An Invitation

The source of your mind is love and whatever you do to go to that source is a spiritual practice.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Illawarra District, Australia, August 6, 2013.
One Without Name Without Number.
Subject: “An Invitation” (quite abbreviated).

Received by George Barnard.

One Without Name Without Number: “Thank you Dr. Mendoza, and please ‘stay on the line’.

“My dear human friend, so very long ago I too wondered what it would be like to be in a place where my feet could rest on solid matter (Paradise), and where time as I knew it would not exist. The concept of a timeless eternity was only partially within my capacity to imagine. It is correct for me to say that I am in this place, and yet it is incorrect for me to give you a length of time since my arrival. I am here now, and it is always ‘now’, yet I progress. Consider this.

“Consider now a human child just four months old throwing a toy out of its cot. You pick it up and return it to the child, but to him or her it is a brand new toy. ‘The other toy’, when no longer seen, did, and logically so, actually ceased to exist to the child’s mind. Only the exercise of countless disappearances and ensuing re-appearances will eventually prove to the child that there is continuation, and that the toy was never lost. It was simply unseen.

“Your game of peek-a-boo can become an eye-opener for those newly born in time-space. However, for those created on Paradise, it is a challenge to comprehend not so much the reality of time, but the lag in time between the sequences of events. They who have not yet experienced time-space, and they are myriad, may well understand cause and effect, but fail to grasp a lag of time in ‘strings of sequential events’. As the saying goes, ‘You had to be there.’

“Experiencing time by actually residing in time-space dimensions – and, naturally, serving the Father whilst there – is one of the dearest wishes of paradise creatures, and already they can observe events in time-space, but cause and effect are one, instantaneously. You too are capable of seeing events of the future, but you do so in cooperation with your indwelling Spirit Self, and on occasions you might do so in sponsored (aided) dreams.

“Much more difficult is it for you to in any way realize, comprehend, or ‘mentally touch on’ the concept of eternity – to dwell within an unending realm where time does not exist. Here the new spiritual being that is you will feel your very existence to be ‘marinated’ with an all-pervading happiness, a joy so difficult to describe, and here we will meet, the deeply committed friends that we are, and all those you wish to bring along, and we shall re-affirm our love for each other.

“Here in this timeless realm and with those of my order surrounding you, you shall slake your most ravenous thirst for knowledge, fulfill your greediest need for companionship, realize your greatest desire for sharing all that you entail, and gather the energy and drive to forward-plan your return to time space as a contributor in your fields of endless expertise. I am One Without Name, Without Number. May our love always reach across space and time, yes all ways to eternity.”

George: “We will surely meet in person. Au revoir, my Friend.”

Notes: To ‘shake hands’ with One Without Name, Without Number is to know all about him. That is why they need no name or number. You will know them totally. To communicate with him is to see an avalanche of events go by.

© The 11:11 Progress Group.
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – ABC-22, January 1972. 11:11 Store

----- Original Message ----- 
From: 11:11 Progress Group 
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2013 7:44 AM

Urantia, August 4, 2013.
The Beloved One.
“Will You Be Prepared?” 

Received by Lytske

The Beloved One: “Allow my words to appear on the blank screen of your mind, whilst we endeavor to bring forth some useful advice other mortals can use towards their soul peace, which will be needed to withstand anything that might come upon their path. This will strengthen their trust and faith in the Creator of all, who holds all things in His hands, despite all outward appearances. We will not delve into predictions as the main issue at hand is to evolve a strong root-system in the goodness of God. Faith and trust including hope for better times ahead will surely serve those who pay attention to the signs of the times. Nothing is happening that God does not know about as the Universal Creator is the Alpha and Omega of everything. 

“With the Gift of life you mortals are also given free will, and this is what you see played out against the panoply of the heavens. Ask yourself; ‘what do you see?’ ‘What has happened and what is happening?’ ‘Is this all according to God’s will and ways?’ When looking at the planet from a cosmic viewpoint, it seems that the world is on a run-away course, with only a few mortals pulling her into a downward spiral. Ask yourselves: ‘What are we as the majority doing; to stop this course of blatant materialism?’ When will you finally begin to wake up and start using your God-given free will, and balance the scales with increasing God-minded thinking? 

“This is what is going to be asked of you all, once you drop your material shells and stand in your naked soul-self on Mansonia to continue your spiritual progress. Will there be any substance about you, or will you be like sleepy infants when you open your eyes on the ‘other side’ and wonder what happened? You all have been given a seed-soul, to develop it here in your material temple. However, are you honoring your body as such? As a species, especially in the Western half of the world you waste a lot of time with outer embellishment to the neglect of inner embellishment like seeking for truth, beauty and goodness in loving service to the Creator. You might well remark: ‘I had no idea, that this was what I was supposed to be doing.’ What are you doing in all your churches? Are you actively involved in learning the lessons of truth, beauty and goodness? Are you learning to accept each other as brothers and sisters? 

“All are equal in God’s eyes, you must know, so put this into practice so you really do become the brotherhood and sisterhood under God. ‘Break down your churchy walls’, and shake hands as brothers and sisters and start working together to fulfill the goal of bringing God’s Kingdom to earth. Do you have the slightest notion that God lives in each human heart? Still, people are too busy and keep their minds low to the ground rather than to use their capacity for worthwhile thoughts, which would propel this wonderful planet forward to her rightful place in the cosmos, rather than it being pulled even further away from her evolutionary development. However, never fear; God is still in charge and will let the planet have her way to wake you all up. Will you be prepared?” 

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
We are each other at our spiritual Root Source – 
ABC-22, January 1972. 
http://www.1111angels.net11:11 Store!/george.barnard.982 

God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4648 There is Gain in Everything, August 16, 2013

God said:

Many times I am asked to save you from something. Many requests are asked of Me. Honestly, I do not sit on a throne, dispensing one request, turning down another, and so on goes My day. No, it’s not like that. Not at all. Yet there is a litany of requests, some urgent, some just preferred, that flow to Me endlessly. You can imagine all the demands made on Me.
All the requests come in one after another. It’s not like I throw them all up at once, and they all fall where they may. It is not that I juggle, yet it can be said that all are resolved at once. Meanwhile, there is more to answering requests than answering requests. Others’ requests are to be considered as well as yours, and some may bump against another’s. You can’t all stay in the same room at the Waldorf-Astoria at the same time.
Yet all this is not work for Me. It is as if with one press of a button, everyone gets sorted out and realigned.
I do not have to go to a book to look up whether you have been naughty or nice. Nor is it like a slot machine where what comes up comes up. It is more like that bright lights like stars turn on, and all is taken care of.
This doesn’t mean that everything is taken care of as you like. Nor does it mean in the slightest that I wash My hands of you. You are in My heart whether, from your point of view, I rush to your side or not. Do not read things into what occurs. You might have two columns, one named love and another named distance. I am always love, and I am never distant.
Yes, sometimes, it may seem that I drop everything and rush to your side and relieve you of your concerns. You may even consider these times as miracles. Beloveds, what I seem to do or do not do, or what you make of it, are not columns, one named Love and another named Frowned On.
Be sure to know that I have one column, where the answers may be quite different, yet the column is named Loving You. In every case, whether what you desire comes true or doesn’t come true, I am taking care of you. However circumstances may play out, I am taking care of you and with love. I know nothing else.
It is not as if there is a formula. I do not add up numbers and then make a decision based on a number. I don’t have a system of colors or of symbols. It’s not like that. It is more like diagnostics are arrived at by sheer genius, not by analysis.
What you have to know is that everything comes out right. Even if, in Earth terms, it can’t be right. In terms of the big picture, it is okay for it to have happened. No matter what a situation may mean to you, it is for you now. Even if it means going to prison or something that feels like an assault on you, it’s the right thing now. In the world of illusion, whether you like or don’t like, your response is illusion written in sand or in the palm of your hand.
In any case, if you are in a certain situation, you have to look at it as right for you now, even if in everything you presently know, it is not right. Life is to be lived where you happen to be. And, in each situation, there is something to gain in terms of Reality. And, so, then gain.
If your situation means death of your body, you gain. If the situation means death of a beloved’s body, there is gain for your beloved and gain for you as well, whether there is a name to your gain or not. Certainly, in such cases, the carpet of attachment is pulled out from under you.
Life in the world does not stay the same. Underlying everything in the world, however, am I, and you, You Who thrives in My heart. Loss exists only in the human world which is to say that it does not exist at all ever anywhere.
