Apply Spiritual Pressure of Goodness on Our Planet


Imagine a movie with no villain. Imagine there is only a hero who is eating, sleeping and generally just hanging around with nothing to do! Would you watch such a movie? Opposite values are complementary. Thorns and petals both exist. You have the choice to pick up either the thorns or the petals.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Cedomil Vugrincic M.D., Ph.D.

Serena--Magisterial Mission Conference Call

Center for Christ Consciousness

September 15, 2013
Topic:  Receiving Father’s GOODNESS, focusing it into the fabric of Urantia consciousness, blending it with the Magisterial Mission, focusing energy into the Holy Land, lifting up Urantia to our Paradise Creators

T/R:  Donna D’Ingillo
PRAYER:  Thank you, Mother and Father, for this time of coming together as a united field of energy to focus more of your will in the areas that we are being guided by our celestial helpers.  We open ourselves in the focusing activities as you weave us together heart to heart, soul to soul, and Adjuster to Adjuster in the circuits of your mind.  Thank you for helping us receive what you wish and focusing your will in the areas that require transformation and healing.  Thank you, and may your will be done.
SERENA:  Good day, everyone! This is Serena, and I am pleased to join you once again as we collaborate with you in the furthering of the energies of transformation upon Urantia.  Last week before the call ended abruptly, we were seeding the energies of the Magisterial Mission into the earth plane, especially in the region of the Middle East, and we will continue to do that today.  
But before we do that, let us spend a few moments as we minister to you.  I invite you to open up to that quality of the Father—His GOODNESS.  Set that intention to open your hearts to receive that now, that the Father Within you may indeed convey this most wonderful quality of the Father into your beings, and we will minister to you into your fields, that His GOODNESS may grow within you.  If it helps you to focus, envision the word GOODNESS, and draw that line of energy from your heart to this word energy, and ask for more of the Father’s GOODNESS to fill you—mind and body.  Let us begin.  (Pause)
Our Paradise Father wishes for His children the desire to do His WILL.  There must be some motivation within the human awareness to participate in the unfolding of His creative plans.  One of the most advantageous energies for you to receive is the Father’s GOODNESS, for it discloses into your heart this feeling of satisfaction of doing what is correct, what is right, what is aligned in the Father’s WILL—His GOODNESS.  As you receive this, ask to be filled with it.  This is an energy to heal your hearts and upstep you to more of that motivation to do the Father’s WILL to the best of your ability.  Know that this is a most lovely attribute that He desires to share with you.   Let your heart centers and heart organs open to this outpouring of His GOODNESS to circulate throughout your being.  (Pause)
It is at times such as these when there is much spiritual pressure being applied on the planet and the wayward human will is creating much mischief and turmoil in human consciousness, this quality of the Father is most appropriate to receive and send out into the streams of consciousness.  We have applied many enhanced spiritual energies into this field: RIGHTMINDEDNESS, LOYALTY TO THE FATHER’S WILL, DIVINE MERCY, DIVINE JUSTICE, MICHAEL’S PEACE.  The TRUTH light is shining.  Now, we invite you to focus on your desire—the willingness to do good—to now permeate this consciousness.  So in your mind’s eye, see the planet before you, and as we have done in the past, let us invoke the energies of GOODNESS, and seed it into this construct of consciousness.  Like a ribbon, draw the energies of GOODNESS, around the planet from the North Pole to the South moving in a counter-clockwise rotation.  Or, if it is easier for you to focus, simply feel your desire for more of the Father’s GOODNESS to penetrate into this construct of consciousness, and we will assist in your efforts, that the hearts of His children would seek His ways while conducting their affairs through this infusion of GOODNESS energy.  (Pause)
Let the world be bathed in the light of the Father’s GOODNESS.  Michael holds this world in His heart, sending His LOVE, His GOODNESS into these streams of consciousness so His children can know the better way and to seek it—the motivation of their inner most desires and strivings. (Pause)
IT IS GOOD TO DO THE WILL OF FATHER.  IT IS GOOD TO DO THE WILL OF FATHER.  IT IS GOOD TO DO THE WILL OF FATHER.  These impartations of spirit move deeper into the fabric of consciousness for the world to feast upon.  The Father’s GOODNESS is available to all.  Feel your desire for your brothers and sisters of this world to open their hearts to this infusion that you are co-creating with us, that they may truly feel a surge of renewal and desire to seek a better way—the Father’s WAY, the Father’s LIFE. (Pause)
As you hold this focus, know that you are also being expanded in these energies—that you will continue to receive this outpouring of the Father’s GOODNESS, especially when you come to the stillness and ask for it to be shared with you.  So, drink deeply! (couldn’t hear word) with great love and appreciation into the planet.  It is a powerful healing balm that your brothers and sisters need, and you are helping them receive it, whether or not you are consciously aware of your efforts.  (Pause)
Now, I invite you to shift focus and invite the energies of the Magisterial Mission to blend with these energies of GOODNESS, coming closer and closer to the earth plane, comingling in the Father’s WILL, forming a mighty  fabric of MERCY in the Father’s TRUTH, GOODNESS and BEAUTY continuing to feed and bathe the fabric of consciousness of this world.  (Pause) 
Shift focus slightly to the Holy Land.  Again from your heart, simply project your desire for more of the MAGISTERIAL MISSION and the FATHER’S GOODNESS, and all of the other spiritual attributes to shine brightly into this geographic center of the planet where so much of the conflict of this world has originated.  Let it soak in.  Feel your desire for your brothers and sisters of this region and all the interests tied to it to receive this outpouring today.  There are mighty legions of angels and Archangels to spread this energy where it will do the most good, but we need the desires of your hearts because this is human will. 
We desire for your brothers and sisters to receive more of what they need to help them know that there are better options to life.  As you do this, simply add more of Michael’s plans of correction and rehabilitation to be seeded in this region, for this is not only a region of conflict that needs massive rehabilitation, but it is after all, the land where He walked as a human, and it is His desire for this region to be healed of all strife—to be a model, if you would, or be a showpiece—that peace is possible. And what better way to bring peace than to let it reverberate throughout the planet at this very central location where so much that once was misaligned from the Father’s WILL is now being restored.  Let Michael’s plans for His beloved Urantia to be seeded deeper within this region.  (Pause)
Yes, my brothers and sisters, feel your desire for Michael’s PEACE to reign supreme in this region, while His mighty hands hold this region close to His heart, that what He has always desired for His children comes to fruition through many awakened souls.  The cultural ideations of the Father are being opened to revelation that all humanity is now receiving.  Let the years of enmity and strife be bathed anew in the Father’s LOVE.  Let the Father’s presence in the human heart regain deeper and stronger roots that the fruits of the spirit may blossom and shine forth.   Yes, my sisters and brothers IT IS GOOD TO DO THE WILL OF FATHER.  It is truly so good.  When humanity truly recognizes this—truly embraces this—you will see love spread like a wildfire across the planet.  (Pause)
Let us know lift this circuit up to our Paradise Creators.  Let the Paradise Trinity hold this intention for more of Michael’s plans of correction to reverberate more deeply and more resoundingly than the human heart and mind.  Let us spend some moments in worship and appreciation for the Father’s WILL manifesting here on this little world, but mighty in its POWER presence, that the GLORY of the Father may illuminate the human mind and heart. 
Paradise Creators, we lift this circuit up to you and we thank you for bestowing your mighty GRACE upon it through in the hearts and minds of your children and all the children of this world.  We lift our hearts in worshipful praise for your MAJESTY and your WILL pervading into what we have co-created together, human and celestial, that your WILL may be done here.  Thank you.  (Pause)
As we come together in praise and worship, let your minds mind focus on the phrase IT IS TIME TO MANIFEST WHAT FATHER WILLS ON URANTIA.  Feel your love for His love penetrating into this consciousness construct:  IT IS TIME TO MANIFEST WHAT FATHER WILLS ON URANTIA.  IT IS TIME TO MANIFEST WHAT FATHER WILLS ON URANTIA.  (Pause)
My dear brothers and sisters, as we leave the Paradise gaze, let us return to Urantia and join with us as we take a few moments of visualizing the words IT IS TIME FOR FATHER’S WILL TO MANIFEST UPON URANTIA.  Plant that into the earth.  Go into the roots of consciousness in whatever way you creatively imagine yourself planting in these energies.  Send that line of love from your heart into this visual field that this indeed may soak in and manifest in the earth plane.  IT IS TIME TO MANIFEST WHAT FATHER WILLS ON URANTIA—allowing new circuits to connect to many others who are also praying for peace, healing, and transformation. (Pause) 
Dear ones, it is such a joy to come close to you, to participate in these co-creating endeavors—the healing of this world.  It truly is a most marvelous undertaking, and it is one that we hope you will continue to seek, to participate with us as you go about your day.   All it takes is a momentary diversion of your thoughts to focus on the Father’s WILL and we will join you there to send and seed your thoughts that they will truly make an impact. 
In the coming days, as you pray for peace, as you ask for more celestial support to come into these circuits, know that it is the power of your minds, your thoughts, your feelings where you can make the most impact.  So use your thoughts wisely.  Choose your words carefully and direct your thoughts lovingly into where you want the Father’s WILL to manifest.  I leave you with these thoughts today, and on behalf of legions of my brothers and sisters still unseen to you, we extend our most heartfelt appreciation, and we send our love into your hearts.  Good day. 

Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4698 God Beckons You, October 5, 2013 

God said: 

It is in My heart to ask you to remember that the sun is always shining somewhere. Even when the light of day is out of the range of your vision, you know very well that the sun will soon appear on the horizon right before your eyes.
If I am the Painter, I paint a beautiful dawn for you every day. You will see the striations in the sky before the sunlight bursts forth. Since the Creation of Time, there is no morning that skipped a sunrise. In this in the relative world, there is a consistency you can count on. Whatever tangle you may be in the midst of, there is a break from it. The sun dawns. Let the sun dawn in you now.
Let the sun rise within you now. It is inevitable that the sun will burst forth. Never mind the darkness, beloveds. The darkness really has nothing to do with you. Do not think that the sun is a passing thing. It is the darkness that is temporary, not the sun. The sun has a wide-angled lens, and you are always in the sun’s view.
It is you and the spirit of you that is ever risen. There is no setting sun. You are light, and you are ever-dawning on yourself.
You are the subject of everything you learn. It is yourself you come to know. It is you who baffles yourself. It is for you to shed light on yourself. You will be surprised at your courage and your wisdom. You already know far more than you credit yourself with. You are not the country bumpkin you so often think you are.
Furthermore, I am going to tell you that you have never failed once. No one fails at being a human being! From your first cry at birth, you have been an expert. It is not human being that you are investigating and learning. Not at all, it is a higher wisdom you are learning or relearning or rehearsing, and that is your soul’s path.
When all does not seem right with the world, it is you who has diverted. You are the discoverer, the discovered, and the path of discovery. You are the whole curriculum.
Do not think that I have ever made you suffer. I know you have suffered. Yet it is you who chose suffering. Never think that it was meted out to you. You chose one interpretation over another. Choose now. Let your suffering days be over.
Never were you intended to be a victim nor an assailant. You are intended to be a hero of this fragmentary portion of life on Earth. Do you really think you came to Earth to suffer?
The choice is up to you. Yes, you have that option. What you choose is up to you. What you stay with is up to you. I say you are to go ever forward and upward. You are the chooser of the life you live. Choose a life you like and further the extent of the light you shine.
Life on Earth does not have to be so serious as you have been making it. You think something is at stake. Your happiness is at stake by your own choice, and often you choose the road most traveled. No longer rest on suffering as if you are safe there from more suffering. Turn upside down the basket of suffering you stayed in. Now you walk on your own two feet, and you follow Me to Heaven. Yes, come with Me. Right here.

Reflection of Peace onto the Earth By Yogi Babaji
Channelled through Natalie Glasson

I bring forth and demonstrate to you unity to activate a greater sense of strength within your being,

I bring forth and demonstrate to you peace to activate a greater sense of serenity within your being,

I bring forth and demonstrate to you discipline to activate a greater sense of devotion within your being,

I bring forth and demonstrate to you joy to activate the innocence of the Creator within your being,
I bring forth and demonstrate to you contentment so you may express divine gratitude from within your being,

I bring forth and demonstrate to you the existence of being, so you may find your pathway of enlightenment and mastery, allowing it to
emerge from within your being,

I bring forth and demonstrate to you the way of the Master because you are already walking this pathway with ease.

These energies I bring forward with an open heart, soul and being, with a clear mind and an aligned consciousness. What is mine is
yours and I give to you willingly in order for you to experience and acknowledge within you the freedom of mastery. I wish to
demonstrate to you only what is within your being that vibrates as the divine Creator, as oneness and truth. Let us together cast aside
all unneeded energies that cause distraction; let us exist as a pulsating living source of light together in supreme joy. It is my mission
to bring forward and demonstrate to you the divine simplicity of your being and your reality; it is through your acceptance of simplicity
that you will accept the sacred complexity of the universe and all that is the Creator.

I wish to bring forward and demonstrate to you the path of mastery so that you may strengthen with greater confidence and courage
the pathway you have chosen to travel upon in order to return to truth. Mastery is a process of recognition, in order to recognise or see
yourself as I, the Masters, Archangels and Creator view your being there is simply a need to devote yourself to recognising yourself
more fully with each day. There is a need for you to make space in your reality for the walls of illusion to tumble down and your
essence to grow in strength and power. When I speak of space in your reality I am not only talking of time in your day but also clearing
space in your mind for you to simply be as you are. The mind greatly influences the many energy bodies of your being; if the mind is
chaotic then your energy bodies will be filled with distracting energies, thoughts and manifestations drawing you away from the path of
mastery. I ask you to find time in your day to build the presence of space within your mind and therefore clear and cleanse your energy
bodies thus creating simplicity and allowing recognition of yourself and mastery to unfold. I encourage you at this time to devote
yourself to meditations, sacred words or breathing in order to create space in your mind and therefore your reality for the divine
Creator to enter into, existing harmoniously within your being and reality.

There is a window of energy beginning now for the next twelve days which will act as an amplification of your mastery. It is energy of
tremendous peace that is being reflected onto the Earth with a mission of heightening consciousness and vibrations. The peace is
being directed into the mental body and mind in order to bring forth the Creator’s energy of truth as well as dissolving fears and old
consciousness. During this window of beautiful opportunity you have the chance to create more space within your mind and being;
your creation will be amplified by the energy wave of peace thus allowing a greater transformation within your being. With the
combination of peace and the space you create you will open within you an additional window allowing you to recognise yourself
more fully. You will be able to recognise yourself as the Master that you are allowing for a greater familiarity to blossom. It is for you to
anchor yourself recognition into your being and consciousness therefore altering your perspective as well as heightening your

During this time of sacred recognition and the reflection of peace onto the Earth, many people will find they are able to let go of old
consciousness which may have been limiting or hindering their mental body and reality. Again this will clear more space for the soul
and inner truth to emerge and be within all beings. It will also manifest a distinct change in the general thought patterns of humanity as
a level of fear will peel away to allow an igniting energy of faith to emerge, faith in oneself and in the Creator. This is a preparation for
the further ascension of all.

The vibration of peace will be reflected from many ashrams, planets and stars on the inner planes onto the Earth creating a great
source of peace that combines many vibrational levels. If you allow yourself to align with the vibration of peace coming forward and
devote yourself to creating space within your mind and mental body, you will discover you are able to integrate many if not all of the
vibrational levels of peace being reflected at this time. This would signify a powerful release of illusion from within your being and a
magnified experience of alignment and attunement with your truth and the Creator. Remember your truth is the Creator, everything is

Please follow your heart and inner guidance as to how to connect with the reflection of peace, drawing its energy into your being.
Simplicity is always the greatest tool, and intention a powerful action. Please also be aware that by simply allowing yourself to accept
the reflection of peace from the inner planes on this occasion is not enough, there is a need to develop a devotion to creating space
within your mind and mental body, therefore your reality. This is also a need to activate your devotion to recognising the divine master
within you. Rejoice in the experience of becoming familiar with the divine Master within your being, allowing all aspects of this sacred
energy to be explored, understood and express with tenderness and gratitude. With focus upon acceptance of peace, creation of
space and recognition of your inner master and path of mastery you will allow yourself to blossom in loving support.

My message to you  is sent in the presence of simplicity so there is little more for me to say, but my heart swells with love and will
share with you now all that cannot be shared through the limits of language. I believe myself to be true to my word, read my words of
introduction to you at the beginning of my communications, these are true and real. I bring and demonstrate to you unity to create
strength, peace to create serenity, discipline to create devotion, joy to create the innocence of the Creator, contentment so you may
express gratitude, the existence of being so you may find enlightenment and mastery, the way of the master because this is already
your truth.  You may also wish to read my words at the beginning out loud and know that you are achieving the same for humanity. You
may wish to call me forward during quiet time to work with your energy and to demonstrate to you the energies I have spoken of so
you may activate, ignite and recognise the same within your being, recognising yourself as a Master.

One of the greatest lessons in recognising the master within your being is to realise the same within others, when you see the master
within your being you will view it in others. When others view the master within your being you will recognise the master within you
more fully also.

With divine simplicity and love,
Yogi Babaji
