Angelic Tips 2 Keep U Fit

Angelic Tips To Keep You Fit By Christina Lunden Posted by Christopher OV Admin on March 1, 2010 at 6:34am
Angels Discussions
Lightworkers, how are you doing? How is your energy holding up throughout the day? How are you handling your relationships? How are the smaller interactions that you have during your day? If you say, “It changes day to day, and sometimes moment to moment and situation to situation,” you are right in alignment with everyone else. There is much movement, not only on the physical Earth but also in our own lives physically, emotionally and spiritually. We want to encourage you to continue to try your best in each aspect of your life, no matter what you are seeing with your physical eyes.
Here are some reminders of how to live during these times we are in:
~ Remember to say your prayers and affirmations before you start your day and have interactions with others. It is easier to start your day and then rebalance later as needed than it is to have things happen to shift you and then try to get back to the highest space.
~ See what prayers are helping and which need tweaking or thrown out altogether. There are very few prayers that will be said over a long period. If your prayers are working, they will need to be changed because you will change and therefore you need new words to bring the next step in. We don’t pray for where we are, we pray for where we are going.
~ Ask questions to your Soul / Angels on a constant basis. We have a few more months before being able to communicate spiritually is going to be a necessity for Lightworkers. After that it will be difficult for people to get grounded enough to trust they are receiving accurate information. If you want to be able to receive accurate information then, practice, practice, practice now. You will be able to make your mis-steps and learn from them to perfect your connection. Everyone can communicate with the Angels of their Soul but the issue is that most people don’t believe they can. Even if it has been difficult in the past, commit to trying for 30 days and see what the results are after that time.
~ Drink water every day. Tea, coffee, cokes, etc. do not replace the water that your body needs to be its healthiest. But for our purposes here, drinking water helps to conduct your spiritual antennae and will help make your spiritual connection clearer. If you need a boost in your abilities, reconnect with water in some way. Take a bath. Showers don’t do the same thing for your connection as sitting in the water. Go swimming. Get in a Jacuzzi.
~ Exercise consistently. As Lightworkers some of us are anchoring in the highest energy that has even been on Earth. All of us are ascending to that energy. With our ascension, our bodies are changing and sometimes it feels like we are taking a beating. Being physically fit will help you go through these periods easier. Yoga, walking and weights are all you need to do. There is no need to overwhelm yourself and give up on working out by placing too much demand on your schedule or your body. Start slow and build up. Anything more is great but not necessary. We are not suggesting you become body builders, just physically fit to be able to handle the times soon arriving. Make a commitment to be more physically fit in a month and then work from there.
~ Sleep when you feel like it. This means it is okay to take naps! We know that the biggest part of the Ascension process is losing sleep time. If you are one of the lucky ones that are able to fall asleep at bedtime, then you might be waking up at 3 or 4am. If you take a while to fall asleep it sometimes is difficult to stay asleep. Remember we used to use our sleep time to connect to our Soul. Now we are connecting to Spirit all day and night so the only thing we need sleep for is to rejuvenate the body and to do that you only need to sleep 3-4 hours. However, with all of the physical Earth changes and the emotional shifts of people in your life, you may feel that you need more. Take naps when you have the time and don’t feel guilty.
~ Work now on seeing where you are still holding judgments. Do you think of yourself as Democrat, Republican or Independent? Do you think of yourself as American, French, Italian, Russian? Or Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, Muslim? These are just a few things to make the point that if you are still seeing yourself as these things, you are not seeing the One-ness of All. If you are for something, that places you in judgment against something else. Practice when watching TV or talking to friends about current events to not be for or against something. Pull yourself outside of the situation and see all sides. Don’t take a side, just observe. Be the spiritual human being you came to be, with your spiritual non-judging side taking first place in your life.
Even with everything that is happening, we are still in a quiet period before the actual birthing process of the Earth. Remember to pace yourself as it is easy to get crisis fatigue. It is helpful to say the prayer, “I AM not moved by the things that I hear nor by the things that I see.” Saying this over and over when there is nothing major going on for you personally will help you stay grounded when something is happening. This prayer given to me years ago is only one of a few prayers in which you cannot change the words. Also, you cannot just tuck this prayer away and say it at the time of the crisis. This particular prayer works in you at a Soul level and builds in energy each time you say it. Saying it now several times a day, will help you in the latter part of the year when things start to become much more intense around us. Remember you have your Angels always with you for they are you. They get energized to do things for you as you call them forth and speak what you need and desire.
For those 144,000 Lightworkers who are anchoring in the 5th Dimension energy, remember you have two Angels from God (not from your own Soul) to support you in your efforts. They do not talk to you as there is no need for communication. When your task is complete, they will leave as quietly as they came. But know during this time you are fully supported in your daily path of bringing in this energy. This was not an easy calling for you to answer but each one of you is up to the task or you would not have been chosen. You have everything you need inside of you to complete your journey.
It’s an honor to walk beside each and every one of you,
Copyright 2010 © Christina Lunden ~ Creator Mediator, Inc. All rights reserved. Although these messages are copyrighted, you are invited to share them, send them to friends, add to your newsletter, post on your blog, etc. including the Source:


"Whatever I hear or see, I AM always still, calm and centered. I AM Peace at all times."
Saying this does build up the energy of calmness and stillness.
There is nothing that is small for Angels and Archangels, a drop of water is of equal importance to the divine wisdom of these Beings of Light as an ocean, they are so eager to help and support, so friendly, so loving, all we have to do is align with our Higher self on a daily basis and be grateful for the ongoing guidance and protection.