Selamat Jarin! We return
with more to discuss with you. Everywhere, your world is preparing to transform. The collapse of your economic and financial
systems is a precursor to the shake-up about to take place in the political and social
sectors. A new world is pushing up through the now-gaping cracks of your reality and is already forging new ways for
your social and political systems to function.. These changes are gaining momentum in many parts of your globe; the green
movement and new approaches in medicine and banking, among others, are redefining the way your societies perceive themselves.
This movement is geared toward local, practical solutions that break the grip that large multinationals have exercised over
you for 60-odd years. This "small is beautiful" approach shows our Earth allies how the bigger reforms they plan can accelerate
what is happening at the grass-roots level. Another key guiding principle here is "we are one." Extensive associations of
such groups network with each other on the Internet, blurring national and ethnic boundaries and bolstering each others' campaigns.
This nascent global web demonstrates what needs to be done on a much larger
scale, yet your mainstream media remains silent about this phenomenon. These interwoven groups are determined to create programs
that tackle growing pollution, the development of credit in small communities, and new ways to bring medical personnel to
understaffed communities. As the old systems collapse the world needs to re-form along new lines; ones that take into account
the rising consciousness and that extend the benefits of this modern age to all citizens of Mother Earth. This momentum is
encouraged and supported by our Earth allies. The coming prosperity is the massive catalyst that can produce a transformational
tour de force! Our Galactic Federation personnel, embedded for decades within these global networks, have done their part
to ensure the growth of these myriad inventive endeavors, all of which we have assiduously catalogued. We stand ready at a
moment's notice to help these enterprises flourish and prosper These small
projects are to have a profound effect on what is to happen once the regime changes occur. Our Earth allies report to us daily
on their progress against the dark cabal. Indeed, in the last few weeks some amazing breakthroughs have happened. The cabalists'
sphere of influence is shrinking, but they still possess a large amount of control over several major governments. As long
as this grip holds sway, progress is stalled. Hence, our Earth allies are now focusing primarily on forcing the 'puppets'
in charge of these regimes to resign or give up the formal reigns of power. This strategy, too, has been close to success
at times. The decisive factor, this time around, is the presence of much-needed safeguards to ensure the success of the regime
changes. When the time comes again for the definitive thrust, measures will be in place to prevent the insider duplicity that
scuttled previous attempts at regime change. The personnel for the temporary regimes have long been ready, and await their
opportunity to assume their positions of authority. Evidence of global change is largely ignored by your mass media. Only those who are attuned to these social
and economic currents are aware of the implications of these micro-movements. From our perspective, we see the new consciousness
spreading like wildfire. New ways of social and group interaction is the engine driving these developments. In fact, these
methods could be described as a primitive version of fluid group dynamics in so far as each group reflects the level of expertise
of its combined membership. It is exciting to watch other groups' interest in these networks and to see them tapping in to
the Internet conversations and adding their knowledge and skills to the mix. In this way the ability to put these new organizational
techniques to use is growing in leaps and bounds. Our liaison personnel are also now active in this arena. Moreover, this
new knowledge is spawning a leadership that is starting to comprehend the power of this new social tool. It extends also to
the way our Earth allies do business. We watch as this consciousness proliferation
begins to manifest a whole new reality matrix. New insights spring up from the confluence and interaction of these diverse
groups. These now resemble primitive neural networks, and as they grow in complexity, they attract increasingly cogent and
pertinent information. This global web is beginning to mesh into a more complex pattern, and as the 'synapses' proliferate,
the constituent parts of the collective are motivated to see everything more holistically. This means that new ideas are seen
as viable additions, not threats. Like a computer gathering files, these holistic networks become both mentor and innovator
for the whole. These groups, flying still largely below the mainstream radar, gather strength as they reach out for more and
more useful data, and soon their time to make their mark will be upon them.
Thus you have a micro- and a macro-level preparing for change. The missing ingredient is the grand global prosperity and the
formal encouragement from the top that will ignite this waiting tinderbox of change. This is why we focused on this aspect
today. Your new reality happens because the blueprint is already forming in the guise of a new web of societies more self-sustaining
and decentralized, predicated on the need to come together to foment change. Innovation frequently happens haphazardly and
our organizational tools can smooth the process of integrating change by honoring the innovators. This growing open-mindedness
toward change is a symptom of the new consciousness. Your inventors are being accepted and recognized for what they can contribute.
In fact, a section of the new web built up around innovation is beginning to contribute to the direction these networks are
heading in. Your world is in transition. Often such transitions go unrecognized
for decades until a movement in a major nation brings the new ideas to the fore. Your case demands a swifter response, and
the answer is the Internet. Your electronic age is about to move beyond the Internet. The rise of more personal communication
devices coupled with a generation raised within their purview is changing how you interact with one another. Again, this merely
reflects your rising consciousness. Your perceptions of yourselves and your world are morphing out of all recognition because
of your exploding information age. A new Internet generation mirrors the arrival of the crystal children, and together they
form the first underpinnings of the consciousness revolution. This is combining with your environmental and economic crises
to fashion a new reality. First
contact is a watershed that takes all we have been talking about to new heights. Your society goes to the brink of
transformation and, at a stroke, achieves it! The final stages of your journey to full consciousness are to be completed quickly
after we arrive. The UFO disclosure is an important part of this process and the leadership of our Earth allies realizes this
fully. Long discussions between them and us resulted in a comprehensive scenario that leads to full consciousness. Those who
realize that your world is changing watch in awe as even the growing chaos of your world cannot deter them from their sacred
tasks. Ahead lies a world of wonders, prosperity, first contact, and full consciousness!
Today, we discussed a number of subjects that are very pertinent to the coming of first contact. We looked at the micro- and
macro-levels of change and their relationship to what our Earth allies have planned. A movement is underway that is very close
to achieving its goals, thus permitting a massive first contact. Know, dear Ones, in your Heart of Hearts that the countless
Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and
Be in Joy!)