Animal Consciousness Awakening : Channeled 5-1-14

A Guru will put you into your Self, make you reach the goal - not just tell you some techniques and show you some path.


When a tiny atom explodes the radiation lasts a long time. The mind is more subtle than one-millionth of an atom. When the mind explodes, that is enlightenment.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar



Animal Consciousness Awakening in Service for Ascension by Archangel Sandalphon

Channeled through Natalie Glasson-

My love and support for your Earthly reality and journey is extended to you now. I am Archangel Sandalphon a guardian of the
Earth, supporting Earth’s evolution while also energising the Earth’s connection with the Creator. Alongside Archangel
Metatron I am supporting the numerous light shifts of ascension occurring upon the Earth. I am the anchor for the light, love
and consciousness of the Creator. It is my purpose to assist Mother Earth’s ascension process while safeguarding all who
are present with her journey. While I am aware of all shifts occurring within the universe of the Creator, my great interest and
place of service is acknowledging and overseeing how cosmic shifts ripple through the Earth and the effects they create for
all. I study the divine plan of the Creator for the Earth encouraging transitions within the Earth and humanity to be achieved
easily and harmoniously.
It is my delight to share with you a new shift which is occurring upon the Earth now and bringing forth tremendous light to
support Mother Earth and humanity’s transitions into higher vibrations of light. The animal kingdom is currently moving
through a major transition which they have consented to and are achieving as a service to the Earth.  As souls in physical
bodies upon the Earth you are all moving through a stage of accepting and embodying love more completely than ever
before as a collective consciousness and being. Humanity is a collective energy, by each of you focusing upon your spiritual
evolution you are adding to the collective energy thus creating a large body of love upon the Earth which will add to Mother
Earth’s transition and allow for heaven to manifest upon the Earth. Every aspect of and existence on the Earth is moving
through a transition into a greater space of love, this will be harmonised and achieved simultaneously by all to truly create an
explosion of transformation creating a new reality and new manifestation of the Earth. Some may lead the way, instigating
shifts like stepping stones that then create a greater worldwide shift. At this moment the animal kingdom are leading the way
forward to support the evolution of all to love.
The animal kingdom have been moving through shifts for some time, the elementals, angels and light beings supporting
animals upon the Earth have been waiting for a special time for a powerful transition for the animal kingdom to take place.
With your dedication and the support from the inner planes the Earth has reached a vibration where an important transition
will occur. We may speak of this often in the coming years as we will be asking you to raise your vibration in order to raise
the vibration of the Earth to a certain level as there are 352 transitional levels which need to take place in order to support all
to embody love. The love embodiment of the Earth is connected to the Mahatma energy and vibration which is the
consciousness held at a cosmic level focused upon the synthesis of all aspects of the Creator in harmony. There are 352
levels of Mahatma and so this symbolises the synthesis process the Earth is currently moving through. These levels are
major shifts rather than the smaller shifts which lead to major shifts. A major shift is a significant landmark in evolution. The
awakening of the consciousness of the animal kingdom is shift number 94 and is a major transformation for the animal
kingdom which will affect all.
The animal kingdom have always been receivers and anchors of light and love throughout the Earth’s evolution, they also act
as guardians of cosmic and ancient wisdom, waiting for the most appropriate time to share it with all, not only humanity but
with Mother Earth and to return it to the universe of the Creator. For these reasons alone there is a need to treasure the
animal kingdom for their service but in this period of ascension the animal kingdom are now accepting a new consciousness
of light which has never been held by the animal kingdom before. The energetic vibration of their physical bodies are altering
to be aligned and to exist in accurate unity with the new vibration of the Earth, the Era of Love, the Earth of Love which
everyone is manifesting now. The energetic structure of their physical bodies is altering while the consciousness they are
receiving is a new love born from the heart of the Creator with such profound healing vibrations. The animal kingdom are
becoming like crystals upon the Earth. The wisdom each animal holds is now being guided to be expressed. This means
that when connecting with an appropriate animal ancient and cosmic wisdom will be shared with you for illumination and
enlightenment but also for you to safeguard, sharing when divinely guided. The colours of the souls of the animal kingdom
are now being ignited and asked to shine brighter than before. The soul colours of the animal kingdom are so diverse and
yet when expanded and expressed they create a complete energy which acts as a complete expression of the Creator. If
some aspects of the animal kingdom do not express the colours of their soul then this will cause a hindrance to the complete
development of the creation of energy the animal kingdom are being asked to manifest. When the colours of the animals’
souls emanate and shine, uniting as one energy and consciousness, this in itself will cause a transition. The complete animal
soul consciousness will embed deep into the Earth, creating a deeply healing foundation which will activate a shift in Mother
Earth, where Mother Earth reaches out and calls forth for the foundations of love for the Earth of Love, (the Era of Love) to be
fully anchored and activated within the energetic structures of the Earth. Light will then flood with greater intensity than even
being experienced by you now into the Earth and all existences of the Creator on the Earth. This is such a major process of
love manifestation and activation as it will also allow for humanity to see the truth of the animal kingdom, dissolving and
dispersing all harm, torture and neglect that is caused to the animal kingdom.
Balance between the existence of humanity and the animal kingdom will be formed, love between the existence of humanity
and the animal kingdom will be formed and most importantly gratitude and appreciation on a physical and spiritual level
between humanity and the animal kingdom will manifest, thus creating a deeply embedded peace within all.
I, Archangel Sandalphon, am supporting this transition which will take time but I wish to invite you to support and add your
energy to the transition of the animal kingdom.
In meditation, breathing deeply, I ask you to create from your own soul energy a bubble and cocoon of light around you.
Imagine the light of your soul emanating from your heart space, with all the colours of your soul surrounding you in a sacred
cocoon of light.
‘I call upon Archangel Sandalphon to fill my soul cocoon of light with the new vibrations and consciousness of love flowing
forth from the heart of the Creator especially intended for the animal kingdom and humanity. Let me be an instrument and
anchor of the Creator’s light and consciousness to support the transition of the animals and the service they offer to all. Let
me be a support of love for the animal kingdom with your guidance and assistance, Archangel Sandalphon and the Creator.’
Imagine the light I, Archangel Sandalphon, channel into your being creating expansion within your cocoon as it expands
beyond boundaries and limitations to embrace and encapsulate all animals of the Earth.
Observe and hold the focus that the animals receive the light that is needed as you embrace them. Your support allows them
to expand their own soul colours in order to create the new consciousness which will embed into the Earth.
You may wish to speak to the animal kingdom sending your blessings, love and support and gratitude and speaking to them
of a time when animals and humanity exist in truth, love and harmony.
This is a powerful process which you can experience for as long as you wish, then simply become aware of the vibration and
light of your soul at your heart space and ask your soul to return to an appropriate state of expansion for you.
This was the information I was guided to share with you today but I also wish to say that in the time and Era of Love any
ventures associated with, born from or with the view of creating  love will manifest quicker than any other forms of ventures.
This is something to keep within your awareness when making decisions, embarking of new projects or new areas of your

I am here as a constant support for you eternally,

Archangel Sandalphon


Heavenletters™, bringing Earth closer to Heaven.
HEAVEN is here to reach every soul on earth to reawaken:
* Our connection to God *
* Our belief in ourselves *
* Our awareness of our shared worthiness to God *
* Peace on Earth *
God is always bringing us closer to Him.

Heavenletter #4906 Life Can Turn on a Dime, May 1, 2014 

God said: 

Beloveds, I think of things to say right now that are corny. The darkest hour is before the dawn. Every cloud has a silver lining. There is a bluebird of happiness in your back yard.
This may be a good time in your life to adhere to all the expressions that seem banal to you. Let the sky be your umbrella on a rainy rainy day. Life can turn on a dime.  
I am aware that many of My children are feeling discombobulated, even lost, immobilized, not knowing what direction to take and not knowing how to take any direction at all, perhaps feeling that they incapable of taking any direction even if they knew what direction to take, feeling low on the totem pole, feeling: “What is the use of anything.” You may feel you are being tested and that you’re not doing very well.
If you are feeling like this about now, I tell you to hang on, even if it is by a thread. If you have to sit hard times out, then sit them out.
Of course, you would like a pat on the back. You would like a cheerleader about now. You would like manna from Heaven, and here I am giving you platitudes.
Beloveds, the world is changing, and you have to roll with the punches. There are growing pains, for you and for the world. You do know what that means. It means you are growing. Of course, you don’t have to have growing pains in order to grow. If you are uptight, you have resistance.
The good thing about feeling glum is that, if you can feel glum, you can also feel unglum. You might say that you would be a fool right now to feel unglum, but be a fool then. Better a fool than a dour realist of note.
You may not see any end in sight, yet there is always an end in sight. Pack up your troubles in your old kit bag and smile, smile, smile.
Some platitudes are not true. A near miss is as good as mile is not true. Wash your hands of whatever it is that may or may not be true.  Don’t give up on life – this is true.
Here you are, going through the willy-nillies, the heeby-jeebies, and I am having a good time playing around with words. Tell Me, am I getting you to smile? A little bit?  
If I were a physical being, I would tickle your toes, pinch your cheeks, pat you on the head. I would get you a pound of candy. I would get you a shiny new pair of shoes. I would lift you up and swing you around, and you would say “Whee.” I would tickle you under your chin. I would sit you on My lap, and I would make up some stories to get your mind off what ails you.
What ails you matters and doesn’t matter at the same time.
We would dance together, and I would take you for a walk in the park. Before I was finished with you, I would have you laughing and jumping for joy. It’s true that anything is possible. And anything is possible for you.
Make merry. Today is not forever, yet Eternity is, and you are made of love, and miracles exist. Expect some. Be ready for them.


Heavenletter #4905 Looking into a Mirror of Truth, April 30, 2014 

God said: 

There is no finality to your life, though often you may think so. When you are going through a rough time, you may feel that this is all there is. On Earth, you weather the hard times, and good times return and flow in and out. Everything is in flux in the extant world. You are, and your life is. Just as a sunrise changes before your eyes every minute, so do you. Beautiful is the sunrise, even as it progresses swiftly. What is not changing in the outer world? And your surface changes rapidly as well.
You have what are called moods, and your moods can switch at the drop of a hat. And yet there is that seed within you that knows only of the stability of My love and the inordinate gifts I give to you. You are a miracle walking. You are simply a miracle. You are a miracle in the world, and you are a miracle in Heaven as you spread the Brightness of your Being.
You have always wanted a miracle, and now I tell you that you are your own miracle. You are what you have been waiting for. A release from bondage is what you have been waiting for. There is a deep well within you, and now that deep well is bursting forth, and the world is also extending itself to what it was made for. You first, and then the world, almost in tandem, beloveds.
Nothing is over, you understand. Nothing is finished. There are many delightful surprises approaching you, on their way to you. You may be knocked over at the wonders that are on their way to you. Enjoy the anticipation now. Why not anticipate? Have you sometimes thought that complaining is the sure way for good to surprise you? Hardly. In any case, you will be surprised. Start looking forward to the demise of disappointment. You won’t be disappointed to receive blessings. Turn in your old thoughts of danger hovering over you and welcome all the goodness that belongs to you.
A new world is a-coming and a new you is a-coming. I say a new you. Not really new. Rather the you you have always been yet not recognized. You never really wanted to get your hopes up, hopes that you could truly be a magnificent Being, and so you looked down, as if you had been downtrodden. Look again. Look anew. The realization of who you really are is sneaking up on you. Realization has been tiptoeing up. Realization of your Self is about to pounce. You will be caught up in a new understanding. You will be clear-sighted. You won’t listen very much anymore to voices, past or present, exterior or interior, that didn’t see the Truth about you at all. Others’ voices didn’t have a clue as to their own worth let alone yours.
Now you are beginning to look up. You are lifting your eyes, and, so, you will see higher. You will be looking in the right places. You will be looking into a Mirror of Truth. No longer will you be blinded by the Bright Light you are. I announce you as bright light. You have never been dim. It’s just that you and the world thought so. The world thought less of itself, and, therefore, less of you. It could be accurate to say that you have been pressed down all your life, weighed down. How could the world have understood you when it lacked vision and wisdom? Everyone was mistaken, do you understand? No one wanted to go against the tide. You didn’t want to rock the boat. Now you are simply going to rock! You are getting the beat of life. Good for you. Your time has come. Self-Realization has a head start.


Michigan, US of A, April 20, 2014. 
Teacher Ophelius. 
Subject: “The Fact of Eternal Life”

Received by Chris. 

Teacher Ophelius: “Today, my dear friends, we would like to make known to you the fact of Eternal Life as it is offered to all people on the earth who desire to journey on in the worlds of light, to live the unending adventure of growth, progress, and perfection, to be astonished by the truth, beauty, and goodness of the Divine Creative, to experience levels of Divine Love so inexplicably sublime and unknown to you in this life, to be in an unending quest for the totality of the Creator that infinitely unfolds the mysteries of the multiverse for his children to share in, enjoy, and experience as they become god-like themselves. This is what awaits you, my dear friends. What better faith builder could you have than to understand the fact of eternal life!

“Other than taking me at my word, how do you know this to be fact? You all have the Indwelling Spirit of God within you and if you slow down and sit with this question, ‘is life eternal?’ the Spirit will make known to you this very fact. You will ‘feel it’ within you – that this life that you have now is not the end of you, for you will feel the drawing power of eternity pull at your soul and give you that ‘nudge’ of assurance that you, as a personality, an identity of unique being, will continue on after the dissolution of your physical body. But ‘why’ you may ask, is this so? It is because the Creator desires it, for you are the experiential children of a Creator who desires to have ‘all experience.’

“You are the sensors – the eyes, the mouth, the hands, the feet, the expression of the Creator on the worlds, levels, and dimensions of the universes. You ARE experience! And because you are the ‘experiencer’ you are to be loved and nurtured and given all opportunities to progress and become perfected – to become creators in your own right – to experience greater and more sublime adventures that unfold as you raise your vibration higher and higher to experience those astonishing levels of creation and administrative triumphs that were designed for you to master. My dear friends, when my associates and I think about these things I have stated to you, we break out in joyous anticipation and worship God for the things that are yet to be revealed to us, for we are alive in the worlds of light and yet we are only just beginning our astonishing journey and only just experiencing the power of divine love that enshrouds us, teaches us, and compels us to reach higher and to know more of Him, the Universal Father.

“Your greatest example for the assurance of eternal life is the fact of the Master’s resurrection when He, Jesus, was raised from the death of the flesh, to the life of the resurrection. This was done for you so that you would believe and know that life does not end here and that there is a continuity of identity and personality. The Master’s resurrected body (the morontia body) is the same type of body you will have on the mansion worlds – incorruptible, beautiful, and designed for the sojourns of life in the worlds of light! Do you not understand how incredibly blessed you are – that you have all this before you? Rejoice! Lift your hands up and shout out with joy and gratitude for being a child of this beneficent Creator, for He shares all of creation with you!

“Live each day with the Fact of Eternity in your mind and your whole life and attitude toward others will change and become more beautiful and loving. See each person you meet or know as your brother or sister and know that you are all headed for the embrace of finality – to stand in the presence of the Creator on paradise as a perfected being and to go on into the unending adventure of the sublime vistas of infinity.

“Peace to you,
“The Circle of Seven.”

© The 11:11 Progress Group. 
“The giving of self, the illumination of truth, and the relief of suffering
are the noblest paths to higher consciousness.” - Teacher Ophelius.
