, but not that person, concept or action. We are forewarning you that acceptance may happen in a flash. That this is the energy pouring into and out of earth and into each entity on and in earth at this time.
Do not feel as if you need to expedite the process of accepting those you find unacceptable, it will happen naturally.
Maybe you are angry just thinking about accepting others for they have “done you wrong” in so many ways. How could you ever allow them into your heart? How indeed. This is your next big shift.
For those who have not built a wall around their heart to protect themselves from others, it will happen in a flash. For those who have created such a wall, it may be more of a process.
Your heart cells – throughout your being – are being bombarded with love energy. Energy that is rapidly changing earth and thereby, the Universes. Micro to macro. As that occurs, you will just KNOW that every entity in and on earth is feeling a similar urgency to accept themselves and others.
You have prepared for this moment, this ap for a very long time – as has every entity in and on earth.
Does this mean that all will be hugging and kissing in the next few days? No. Merely that you will see/sense yourself and others with new eyes and understandings.
Again, do not feel as if you must love yourself and others, allow it to happen in the way that is most correct for you.
Just know these energies are bombarding you. You can grasp as many or as few as you like.
This is not an isolated love fest for Lightworkers. Nor is it a command performance. Accept what you wish and allow others to do the same. But know deep within your being you are beginning to melt any heart barriers you have, as are many on earth.
At the same time, you must allow those who have elected to play “bad guys” to honor their role. Knowing that their role is extremely difficult given that love is permeating every cell of every being.
For those of you who celebrate Christmas, think in terms of the love and kindness that seems to happen during that season. Then think of those people you refer to as Christmas Scrooges. Does not the novella  A Christmas Story by Charles Dickens help reinforce Christmas loving spirit for many of you each year – as does the thought that Scrooge could be so cruel until frightened into love? So it will be for you and every entity in and on earth.
You will not be frightened into love. You will merely be bombarded with love. Like Bob Cratchit, you will come to appreciate those whom you now view with anger or distaste. Not because you necessarily accept their actions – but because you will know with every fiber of your being that they are playing an extremely difficult role in this age of love. That they are not deviating despite the knowledge of you and many others that they cannot experience the love and joy you find so delightful.
In a sense, they are plowing through their pain as you are harvesting your joy. Allow them to be. And allow yourself to accept, even love them for their sacrifice. For indeed, your glorious New Age would not have occurred without their willing and full participation. So be it. Amen.


Urantia, August 14, 2013.
Teacher: A Mentori Spokesperson.
Subject, “Self-Healing Part Two.” 

Received by Lytske. 

Mentor: “We return to give you some useful and practical pointers on how to approach, work on, and achieve self-healing. Success depends on the attitude of the person, the intent of the heart, the motivation of the individual, and on the willingness to listen to the prompts of the heavenly Guide within. On this planet all thinking humans are indwelt by a Thought Adjuster due to the fact that the Ruler of this universe finished his Master-ship training here some 2000 years ago. Your planet has been singularly blessed with this event as not only the Creator gave you a Spark of himself to indwell you all on an ongoing basis, but also Michael (Jesus) gives his Spirit of Truth on an ongoing basis in each human heart willing to entertain those Gifts. These two gifts are complimented by the Comforting Spirit from the Mother Spirit, so you can realize that you are never bereft of heavenly help when you are willing to train yourself to listen within. 

“The self-healing takes training, and like everything else, you all have the capability to learn when on a regular basis you set yourself to the task of listening within. It is totally within your power to open up your side of the communications to your heavenly Helper within ever waiting for you to do so. Of course, this will take effort and diligence in perseverance on your part. However, nothing of value is gained during any training when self-discipline is not practiced. Realizing a spiritual goal is also done with effort and struggle, but the end results are certain. This result does not belong in the arena of the world with its instant gratification urges. Indeed not, it is hard won. However, even during mortal life results can already be obtained due to the training in self-mastery, and now we enter the arena of self-healing. 

“This becomes possible when a person is on a regular basis in the process of establishing contact with her or his Spirit from God within, as she or he will be prompted and guided along the way. In this manner a feeling of security and companionship is established with the inner Guide. Awareness of personal feelings of love towards self and others increases and the idea of having a running conversation with your self will come, especially when there is pain involved. You know about the saying that God helps those who help themselves. Therefore; initiate the conversation with your psyche and remind your psyche of the wholeness of all the cells in your body. Perhaps they are overlaid by stress and worry and need to be reminded of their wholeness. 

“You do have self-healing capabilities; however this knowledge has only been practiced by some very few on the planet who stumbled upon this possibility. Therefore, an increasing awareness towards the Gift of life, and all inherent possibilities, are for you to discover and experiment with, firstly through honest, sincere and right-minded thinking and practicing the golden rule, always ready to love and to forgive. Summed up in a few words it means: To lead a God-oriented life by being in converse with your Spark from God within and making friends with your psyche, and to keep prompting your Spark to remind all the cells of their wholeness, especially the painful places, and thank God for all Blessings received.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source
